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Differential Calculus

Problems – Limits, Differentiation, Rate of Change, Slope

1. Evaluate lim (1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 Ѳ)1/2

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

𝑥 2 − 16
2. Simplify the expression: lim ( )
𝑥→4 𝑥−4
A. 1
B. 8
C. 0
D. 16
𝑥 2 −1
3. Evaluate the following limit: lim 𝑥2 + 3𝑥 − 4
A. 2/5
B. infinity
C. 0
D. 5/2

4. Evaluate the limit ( x – 4 ) / (𝑥 2 − 𝑥 − 12 ) as x approaches 4.

A. 0
B. undefined
C. 1/7
D. infinity
5. Evaluate the limit (1n x ) / x as x approaches positive infinity.
A. 1
B. 0
C. e
D. infinity
6. Evaluate the following limit: lim
𝑥→∞ 𝑥 − 4
A. 1
B. Indefinite
C. 0
D. 2
1−cos 𝑥
7. Evaluate: lim
𝑥→0 𝑥2
A. 0
B. ½
C. 2
D. -1/2
8. Evaluate the following: lim (2 − 𝑥)tan 2
A. Infinity
B. 𝑒 𝜋
C. 0
D. 𝒆𝟐/𝝅
9. Find dy/dx if y = 52x-1
A. 52x-1 ln 5
B. 52x-1 ln 25
C. 52x-1 ln 10
D. 52x-1 ln 2
10. Find dy/dx if y = 𝑒 √𝑥
A. 𝒆√𝒙 / 2√𝒙
B. 𝑒 √𝑥 / √𝑥
C. 𝑒 𝑥 / √𝑥
D. 𝑒 √𝑥−2√𝑥
11. Find dy/dx if y = 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 = 𝑡 2 + 2.
A. 4t3 + 14t2
B. t3 + 4t
C. 4t3 + 14t
D. 4t3 + t
12. Evaluate the first derivative of the implicit function: 4x 2 + 2xy + y2 = 0
B. − 𝒙+𝒚
C. 𝑥+𝑦
D. −
13. Find the derivative of (x + 5) / (𝑥 2 − 1) with respect to x.
A. DF(x) = (−𝒙𝟐 − 𝟏𝟎𝒙 − 𝟏) / (𝒙𝟐 − 𝟏)2
B. DF(x) = (𝑥 2 + 10𝑥 − 1) / (𝑥 2 − 1)2
C. DF(x) = (𝑥 2 − 10𝑥 − 1) / (𝑥 2 − 1)2
D. DF(x) = (−𝑥 2 − 10𝑥 + 1) / (𝑥 2 − 1)2
14. If a simple constant, what is the derivative of y = x a?
A. a xa-1
B. (a – 1)x
C. xa-1
D. ax
15. Find the derivative of the function 2x2 + 8x + 9 with respect to x.
A. Df(x) = 4x – 8
B. Df(x) = 2x + 9
C. Df(x) = 2x + 8
D. Df(x) = 4x + 8
16. What is the first derivative dy/dx of the expression (xy) x = e?
A. – y(1 + ln xy) / x
B. 0
C. – y(1 – ln xy) / x2
D. y/x
17. find the derivative of 𝑥
3(𝑥+1)2 (𝑥+1)3
A. +
𝑥 𝑥2
𝟑(𝒙+𝟏)𝟐 (𝒙+𝟏)𝟑
B. −
𝒙 𝒙𝟐
2(𝑥+1)2 (𝑥+1)3
C. −
𝑥 𝑥2
3(𝑥+1)2 2(𝑥+1)3
D. +
𝑥 𝑥2
18. Given the equation: y = (e ln x)2, find y’.
A. ln x
B. 2 (ln x) / x
C. 2x
D. 2 e ln x
19. Find the derivatives with respect to x of the function √2 − 3𝑥 2
A. -2𝑥 2 / √2 − 3𝑥 2
B. -3x / √𝟐 − 𝟑𝒙𝟐
C. -2𝑥 2 / √2 + 3𝑥 2
D. -3x / √2 + 3𝑥 2
20. Differentiate ax2 + b to the ½ power.
A. -2ax
B. 2ax
C. 2ax + b
D. ax + 2b
21. Find dy/dx if y = ln √𝑥
A. √𝑥 / ln x
B. x / ln x
C. 1 / 2x
D. 2 / x
22. Evaluate the differential of tan Ѳ.
A. ln sec Ѳ dѲ
B. ln cos Ѳ dѲ
C. sec Ѳ tan Ѳ dѲ
D. sec2 Ѳ dѲ
23. If y = cos x, what is dy/dx?
A. sec x
B. –sec x
C. sin x
D. –sin x
24. Find dy/dx: y = sin (ln x2).
A. 2 cos (ln x2)
B. 2 cos (ln x2) / x
C. 2x cos (ln x2)
D. 2 cos (ln x2) / x2
25. The derivative of ln (cos x) is:
A. sec x
B. –sec x
C. –tan x
D. tan x
26. Find the derivative of arcos 4x with respect to x.
A. -4 / [1 – (4x)^2]^2
B. -4 / [1 – (4x)]^0.5
C. 4 / [1 – (4x)^2]^0.5
D. -4 / [(4x)^2 - 1]^0.5
27. What is the first derivative of y = arcsin 3x.
A. − 1+9𝑥2
B. 1+9𝑥2
C. −
√1−9𝑥 2
28. If y = x (ln x), find d2y/dx2.
A. 1 / x2
B. -1 / x
C. 1 / x
D. -1 / x2
29. Find the second derivative of y = x-2 at x = 2.
A. 96
B. 0.375
C. -0.25
D. -0.875
30. Given the function f(x) = x3 – 5x + 2, find the value of the first derivative at x = 2, f’ (2).
A. 7
B. 3x2 – 5
C. 2
D. 8
31. Given the function f(x) = x to the 3rd power – 6x + 2, find the value of the first derivative
at x = 2, f’(2)
A. 6
B. 3x2 – 5
C. 7
D. 8
32. Find the partial derivatives with respect to x of the function: xy 2 – 5y + 6.
A. y2 – 5
B. xy – 5y
C. y2
D. 2xy
33. Find the point in the parabola y2 = 4x at which the rate of change of the ordinate and
abscissa are equal.
A. (1, 2)
B. (2, 1)
C. (4, 4)
D. (-1, 4)
34. Find the slope of the line tangent to the curve y = x 3 – 2x + 1 at x = 1.
A. 1
B. ½
C. 1/3
D. ¼
35. Determine the slope of the curve x^2 + y^2 – 6x – 4y – 21 = 0 at (0, 7).
A. 3/5
B. -2/5
C. -3/5
D. 2/5
36. Find the slope of the tangent to a parabola y = x2 at a point on the curve where x = ½.
A. 0
B. 1
C. ¼
D. -1/2
37. Find the slope of the ellipse x2 + 4y2 – 10x + 16y + 5 = 0 at the point where y = -2 + 80.5
and x = 7.
A. -0.1654
B. -0.1538
C. -0.1768
D. -0.1463
38. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y = x4 – 2x2 + 8 through point (2, 16).
A. 20
B. 1/24
C. 24
D. 1/20
39. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y2 = 3x2 + 4 through point (-2, 4)
A. -3/2
B. 3/2
C. 2/3
D. -2/3
40. Find the slope of the line whose parametric equations are x = 4t + 6 and y = t – 1.
A. -4
B. ¼
C. 4
D. -1/4
41. What is the slope of the curve x2 + y2 – 6x + 10y + 5 = 0 at (1, 0).
A. 2/5
B. 5/2
C. -2/5
D. -5/2
42. Find the slope of the curve y = 6(4 + x) ½ at (0, 12).
A. 0.67
B. 1.5
C. 1.33
D. 0.75
43. Find the acute angle that the curve y = 1 – 3x2 cut the x-axis.
A. 77°
B. 75°
C. 79°
D. 120°
44. Find the angle that the line 2y – 9x – 18 = 0 makes with the x-axis.
A. 74.77°
B. 4.5°
C. 47.77°
D. 77.47°
45. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = x + 2x 1/3 through point (8, 12)
A. 7x – 6y + 14 = 0
B. 8x + 5y + 21 = 0
C. 5x – 6y – 15 = 0
D. 3x – 2y – 1 = 0
46. What is the radius of curvature at point (1, 2) of the curve 4x – y2 = 0?
A. 6.21
B. 5.21
C. 5.66
D. 6.66
47. Find the radius of curvature at any point of the curve y + ln (cos x) = 0.
A. cos x
B. 1.5707
C. sec x
D. 1
48. Determine the radius of curvature at (4, 4) of the curve y 2 – 4x = 0.
A. 24.4
B. 25.4
C. 23.4
D. 22.4
49. Find the radius of curvature of the curve x = y3 at (1, 1)
A. 4.72
B. 3.28
C. 4.67
D. 5.27
50. The chords of the ellipse 64x^2 + 25y^2 = 1600 having equal slopes of 1/5 are bisected
by its diameter. Determine the equation of the diameter of the ellipse.
A. 5x – 64y = 0
B. 64x – 5y = 0
C. 5x + 64y = 0
D. 64x + 5y = 0

Problems – Maxima & Minima, Time Rates

Set 19

51. A function is given below, what x value maximizes y?

y2 + y + x2 – 2x = 5
A. 2.23
B. -1
C. 5
D. 1
52. The number of newspaper copies distributed is given by C = 50 t2 – 200 t + 10000,
where t is in years. Find the minimum number of copies distributed from 1995 to 2002.
A. 9850
B. 9800
C. 10200
D. 7500
53. Given the following profit-versus-production function for a certain commodity:
P = 200000 – x – (1+𝑥) 8
Where P is the profit and x is unit of production. Determine the maximum profit.
A. 190000
B. 200000
C. 250000
D. 550000
54. The cost C of a product is a function of the quantity x of the product is given by the
relation: C(x) = x2 – 4000x + 50. Find the quantity for which the cost is a minimum.
A. 3000
B. 2000
C. 1000
D. 1500
55. If y = x to the 3rd power – 3x. find the maximum value of y.
A. 0
B. -1
C. 1
D. 2
56. Divide 120 into two parts so that product of one and the square of the other is maximum.
Find the numbers.
A. 60 & 60
B. 100 & 20
C. 70 & 50
D. 80 & 40
57. If the sum of two numbers is C, find the minimum value of the sum of their squares.
A. C2 / 2
B. C2 / 4
C. C2 / 6
D. C2 / 8
58. A certain travel agency offered a tour that will cost each person P 1500.00 if not more
than 150 persons will join, however the cost per person will be reduced by P 5.00 per
person in excess of 150. How many persons will make the profit a maximum?
A. 75
B. 150
C. 225
D. 250
59. Two cities A and B are 8 km and 12 km, respectively, north of a river which runs due
east. City B being 15 km east of A. a pumping station is to be constructed (along the
river) to supply water for the two cities. Where should the station be located so that the
amount of pipe is a minimum?
A. 3 km east of A
B. 4 km east of A
C. 9 km east of A
D. 6 km east of A
60. A boatman is at A, which is 4.5 km from the nearest point B on a straight shore BM. He
wishes to reach, in minimum time, a point C situated on the shore 9 km from B. How far
from C should he land if he can row at the rate of 6 Kph and walk at the rate of 7.5 Kph?
A. 1 km
B. 3 km
C. 5 km
D. 8 km
61. The shortest distance from the point (5, 10) to the curve x2 = 12y is:
A. 4.331
B. 3.474
C. 5.127
D. 6.445
62. A statue 3 m high is standing on a base of 4 m high. If an observer’s eye is 1.5 m above
the ground, how far should he stand from the base in order that the angle subtended by
the statue is a maximum?
A. 3.41 m
B. 3.51 m
C. 3.71 m
D. 4.41 m
63. An iron bar 20 m long is bent to form a closed plane area. What is the largest area
A. 21.56 square meter
B. 25.68 square meter
C. 28.56 square meter
D. 31.83 square meter
64. A Norman window is in the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle. What is
the ratio of the width of the rectangle to the total height so that it will yield a window
admitting the most light for a given perimeter?
A. 1
B. 2/3
C. 1/3
D. ½
65. A rectangular field is to be fenced into four equal parts. What is the size of the largest
field that can be fenced this way with a fencing length of 1500 feet if the division is to
be parallel to one side?
A. 65,200
B. 62,500
C. 64,500
D. 63,500
66. Three sides of a trapezoid are each 8 cm long. How long is the 4 th side, when the area of
the trapezoid has the greatest value?
A. 16 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 12 cm
D. 10 cm
67. An open top rectangular tank with square bases is to have a volume of 10 cubic meters.
The material for its bottom cost P 150.00 per square meter, and that for the sides is P
60.00 per square meter. The most economical height is:
A. 2 meters
B. 2.5 meters
C. 3 meters
D. 3.5 meters
68. A rectangular box having a square base and open at the top is to have a capacity of
16823 cc. Find the height of the box to use the least amount of material.
A. 16.14 cm
B. 32.28 cm
C. 18.41 cm
D. 28.74 cm
69. The altitude of a cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a right circular
cone of radius r and height h is:
A. h/3
B. 2h/3
C. 3h/2
D. h/4

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