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Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan


SLO Based Question Bank

Chapter # 03

Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan


1. Pakistan lies between the latitude of _______ and between the longitudes of _______.
a. 24 to 36, 61 to 75
b. 25 to 36, 62 to 75
c. 24 to 36, 61 to 76
d. 24 to 29, 62 to 77
2. Pakistan has an area of _________________ square kilometer.
a. 796,095
b. 796,096
c. 796,097
d. 796,098
3. Pakistan has population of ____________ million according to 1998 census.
a. 120.58
b. 130.58
c. 140.58
d. 150.58
4. Pakistan shares its longest boundary line of ____ kilometers with Afghanistan in _____.
a. 2250, west
b. 2260, west
c. 2270, south
d. 2250, north
5. Pak Afghan boundary is called _________________.
a. Line of Control

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

b. International Boundary Line

c. Durand Line
d. Sea Line
6. Pak- India boundary is __________ kilometers long.
a. 1500
b. 1600
c. 1700
d. 1860
7. Pak-Iran boundary is ____________ kilometers long.
a. 1050
b. 950
c. 850
d. 750
8. Pak China boundary is ____________ kilometers long.
a. 550
b. 600
c. 650
d. 700
9. Chinese province of Sin Kiang is located on ________ side of Gilgit and Baltistan.
a. Eastern
b. Western
c. Northern
d. Southern
10. Which North-Western strip of Afghan territory separates Pakistan from Tajikistan?
a. Wakhan
b. Dakhan
c. Kabul
d. Bolan
11. Pakistan is divided into ___________ major land forms.
a. Two
b. Three

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c. Four
d. Six
12. Mountainous region and the Plateaus cover ___ % and plains cover___% area of the
land of Pakistan.
a. 60, 40
b. 50, 50
c. 40, 60
d. 30, 70
13. The land of Pakistan is divided into _____ Plateaus.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
14. Average rainfall in coastal areas is ____ millimeter per year.
a. 75
b. 175
c. 275
d. 375
15. Pakistan is divided in to _________ major zones of temperature.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
16. In Balochistan Plateau, winters are ___________.
a. Warm
b. Less Cold
c. Cold
d. Extremely Cold
17. Which hottest point(s) in of world are located in Pakistan?
a. Sibbi
b. Jacobabad

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c. Both of them
d. None of them.
18. Punjab has _________ crore population according to 1998 census report.
a. 6.36
b. 7.36
c. 8.36
d. 9.36
19. Sindh has _____ crore population according to 1998 census report.
a. 2.41
b. 3.41
c. 4.41
d. 5.41
20. NWFP has _________ crore population according to 1998 census report.
a. 0.77
b. 1.77
c. 2.77
d. 3.77
21. Balochistan has ___________ lac population according to 1998 census report.
a. 45
b. 55
c. 65
d. 75
22. Balochistan covers about ____% of the total area of Pakistan.
a. 24
b. 34
c. 44
d. 54
23. Punjab covers about ___% the total area of Pakistan.
a. 16
b. 26
c. 36

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d. 46
24. In 1959, annual per capita income of the east province was ____%, lower than the per
capita income in the west wing.
a. 32
b. 42
c. 52
d. 62
25. Today the province of ____ has highest per capita income in Pakistan.
a. Punjab
b. Sindh
d. Balochistan
26. Per capita income of Sindh is ____ times higher than NWFP.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 2.5
d. 3
27. Most of the industry in Sindh is concentrated in ___________.
a. Karachi
b. Sukkur
c. Mirpur Khas
d. Hyderabad
28. Government has declared ______ in Balochistan as tax free zone.
a. Quetta
b. Ziarat
c. Hub
d. Gawadar
29. Government has declared ______ in NWFP as tax free zone.
a. Bannu
b. Gadoon
c. Peshawar

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d. Kohat
30. Infrastructure is referred to as ______________.
a. Basic Requirements
b. Luxuries
c. Road route
d. None of them
31. ___________ is an important factor responsible for keeping the rural society backward.
a. Feudalism
b. Nepotism
c. Favoritism
d. Education
32. Economic development takes place in an environment of ___________.
a. Peace
b. War
c. Protest
d. Inflation
33. The treaty of Hudabia was carried out to achieve ___________.
a. Peace
b. Success
c. Superiority
d. Victory
34. The climate in different parts of the earth is
a. Same
b. Not the same
c. Opposite
d. None of them
35. In the northern areas people build houses with ________ roofs.
a. Slopping
b. Plain
c. Silver
d. None of them

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

36. Sea breeze blows throughout the year in _________.

a. Lahore
b. Karachi
c. Islamabad
d. Peshawar
37. Sea breeze _________ the effect of high temperature.
a. Reduces
b. Produces
c. Maintains
d. None of them
38. In Pakistan local winds of desert are called______.
a. Loo
b. Breeze
c. Cyclone
d. Thunderstorms
39. River ________ provides Pakistan with its best agricultural land and irrigation system.
a. Indus
b. Ravi
c. Kabul
d. Jhelum
40. President of Libya Mr. ______________ called Pakistan “the heart of the Muslim
a. Adus Salam Jalud
b. Shah Faisal
c. Harry S. Truman
d. Mao Ze Tung
41. __________ was the member of SEATO and CENTO.
a. Pakistan
b. China
c. India

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d. Afghanistan

42. SEATO & CENTO were anti-______________ military alliances.

a. Russian
b. American
c. Pakistani
d. Indian
43. Air and sea ports of ________ offer a central transit point between the European and
Asian States.
a. Lahore
b. Karachi
c. Islamabad
d. Quetta
44. Pakistan’s warm water seaport remain operative throughout the ___________.
a) Day
b) Week
c) Month
d) Year
45) Tajikistan was the part of __________.
a) Soviet Union
b) USA
c) Canada
d) China
46) Three out of the _______ section of motorways project have so far been completed.
a) 7
b) 8
c) 9
d) 10
47) Tourism serves _____ main purposes.
a) 2
b) 3

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c) 4
d) 5
48) Tourism attraction in Pakistan can be divided into ______ main categories.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
49) The old trade route between Pakistan and China was also known as _____________.
a) Silk route
b) Motorway
c) Shahrah-e-Korakoram
d) Shahrah-e-Pakistan
50) Lahore was given the name of “The Qutab of Cities” by _____________.
a) Majadid Alf –e-Sani
b) Quaid-e-Azam
c) Allama Iqbal
d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
51) Madina-tul-Aulia means ______.
a) The city of the Saints
b) The cith of the Masajjids
c) The city of the tombs.
d) The city of the rivers.
52) _______ is also known as Madina-tul-Aulia.
a) Lahore
b) Harrappa
c) Faislabad
d) Multan
53) Thatta and Bhambor are the culturist sites of ______.
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan


54) Islamabad is located in the midst of lush green __________ hills.

a) Murree
b) Ayubia
c) Margalla
d) None of them
55) A map is a _________ of any part of the world.
a) Photograph
b) Picture
c) Direction
d) None of them
56) A map can be divided into ______ main categories
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
57) _______ maps depict mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, lakes etc
a) Relief
b) Political
c) Physical
d) Administrative
58) Height from the sea level is called _______.
a) Altitude
b) Lattitude
c) Longitude
d) None of them
59) Relief maps use _____ to show the altitudes of different places.
a) Lines
b) Blocks
c) Colors

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d) Dots

60) Maps generally have _____ at the top.

a) South
b) North
c) East
d) West
61) Lines running from North axis of the Earth to the South were named Lines of ______.
a) Latitude
b) Longitude
c) Altitude
d) None of them
62) In _____ zero reference point in the globe was given the name of Prime Meridan.
a) 1880
b) 1884
c) 1888
d) 1894
63) The Prime Meridian was supposed to be cutting across the British city of ______.
a) Paris
b) New York
c) Greenwich
d) Brooklyn
64) IDL stands for ______.
a) International Date Line
b) Imaginary Date Line
c) International Date Level
d) Imaginary Day Line
65) Each hemisphere is divided by ______ imaginary lines.
a) 45
b) 90
c) 180

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d) 360

66) Kharan Desert is located in ______.

a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
67) Thal desert is located in _____.
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
68) Nara and Tharparkar deserts are located in _______.
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
69) Gilgit and Balochistan lie on the boundary of the neighboring country ________.
a) Bhaarat
b) Afghanistan
c) China
d) Iran
70) In the Cold war, Pakistan sided with the super power ______.
b) USA
c) China
d) None of them
71) Historic town of Bhera is situated in the district of______.
a) Rawalpindi
b) Sargodha
c) Multan

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d) Hyderabad

72) Remains of taxila date back to the Great Budhist ruler ______
a) Buddha
b) Ashoka
c) Baharupa
d) Basho
73) A complete circle has _____ degrees.
a) 45
b) 90
c) 180
d) 360
74) A round model of the Earth is called ______.
a) Globe
b) Map
c) Sphere
d) Ellipse
75) Balahisar Fort is situated in the ______.
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
76) The super power, Soviet Union dismembered in the year ______.
a) 1979
b) 1989
c) 1999
d) None of them
77) Pakistan has a common border with China’s Muslim majority province ______.
a) Uttar Pardesh
b) Hong kong
c) Sin-kiang

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d) Bombai

Short Qs/Ans

Q1. Give Pakistan’s exact area in square kilometer and its location on the globe with
reference to longitudes and latitudes.


Pakistan lies between the latitudes of 24 to 36 degrees north and between the longitudes of 61 to
75 degrees east and has an area of 796,096 square kilometer.

Q2. Describe Pakistan’s position with reference to its neighboring countries along with
their border lengths.


1) In the west, Pakistan shares its longest boundary line of 2,250 kilometers with Afghanistan. It
was named as “Durand Line” in 1883.
2) In the south-west, a 950 kilometers long borderline separates Pakistan from Iran. In the east,
a 1,600 kilometer border is shared by Pakistan and India.
3) In the north, 600 kilometers long Pak-China boundary cuts across the high Korakoram
4) In the north-west, a narrow strip of the Afghan territory named “Wakhan”, about 20
kilometers at its narrowest point, separates Pakistan from Tajikistan.

Q3. What are the three main classifications of the land of Pakistan with respect to its
physical features?

Ans: Pakistan is divided into three major land forms.

1) Mountainous Region
2) Plateau Area
3) Plains

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Mountainous and plateau covers 60% while plains cover 40% of the total area of Pakistan.

Q4. Write the names of the mountains (as well as mountain ranges) lying to the north-west
and west of Pakistan?

Ans: The mountain ranges include

1) Hindu Kush Range

2) Safed koh Range
3) Swat and Chitral Hills
4) Waziristan Range
5) Sulaiman Range
6) Kirthar Range

Q5. Enlist the mountains forming the Himalayas Range?

Ans: The Himalayas mountain range include

1) Shiwalik Range
2) Lesser Himalayas
3) Greater Himalayas

Q6. Write a note on temperature zones or climate of Pakistan.

Ans: Pakistan has been divided into four major temperature zones;

1) North Western Mountainous Region:

Winters sustain for 8 months and at times mercury falls below zero degree Celsius.

2) Upper Indus Plain:

Includes the province of Punjab and major parts of KPK. It is extremely hot in the months of
June and July, dust storms blow, and tree leaves become dry and wither. Winters are short and
tolerable. In certain areas, temperature goes as high as 50 degrees Celsius.

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

3) Lower Indus Plains and Costal Areas:

It includes the areas from a lower Indus Plain. Moderate temperatures are maintained throughout
the year, due to cool sea breeze temperature variations are not very sharp i.e. from January to
May mercury varies from 18 degree C to 28 degree C. In Karachi, a variation of only 7 degrees
C is recorded throughout the year.

4) Baluchistan Plateau:

In Baluchistan, winters are extremely cold and summers are unbearably hot. Mercury drops
below zero degrees at certain points due to cold northern winds. Hottest point of the worlds like
Sibbi and Jacobabad are located in this area.

Q7. Write a note on the mountainous regions of the continental climate?


1) North and north western mountainous regions receive rainfall during summers.
2) Central region of the western mountains receives more rainfall i.e. Waziristan and Kohistan.
3) Moving further north and south, the air carrying water vapors gets gradually drained off
which causes low rainfall i.e. Skardu in the North receives only 93 mm per year and Makran
in South less than 125 mm per year.

Q8. Indicate the differences of population between different regions of Pakistan.


1) The population of Punjab = 7.36 crores

2) The population of Sindh = 3.41 crores
3) The population of KPK = 1.77 crores
4) The population of Balochistan = 65 lacs

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Q9. What are the reasons of the imbalance of economic growth between different regions of

Ans: Imbalanced economic growth is due to the regional disparities i.e.

1) Difference of population in provinces of Pakistan.

2) Urbanization
3) Difference in per capita income.
4) Disequilibrium with respect to industrial development.
5) Feudalism
6) Bureaucracy
7) Lack of Infrastructure

Economic imbalance can be reduced if the above mentioned issues are resolved.

Q10. Bring about central position Pakistan enjoys as a significant state of Muslim World.


1) By virtue of its location, Pakistan occupies a central position in the Muslim countries of the
2) Pakistan is located in the midst of the extensive chains of the Muslim nations spreading from
Morocco in the west to Indonesia in the Far East.
3) The Vice President of Libya Abdus- Salam Jalud during his visit to Pakistan in 1978, called
Pakistan “the heart of Muslim World”.

Q11. Enlist three main objectives of tourism.


1) Research and fact finding

2) Attainment of knowledge and information
3) Recreation

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Q12. Under what major heads, important sites of tourist attraction can be studied?


The three major heads are given below.

1) Archeological treasure
2) Historical buildings.
3) Health and recreation resorts.

Q13. Enlist important hill resorts of the Punjab and the KPK?


1) Hill resorts of Punjab are Muree and Patriata.

2) Hill resorts of KPK are Ayubia, Khanaspur and Nathia gali.

Q14. Bring about Peshawar’s tourist importance?


1) Peshawar, the headquarters of the KPK is an ancient city famous for the Balahisar Fort,
engraved copper utensils waistcoats, sandals decorated with embroidery and glass work.
2) Its bazaars are filled with the mouth-watering redolence of Chapli Kababs, the most
remarkable of these bazaars, the Kissa Khani, is now a living legend.
3) In addition, Peshawar has always remained an object of special interest for historians and

Q15. Write short note on:

I. Chitral II. Hunza Valley III. Silk route.


I. Chitral

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1) Chitral is a town located in KPK at the foot of Tirich Mir, the highest peak of Hindu-Kush.
2) In Chitral, there are three valleys, Bamboret, Rambur and Birir inhabited by the Kafirs of
3) Chitral became an administrative district of Pakistan in 1969.
II. Hunza Valley
1) Hunza is a mountainous valley in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.
2) The fascinating valley of Hunza is as full of life as the people who inhabit it. The people of
Hunza are noted for their longevity.
3) Hunza’s tourist season is generally from May to October, because in winter the Karakorum
Highway is often blocked by the snow.
III. Silk Route
1) The old Trade route between Pakistan and China known as the silk root has now been
revived as the Karakoram Highway.
2) This is one of the highest Mattel roads in the world and is considered as the 8 th wonder of the
3) It was inaugurated in 1978 which open a new era of friendship and trade between Pakistan
and China.

Q16. Write shortly about the seasons in Pakistan.

Ans: There are four seasons in Pakistan:

1) Summer: starts in April and ends in September

2) Winter: starts in October and continues till February
3) Spring: short season of two months i.e. March and April
4) Monsoon: sets in august and ends in October. Mercury starts falling in the month of August
and temperature becomes moderate in September and October.

Q17. Pakistan is dived into how many temperature zones?

Ans: Pakistan is divided into four major temperature zones.

1) North-West Mountainous Region.

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

2) Upper Indus Plain

3) Lower Indus Plain and Coastal Areas.
4) The Balochistan Plateau

Q18. Write short about the temperature zone of upper Indus Plain?


1) It covers the province of Punjab and major part of the KPK.

2) It is extremely hot in the months of June and July dust storms blow, tree leaves becomes dry
and whither. In certain areas temperature goes as high as 50 Degrees Celsius.
3) Winters are short and tolerable. Sometimes it gets very cold and uncomfortable, but generally
the sky remains clear and sun makes the climate pleasant.

Q19. Write short note on the temperature zone of Lower Indus Plain and Coastal Areas.


1) Coastal areas form a part of the lower Indus Plain

2) Moderate temperature is maintained throughout the year due to cool breeze of the sea
blowing in an area of about 80km from the coast.
3) Temperature variations are not very sharp i-e during the first five months of the year (Jan to
May) mercury varies from 18oC to 28oC in Karachi. A variation of only 7oC is recorded
during the rest of the year. Except Karachi, climatic conditions in the rest of the Sindh
province are similar to those in the Punjab.

Q20. Write short note on temperature zone of the Balochistan Plateau?


1) In most parts of the plateau, winters are extremely cold and summers unbearably hot.
2) Mercury drops below 0oC at certain points due to cold northern winds, in other areas dry and
bare mountains absorb heat during daytime and retain high temperature for long.
3) Hottest point in the world like Sibbi and Jacobabad are located in this area.

Chapter 3: Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Q21. What is the difference in per capita income between different regions of Pakistan?


Sindh has highest per capita income; it is three times higher than the KPK, one and a half times
higher than the Punjab and double than that of Baluchistan. Income in Punjab is double than that
of the KPK.

Q22. What is a Map?


1) A map is a picture of any part of the world drawn to depict some of its characteristics.
2) A map can be drawn to depict both the land and the sea.
3) This must be clearly understood that maps are not photographs; it is an outline drawing
which explains certain things with the help of lines and symbols.

Q23. What are the three main categories of Map?


1) Political or Administrative maps show the boundaries of the continents, countries, provinces,
districts and cities, etc.
2) Physical maps depict mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, lakes, oceans etc.
3) Relief maps use colures to show the altitude of different plans like mountains, plateaus and


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