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Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Chapter # 04

Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan


1. After partition in 1947, ______ was adopted as the interim constitution of Pakistan.

a) Pakistan Resolution
b) Objective Resolution
c) The Government of India Act 1935
d) Muslim League’s manifesto

2. According to Quaid e Azam, constitution of Pakistan shall be framed on the basic

principles of _______.

a) Democracy
b) Freedom
c) Islam
d) All of them

3. Objective resolution was moved in the Assembly by ______.

a) Liaquat Ali Khan

b) Muhammad Ali
c) Quaid e Azam
d) Ayub Khan

4. The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan adopted the Objective resolution on _____.

a) March 12, 1949

b) March 14, 1949
c) March 16, 1949
d) March 18, 1949

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

5. The objective resolution affirms that the sovereign authority belongs to ______.

a) Allah
b) People of Pakistan
c) Government of Pakistan
d) None of them

6. The _____ will be granted all the Fundamental human rights.

a) Muslims
b) Non-Muslims
c) Both of them
d) None of them

7. According to Objective’s Resolution, Judiciary is ______.

a) Totally Independent
b) Dependent upon Executives
c) Dependent upon legislative organs
d) Dependent upon people

8. The Objective Resolution stated that Pakistan shall be _____.

a) An Islamic Republic
b) The people Republic
c) A secular state
d) None of them

9. The Objective Resolution was made _____ in all the successive constitutions of

a) A permanent part
b) A temporary part
c) A part of the preamble
d) A part of the text

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

10. The Islamic Advisory Council was established under the ______.

a) 1956 Constitution
b) 1962 Constitution
c) 1973 Constitution
d) Objective resolution

11. Under the ______ only a Muslim could be elected to the offices of the President and the
Prime Minister.

a) 1956 Constitution
b) 1962 Constitution
c) 1973 Constitution
d) Objective resolution

12. The definition of a Muslim was defined in the ______.

a) 1956 Constitution
b) 1962 Constitution
c) 1973 Constitution
d) Objective resolution

13. Allama from all school of thoughts joined hands to formulate _____ points which could
serve as the foundation of an Islamic system of Government for Pakistan.
a) 26
b) 28
c) 30
d) 32

14. Tereek-e-Nizaam-e-Mustafa was established in the year ___________.

a) 1975
b) 1977
c) 1979

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d) 1981

15. The gradual process of Islamization of the Judicial System and Law started on ______.

a) February 10, 1979

b) February 10, 1980
c) February 10, 1981
d) February 10, 1982

16. The status of Federal Shariat Court is equal to the ______.

a) High Courts
b) Supreme Court
c) Defense Courts
d) Family courts

17. Nizam-e-Zakaat was introduced in the Pakistan on _____.

a) June 20, 1980

b) July 20,1980
c) June 20, 1981
d) July 20, 1981

18. From January 1st ______ banks started program of operating interest free economy

a) 1980
b) 1981
c) 1982
d) 1983

19. Collection and distribution of Usher started from the Rabi crops in _____.

a) 1980
b) 1981
c) 1982
d) 1983

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

20. _____ were made a compulsory subject for all examinations up to Degree level.

a) English
b) Urdu
c) Islamic Studies
d) Maths

21. Religious teachers in the Armed Forces, for the first time, were given the status of

a) Captains
b) Commissioned officers
c) Religious Officers
d) None of them

22. A Masjid Maktab Scheme was introduced for the Islamization of Education system at
_____ level.

a) Elementary
b) Secondary
c) Higher
d) Degree

23. Fiqa was introduced as a compulsory subject for _____.

a. Graduated
b. Law graduated
c. Intermediate
d. Matric
24. President __________ established the tradition of delivering formal addresses in the
National Language.
a. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
b. Zia-ul-haq

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c. Nawaz Sharif
d. Benazir Bhutto

25. Shariah Bill was passed in ___________.

a. 1991
b. 1992
c. 1993
d. 1994

26. The people of England got their fundamental rights recognized for the first time in the
year _____________.

a. 1215
b. 1315
c. 1415
d. 1515.

27. By Magna Carta, the people of __________ got their fundamental rights.

a. USA
b. Pakistan
c. England
d. China

28. Rights can only be preserved with the help of the ____________.

a. People
b. Society
c. State
d. Courts

29. Rights are ____________ in nature.

a. Non-uniform
b. Uniform

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c. Equal
d. Different

30. The rights which are born with humanity are called __________rights.

a. Social
b. Natural
c. Legal
d. Civil

31. Who said these words, “All men are free, when their mothers give birth to them, and
nobody has a right to enslave them”.

a. Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W.

b. Hazrat Umer R.A
c. Hazarat Usman R.A
d. Quid-e-Azam

32. _____ Rights are those which are upheld by the society.

a. Civil
b. Political
c. Social
d. Legal

33. Social rights are also called _____ rights.

a. Civil
b. Political
c. Moral
d. Legal

34. Rights protected by the state laws are called _____ rights.

a. Civil
b. Political

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c. Moral
d. Legal.

35. Fundamental rights have two divisions that are __________ and __________.

a. Civil and political

b. Natural and social
c. Legal and civil
d. Legal and political

36. The Prophet P.B.U.H performed his first and last hajj in Zilhaj 10th _____ A.D.

a. 612
b. 622
c. 632
d. 642

37. The United Nation Organization was established in the year _____.

a. 1942
b. 1943
c. 1944
d. 1945

38. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nation on

a. December 10th 1948

b. December 10th 1949
c. November 10th 1948
d. November 10th 1949

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Short Qs/Ans

Q1: Define Muslim according to 1973 Constitution?


1) According to 1973 constitution, a person who did not believe in the finality of Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) ceases to be a Muslim.
2) This point was further clarified by the constitution amendment declaring Lahori and Qadiani
sect of Mirzais as non-Muslim minorities.

Q2: Give an account of the measures taken after 1977 for Islamization of the financial


1) Nizam-e-Zakat was introduced in the country on June 20 th, 1980. First contribution worth Rs.
2.25 Billion was made by the Government itself.
2) From January 1st 1981, bank and other financial institutions started a program of interest free
3) Collection and distribution of Ushr started from the Rabi crops in 1983.

Q3: What steps were taken for Islamization of Judiciary and laws after 1977?


1) Islamic penalties were imposed on the crimes like drinking, stealing, adultery and false
allegation of adultery.
2) A Federal Shariah court, equal in status to the High Court was established.
3) Un-Islamic practices in the court procedures were abolished.
4) The objectives Resolution was made a justifiable part of the Constitution.

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

5) A Shariah faculty and Islamic University were established in Islamabad.

Q4: Compare and contrast Hijat-ul-Wida and the UN-Declaration of Human Rights?


1) UN Declaration of Human Rights was adopted after the centuries of destruction and while
Khutba-e-Hijat-ul-Wida was given 1300 years ago.
2) UN Declaration of Human Rights lack any moral, legal or executive authority for
implementation and it is simply a statement of beautifully worded human aspirations and
wishes, while Khutba-e-Hijat-ul-Wida is supported by moral, legal or executive authority.
3) Khutba-e-Hijat-ul-Wida provides a mechanism for implementation, while Un-Declaration of
human rights only gives the detail of human rights.
4) Lastly Un-Declaration of Human Rights talks about the same rights as safeguarded by

Q5: Give three important characteristics of Rights?


1) Rights are the basic conditions of civilized life.

2) Rights can only be preserved with the help of the state.
3) Rights are uniform in nature. This implies that all citizens have equal rights.

Q6: What is the significance and importance of Objectives Resolution?


1) Objectives Resolution clearly decided the character of the state as an Islamic Republic.
2) It was included as a preamble in all the three Constitutions of Pakistan and then in 1985
through 8th Amendment, it was made a permanent part of the Constitution of 1973.
3) It provides the basis for the formation of Constitutions of 1956, 1962 & 1973.

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

4) It declared for the first time that Islamic social order and Islamic injunctions shall serve as
guiding principles for Constitution making.

Q7: Write short note on the Islamic Advisory Council.


1) The Islamic Advisory council was established under the 1962 Constitution.
2) It was established to assist the President and the legislative assemblies in the process of
making new laws in accordance with the Islamic tenets and for the Islamization of the
existing laws.
3) The Council was to be constituted of eminent jurists, religious scholars, and academics.

Q8: Write shortly about the Council of Islamic Ideology?


1) It was established under the 1973 Constitution.

2) It constituted the experts of Islamic Shariah and jurisprudence.
3) The Council provides the guidelines and makes recommendation to the legislative
assemblies, Prime Minister and the President to bring all laws present and prospective in
conformity with Islam.

Q9: What steps were taken for the revival of the religious spirit since 1977?


1) Congregational Zuhr prayers were made compulsory in all government institutions.

2) Taking food and drinks at public places was strictly prohibited during the month of Ramzan.
3) Insulting or passing derogatory remarks about the pious caliphs and members of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) household was made a penal offence.

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

4) With a purpose to fight the vices like illegal gratification corruption and inefficiency of the
government functionaries, a new office of Ombudsman was created in the federal
5) Radio and television started broadcasting “Azan”, interposing their routine transmissions.

Q10: What steps were taken for Islamization of education since 1977?


1) Islamic studies were made a compulsory subject for all examination up to Degree level.
2) In order to enhance the prestige of the ulama in the society higher degrees of the religious
institutions were recognized to be at par with BA and MA degrees.
3) Religious teachers in the Armed Forces, for the first time, were given the status of
commissioned officers.
4) A Masijd Maktab Scheme was introduced for the Islamiztion of education system at
elementary level.
5) Fiqh was introduced as a compulsory subject for law graduated.

Q11: What steps were taken to build the Islamic National Spirit since 1977?


1) Pakistan Studies were introduced as a compulsory subject.

2) Wearing of the national dress was encouraged and in some cases made compulsory in the
courts and other government institutions.
3) President Zia-ul-Haq established the tradition of delivering formal address in the national
language and encourages people to speak Urdu.

Q12: What steps were taken for the Islamization of electronic media?


1) Radio and television were used for the promotion of national spirit and for the building of an
Islamic image of the nation.
2) Indecent and un-Islamic programs were banned at the media.

Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

3) Television and radio were used for teaching oh the Holy Quran and Arabic.
4) Regular practice of live Hajj transmissions and other important religious events was started.
5) Number and duration of the religious programs broadcast by radio and television was greatly

Q13: What was Shari’ah Bill?


1) In the year 1991 the parliament passed a Shariah Bill.

2) It was held that the bill would be a step forward from the previous practices of making high
sounding proclamation and adding certain fruitless clauses to the constitutional text.

Q14: Define “”Rights” according to Laski.

Ans: Those conditions of social life without which no man can seek, in general to be his best

Q15: Define “Duties”.

Ans: Something that one does either because it is part of one’s job or because it is monthly or
legally right that one should do it.

Q16: Write down any civil rights.


1) Right of life.
2) Right of ownership and inheritance.
3) Right of family.
4) Right to make contract.
5) Right of forming associations.

Q17: Write down any three political rights.


Chapter 4: Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1) Right to vote
2) Right to represent
3) Right of equal access to public offices


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