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Logarithms, Binomial Theorem, Quadratic Equation

Problem 101
𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑥
If 1−𝑙𝑜𝑔 = 2, what is the value of z?
10 2
A. ¼
B. 25
C. 4
D. 5

Problem 102 (EE October 1992)

Solve for x: log 6 + x log 4 = log 4 + log (32 + 4x)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Problem 103
Which of the following cannot be used as a base of a system of logarithm?
A. e
B. 10
C. 2
D. 1

Problem 104
If log5.21000 = x, what is the value of x?
A. 4.19
B. 5.23
C. 3.12
D. 4.69

Problem 105
Find the value of a in the equation loga2187 = 7/2.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12

Problem 106
If log 2 = x and log 3 = y, find log 1.2.
A. 2x + y
B. 2xy/10
C. 2x + y - 1
D. xy - 1

Problem 107
𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑥 𝑦
is equal to:
𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑦 𝑥
A. xy/yx
B. y log x – x log y
C. (y log x)/ (x log y)
D. 1

Problem 108
If 10ax+b = P, what is the value of x?
A. (1/a)(log P-b)
B. (1/a) log ( P-b)
C. (1/a) P10-b
D. (1/a) log P10

Problem 109
Find the value of log(aa)a.
A. 2a log a
B. a2 log a
C. a log a2
D. (a log a)a

Problem 110
Solve for x: x = logb a ×logc d × logd c
A. logb a
B. loga c
C. logb c
D. logd a

Problem 111
Find the positive value of x if logx 36 = 2.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Problem 112
Find x if logx 27 + logx 3 = 2.
A. 9
B. 12
C. 8
D. 7

Problem 113
Find a if log2 (a+2) + log2 (a-2) = 5
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Problem 114
Solve for x if log5 x = 3.
A. 115
B. 125
C. 135
D. 145

Problem 115
Find log P if ln P = 8.
A. 2980.96
B. 2542.33
C. 3.47
D. 8.57

Problem 116
If log8 x = -n, then x is equal to:
A. 8n
B. 1/8-n
C. 1/8n
D. 81/n

Problem 117
If 3 log10 x – log10 y = 0, find y in terms of x.
A. y = 3√𝑥
B. y = √𝑥 3
C. y = x3
D. y = x

Problem 118
Which of the following is correct?
A. -2 log 7 = 1/49
B. log7 (-2) = 1/49
C. log7 (1/49) = -2
D. log7 (1/49) = 2

Problem 119 (ME April 1996)

Log of nth root of x equals log of x to the 1/n power and also equal to:
A. 𝒏
B. n log (x)
C. 𝑛
D. (n-1) log (x)

Problem 120 (ME April 1996)

What is the natural logarithm of e to the xy power?
A. 1/xy
B. 2.718/xy
C. xy
D. 2.718xy

Problem 121 (ME April 1997)

What expression is equivalent to log x – log (y + z)?
A. log x + log y + log z
B. log [ x/(y + z) ]
C. log x –log y –log z
D. log y + log (x + z)

Problem 122 (ME April 1997)

What is the value of log base 10 of 10003.3?
A. 9.9
B. 99.9
C. 10.9
D. 9.5

Problem 123
If logx 2 + log2 x = 2, then the value of x is:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Problem 124 (CE November 1997)

Log6 845 =?
A. 4.348
B. 6.348
C. 5.912
D. 3.761

Problem 125 (CE May 1998, similar with November 1998)

The logarithms of the quotient and the product of two numbers are 0.352182518 and
1.556302501, respectively. Find the first number?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12

Problem 126
The sum of two logarithms of two numbers is 1.748188 and the difference of their logarithms is -
0.0579919. One of the numbers is:
A. 9
B. 6
C. 8
D. 5

Problem 127 (CE November 199)

Solve for y: y = ln .
𝑒 𝑥−2
A. 2
B. x
C. -2
D. x-2

Problem 128 (ECE April 1998)

What is the value of (log 5 to the base 2) + (log 5 to the base 3)?
A. 3.97
B. 7.39
C. 9.37
D. 3.79

Problem 129 (ME October 1997)

The logarithm of negative number is:
A. irrational number
B. real number
C. imaginary number
D. complex number

Problem 130(ME April 1998)

38.5 to the x power = 6.5 to the x-2 power, solve for x using logarithms.
A. 2.70
B. 2.10
C. -2.10
D. -2.02

Problem 131 (CE November 1996)

Find the 6th term of the expansion of (1/2a – 3)16.
A. - 256𝑎11
B. - 𝟏𝟐𝟖𝒂𝟏𝟏
C. - 128𝑎11
D. - 256𝑎11

Problem 132 (ECE April 1998)

In the expansion of (x+4y) 12, the numerical coefficient of the 5th term is.
A. 253440
B. 126720
C. 63360
D. 506880

Problem 133
The middle term in the expansion of (x2 – 3)8 is:
A. -70x8
B. 70x8
C. -5760x8
D. 5760x8

Problem 134
The term involving x9 in the expansion of (x2 + 2/x)12 is:
A. 25434x9
B. 52344x9
C. 25344x9
D. 23544x9

Problem 135
The constant term in the expansion of ( x + 𝑥3/2 )15 is:
A. 3003
B. 5005
C. 6435
D. 7365

Problem 136
Find the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (x + 2y –z) 8.
A. 256
B. 1024
C. 1
D. 6

Problem 137
Find the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (x + 2y + z) 4 (x + 3y) 5 is:
A. 524288
B. 65536
C. 131072
D. 262 144

Problem 138 (ECE April 1995)

What is the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (x + y -z) 8 is:
A. less than 2
B. above 10
C. from 2 to 5
D. from 5 to 10

Problem 139 (ECE November 1995)

What is the sum of the coefficients of the expansion of (2x -1)20?
A. 1
B. 0
C. 215
D. 225

Problem 140
In the quadratic equation Ax2 + Bx + C = 0, the product of the roots is:
A. C/A
B. –B/A
C. –C/A
D. B/A

Problem 141
If ¼ and -7/2 are the roots of the quadratic equation Ax2 + Bx + C = 0, what is the value of B?
A. -28
B. 4
C. -7
D. 26

Problem 142
In the equation 3x2 + 4x + (2h – 5) = 0, find h if the product of the roots is 4.
A. -7/2
B. -10/2
C. 17/2
D. 7/2

Problem 143
If the roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0, are u and v, then the roots of cx2 + bx + a = 0 are:
A. u and v
B. –u and v
C. 1/u and 1/v
D. -1/u and -1/v

Problem 144
If the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are 3 and 2 and a, b, and c are all whole
numbers, find a + b + c.
A. 12
B. -2
C. 2
D. 6

Problem 145 (ECE March 1996)

The equation whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of 2x2 – 3x – 5 = 0 is:
A. 5x2 + 3x – 2 = 0
B. 3x2 – 5x – 3 = 0
C. 5x2 – 2x – 3 = 0
D. 2x2 – 5x -3 = 0

Problem 146 (ECE November 1997)

The roots of a quadratic equation are 1/3 and ¼. What is the equation?
A. 12x2 + 7x + 1 = 0
B. 12x2 + 7x – 1 = 0
C. 12x2 – 7x + 1 = 0
D. 12x2 – 7x – 1 = 0

Problem 147
Find k so that the expression kx2 – 3kx + 9 is a perfect square.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 12
D. 6

Problem 148 (EE October 1990)

Find k so that 4x2+kx+1=0 will only have one real solution.
A. 1
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

Problem 149
The only root of the equation x2 – 6x + k = 0 is:
A. 3
B. 2
C. 6
D. 1

Problem 150
Two engineering students are solving a problem leading to a quadratic equation. One student
made a mistake in the coefficient of the first-degree term, got roots of 2 and -3. The other student
made a mistake in the coefficient of the constant term got roots of -1 and 4. What is the correct
A. x2 – 6x – 3 = 0
B. x2 + 6x + 3 = 0
C. x2 + 3x + 6 = 0
D. x2 – 3x – 6 = 0

Age, Mixture, Work, Clock, Number Problem

Problem 151
Two times the father’s age is 8 more than six times his son’s age. Ten years ago, the sum of their
ages was 44. The age of the son is:
A. 49
B. 15
C. 20
D. 18

Problem 152
Peter’s age 13 years ago was 1/3 of his age 7 years hence. How old is Peter?
A. 15
B. 21
C. 23
D. 27

Problem 153
A man is 41 years old and in seven years he will be four times as old as his son is at that time.
How old is his son now?
A. 9
B. 4
C. 5
D. 8

Problem 154
A father is three times as old as his son. Four years ago, he was four times as old as his son was
at that time. How old is his son?
A. 36 years
B. 24 years
C. 32 years
D. 12 years

Problem 155
The ages of the mother and her daughter are 45 and 5 years, respectively. How many years will
the mother be three times as old as her daughter?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

Problem 156
Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice as old as Ana was when Mary was as old as Ana is now.
How old is Ana? (ECE November 1995)
A. 16
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20

Problem 157
The sum of the parent’s ages is twice the sum of their children’s ages. Five years ago, the sum of
the parent’s ages is four times the sum of their children’s ages. In fifteen years the sum of the
parent’s ages will be equal to the sum of their children’s ages. How many children were in the
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Problem 158
Two thousand kilogram of steel containing 8% of nickel is to be made by mixing stell containing
14% nickel with another steel containing 6% nickel. How much of the steel containing 14%
nickel is needed?
A. 1500 kg
B. 800 kg
C. 750 kg
D. 500kg

Problem 159
A 40-gram alloy containing 35% gold is to be melted with a 20-gram alloy containing 50% gold.
How much percentage of gold is the resulting alloy?
A. 40%
B. 30%
C. 45%
D. 35%

Problem 160
In what radio must a peanut costing P240.00 per kg. be mixed with a peanut costing P340.00 per
kg so that the profit of 20% is made by selling the mixture at 360.00 per kg?
A. 1:2
B. 3:2
C. 2:3
D. 3:5

Problem 161
A 100-kilogram salt solution originally 4% by weight. Salt in water is boiled to reduce water
content until the concentration is 5% by weight salt. How much water is evaporated?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

Problem 162
A pound of alloy of lead and nickel weights 14.4 ounces in water, where lead losses 1/11 of its
weight and nickel losses 1/9 of its weight. How much of each metal is in alloy?
A. Lead = 7.2 ounces; Nickel = 8.8 ounces
B. Lead = 8.8 ounces; Nickel = 7.2 ounces
C. Lead = 6.5 ounces; Nickel = 5.4 ounces
D. Lead = 7.8 ounces; Nickel = 4.2 ounces

Problem 163
An alloy of silver and gold weighs 15 oz. in air and 14 oz. in water. Assuming that silver losses
1/10 of its weight in water and gold losses 1/18 of its weight, how many oz. at each metal are in
the alloy?
A. Silver = 4.5 oz.; Gold = 10.5 oz.
B. Silver = 3.75 oz.; Gold = 11.25 oz.
C. Silver = 5 oz.; Gold = 10 oz.
D. Silver = 7.8 oz.; Gold = 4.2 oz.

Problem 164(ME April 1998)

A pump can pump out a tank in 11 hours. Another pump can pump out the same tank in 20
hours. How long it will take both pumps together to pump out the tank?
A. ½ hour
B. ½ hour
C. 6 hours
D. 7 hours
Problem 165
Mr. Brown can wash his car in 15 minutes, while his son John takes twice as long as the same
job. If they work together, how many minutes can they do the washing?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

Problem 166
One pipe can fill a tank in 5 hours and another pipe can fill the same tank in 4 hours. A drainpipe
can empty the full content of the tank in 20 hours. With all the three pipes open, how long will it
take to fill the tank?
A. 2 hours
B. 2.5 hours
C. 1.92 hours
D. 1.8 hours

Problem 167
A swimming pool is filled through its inlet pipe and then emptied through its outlet pipe in a total
of 8 hours. If water enters through its inlet and simultaneously allowed to leave through its
outlet, the pool is filled in 7 ½ hours. Find how long will it take to fill the pool with the outlet
A. 6
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5

Problem 168
Three persons can do a piece of work alone in 3 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours respectively. What
fraction of the job can they finish in one hour working together?
A. ¾
B. 4/3
C. ½
D. 2/3

Problem 169
A father and his son can dig a well if the father works 6 hours and his son works 12 hours or they
can do it if the father works 9 hours and son works 8 hours. How long will it take for the son to
dig the well alone?
A. 5 hours
B. 10 hours
C. 15 hours
D. 20 hours

Problem 170
Peter and Paul can do a certain job in 3 hours. On a given day, they work together for 1 hour then
Paul left and Peter finishes the rest work in 8 more hours. How long will it take for Peter to do
the job alone?
A. 10 hours
B. 11 hours
C. 12 hours
D. 13 hours

Problem 171 (ECE November 1995)

Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster than Juan and 20% faster than Pilar and together they can
paint a given fence in 4 hours. How long will it take Peter to paint the same fence if he had to
work alone?
A. 10 hrs.
B. 11hrs.
C. 13hrs.
D. 15hrs.

Problem 172
Nonoy can finish a certain job in 10 days if Imelda will help for 6 days. The same work can be
done by Imelda in 12 days if Nonoy helps for 6 days. If they work together, how long will it take
for them to do the job?
A. 8.9
B. 8.4
C. 9.2
D. 8

Problem 173
A pipe can fill up a tank with the drain open in three hours. If the pipe runs with the drain open
for one hour and then the drain is closed it will take 45 more minutes for the pipe to fill the tank.
If the drain will be closed right at the start of filling, how long will it take for the pipe to fill the
A. 1.15hrs.
B. 1.125hrs
C. 1.325hrs.
D. 1.525hrs.

Problem 174
Delia can finish a job in 8 hours. Daisy can do it in 5 hours. If Delia worked for 3 hours and then
Daisy was asked to help her finish it, how long will Daisy have to work with Delia to finish the
A. 2/5 hours
B. 25/14 hours
C. 28 hours
D. 1.923 hours

Problem 175 (CE November 1998)

A job could be done by eleven workers in 15 days. Five workers started the job. They were
reinforced with four more workers at the beginning of the 6th day. Find the total number of days
it took them to finish the job.
A. 22.36
B. 21.42
C. 23.22
D. 20.56

Problem 176
On one job, two power shovels excavate 20000m3 of earth, the larger the shovel working for 40
hours and the smaller shovel for 35 hours. Another job, they removed 40000m3 with the larger
shovel working for 70 hours and the smaller working 90 hours. How much earth can the larger
shovel move in one hour?
A. 173.91
B. 347.83
C. 368.12
D. 162.22

Problem 177 (EE April 1996)

A and B can do a piece of work in 42 days, B and C in 31 days, and A and C in 20 days.
Working together, how many days can all of them finish the work?
A. 18.9
B. 19.4
C. 17.8
D. 20.9
Problem 178
Eight men can dig 150 ft of trench in 7hrs. Three men can backfill 100ft of the trench in 4hrs.
The time it will take 10 men to dig and fill 200 ft of trench is:
A. 9.867hrs.
B. 9.687hrs.
C. 8.967hrs.
D. 8.687hrs.

Problem 179
In two hours, the minute hand of the clock rotates through an angle of :
A. 45°
B. 90°
C. 360°
D. 720°

Problem 180
In one day (24 hours), how many times will the hour hand and minute hand of a continuously
driven clock be together
A. 21
B. 22
C. 23
D. 24

Problem 181
How many minutes after 3:00 will the minute hand of the clock overtakes the hour hand?
A. 14/12 minutes
B. 16-11/12 minutes
C. 16-4/11 minutes
D. 14/11 minutes

Problem 182
How many minutes after 10:00 o’clock will the hands of the clock be opposite of the other for
the first time?
A. 21.41
B. 22.31
C. 21.81
D. 22.61

Problem 183
What time between the hours of 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm would the hour hand and the minute
hand of a continuously driven clock be in straight line?
A. 12:33 pm
B. 12:30 pm
C. 12:37 pm
D. 12:287 pm

Problem 184 (GE February 1997)

At what time after 12:00 noon will the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock first form a n
angle of 120°?
A. 21.818
B. 12:21.818
C. 21.181
D. 12:21.181

Problem 185 (GE February 1994)

From the time 6:15 PM to the time 7:45 PM of the same day, the minute hand of a standard clock
describes an arc of:
A. 360°
B. 120°
C. 540°
D. 720°

Problem 186
It is now between 3 and 4 o’clock and in twenty minutes the minute hand will be as much as the
hour-hand as it is now behind it. What is the time now?
A. 3:06.06
B. 3:07.36
C. 3:09.36
D. 3:08.36

Problem 187 (EE October 1990)

A man left his home at past 3:00 o’clock PM as indicated in his wall clock. Between two to three
hours after, he returned home and noticed that the hands of the clock interchanged. At what time
did he left his home?
A. 3:27.27
B. 3:31.47
C. 3:22.22
D. 3:44.44
Problem 188
The sum of the reciprocals of two numbers is 11. Three times the reciprocal of one of the
numbers is three more than twice the reciprocal of the other number. Find the numbers.
A. 5 and 6
B. 7 and 4
C. 1/5 and 1/6
D. 1/7 and ¼

Problem 189
If a two digit number has x for its unit’s digit and y for its ten’s digit, represent the number.
A. yx
B. 10y + x
C. 10x + y
D. x + y

Problem 190
One number if five less than the other number. If their sum is 135, what are the numbers?
A. 70&75
B. 60&65
C. 65&70
D. 75&80

Problem 191
In a two-digit number, the unit’s digit is 3 greater than the ten’s digit. Find the number if it is 4
times as large as the sum of its digits.
A. 47
B. 58
C. 63
D. 25

Problem 192
Find two consecutive even integers such that the square of the larger is 44 greater than the square
of the smaller integer.

A. 10&12
B. 12&14
C. 8&10
D. 14&16

Problem 193
Twice the middle digit of a three-digit number is the sum of the other two. If the number is
divided by the sum of its digit, the answer is 56 and the remainder is 12. If the digits are
reversed, the number becomes smaller by 594. Find the number.
A. 258
B. 567
C. 852
D. 741

Problem 194
The product f three consecutive integers is 9240. Find the third integer.
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23

Problem 195
The product if two numbers is 1400. If three (3) is subtracted from each number, their product
becomes 1175. Find the bigger number.
A. 28
B. 50
C. 32
D. 40

Problem 196
The sum of the digits of the three-digit number is 14. The hundreds digit being 4 times the units
digit. If 594 is subtracted from the number, the order of the digits will be reversed. Find the
A. 743
B. 563
C. 653
D. 842

Problem 197 (ECE March 1996)

The sum of two numbers is 21, and one number is twice the other. Find the numbers.
A. 7 and 14
B. 6 and 15
C. 8 and 13
D. 9 and 12

Problem 198 (ECE March 1996)

Ten less than four times a certain number is 14. Determine the number.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

Problem 199 (ECE November 1997)

The denominator of a certain fraction is three more than twice the numerator. If 7 is added to
both terms of the fraction, the resulting fraction is 3/5. Find the original fraction.
A. 8/5
B. 5/13
C. 13/5
D. 3/5

Problem 200
Three times the first of the three consecutive odd integers is three more than twice the third. Find
the third integer.
A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 15

Motion Variation, Percent, Miscellaneous Problems

Problem 201
Nonoy left Pikit to drive to Davao at 6:15 PM and arrived at 11:45 PM averaged 30 mph and
stopped 1 hour for dinner, how far is Davao from Pikit.
A. 128
B. 135
C. 160
D. 256

Problem 202
A man fires a target 420 m away hears the bullet strikes to 2 second after he pulled the trigger.
An observer 525 m away from the target and 455 m from the man heard the bullet strike the
target one second after he heard the report of the rifle. Find the velocity of the bullet.
A. 525 m/s
B. 360 m/s
C. 350 m/s
D. 336 m/s

Problem 203
A man travels in a motorized banca at rate of 12 kph from his barrio to the poblacion and come
back to his barrio at the rate of 10 kph. If his total time of travel back and forth is 3 hours and 10
minutes, the distance from the barrio to the poblacion is :
A. 17.27 km
B. 17.72 km
C. 12.77 km
D. 17.32 km

Problem 204
It takes Michael 60 seconds to run around a 440-yard track. How long does it take Jordan to run
around the track if they meet in 32 second after they start together in a race around the track in
opposite direction?
A. 58.76 seconds
B. 68.57 seconds
C. 65.87 seconds
D. 86.57 seconds

Problem 205
Juan can walk from his home to his office at the rate of 5 mph and back at the rate 2 mph. What
is his average speed in mph?
A. 2.86

Problem 206
Kim and Ken traveled at the same time at the rate of20m/min,from the same pointon a circular
track of radius 600 m. If Kim walks along a circumference and Kim towards the center,find their
distance after 10 minutes.
A.193 m
B.202 m
C.241 m
D.258 m

Problem 207
Two ferryboats ply back and forth across a river with constant but different speeds, turning at the
river banks without loss of time. They leave the opposite shores at the same instant, meet for the
first time 900 meters from one shore, and meet for the second time 500 meters from the opposite
shore. What is the width of the river?
A. 1500 m
B. 1700 m
C. 2000 m
D. 2200 m

Problem 208 (CE May 1998)

A boat takes 2/3 as much time to travel downstream from C to D, as to return, If the rate of the
river’s current is 8 kph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?
A. 38
B. 39
C. 40
D. 41

Problem 209 (ECE November 1998)

A man rows downstream at the rate of 5mph and upstream at the rate of 2mph. How far
downstream should he go if he is to return in 7/4 hours after leaving?
A. 2 mi
B. 3.5 mi
C. 3 mi
D. 2.5 mi

Problem 210 (EE April 1997)

A jogger starts a course at a steady rate of 8kph. Five minutes later, a second jogger the same
course at 10 kph. How long will it take for the second jogger to catch the first?
A. 20 min
B. 25 min
C. 30 min
D. 35 min

Problem 211 (CE May 1999)

At 2:00 pm, an airplane takes off at 340mph on an aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier moves due
south at 25kph in the same direction as the plane. At 4:05 pm, the communication between the
plane and aircraft carrier was lost. Determine the communication range in miles between the
plane and the carrier.
A. 656 miles
B. 785 miles
C. 557 miles
D. 412 miles

Problem 212
A boat going across a lake 8km wide proceed 2 km at a certain speed and then completes the trip
at a speed 1/2kph faster. By doing this, the boat arrives 10 minutes earlier than if the original
speed had been maintained. Find the original speed of the boat.
A. 2 kph
B. 4 kph
C. 9 kph
D. 5 kph

Problem 213 (CE May 1993)

Given that w varies directly as the product of x and y and inversely as the square of z and that
w=4 when x=2, y=6, and z=3. Find w when x=1, y=4 and z=2.
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3

Problem 214 (ECE November 1993)

If x varies directly as y and inversely as z, and x=14 when y=7 and z=2, find x, when z=4 and
A. 14
B. 4
C. 16
D. 8

Problem 215
The electrical resistance of a cable varies directly as its length and inversely as the square of its
diameter. If a cable 600 meters long and 25 mm in diameter has a resistance of 0.1 ohm, find the
length of the cable 75 mm in diameter with resistance of 1/6 ohm.
A. 6000 m
B. 7000 m
C. 8000 m
D. 9000 m

Problem 216
The electrical resistance offered by an electric wire varies directly as the length and inversely as
the square of the diameter of the wire. Compare the electrical resistance offered by two pieces of
wire of the same material, one being 100 m long and 5 mm diameter, and the other is 50 m long
and 3 mm in diameter.
A. R1 = 0.57 R2
B. R1 = 0.72 R2
C. R1 = 0.84 R2
D. R1 = 0.95 R2

Problem 217
The time required for an elevator to lift a weight varies directly with the weight and the distance
through which it is to be lifted and inversely as the power of the motors. If it takes 20 seconds for
a 5-hp motor to lift 50 lbs. through 40 feet, what weight can an 80-hp motor lift through a
distance of 40 feet within 30 seconds?
A. 1000 lbs.
B. 1150 lbs.
C. 1175 lbs.
D. 1200 lbs.

Problem 218 (ECE November 1995)

The time required by an elevator to lift a weight, vary directly with the weight and the distance
through which it is to be lifted and inversely as the power of the motor. If it takes 30 seconds for
a 10-hp motor to lift 100lbs through 50 feet, what size of motor is requires to lift 800 lbs. in 40
seconds through a distance of 40 feet?
A. 48 hp
B. 50 hp
C. 56 hp
D. 58 hp

Problem 219
In a certain department store, the salary of saleslady is partly constant and varies as the value of
her sales for the month, when the value of her sales for the month is P10000.00, her salary for
that month is P900.00. When her sales goes up to P 2000.00 her monthly salary goes up to
P1000.00. What must be the value of her sales for the month so that her salary for that month
will be P2000.00?
A. P25000.00
B. P28000.00
C. P32000.00
D. P36000.00

Problem 220
A man sold 100 eggs, eighty of them were sold at gain of 30% while the twenty eggs were sold
at a loss of 40%. What is the percentage gain or loss of the whole eggs?
A. 14%
B. 15%
C. 16%
D. 17%

Problem 221
The population of the country increases 5% each year. Find the percentage it will increase in
three years.
A. 5%
B. 15%
C. 15.15%
D. 15.76%

Problem 222
Pedro bought two cars, one for P600000.00 and the other for P400000.00. He sold the first at a
gain of 10% and the second at a loss of 12%. What was his total percentage gain or loss?
A. 6% gain
B. 0% gain
C. 1.20% gain
D. 6% loss

Problem 223
A grocery owner raises the prices of his goods by 10%. Then he starts his Christmas sale by
offering the customers a 10% discount. How many percent of discount does the customers
actually get?
A. nothing
B. 1% discount
C. 9% discount
D. they pay 1% more

Problem 224
Kim sold a watch for P3500.00 at a loss of 30% on the cost price. Find the corresponding loss or
gain if he sold it for P5050.00.
A. 1% loss
B. 10% loss
C. 1% gain
D. 10% gain

Problem 225
By selling balut at P5.00 each, a vendor gains 20%. The cost price of egg rises by 12.5%. If he
sells the balut at the same price as before, find his new gain in percent.
A. 7.5%
B. 5%
C. 8%
D. 6.25%

Problem 226
The enrollment at college A and college B both grew up by 8% from 1980 to 1985. If the
enrollment in college A grew up by 800 and the enrollment in college B grew up by 840, the
enrollment at college B was how much greater than the enrollment in college A in 1985?
A. 650
B. 504
C. 483
D. 540

Problem 227
A group consists of n boys and n girls. If two of the boys are replaced by two other girls, then
49% of the group members will be boys. Find the value of n.
A. 100
B. 49
C. 50
D. 51

Problem 228
On his Christmas Sale, a merchant marked a pair of slipper P180.00, which is 20% off the
normal retail price. If the retail price is 50% higher than the whole sale price, what is the
wholesale price of the slipper?
A. P18.00
B. P17.00
C. P15.00
D. P22.50
Problem 229
A certain XEROX copier produces 13 copies every 10 seconds. If the machine operates without
interruption, how many copies will it produce in an hour?
A. 780
B. 46800
C. 1835
D. 4680

Problem 230
At a certain printing plant, each of the machines prints 6 newspapers every second. If all
machines work together but independently without interruption, how many minutes will it take to
print the entire 18000 newspapers? ( Hint: let x = number of machines)
A. 50x
B. 3000/x
C. 50/x
D. 3000x

Problem 231 (ME April 1996)

A manufacturing firm maintains one product assembly line to produce signal generators. Weekly
demand for the generators is 35 units. The line operates for 7 hours per day, 5 days per week.
What is the maximum production time per unit in hours required for the line to meet the
A. 1 hour
B. 0.75 hour
C. 3 hours
D. 2.25 hours

Problem 232
Of the 316 people watching a movie, there a re 78 more children than women and 56 more
women than men. The number of men in the movie house is:
A. 176
B. 98
C. 42
D. 210

Problem 233
A certain department store has an inventory of Q units of a certain product at time t=0. The store
sells the product at a steady rate of Q/A units per week, and exhausts the inventory in A weeks.
The amount of product in inventory at any time t is:
A. Q – (Q/A) t
B. Q + (Q/A) t
C. Qt – Q/A
D. Qt – (Q/A) t

Problem 234 (ECE March 1996)

A merchant has three items on sale: namely, a radio for P50, a clock for P30, and a flashlight for
P1. At the end of the day, she has sold a total of 100 of three items and has taken exactly 1000 on
the total sales. How many radios did he sale?
A. 80
B. 4
C. 16
D. 20

Problem 235
The price of 8 calculators ranges from P200 to P1000.If their average price is P950,what is the
lowest possible price of any one of the calculators?
A. 500
B. 550
C. 600
D. 650

Problem 236
A deck of 52 playing cards is cut into two piles. The first pile contains 7 times as many black
cards as red cards. The second pile contains the number of red cards that is an exact multiple as
the number of black cards. How many cards are there in the first pile.
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17

Problem 237 (ECE November 1997)

The population of the Philippines doubled in the last 30 years from 1967 to 1997.Assuming that
the rate of population rate increase will remain the same in what year wills the population triple?
A. 2030
B. 2027
C. 2021
D. 2025

Problem 238
Determine the unit digit in the expansion of 3 855.
A. 3
B. 9
C. 7
D. 1

Problem 239 (ECE April 1998)

Find the 1987th digit in the decimal equivalent of 1785/9999 starting from the decimal point.
A. 1
B. 7
C. 8
D. 5

Problem 240
Find the sum of all positive integral factors of 2048.
A. 4095
B. 3065
C. 4560
D. 1254

Problem 241
In how many ways can two integers be selected from the numbers 1,2,3,…50 so that their
difference is exactly 5?
A. 50
B. 5
C. 45
D. 41

Problem 242
A box contains 8 balls, 6 black balls.a8 red balls, and 13 yellow balls. How many balls must be
drawn to ensure that there will be three balls of the same color?
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11

Problem 243
A shore sells 10 different sizes of shoes, each in both high-cut and low-cut variety, each either
rubber or leather, and each with white or black color. How many different kinds of shoes does he
A. 64
B. 80
C. 72
D. 92

Problem 244(ME October 1999)

An engineer was told that a survey had been made on a certain rectangular field but the
dimension had been lost .An assistant remembered that if the field had been 100 ft longer and 25
ft narrower, the area would have been increased by 2500 sq. ft, and that if it had been 100 ft
shorter 50 ft wider, the area would have been decreased 5000 sq.ft. What was the area of the
A. 25.000 ft2
B. 15,000 ft2
C. 20,000 ft2
D. 22,000 ft2

Problem 245 (EE April 1994)

A 10-meter tape is 5 mm short. What is the correct length in meters?
A. 9.995 m
B. 10.05 m
C. 9.95 m
D. 10.005 m

Problem 246 (ME OCTOBER 1997)

The distance between two points measured with a steel tape was recorded as 916.58 ft. later. The
tape was checked and to be only 99.9 ft long. What is the true distance between the points?
A. 035.66 ft
B. 966.15 ft
C. 955.66 ft
D. 915.66 ft

Problem 247 (ME April 1996)

A certain steel tape is known to be 100000 feet long when the temperature of 70 ℉ . When the
tape is at a temperature of 10℉, what reading corresponds to a distance of 90 ft? Coefficient of
linear expansion of the tape is 5.833 × 10-6 per℉.
A. 85.935
B. 88.031
C. 90.031
D. 93.031
Problem 248 (ME April 1996)
A line was measured with a steel tape when the temperature was 30℃. The measured length of
the line was found to be 1,256.271 feet. The tape was afterwards tasted when the temperature
was 10 ℃ and it was found to be 100.042 feet long. What was the true length of the line if the
coefficient of expansion of the tape was 0.000011 per℃?
A. 1,275.075 feet
B. 1,375.575 feet
C. 1,256.547 feet
D. 1,249.385 feet

Problem 249 (ME April 1997)

The standard deviation of the numbers 1, 4, &7 is:
A. 2.3567
B. 2.4495
C. 3.2256
D. 3.8876

Problem 250
Three cities are connected by roads forming a triangle, all of different lengths. It is 30 km around
the circuit. One of the roads is 10 km long and the longest is 10 km longer than the shortest.
What is the length of the longest road?
A. 5 km
B. 10 km
C. 15 km
D. 20 km

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