11th JEE MT-2_Eng_Print

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-@- thinklUT 4 thinkNEET a SSA Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 300 —_ > Do Not open the Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. Read all the instructions carefully before start of the test. Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. Please write your name on the top of this test booklet. 2, Ihe Answer Sheet is give at the end of the booklet. Fiease fil all he particulars on the answer sheet before attempting the questions. 3. There are three parts in the question paper of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics having 30 questions in each subject and each subject having Two sections. () Each subject contains 20 multiple choice questions with Only One Correct option. Marking scheme : +4 for correct answer and 0 if not attempted and —1 in all other cases. (i) Each subject contains 10 Integer Type Questions. Attempt any five Integer Type Questions. Marking scheme : +4 for correct answer and 0 if not attempted and ~1 in all other cases. 4, Use Blue/Black Ball point pen only for writting particulars/marking responses on the OMR sheet. Use of Pencil is strictly prohibited. 5. Space for rough work is provided at the end. 6. Use of any unfair means curing the exam will result in disqualf cation from attending the tests further Qu Qa Q3 oa as PHYSICS SECTION-A OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS(MCQS) Choose the option, whose pair doesn't have same dimensions. (1) (Pressure Volume) & Work done (2) Force » time} & Change in momentum (3) Kilocalorie & Joule (4) Angle & no. of moles Ina panticularsystem, the unitof length, mass and time are chosen tobe 10 em, 10g and 0.1s respectively. The unit of force inthis system will be equivalent to ()VION @)IN GION GION Velocity (v) versus displacement (S) graph of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in figure. (Corresponding acceleration (a) versus velocity (v) graph wy ‘A pebble s thrown horizontally from the top of a20m high tower with an initial velocity of 10 ms, The air drag is negligible. The speed ofthe pebble when itis at the same distance from top as wells base ofthe tower (= 10ms) (1) 10/2 ms 2200 @) 10,3 ms (4)25 m/s In the arrangement shown, by what ueceleration the bay must mave up se that 100 ky block remains sti tionary on the wedge. The wedge is fixed und fi ubsent everywhere, (y~ 10:ms=) ()2me? Q)4m (3) 6mm? (4)8me? Q6 Qa Qs Qs Quo Qu ‘An XO kg man standing on ice throws a 4 kg body horizontally a6 ms". The fictional coefficient between the ice and his fet is 0,02, The distance through which the an sips (10-2) (225m (2)45m_—(3)0.225m (4)45em ‘Maximum acecleration ofbiock A after ts collision with Ihlack B has magnitude (assume the collision to he clastic) kA ‘Smooth horizontal surface ik Tk k {fm ky Vn @ EPO Velocity of a body of mass 2kg moving in x-y plane is given by ¥=(2i+4t j) mis, where tis the time in second, The power delivered to the body by the resultant foree acting on itat t= 5 sec. is (801s 2) 1601s, G)401s (4) 100405 An unbanked circular highway curve on level ground makes a turn of 90°. The highway carries traffic at 108 km-hr and the centripetal force on a vehicle is not to ‘exceed 1/10 ofits weight. What isthe approximate mini- ‘mum length ofthe curve, inkm ? (1)14km@)ikm —(3)0.6km (4) Noneof these A circular hole of radius R/4 is made ina thin uniform ise having mass M and radius R, as shown in figure, The moment of inertia of the remaining portion af the ddise about an axis passing through the point O and perpendicular tothe plane of the dise ie . 219MR? 197MR? (0536 536 4) IMR" (gy IMR? 8 sia Ysia Abullet of mass 10 g and speed 50 mis is fired into a door and gets embedded exactly atthe centre of the oor. The door is 1.0m wide and weights 12 kg. Its Tinged al one end and rotates about a vertical axis practically without frietion, The ungular speed of the ‘door just after the bullet embed into it willbe (1}0.625radisce (2) 625 radsec ()4.35 adisee (4) 0.335 radsee Qu2 Qu3 us Qué Quy ‘The figure shows the elliptical orbit ofa planet with the Sun at the focus. The arcas oF regions I amd 2 are the same, IFthe plaret takes times t, to go from one end to the other end of region 1 and f, to go from one end to the other end of region 2, then what isthe relationship between t, and ES Myst @qyen 2 (4) Cannot be determined Two particles are performing simple harmonic motion tna straight line about the same equilibrium point. The ‘amplitude and time period for both parties are same tnd equal to A and T, respectively. At time t= 0 one particle has displacement A while the other one has A displacement ~- and they are moving towards exch other If they eross each other at time t, then tis 1 z rz r OF O87 OF OF; A horizontal spring mass system is executing SHM with time period of 4 sec. At time t=, itis at mean positon, Find the minimum time after which ts potential ‘energy becomes three times its kinetic energy (Ise (2)1/2see G)1/3 see (4)2/3 see Following is given the equation of a traveling wave (allin Stunits) y= (0.02)sin2x(10-Sx) Match the followings: List 1 List (only magnitude in SI units) A Speed of wave jo B Frequency of wave (ip0.4n C Wavelength of wave iy D Maximum particle speed (wy02 (A iv) B (i) C> (D> Gi) Q)A ii) Bi) C> (Dv) G)Av)B (iC GND >) (Ai) BCDC ‘An organ pipe closed at one end has fundamental fequency of 1400 Hz. The number of overtones a normal person can hear is 6 7 Gs @e ‘A rubber cord has a ross sectional area | mm? ard relaxed length 10.0 em. Itisstetched to 12.0 em and then released to project a missile of mass 5.0 g If Young's modulus of elasticity for rubber is Y ~5.0 108 Nim, find the velocity of projection. ()2m's —2)20ms (3)200mi5. (4) 2000 mis Quy Qs 920 “The work done against surface tension in blowing a soap buble froma radius i(/em to 20 emf the surface tension of solution is 25 » 10"? Nimis~ (3x10 @)6n 1071 ()2nx 10 (an 107 At temperature T the rout mean squure velocity of ‘oxygen molecules is v. I the temperature is doubled, gas dissociates und converts into alomie oxygen. Now The root mean squire velocity will he (Ww @y 2 (4) we ‘A monoatomie ideal gas undergoes a series of processes 1-2-3-4on T-Pdiagramas shown, Choose the carrect statements) (1) The work done by gas during 2-3 is zero (2) The gas is given heat during 1-2. (3) Internal energy of gas increases only in 3-4. (4) Work is done by gas during 3-4, OOM 20.3) G).2 )).8).4) SECTION INTEGER TYPE QUESTIONS Qu Qa 93 Tee at 20° Cis added to 50 g of water at 40°C. When. the temperature ofthe mixture reaches 0°C. itis found that 20 g of ies io ti added to the water was close to (in gram) (Specific heat of water= 4.2 /g/*C), Heat of fusion of water at 0°C 3Muig ‘unmelted. The amount of ice Consider a gas of triatomic molecules. The molecules are assumed to be triangular and made of massless rigid rods whose vertices are occupied by atoms. The intemal energy of'a mole of the gas at emporature Tis, XRIL Te value of is. ‘An ideal fuid flows (lamina flow) through a pipe of non-uniform diameter. the maxizcum and minimum diameters of the pipes are 6.4 em and 4.8 cm, respectively. The rato ofthe minimum and the maximum velocities of fluid inthis pipe is 9x. The value of x Qs Qs Qs qr os Qs Quo wid Fora Camot engine @ ~~ 3. Ifsink temperature is wou decreased by 52K then Q” = 7. Ihe source temperature is..e.csrin Be Aboatis traveling cast at 12 ms. flag flaps at 53°N of W at the bow of the boat, Ancther flag on shore flaps due north, Find the speed (in mis) of the wind as ‘measured on land. A 10 gbulletis fired intoa 9.99 kg wood block that is at ‘est on a wood table. The block, with the bullet embed- ded, slides 5.0 cmacross the table. What was the speed Gnim’s) of the bullet? Take w= 0.36, A uniform solid Ball of mass 10 kg and radius 2 m rotates about an axis passing through its center. The angle rotated by the bal has the expression of the form y= A+Bt +Cr where B=4 radis*, C=—1 rads! ‘What will be the force moment (in Nm) acting on the ball at timet=2s? Four forces are acting at a point P in equilibrium as shown in figure. The ratio of force F, oF, is |= x where ‘The centre of mass of solid hemisphere of radius 8 em is xem from the centre ofthe flatsurface, Then value of ‘A pendulum is suspended by a string of length 250 em. The mass of the bob of the pendulum is 200g. The bob is pulled aside until the string is at 60° with vertical as shown in the figure. After releasing the bob, the maximum velocity attained by the bob will be, ms (fg=10mis) £2800m ou Q2 Q3 Qa a6 Qa SECTIONA OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS(MCQS) 122 g of an organic compound upon complete com bustion with sufficient 0; (g) produces 30.8 ¢ CO, (g) and $4 g H,0(0, then empirical formula cf com- pound is (CHO @)CH, (3)CH,0 (4)C,H,0, ‘The number of electrons present in Co” having azimuthal quantum number {= is oF 8 BIO wR A reaction at 300K with. AG® = -1743 J consist of 3 moles ofA,,,.6 moles of B,,, and 3 moles of Ci). IFA, Band Care in equilibrium in one itr vessel, ther. the reaction should be : ((n2=0.7,R=83 /K-mol) MAB CVA B+ @2AT= BHC | HAYB == 2C 10m oF 02 MIIA istiated with 0.2M NaOH solution Calculate change in pH! between 50% of equivalence point to equivalence point [K, of HA=10"] 35° -@2 G4 a3 The pH of neutral water at25°Cis 7. As the temperature increases, ionisation of water increases, however || [OH], What will be the pOH of pure water at 60°C? (1) Equal 107 (2) Greaterthan7 {@) Less than 7 (4) Equal to zer0 What will he the equivalent weight of metal sulphate whose metal oxide has 16% oxygen by mass? M2 @590 @% ALS Correct IUPAC name of following compound is Oo NH, | I HC-CH-CH-COoH oon (1) 2-amino-3-formylbutan-I.4-dioie acid (2) 2-formyt-3-amino butan-I.4-dioie acid (G) 3-amino-2-formylbutan-1,4-dioic acid (4}2-amino-2-carboxy-4-oxobutanoic acid Arrange in increasing order of acidic strength. coon on ON. < NO; oo o 2)

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