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Race: Human Class: Fighter Level: 4th 36 16 (15)

Alignment: Neutral evil Sex: Male Age: 25
Background: Criminal Place of Origin: Kingdom of Nyrond

STR: 18 +4 Proficiency Bonus: +2 Experience Points:

DEX: 16 +3 Initiative: +3
CON: 14 +2 Hit Dice: 4d10 + 8
INT: 10 +0 Passive Wisdom (Perception): 10
WIS: 10 +0 Size: Medium Height: 5' 8” Weight: 160 lbs.
CHA: 12 +1 Speed: 30 ft. Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Brown

Languages: Common
CR 2
450 XP
Armour: All armour, shields
Weapon: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Gaming set (dice set), thieves' tools

Saving Throws: Strength +6*, Dexterity +3, Constitution +4*, Intelligence +0, Wisdom +0, Charisma +1
Skills: Acrobatics +3, Animal Handling +2*, Arcana +0, Athletics +6*, Deception +3*, History +0, Insight +0,
Intimidation +1, Investigation +0, Medicine +0, Nature +0, Perception +0, Performance +1, Persuasion +1,
Religion +0, Sleight of Hand +5*, Stealth +5*, Survival +0
* Proficiency bonus included.
Feat: Dual Wielder

Background Feature: Criminal Contact

Fighter Class Features: Fighting Style – Two-Weapon Fighting; Second Wind; Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Champion. Improved Critical (on a 19 or 20)

Name ATK Bonus Damage/Type Properties
Longsword (x2) +6 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing Versatile (1d10)
Dagger (m / r) +6 / +5 6 / 5 (1d4 + 4 / +3) piercing Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Hand crossbow +5 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
Clothing – Backpack (at his inn room) (5)
Studded leather 13 Bedroll (at his inn room) (7)
2 Longswords 6 Mess kit (at his inn room) (1)
2 Daggers 2 Tinderbox (at his inn room) (1)
Hand crossbow 3 Waterskin (at his inn room) (5)
Crossbow case with 20 bolts 2.5 2 Sacks (1)
2 Potions of healing (2d4 + 2 each) 1 2 Pouches 2
Healer's kit (10 uses) 3
Trinket: a fan that, when unfolded, shows –
a coiled cobra ready to strike
Trinket: a silver skull the size of a coin –
(worth 4 sp)

27.5 Total Weight Carried: 32.5

Unencumbered: Str x 5 = 90 lbs. x Encumbered: Str x 10 = 180 lbs.

Heavily Encumbered: Str x 15 = 270 lbs. Speed: -10 ft. Encumbered, -20 ft. Heavily Encumbered

pp: Gems:
gp: 48
sp: 29 Art Objects: Gold ring set with bloodstones (250 gp)
Other Items:

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