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The Tome of Strange Beings

Denizens of
the Darkness

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)


Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Balder Knight
Medium humanoid Balder Riposte Balder Knights may make one free melee
attack whenever a melee attack from a creature
adjacent to them misses. They may then leap
10 feet in any direction to an open space,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA without provoking attacks of opportunity.

15 16 14 11 11 11
(+2) (+3) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Armour Class: 16 (Balder Armour, Buckler),

18 (Balder Armour, Balder Shield)
Position: 78 (12d8+24) Speed: 25 feet,
Initiative DC: 15 Fly 40 feet

Saving Throws
Dex +5, Con +4

Skills Senses
Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4 passive Perception 10

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

- -
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
lightning, poison -

3 (700 Souls)


These knights once served the Knight King Rendal of Balder,

before their homeland was reduced to ruins by undead.
Long-since hollowed, these knights are strewn along the
path to Anor Londo, forever marking the failure of their
King’s grand ambition.

Despite their bitter fate, they remain skilled opponents – the

legendary shield and thrust technique of the Balder Knight
is sufficient to outlast death itself.

Weakness to Balder Knights treat any successful attack

Backstab from an attacker they cannot directly see, or
are surprised by, as a critical hit.


Multiattack Balder Knights makes two attacks with a

rapier or sword, or one attack with a crossbow.

Balder Knights are armed with one of the two following combinations,
and a crossbow.

Rapier & Buckler Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage.

Sword & Shield Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 15 (2d12+2) piercing damage.

Balder Crossbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/400

ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d6+3) piercing damage.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Blowdart Sniper
Medium humanoid


10 11 8 10 13 6
(+0) (+0) (-1) (+0) (+1) (-2)

Armour Class: 6 Speed: 0 feet

Position: 3 (1d8-1)
Initiative DC: 10

Skills Senses
- passive Perception 11

Damage Immunities Condition Immunities

- -
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
- poison

1/2 (100 Souls)

Be wary of these fiends, the contamination in Blighttown is of an

unmistakable foulness. Silentious and craven dregs of the toxic
scum, the Blowdart Snipers ensconce themselves in the decaying
recesses of the noxious cleft. They clad themselves in the refuse 35
discarded by the above world to disappear into the rank miasma
they inhabit. Hunched unseen, ready, and more than willing, to
discharge darts smeared in virulent poisons at any unfortunate
who dares venture through the pestilential place.

Blighttown The Blowdart Sniper has the invisible condition.

Mimicry When the Blowdart Sniper uses the Toxic Dart action,
the target creature and allies within 5 feet of them
must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Once this check has been passed the Blowdart Sniper
loses the invisibility condition.


Toxic Dart Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 25/100 ft., one
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage. A creature hit by this
attack has the poisoned condition and must immediately
make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save
the target loses Position equal to the average roll of one of
its Hit Dice every minute. The loss of Position continues
until the poisoned condition is removed.

Feeble Push Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit
2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. A creature hit by this attack
is pushed 5 feet directly away from the Blowdart Sniper.


Panic Shot When an enemy moves within 10 feet of the

Blowdart Sniper, if there are no other enemies within
this range, the Blowdart Sniper may immediately
make a Toxic Shot attack as a reaction.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Maws in the Stone Burrowing Rockworms often eject themselves
Burrowing Rockworm from stony surfaces when prey is nearby, though
Huge monstrosity some may stay partially within the ceiling or
high on a wall. Their location helps determine
their options in combat.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Caustic Feeding Creatures restrained by the Burrowing
Rockworm automatically take 29 (5d8+7)
24 22 22 1 6 6 piercing damage and 16 (5d6) acid damage at
(+7) (+6) (+6) (-5) (-2) (-2) the start of their turn.
Armour Class: 18 (Natural Armour) Speed: 15 feet,
Position: 207 (18d10+108) Burrow 50 feet
Initiative DC: 16 Multiattack The Burrowing Rockworm makes two attacks,
only one of which can be lunge or hanging thrash.

Saving Throws Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Str +11, Con +10 one target. Hit: 20 (3d8+7) piercing damage.
If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is
also grappled and restrained (escape DC 19).
Skills Senses
Perception +2 darkvision 60 ft., Acid Spit Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 30
passive Perception 12 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6+6) acid damage,
and one piece of nonmagical armour worn
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities by the target is partly dissolved and takes a
permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the
acid exhaustion, petrified,
AC it offers. The armour is destroyed if the
prone, restrained
penalty reduces its AC to 10. If the target isn’t
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances wearing armour, they take an additional 7
poison - (2d6) acid damage.

Lunge Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 20 (3d8+7) piercing damage.
If this attack exceeds the target’s AC by 5 or
36 10 (5,900 souls) more, the target takes double damage and is
grappled and restrained (escape DC 19).

Covered in rock-like nubs of calloused flesh, these undulating Hanging Thrash (Recharge 4-6). Melee Weapon Attack: +11
terrors spit acid and thrash about with terrible strength. Most to hit, reach 10 ft., all creatures it can reach
creatures caught up in a Burrowing Rockworm’s coils don’t without moving. Hit: 20 (3d8+7) bludgeoning
live to tell the tale, as the beast’s maw is filled with hundreds damage, and the creature is knocked back 10
of serrated teeth capable of grasping and shredding armour feet unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Strength
and flesh with ease. (Athletics) check. This attack can only be used
if the Burrowing Rockworm is in the ceiling
or another rocky surface.

Burrowed In While burrowed into a wall or ceiling, the

Burrowing Rockworm has +4 to its AC and
takes only half damage from any non-magical


Spend 5 Position Change Location. The Burrowing Rockworm

leaps up to 30 feet into the closest safe space in
the ceiling or high on a wall. If it is already in
the ceiling or a wall, it instead ejects from that
place up to 30 feet to a safe place on the ground.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Chain Armour Attacks that deal bludgeoning, slashing, or
Chained Prisoner piercing damage deal half damage against the
Huge humanoid Chained Prisoner.

Blood in Chains The chains that bind the creature whip and lash
around the abomination. Any creature within
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5 feet of the Chained Prisoner at the start of
their turn takes 7 (1d4+5) bludgeoning damage.
21 18 21 8 7 7
(+5) (+4) (+5) (-1) (-2) (-2) Actions
Armour Class: 18 Speed: 60 feet
Multiattack The Chained Prisoner makes three attacks per
Position: 287 (25d12+125) turn.
Initiative DC: 14
Smash Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
target. Hit: 27 (4d10+5) bludgeoning damage.
Skills Senses
Wrecking Ball Melee Weapon Attack:+9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Intimidation +2 passive Perception 8
target. Hit: 36 (3d20+5) bludgeoning damage
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities and the target must succeed on a DC18
Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. A
acid, lightning charmed, frightened, prone,
creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes
half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone.
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
Charging Fury (Recharge 6). The Chained Prisoner charges
- bludgeoning, slashing,
60 feet, doing 41 (8d8+5) bludgeoning damage
to any creature whose space it passes through.
If the charge ends in a space occupied by an
hostile creature, then it will move past it to the
next free space.
12 (8,400 Souls)
Creatures that are hit must succeed on a
DC16 Dexterity or Strength saving throw or
Having broken its legs free, the obvious signs of an attempted be knocked prone.
imprisonment now empower it; the stake it was chained to
is now a barbarous weapon, the chains that bind it now an Bloodied
impenetrable armour. With a swinging boulder chained to
its distended mass as a makeshift wrecking-ball, this pitiful Restrained Fury Hurt and confined, the Chained Prisoner is
being can sunder flesh, crush bones and demolish walls; surely overcome with fury. Multiattack bestows one
the Abyss beyond is not as heinous as this? additional attack, its movement is increased by
15 feet and its AC is reduced by 4.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Medium humanoid


9 14 11 17 12 11
(-1) (+2) (+0) (+3) (+1) (+0)

Armour Class: 15 (Enchanted Armour)

Position: 99 (22d8) Speed: 20 feet
Initiative DC: 16

Saving Throws
Int +6

Skills Senses
Arcana +6, History +6, truesight 120 ft.,
Perception +4, passive Perception 14
Performance +3
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
fire exhaustion, poisoned
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
- damage from spells and
magical weapons

38 6 (2,300 Souls)

Adorned in grandiose costumes befitting their station,

Channelers are the chosen research assistants of The
Paledrake. Travelling through Lordran and beyond to
return the finest, and most available, specimens to the
Great Archive to slake their master’s unending thirst for Actions
knowledge. Seath bestows impressive esoteric powers upon
them, ensuring they (and most importantly, the knowledge Multiattack A Channeler makes three attacks.
they carry) return to the Archive unscathed.
Trident Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
It is unclear if their will is entirely their own, or if the creature target. Hit: 13 (2d10+2) piercing damage.
who peers through the six crystalline eyes in their masks guides
his aides more directly. What is clear is that a Channeler is Soul Arrow Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 40 ft., one
dangerous. Made even more so by their ability to imbue their target. Hit: 29 (4d12+3) piercing damage.
allies with terrifying arcane strength.
War Dance (Recharge 5-6). All allies within 20 feet of the
Channeler gain the following benefits. Attacks
score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. Attacks
Eyes of the Duke The six eyes in the faceplate of a Channeler deal an extra 1d6 of their damage type. This
see all, a Channeler has truesight to a range lasts until the Channeler is killed, even if the
of 120 feet. affected creature leaves the area of effect.

Ensorcelled For one round after a Narrow Escape reaction, Reactions

Movements a Channeler is resistant to all damage while it
is encased in the incandescent after-effects Narrow Escape (Recharge 6). When hit by a melee weapon
of a teleportation. attack, after taking damage, the Channeler
teleports up to 40 feet.
Enchanted Armaments Attacks made by a Channeler are magical.

Enthusiastic Spend 6 Position. Increase the range of the

Performance war dance action to 40 feet.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Aberrant Ground The ground in a 10-foot radius around the Chaos
Chaos Eater Eater is treated as difficult terrain. Each creature
Large monstrosity that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a
DC 10 Strength saving throw or have its speed
reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. 39


10 8 16 3 10 6 Multiattack The Chaos Eater makes one Tentacle Swipe and

(+0) (-1) (+3) (−4) (+0) (−2) one Corrosive Vomit attack.

Armour Class: 9 (Natural Armour) Speed: 10 feet Tentacle Swipe Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Position: 76 (9d10+27) creature. Hit: 17 (5d6) piercing damage. If the
target is Medium or smaller, it must succeed
Initiative DC: 9
on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or become
restrained (escape DC 10) by the Chaos Eater.
Skills Senses Corrosive Vomit Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, range 30/60 feet.,
- darkvision 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage. Each
passive Perception 10 time a creature is hit by this attack, it suffers -1
to its AC or weapon attack and damage rolls
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
(targeted creature’s choice). This modifier persists
- grappled, prone until the creature completes a short or long rest
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances at a bonfire.

- - Consume The Chaos Eater consumes a creature it has

restrained.The creature must succeed on a DC 10
Strength saving throw to avoid being consumed.
Challenge: On a failed save the creature is consumed and is
2 (450 Souls) immediately reduced to 0 Position.

These bug-like creatures are covered in eyes and gaping tooth-

ringed mouths; the final sight of any who wander too close.
Their sucker-like appendages create a distinctive popping
noise as they walk. Spraying corrosive spittle, a Chaos Eater
is able to consume a knight in full armour in mere moments.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Jumping Slash Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Clan of Forest Hunters Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage. If the target is a
Medium humanoid creature other than a construct, it must succeed on
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or lose 3 (1d6)
Position at the start of each of its turns due to the
appalling wound inflicted. Any creature can take an
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA action to staunch the bleeding with a successful DC
12 Wisdom (Medicine) check.The wound also closes
18 15 16 10 12 15 if the target receives magical healing.
(+4) (+2) (+3) (+0) (+1) (+2)
Shield Bash Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Armour Class: 16 (Studded Leather, Shield)
Hit: 9 (2d4+4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is
Position: 112 (15d8+45) Speed: 30 feet a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a
Initiative DC: 15 DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Saving Throws
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6 Parry The Forest Hunter Bandit adds 3 to its AC against
one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the
bandit must see the attacker and be wielding a
Skills Senses melee weapon.
Athletics +7, passive Perception 11
Intimidation +5
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities Corvian Knight
fire exhaustion, poisoned Large humanoid
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
- -

Challenge: 14 16 14 11 14 11
(+2) (+3) (+2) (+0) (+2) (+0)
5 (1,800 Souls)
40 Armour Class: 15 (Assassins Leathers)
Position: 68 (8d10+16) Speed: 45 feet
A member of the Forest Hunters, a covenant of devoted warriors
sworn to protect the Darkroot Garden, eternal resting place of Initiative DC: 16
the legendary Knight Artorias of the Abyss, from intruders and
grave robbers. The Forest Hunters patrol the Garden and serve
under long-lived beast Alvina of the Darkroot Wood, leader Saving Throws
of the Forest Hunters and trusted friend of Knight Artorias. Str +5, Dex +6

The Forest Hunter bandit is ruthless and intimidating, wielding

a wicked battle axe alongside a broad round crimson shield Skills Senses
with an intricate black spider etched upon it. Typically wears Acrobatics +6 passive Perception 12
the garb of brigands from the lands of blazing sun, dust, and
sand: lightweight cloth and leather armour strengthened with Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
bands of bronze. fire -
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
lightning -

Brave The Forest Hunter Bandit has advantage on saving

throws against being frightened. Challenge:
5 (1,800 Souls)
Brute A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage
when the bandit hits with it (included in the attack).
Infatuated with Sister Friede and sworn to protect the
painting from flame; these vicious corvians haunt the
darkness, forever waiting for fresh prey. Loyal to a fault and
Bandit The Forest Hunter Bandit makes three melee attacks.
as wholly corrupted as the world around them, they even
resorted to executing their flame-praising brethren. In spite,
Battle Axe (One-handed). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
or perhaps because of, their stooped and skeletal frames, these
5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage.
so-called knights fight with a dextrous and acrobatic style;
perfect for skulking the shadows of the Corvian Settlement.
Battle Axe (Two-handed). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10+4) slashing damage.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

Corvian Storyteller
Medium humanoid


9 9 14 16 11 11
(-1) (-1) (+2) (+3) (+0) (+0)

Armour Class: 11
Position: 97 (15d8+30) Speed: 30 feet,
Initiative DC: 9 Fly 45 feet

Saving Throws
Int +5, Wis +2

Skills Senses
Arcana +5, History +5 passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities
fire, poison poisoned, sleep
Damage Vulnerabilities Damage Resistances
Corvian Agility Corvian Knights have +3 AC against ranged - -
attacks and spells.
Onslaught Once per round, after making a successful attack,
2 (450 Souls)
the Corvian Knight may spend 2 Position to
make one additional attack immediately.
Nomadic wretches that travel the lands and share tales of 41
Actions the gentle painted world with other forlorn souls. Frail and
skeletal, matted feathers fall from their form with every attack,
Multiattack Corvian Knights makes three attacks, or five but they should not be underestimated; dreadful toxins and
if equipped with Crow Claws. a surprising ferocity await any who do. Storytellers tend to
urge their cohorts into fits of rage, while they strike enemies
Whirlwind Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, 5-foot radius with their spore-heavy staves, ravaging all who may incur
sphere centred on the Corvian Knight. Hit: 12 their wrath as they push ever onward in search of a new home.
(2d8+3) slashing damage. Can only be used by
Corvian Knights equipped with Crow Claws.

Fan of Knives Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, 15-foot. cone. Winged The wings of a Corvian Storyteller are fully formed,
Hit: 9 (2d8 + 3) damage. May only be used granting them a flight speed of 45 feet.
by Corvian Knights equipped with the Crow
Quill. Each creature targeted must make a Actions
DC14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13
(3d8) piercing damage on a failed save, or Multiattack The Corvian Storyteller attacks twice.
half as much damage on a successful one. The
Corvian may then leap 20 feet, this does not Fungal Stave Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
provoke attacks of opportunity. target. Hit: 3 (1d8-1) bludgeoning damage.

Corvian Knights are armed with one of the following combinations: Toxic Glob The Corvian Storyteller hurls a 5-foot radius
sphere of toxic glob at a space within 60 feet of
Crow Claws Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one them. Creatures in the sphere must succeed on a
target.. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage. DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8)
poison damage and become poisoned.
Crow Quill Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing damage. Reactions

Bloodied Disperse Spores The Corvian Storyteller may use its reaction when
hit by an attack to create a 20-foot radius sphere
Knightly Bloodlust The multiattack action gives one additional centred on itself. Creatures, other than the Corvian
attack to all variants of the Corvian Knight. Storyteller, in the sphere take 9 (2d8) poison
Each attack does +2 damage and they gain +2 damage and must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
Dexterity until the end of the combat. saving throw or become poisoned for 1d4 rounds.

Hiato PDSS (Order #41309770)

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