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M. M. Elmetwally N. Dharma Rao

Student Member, I.E.E.E. Member, I.E.E.E.
ABSTRACT 6. Matrix Techniques: These techniques, which are
based on modern control theory, have been suggested by
In this paper, the second method of Liapunov is Laughton [15] and Undrill [16]. Using the concept of
used to investigate the dynamic stability problem of state variables, the differential equations describing
power systems using the perturbed system dynamics in the small-signal performance of the synchronous ma-
state variable form. Defining stability measure in chines and associated control apparatus are expressed
terms of Liapunov functions and their time derivatives, in vector-matrix form. Once such a formulation is
the paper formulates a method for the calculation of achieved, a variety of methods developed in the recent
the sensitivity of the dynamic stability measure to control literature become applicable.
variations in various machine and control system pa-
rameters. The method provides a basis for optimal dy- Need For Sensitivity Analysis
namic stability design of power systems, the criterion In Dynamic Stability Studies
of optimality being that the sensitivity of the dynam-
ic stability measure to parameter variations be zero. As described above, the first phase of the appli-
For simplicity, the case of a synchronous machine con- cation of control system techniques to the power sys-
nected to an infinite bus is considered. The effect tem dynamic stability problem concentrates primarily
of various voltage regulator parameters on the sensi- on the acquisition of information pertaining to the
tivity of the dynamic stability measure is investi- values of machine and control system parameter combi-
gated. A numerical example is used to demonstrate the nations for stability in general and assigned degree
superiority of the time response resulting from the of relative stability in particular. In other words,
choice of parameter settings corresponding to zero the work reported in the references cited above large-
sensitivity of the dynamic stability measure. The ly concerns itself with the determination of regions
method is readily generalized to the case of multi-ma- in the parameter space within which the system pos-
chine power systems. sesses a prescribed degree of relative stability. How-
ever, one further question needs to be resolved. This
INTRODUJCTION relates to the choice of the parameters in the stabil-
ity zone such that the transient response of the sys-
Power system dynamic stability has been the sub- tem for small disturbances remains acceptable. Since
ject of extensive investigation by many authors. The transient performance is dependent on the root loca-
methods that have been used so far may be classified tions of the system in the complex plane, it becomes
as follows. necessary to study the effect of the sensitivity of
the characteristic roots of the system to the differ-
1. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion: In this method, the ent parameter variations. Paraphrasing, the question
sign of the real part of the roots of the characteris- to be answered is, "'ow sensitive are the locations of
tic equation is predicted on the basis of the coeffi- the characteristic roots to small variations in param-
cients of the equation. If any root has a positive eter values, when the nominal values correspond to a
real part, it is concluded that the system is unstable. stable operating point?"
This approach has been extensively used by Concordia,
Messerle, Yu and others [1-6]. Its major disadvantage In an attempt to answer this question, Laughton
is that no information regarding the degree of stabil- [17] and Kasturi et al [18] made use of two different
ity is available. approaches for performing sensitivity calculations.
Laughton's approach consists in reducing the linear-
2. Nyquist Criterion: This classical control tech- ized equations to the vector-matrix form
nique has been used by Messerle and Bruck [7], Jaco-
vides and Adkins [8], Aldred and Shackshaft [9], and X = AX '(1)
Ewart and Demello [10]. Even though this method is
capable of showing the degree of stability and indica- where X is an n-vector and A a constant n-square ma-
ting the possible procedures for its improvement, it trix. The dot over X denotes differentiation with
suffers from the disadvantage of extensive computation respect to time. Using the sensitivity coefficients
and poor presentation of results. of the eigenvalues of the A-matrix, he goes on to pre-
dict the approximate changes in eigenvalue locations
3. Analogue Computation: This approach has been and hence the modifications to system stability mar-
used by Messerle [3,11], and Heffron and Phillips [12]. gins and behaviour for any number of design parameter
While it pernits the determination of stability by changes. In contrast, Kasturi et al calculate the
direct observation of the resulting performance, it is sensitivity coefficients of the system characteristic
lengthy and time consuming. As a result, it is not roots using the generalized Mitrovic method.
generally popular.
Outline Of The Proposed Method
4. Root Locus: Using standard root locus tech-
niques, Stapleton [13] investigated the effect of In the present paper, it is proposed to investi-
various voltage regulator parameters on stability and gate the sensitivity problem in dynamic stability
dynamic response. studies through the second method of Liapunov. The
starting point is the representation of the linearized
5. D-partition or Domain Separation: This method equations in state-variable form as shown by equation
has been used by Surana and Hariharan [14] and Yu et (1). Using the well-known Liapunov theorem on asymp-
al [4]. Since it renders possible, the graphical rep- totic stability, the stability of the system is first
resentation of stability limits in the plane of one or checked for the assumed set of operating conditions
two parameters of interest, it appears to have consid- and control parameter values. Then, following Kalman
erable application to problems involving the selection and Bertram [19], the maximum value of *the ratio of a
of regulator parameter values for optimum results. Liapunov function V to the negative of V is taken as a
Paper T 72 144-9, recommended and approved by the Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE
Winter Meeting, New York, N.Y., January 30-February 4, 1972. Manuscript submitted August 19, 1971; made available for printing November 24, 1971.
figure of merit for the tra-nsient response of the sys- lead to identical predictions as far as absolute sta-
tem. This ratio denoted by T, being an estimate of bility is concerned. However, in contrast with the
the largest time constant (i.e., the reciprocal of the fonner, the latter can provide estimates of relative
real part of the predominant or critical root) associ- stability and sensitivity to parameter variations.
ated with the system transient, gives an indication of
how fast equilibrium is approached. Adopting T as a Dynamic Stability Measure
dynamic stability measure, its sensitivity to varia-
tions in voltage regulator parameters such as, regula- For the system (1), if it is possible to find a
tor gain, exciter time constant, etc., is stiudied for positive-definite scalar function V(X) whose total
the case of a synchronous machine with its control time derivative is negative definTte, then by Lia-
equipment connected to an infinite bus. It is shown punov's theorem, the asymptotic stability of (1) is
that the regulator parameter settings corresponding to assured. Following Kalman and Bertram [19], an esti-
the zero-crossings of the sensitivity curves result in mate of the rate at which the system's response ap-
a transient with minimum settling time. An example is proaches the origin is given by the expression
given to demonstrate the superiority of the system
response resulting from the choice of parameter values
which correspond to zero sensitivity of the dynamic T = X[. (] X A (4)
stability measure.
System Model It can be shown that
In order to permit concentration on the main T = max. e.igenvalue of [Q P1
events, a synchronous machine connected to an infinite
bus is considered. However, since the differential T may be regarded as an estimate of the largest time
equations of the perturbed quantities are linear, constant relating to the changes in a Liapunov func-
there is no limitation on the applicability of the tion V over a certain region in state space. Its val-
method to the dynamic stability analysis of multi-ma- ue can be considered a figure of merit for the assumed
chine systems. A conventional voltage regulator with operating conditions and control parameters. Smaller
the following transfer function [4] is assumed. values of T correspond to faster response and vice
versa. Since the value of T is thus an index of rela-
Avf -V (l+T p) tive stability, we shall hereafter call T the dynamic
fVt = + (Te+e +
(2) stability measure.
+ (Te+ P')p +Tp
t -1 es s es
Sensitivity Analysis Using The
Governor action is neglected for simplicity. However, Second Method Of Liapunov
if desired, sensitivity calculations for the governor
parameters can be carried out in exactly the same way A method will be developed now to calculate the
as for the voltage regulator parameters. The reduc- sensitivity of the stability measure T to variations
tion of the linearized system equations to the state- in various machine and control system parameters. The
variable fonn of equation (1) is shown in the Appendix. method provides a basis for optimal stability design
of power systems, the criterion of optimality being
Liapnov Functions For Linear Differential Systems that the settling time as indicated by T is a minimum.
Linearization of the general nonlinear differen- Taking Q in equation (3) to be the unit matrix
tial equations describing the dynamic performance of and differentiating with respect to any control vari-
the system about a postulated equilibrium point leads able v for which the sensitivity needs to be calculat-
to a set of equations, whose state-variable represen- ed, there results
tation is given by equation (1). The equilibrium
state X(o) of the system (1) is asymptotically stable aAt p + p aA + At aP + aP A = 0
if and only if given any symmetric, positive-definite
matrix Q, there exists a symmetric, positive-definite
matrix P which is the unique solution of the set of Rewriting gives
n(n+l)/2 linear equations [19].
AtP V +PA =-D (6)
AtP + PA = -Q (3) V

and XtPX is a Liapunov function for (1).
D = AtP
+ PAv (7)
A few comments are in order here regarding the
application of the second method of Liapunov to linear The subscript v indicates the partial derivative with
and nonlinear differential systems. The second method respect to the variable v. Now let the following
of Liapunov, when applied to a nonlinear power system eigenvector equation be considered.
problem such as transient stability invariably results
in a conservative estimate of the stability region [20]. (8)
However, no such difficulty arises in the application Pyi= XiYi ,i
12, ...,n

of this method to dynamic stability analysis because

of the linear nature of small departure equations. In Here Yl represents the normalized eigenvector corre-
fact, Parks [21] derived the Routh-Hurwitz stability sponding to the eigenvalue X. of the matrix P. Dif-
criterion from the Liapuov theorem stated above.
ferentiation of equation (8) with respect to the vari-
As demonstrated in the sequel, if the stability able v in question yields
of a linear system is established by means of a Lia-
puov function, the latter can be used to estimate the PY. +PY. =x. Y. + x.Y.
V-1 -1V iVi i-V
rapidity of transient response, effect of variation in
parameters, etc. It must be mentioned that the Routh- Multiplying both sides by Yi and simplifying, one ob-
Hurwitz Criterion and the second method of Liapunov
tains ra = re = 0.02 xe = 0.3 H= 5sec
-1 V-i
Y. +
-1 -iv
= x.
+ X.y:ty.
i-i-iM (9) kd = 0.01 rf = 0.001 wo = 2ir(60)rad/sec
Taking the transpose of equation (8) and substituting Using the procedure previously explained, the
t stability check- and sensitivity calculations are per-
1-1 in equation (9) leads to after some simpli-
for X.Y
fication formed on a digital computer for an assumed under
excited operating condition and various values of reg-
ulator parameters. The results so obtained are summa-
X. iV
= ytP y.
(10) rized in Figures 2-4. In each case the zero-crossing
of the sensitivity curve in question represents the
Let Xi = T be the largest eigenvalue of the matrix best parameter setting.
P(=Q1P, since Q is chosen as the unit matrix in Furthermore, Figures 2-4 show that the sensitivi-
equation (5)). Then it follows from equation (10) ty curves are relatively flat in the vicinity of their
that zero-crossings. Hence it may be inferred that in this
region the dynamic stability measure is relatively
T 'V = YPy (11) insensitive to variations of the parameter under con-
v- sideration. On the contrary, in the end regions the
sensitivity curves are somewhat steeper. This indi-
where Y the eigenvector corresponding to the eigen- cates that for operation in these regions the system
value T. dynamic stability measure is highly sensitive to pa-
rameter variations. The foregoing analysis shows the
By definition, the sensitivity of a system vari- importance of selecting the parameter settings in the
able T to a parameter v is neighbourhood of their best values.
Tv=T 9T vT In order to dramatize the deterioration of the
vsTTv aT=
DvT TT v(2 (12) system response when the operating point is changed
from 0 to O' in Figure 1, the system equations are
Combining equations (11) and (12) gives integrated numerically on a digital computer and the
results presented in Figure 5-7. The disturbance
ST= (YtPY) (13) considered is a step of 0.02 radians in the power
angle. Only the time response of the state variables
A6, Aw and Aif are shown. The other two state vari-
The procedure to be followed for the assessment ables namely Avf and Avf show a similar behaviour. The
of dynamic stability is then:
control parameters values indicated by the analysis
1. Equation (3) is solved for the elements of the presented here lie in the range of values presently
matrix P. If P is positive definite, the system is used in practice [22].
stable for the assumed operating condition and parame-
ter values. QJNCLUSIONS
2. With stability assured, T and Y corresponding to Using the second method of Liapunov, a new proce-
P are determined. As remarked already, T is an index dure for performing sensitivity calculations in dynam-
of dynamic stability measure. ic stability analysis has been developed. The proce-
dure is simple and lends itself readily to programming
3. The elements of Av are calculated by simple dif- on a digital computer. The use of a Liapunov function
ferentiation of the elements of A. Equation (6) is to check dynamic stability makes it also possible to
then solved for the elements of P v estimate the quality of the transient performance and
the effect of variation of parameters. All these ap-
4. The sensitivity STV of the dynamic stability mea- plications of the Liapunov theory stem from regarding
the Liapunov function as a measure of the distance
sure is obtained from equation (13). from the origin. Using the settling time, obtainable
from a Liapunov function and its time derivative, as a
It is easy to see that the zero-crossing of the measure of dynamic stability, its sensitivity with
graph of S versus v corresponds to minimum T, as respect to various voltage regulator parameters is
examined. The sensitivity calculations demonstrate
illustrated in Figure 1. The selection of the param- that the choice of parameters corresponding to minimum
eter v corresponding to the zero-crossing of the sen- settling time enhance the quality of the transient.
sitivity curve results in a transient with minimum
settling time. The development reported in this paper supple-
ments the recent work on transient stability using the
Illustrative Example For Sensitivity Analysis second method of Liapuov. As shown in reference [23],
very often a Liapunov fuction developed for the lin-
A synchronous machine connected to an infinite ear model of a nonlinear system can be generalized to
system is selected for sensitivity analysis. The sys- predict stability regions for the actual nonlinear
tem model and the underlying assumptions are described system. Thus power system stability, which is actual-
in the Appendix. A voltage regulator is assumed, but ly a single phenomenon but divided for ease of analy-
governor action is neglected. sis into steady state and transient, can be studied in
a unified way using a single technique.
The machine and transmission line constants are:
xd= 1.2 xq= 0.8 xd= Xf= 1.1
0 = subscript denoting an initial condition

A = prefix to denote small changes about the pV = overall stabilizer gain = (1 + k 11 )
initial operating value
All quantities are in p.u., unless otherwise stated
I d-- = time derivative
_ symbol identifying vectors Formation Of The A Matrix For A Single Machine System
Jm.=Vqm armature voltages in d and q axes,
The system considered consists of a synchronous
machine feeding into a large system which can be rep-
resented by an infinite bus-bar through an external
vt = magnitude of machine terminal voltage reactance. Synchronous machine equations in d and q
axes are used [4]. They are based on the following
vb = infinite bus-bar voltage main assumptions:
(i) Saturation is neglected.
vf = field winding applied voltage
(ii) The effect of stator slots is negligible.
id,i. = armature currents in d and q axes,
respectively (iii) The stator windings are sinusoidally dis-
tributed around the air gap.
w = rated angular velocity, rad/sec
(iv) The armature transformer voltages are
. = instantaneous angular velocity of neglected.
nimachine rotor, rad/sec
The system linearized equations written in the
xd,xq = synchronous reactance in d and q axes, matrix form are:
e Li [av d-vbcos 0
d-axis between stator and
rotor inreactance
xmd = mutual

rf,xf = field winding resistance and reactance,

Ixe reJ A^iqj Avqmj vbsin6o,
respectively which can be written symbolically as
ra = armature winding resistance Ll =
Z1AV +
Z2A6 (14)
re Ke = respectively
tie-line resistance and reactance, where

r -x
e e~ ~ ~ ~~~ -vbcos6
6 = rotor angle, radians
H = inertia time constant, (kWsec/kVA)
= ZX
I- x2sin6
J = moment of inertia = 2Hi/wo
danping coefficient
Vher -::L[ Ad
kd =
qif+ qiqo /wo
= active power output of the machine w
where C = (x difo-xdid)/WO
= reactive power output of the machine or in symbolic form
Av = Z Ai + Zaif +Z (A1
= mechanical power input to the rotor 3-m 5-

Te = exciter time constant, seconds

0AVf WorfAif + xOfpAif
[xmd 0]

Ts = stabilizer time constant, seconds
or symbolically
ke = exciter gain
WOVAf = ZIif +
Z7pAif -
Z8PAi (16)
k = amplifier gain
APm (Pmo/wod mdi qo Ai f
= +k)a + x +

= stabilizer gain
Pe = -regulator gain = keka [(xq-diqo MOAqo A
+. A

Ve e
= overall regulator gain =
rf Pe or

Ai- +Z1i4
Z= w+ z1 0-f
AP Z.:m,9- + _Z
Z12pAW (17) - Z38A6 - Z39Pf Z(24 (24)
and where
Avd1 Z36 z16Z34' Z42 Z37 + Z41' Z38 z16Z33'
Avt =
[vdmO/vto Vqo/v ] AVJ
qmj z39 Z17z34' z40 Z17Z35 Z37 Z16Z35 and

or z41 Z17Z 33
= Z 1 3-Av (18)
Substituting from (20) into (17) to eliminate Ai,
Considering the voltage regulator transfer function as then
represented by equation (2) and rewriting in matrix
form, then AP= Z468) + Z47Lif + Z45AL + Z12pA (25)
Avf + T PAvf + T2p AVf = P"Avt - TsPAVt
Z46 Z9+Z44 Z44 =11Z22 Z4s5 = + 43
Avf + Z 1 4PVf + Z15kf-f = 1Z16Vt Z17PAVt - Z43 = Z11Z21 and Z45 = Z11Z23.
(19) Rewriting the equations (22), (24), and (25) in state
where variable fonn gives
T =T + T and T TT
1 e S5s 2 es A,X = A2X
into equation (14) to or
Substituting from equation (15)
eliminate Avm, then X = A-'2
Limi = Z 2 1Ai-f + Z 22- A6
Aw + Z 2 3- (20) X = AX (26)
where where Al' A2 and X are defined as follows:
Z18 =Z1Z3) 219 Z1Z4) Z20 1 Z5
1 a6
Z21 =
(U-Z18) Z19, Z22 =
(U-28) Z20 and Z12
A1 = -Z28 Z30 Aif
23 (U-Z 1 8 8) z2
1 Avf
Combining equations (15) and (18) gives Avf
Z40 Z39 15

- vt =
Z2 4Ai + Z2Ai +
Z26Aw (21)
where 1
Z13z3, Z25 =Z13Z4 and Z26 =z13z5.
-Z45 -Z46 -Z47
Combining equations (16) and (20) gives
A2 = Z330 -Z6 L0
AV i+ Z30 M 2f pAW Z29Aw
22 29-
w = -
o-~=Vf Z26tif 1
- (22)
-Z38 -Z42 -Z36 -1 -Z214
z27 =z8z21"'z28 z8z22V' z29 z8z23 and
All the submatrices are of dimensions lxl. The
z30 =7z27' above procedure is useful especially in the case of
multimachine systems, where the A matrix is formed
Substituting from (20) into (21) to eliminate Ai from the system submatrices.
=-t Ai +2z 35-"
=2Z 3 4t-f AW +2 3 3-
A6 (23)
The research reported in this paper is supported
where by an operating grant from the National Research
Council of Canada.
234 Z31 + 25, Z35 = Z32 + Z26$
Z33 z24z23- z32 =Z24Z22 and Z31 Z24Z (1) C. Concordia, "Steady-state stability of synchro-
nous machines as affected by voltage regulator
Combining equations (19) and (23), then characteristics," AIEE, Elec. Engg. Transactions
Section, vol. 63, pp. 215-220, May 1944.
Vf + Z14vf + Z15Avf -Z36Alf Z42AW
(2) C. Concordia, "Effect of buck-boost voltage regu- vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 577-591, November 1964.
lator on steady state stability limit," Trans.
AIEE, Part I, vol. 69, pp. 380-385, 1950. (18) R. Kasturi and P. Doraraju, "Sensitivity analysis
of power systems," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus
(3) H. K. Messerle, "Steady state stability of alter- and Systems, vol. PAS-88, No. 10, pp. 1521-1529,
nators as modified by regulators," Elec. and October 1969.
Mech. Engg. Trans., IE Aust., vol. EM3, No.T2,
pp. 101-104, November 1961. (19) R. E. Kalman and J. E. Bertram, "Control system
analysis and design via the second method of Lia-
(4) Y. N. Yu and K. Vongsuriya, "Steady-state stabil- punov,"1 Part I, Trans. ASME, Ser. D, vol. 82,-
ity limits of a regulated synchronous machine pp. 371-393, June 1W6 .
conected to an infinite system," IEEE Trans-
actions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. (20) N. D. Rao, "Generation of Liapunov functions for
PAS-85, No. 7, pp. 759-767, July 1966. the transient stability problem," Transactions of
the Engineering Institute of Canad, EIC-68-ELECT
(5) R. R. Booth and G. L. Dillon, "The use of digital 3, vol. ll, No. C-3, pp. 1-8, May 1968.
computers for steady state stability calcula-
tions," The Institution of Engineers, Australia, (21) P. C. Parks, "A new proof of the Routh-Hurwitz
Elec. Engg. Trans., pp. 12-22, March 1968. stability criterion using the second method of
Liapunov," Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1962, 58,
(6) R. M. Gove, "Geometric construction of the sta- pp. 694-702.
bility limits of synchronous machines," Proc.IEE,
vol. 112, No. 5, pp. 977-985, May 1965. (22) IEEE Committee Report, "Computer representation
of excitation systems," IEEE Tutorial Course,
(7) H. K. Messerle and R. W. Bruck, "Steady-state Text 70M29-PWR, pp. 244-248, 1970.
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by regulators and governors," Proc. IEE, Part c, (23) N. D. Rao, "Routh-Hurwitz conditions and Liapunov
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(8) L. J. Jacovides and B. Adkins, "Effect of excita- 1969 .
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ity," Proc. IEE, vol. 113, No. 6, pp. 1021-1034,
June 1966.
(9) A. S. Aldred and G. Shackshaft, "A frequency-
response method for the predetermination of syn-
chronous-machine stability," Proc. IEE, vol. 107c,
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(10) D. N. Ewart and F. P. Demello, "A digital comput-
er program for the automatic determination of
dynamic stability limits," IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-86, No. 7,
pp. 867-875, July 1967.
(11) H. K. Messerle, "Relative dynamic stability of
large synchronous generators," Proc. IEE, Part c,
vol. 103, pp. 234-242, 1956. Fig. 1.
(12) W. G. Heffron and R. A. Phillips, "Effect of a
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(13) C. A. Stapleton, "Root-locus study of synchro-
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(14) S. Surana and M. V. Hariharan, "Transient re-
sponse and transient stability of a power sys-
tem, " Proc. IEE (London), vol. 115, pp. 114-120, 0

January 1968. Reulator Gain (p.f*

(15) M. A. Laughton, 'Matrix analysis of dynamic sta-
bility in synchronous multimachine systems," Proc.
IEE, vol. 113, No. 2, pp. 325-336, February I96.
(16) J. M. Undrill, "Dynamic stability calculations
for an arbitrary number of interconnected syn-
chronous machines," IEEE Transactions on Power
Aparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-87, No. 3, pp. Fig. 2. Effect of regulator gain on the sensitivity
835-8447,March 1968. of T.
(17) M. A. Laughton, "Sensitivity in dynamic system Pt 1.5, = -0.8, Te = 1 sec, Ts = 1 sec
analysis,'" Journal of Electronics and Control, (a) p = 2.5, (b) p5 = 5
s s

Exciter time constont (Te ec)

Fig. 3. Effect of exciter timne constant on the

sensitivity of T.
v= 25, T 1
Q 0
1.5, (a) 0.8Pe
p-0.8, s
= = sec

(a) P =
0.5, (b) ii- =

Fig. 2)
t in p 40

0 < 4 8 12 Is 20 24-

Stabiizer Gdn (j)

Non-ptimn Setting
(Point o'in Flo. 2) pea 90

Fig. 4. Effect of stabilizer gain on the sensitivity

of T.
Pt= 1.5, Qt = -0.8, Te= 1 sec, Ts = 1 sec
Fig. 5. Time response of A6 for a step disturbance of
(a) = 25, (b) = 50 0.02 rradians in 6.
Pt 1L.5, Qt = -0.8, Te
e e
= 1 sec, Ts = 1 sec,
fs = 2 .

Nonoptimum Setting
| | (Point d'
in Fig.2); .-90

- 0


0 A
A Non-optimum Setting
(Point o'in Fig.2)14.90

Time (sec)
\4 5

Time (nec)

1g. 2); -40

1 %
ptimum Setting
[L hPoint@ o in Fig.2 40

Fig. 6. Time response of Aw for a step disturbance of 0.02 radians in 6.f

.0.02 radians in 6.

Pt =1.5, Qt = -0.8, Te= 1 sec, .T = 1 sec, Pt =1.5, Qt = -0.8, Te 1 sec, Ts =1sec,

vPs= 2.5 = 2.5

Discussion desirable, is not feasible for several reasons. First, the application
of the second method of Liapunov to transient stability problems
S. S. Venkata (Lowell Technological Institute, Lowell, Mass. 01854): is limited to a modelling which leads to autonomous nonlinear
The authors are to be commended for presenting an interesting differential equations for the system dynamic behaviour. Even here,
technique to find out the effects of variation of control system investigators have not succeeded too well in generating Liapunov
parameters on the dynamic stability measure of the power system. functions which are far removed from energy functions. It is well
It is proper to state at this juncture that sensitivity analysis of transient- known that energy functions are especially bad offenders in giving
stability of power systems is already made using a different type conservative stability predictions. Furthermore, if refinements such
of stability measure defined in terms of Liapunov functions, 1,2 to as exciter and regulator action are injected into the analysis, the
find out the effects of variation of power system parameters. This equations of motion become nonautonomous. Unfortunately, Liapunov
latter stability measure, though conservative in nature, takes care theory for high-order nonautonomous systems is still not as well
of the nonlinearity of the system. Looking broadly, the discusser developed as it is for autonomous systems. These difficulties need
feels that a unique model, valid for both dynamic - and transient- to be overcome before any progress can be made in the direction
stability studies should be developed. Such a model will be highly of a unified treatment for transient and dynamic stability.
useful not only to investigate the stability of the present systems, but We do not believe that we will be adding anything more to what
also to design the future energy systems optimally with respect to zero has already been reported in the paper by publishing the results for
(or minimum) sensitivity. a multi-machine case. Since our analysis is confined to infinitesimal
Finally it would be welcome if the authors publish their results disturbances, the governing differential equations are linear. For linear,
for a specific multi-machine case. ordinary differential equations, Liapunov theory can be applied without
running into problems of dimensionality or conservativeness. As a
result, the technique given in the paper can be applied to a system of
any complexity as long as attention is restricted to small disturbances.
REFERENCES: However, the algorithm reported in the paper needs some modification,
if a multi-parameter sensitivity analysis is to be made. This will appear
[1l R.D. Teichgraeber, F.W. Harris and G.L. Johnson, "New Stability elsewhere.
Measure for Multi-machine Power Systems," IEEE Trans. on
Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-89, No. 2, pp. 233-239,
February 1969.
[21 S.S. Venkata, "Sensitivity Analysis and Simulation of Power
System Stability by Popov's Method" (unpublished Ph.D. Dis-
sertation, 1971, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.) REFERENCES
Manuscript received February 28, 1972. [1] N. Dharma Rao, "Generation of Liapunov functions for the
transient stability problem", Transactions of the Engineering
Mahmoud M. Elmetwally and N. Dharma Rao: We would like to thank Institute of Canada, EIC-68-ELECT.3, Vol. 11, No. C-3, pp. 1-8.
the discusser for the interest he has shown in the paper and the [2] N. Dharma Rao, "Generalized Routh-Hurwitz conditions for the
pertinent points he has raised. The authors are familiar with the transient stability problem", Proc. I.E.E. (London), Vol. 116,
techniques reported in the literature for the sensitivity analysis of No. 4, April 1969, pp. 539-547.
transient stability of power systems using Liapunov functions. How- [3] N. Dharma Rao and A. K. De Sarkar, "Analysis of a third-order
ever, as the discusser himself mentions, a price is paid for the inclusion nonlinear power system stability problem through the second
of system nonlinearity into the analysis in the form of a conservative method of Liapunov", Conference Paper No. 70CP-22OPWR,
result. This is because Liapunov's theorems when applied to nonlinear Winter Power Meeting of I.E.E.E., New York, N.Y., January 25-30,
systems give only sufficient conditions which may not always be 1970.
necessary. [41 N. Dharma Rao, "A unifying treatment of power system stability",
As for the discusser's comment regarding the desirability of International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol. 8,
developing a unique model valid for both dynamic and transient 1970, pp. 389-394.
stability studies, our reply is this. Such a development, even though [5] A. K. De Sarkar and N. Dharma Rao, "Zubov's method and
transient stability problems of power systems", Proc. I.E.E.
Manuscript received April 12, 1972 (London), Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 1035-1040, 1971.


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