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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

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A comprehensive numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer

phenomenons during cavitation sono-process
Aissa Dehane a, Slimane Merouani b, *, Oualid Hamdaoui c, *, Abdulaziz Alghyamah c
Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Department of Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Badji Mokhtar – Annaba University, P.O. Box 12, 23000 Annaba,
Laboratory of Environmental Process Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Process Engineering, University Salah Boubnider-Constantine 3, P.O.
Box 72, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University, P.O. Box 800, 11421 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: The present study treats the effects of mass transport, heat transfer and chemical reactions heat on the bubble
Cavitation sono-process dynamics by spanning a range of ambient bubble radii. The thermodynamic behavior of the acoustic bubble was
Mass transport shown for three wave frequencies, 355, 515 and 1000 kHz. The used acoustic amplitude ranges from 1 to 3 atm.
Heat transfer
It has been demonstrated that the ambient bubble radius, R0, of the maximal response (i.e., maximal bubble
Chemical reactions
temperature and pressure, Tmax and Pmax) is shifted toward lower values if the acoustic amplitude (at fixed
Numerical simulation
frequency) or the ultrasonic frequency (at fixed amplitude) are increased. The range of the ambient bubble radius
narrows as the ultrasonic frequency increases. Heat exchange at the bubble interface was found to be the most
important mechanism within the bubble internal energy balance for acoustic amplitudes lower than 2.5 and 3
atm for ultrasonic frequencies of 355 and 515 kHz, respectively. For acoustic amplitudes greater or equal to 2.5
and 3 atm, corresponding to 355 and 515 kHz, respectively, mass transport mechanism (i.e., evaporation and
condensation of water vapor) becomes dominant compared to the other mechanisms. At 1000 kHz, the mech­
anism of heat transfer persists to be dominant for all the used acoustic amplitudes (from 1 to 3 atm). Practically,
all the above observations were maintained for bubbles at and around the optimum bubble radius, whereas no
significant impact of the three energetic mechanisms was observed for bubbles of too lower and too higher values
of R0 (limits of the investigated ranges of R0).

radicals (e.g., ●OH, HO●2 and H ) and reactive species (e.g., H2O2) able

to initiate other secondary chemical reactions and emit light [16–18]. In

1. Introduction other words, the acoustic cavitation concentrates diffused ultrasonic
energy into tiny hot spots that turn into micro-reactors in a fraction of a
Ultrasound has found a variety of technological applications, ranging second, which create three regions for high energy chemical reaction to
from cleaning [1], polymer synthesis [2], degradation of pollutants take place: inside the bubble, at the bubble–liquid interface and the
[3,4] and fabrication of nano-particles [5,6] to biomedical applications liquid bulk [19]. However, the extreme conditions attained at collapse
[7–9] and food science [10,11]. Acoustic cavitation is the central event are very dependent on the experimental conditions such as acoustic
of all these technological applications. The ultrasonic irradiation of a amplitude, wave frequency, liquid temperature, volume of sonicated
solution leads to the formation of acoustic cavitation. Bubbles can grow liquid, transducer dimensions, etc. [20–26].
and collapse violently [12]. The formed bubbles can be either stable Several experimental and theoretical works have been conducted in
cavities, oscillating about some equilibrium size with a lifetime of many order to improve the efficiency of the sonochemical process. For
cycles, or transient cavities, which exist for no more than a few acoustic example, Merouani et al. [27,28] investigated the impact of operational
cycles [13]. The temperature and pressure inside the bubble increase up conditions on the production of free radicals and the size of sono­
to several thousand degrees Kelvin and several hundred bar, at the chemical active bubbles, where the theoretical studies were performed
strong collapse [14,15]. As a result, water vapor and non-condensable for various acoustic powers, ultrasound frequencies, static pressures and
gases present inside the hot spots leads to the formation of a variety of

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (S. Merouani), (O. Hamdaoui).
Received 27 December 2020; Received in revised form 5 February 2021; Accepted 15 February 2021
Available online 20 February 2021
1350-4177/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

Nomenclature Tmax Maximum temperature inside a bubble, (K).

T∞ Bulk liquid temperature, (K).
Af (Ar) Pre-exponential factor of the forward (reverse) reaction, x Thermal diffusivity inside the bubble (m2/s)
[(cm3 mol− 1 s− 1) for two body reaction and (cm6 mol− 2 Cp Heat capacity concentration inside the bubble (J/m3 K)
s− 1) for three body reaction]. MH2O Molar mass of water (kg/mol).
bf (br) Temperature exponent of the forward (reverse) reaction. ṁ Evaporation-condensation rate of water (Kg/m2 s).
C Speed of sound in the liquid medium, (m s− 1). Q Energy transferred by heat exchange (J/s)
Eaf (Ear) Activation energy of the forward (reverse) reaction, (cal n Molar amount (mol).
mol− 1). PB Liquid pressure on the external side of the bubble wall. (Pa)
f Frequency of ultrasonic wave, (Hz). V Volume of the bubble (m3)
Ia Acoustic intensity of ultrasonic irradiation, (W m− 2).
kf (kr) Forward (reverse) reaction constant, [(cm3 mol− 1 s− 1) for Greek letters
two body reaction and (cm6 mol− 2 s− 1) for three body σ Surface tension of liquid water (N m− 1).
reaction]. ρL Density of liquid water, (kg m− 3).
p Pressure inside a bubble, (Pa). ρg Density inside the bubble (kg m− 3).
pmax Maximum pressure inside a bubble (Pa). λmix Thermal conductivity of the mixture(W m− 1 K).
p∞ Ambient static pressure, (Pa). λi Thermal conductivity of species i (W m− 1 K).
PA Amplitude of the acoustic pressure, (Pa). µ Dynamic viscosity (Pa s).
Pv Vapor pressure of water, (Pa). α Accommodation coefficient.
R Radius of the bubble, (m). ρH2O Density of water vapor inside the bubble (kg/m3).
Rmax Maximum radius of the bubble, (m). ρsat,H2O Saturated vapor density (kg/m3).
R0 Ambient bubble radius, (m). υki Stoichiometric coefficient of the kth chemical species in the
Rg Ideal gas constant (J/mol K). ith reaction.
t Time, (s). U̇k Production rate of the kth species (mol/s m3)
T Temperature inside a bubble, (K).

different liquid temperatures. Similarly, Yasui et al. [29–32] revealed the e., mass transport, heat exchange and reactions heat) on a wide range of
dependence of sonochemical reactions on ambient pressure, wave fre­ ambient bubble radii in order to evaluate their effective influence on the
quency, acoustic amplitude and liquid temperature. Hua et al. [33–35] intensity of the bubble collapse (i.e. temperature, pressure and chemical
reported the effect of wave frequency and saturating gas (nature and bubble yield).
ratio) in order to optimize the sonochemical process considered as an In the light of the above facts and considerations, the present theo­
advanced oxidation technology. In addition, the effect of a hydroxyl retical work aimed at clarifying the impacts on mass transport, heat
radical scavenger and bicarbonate ion was investigated [36,37]. exchange and reactions heat on the bubble collapse by spanning a range
On the other hand, different paths are adopted by different theo­ of ambient bubble radii and varying the acoustic amplitudes between 1
retical studies to better understand the effect of each of the energy pa­ and 3 atm and the ultrasonic frequency in the range of 355–1000 kHz to
rameters found in the bubble internal energy balance, such as mass cover a wide range of sonochemical parameters. The numerical simu­
transport [38,39], chemical reactions heat [40,41], thermal conduction lations performed in this study are based on a model of a single bubble
[42], bulk liquid viscosity [43] and pressure force work [44]. Through oscillating in argon-saturated medium.
visualizing the literature, it was found that the impacts of the main
energetic terms of the internal bubble energy (i.e., mass transport, heat 2. Model
exchange and reactions heat) were usually investigated for a unique
initial bubble size (i.e., considered as a mean value). However, the size of The employed model is based on a set of ordinary differential
active bubbles in sono-cavitating medium is an interval rather than a equations, where the effects of non-equilibrium evaporation and
single value, as demonstrated experimentally and theoretically [45–50]. condensation of water vapor at the bubble wall, thermal conduction
Therefore, it is expected that each bubble will be affected differently both inside and outside a bubble and chemical reactions are included.
compared to the other ones. Thus, the effects of mass and heat transfer as All numerical simulations have been conducted for a bubble oscillating
well as the reactions heat on the thermodynamic behavior of the in an argon-saturated water. Based on the above assumptions, temper­
acoustic bubble could not be well revealed by the approach of the single ature, pressure, bubble radius evolution and bubble wall velocity can be
initial bubble radius. This is because of their initial bubble radius de­ determined at any instant. The radial dynamics of the bubble is
pendency. Consequently, it is interesting to simulate and visualize the described by the modified Keller-Miksis equation (Eq. (1)), developed by
impacts of the different energetic terms of the bubble energy balance (i. Yasui [42]:

( ) ( ) ( )[ ( ( )) ]
Ṙ ṁ 3 2 Ṙ 2ṁ 1 Ṙ R
1− + RR̈ + Ṙ 1 − + = 1+ PB (t) − PA sin 2πf t + − P∞ +
C C ρL 2 3C 3CρL ρL C C
( ) ( ) (1)
m̈R Ṙ ṁ ṁ ṁ Ṙṁ R dPB
1− + + Ṙ + + +
ρL C C ρL ρL 2ρL 2CρL CρL dt

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

where dots denote the time derivative (d/dt), R is the radius of the χ= (12)
bubble, C the speed of sound in the liquid, ρL is the density of the liquid,
m● is the net rate of evaporation per unit area and unit time and P∞ is 3
where Cp is the heat capacity (J m− K− 1) for H2O and Ar mixture [53]:
the ambient static pressure. PA is correlated with the acoustic intensity Ia
(or power per unit area) as: PA= (2IaρLC)1/2. The liquid pressure PB(t) on ∑ fi + 2
Cp = k B Ci NA (13)
the external side of the bubble wall is related to the internal pressure P(t) 2
by the following equation [42]: Ci, kB, NA and fi are the molar concentration of species i (H2O and Ar)
2σ 4μ

) (
1 1
) inside the bubble, Boltzmann constant, Avogadro number and the
PB (t) = P(t) − − Ṙ + − ṁ2 − (2) number of degrees of freedom of species i (fH2O = 6 and fAr = 3),
R R ρL ρL ρg
where σ is the surface tension, µ is the liquid viscosity and ρg is the The temperature (T) inside the bubble is calculated by solving the
density inside the bubble. The internal pressure P(t) is calculated using following equation [42]:
Van der Waals equation (Eq. (3)): ∫T ∫T
E = nH2 O Cv,H2 O (T)dT + nAr Cv,Ar (T)dT − (14)
nRg T an2 0 0 V
P(t) = + 2 (3)
(V − nb) V
where E is the internal energy of the bubble and CV,H2O(T) (Cv,Ar(T)) is
where a and b are the Van de Waals constants, Rg is the universal gas the isochoric heat capacity of vapor (argon) at temperature T, given as a
constant, V is the volume of the bubble [V = 4/3(πR3)], and T is the polynomial approximation (expressions are available in Ref. [54]).
temperature inside the bubble. The Van der Waals constants (a and b) The change of the internal energy of a bubble (ΔE) in time (Δt), due
are determined by [51]: to the pressure work, heat of chemical reactions within the bubble,
⎧ ( ) ( ) energy carried by water molecules by evaporation and condensation and
⎪ a = aH2 O nH2 O + aAr nAr

⎪ heat exchange by diffusion at the interface, is expressed by [42,43]:
⎨ nt nt
( ) ( ) (4) ( )

⎪ n H2 O nAr Δt Tliq − T 4

⎩ b = bH2 O + bAr ΔE = − P(t).ΔV(t) + 4πR2 ṁCv,H2O + 4πR2 Δtλ − πR3 Δt
nt nt M H2 O Lth 3

m The mass flux of evaporation and condensation at the interface is

× ΔHi ri
expressed using Hertz-Knudsen formula derived from kinetic theory of i=1

gases [52]:
where ΔHi and ri are the enthalpy change and the rate of the ith reaction,
[ ]
ρsat respectively. The first term in the right-hand side of Eq. 15 is the PV
g,H2 O − ρg,H2 O (R)
ṁ = αC(Ts ) (5) work. The second term is the energy carried by evaporating vapor from
4 the surrounding liquid into the bubble and by condensing vapor from
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ the bubble into the liquid in Δt. The third term is the energy change due
8Ts Rg to the thermal conduction. The last term is the heat of chemical reactions
C(Ts ) = (6)
πMH2 O taking place inside the bubble during the collapse.
In this work, a scheme of 25 reversible chemical reactions is
where α is the evaporation coefficient (considered constant α = 0.4), considered (Table 1), in which K chemical species is involved. These
C(Ts ) is the average velocity of molecules, ρg,H2O(R) is the density of series of reactions are the most important reactions occurring inside an
− 3
water vapor in the bubble, and ρsat
g,H2 O = 0.0173 kg m is the saturated argon/water vapor bubble, as stated in Refs. [55,56]. The chemical
vapor density. The temperature of the external bubble surface is Ts = mechanism of Table 1 has been partially validated by hydrogen flame
Tliq. studies [57] as well as shock-tube and reactor-type experiments [58].
Heat exchange inside and outside the bubble is estimated by [53]: The general form of these reversible reactions is given as follows:
( )
Tliq − T ∑
K ∑
(7) (16)

Q̇ = 4π R2 λmix υki Xk ↔ υ′′ki Xk
Lth k=1 k=1

{ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ }
R Rχ in which υki is the stoichiometric coefficient of the ith reaction and Xk is
Lth = min , (8)
π ∙
R the chemical symbol for the kth species. The superscript ‘ indicates for­
ward stoichiometric coefficients, while “ indicates reverse stoichio­
λmix, χ and Lth are the heat conductivity, thermal diffusivity of the gas metric coefficients. The production rate U̇k of the kth species can be
mixture and the thickness of the thermal boundary layer, respectively. written as a summation of the rate of the variables for all reactions
The thermal conductivity (λmix) is estimated by [32]: involving the kth species:
( ) ( )
n H2 O nAr
λmix = λH2 O (T) + λAr (T) (9) 1 dnk ∑

nt nt U̇ k = (υ′′ − υki )ri (k = 1, …, K)
V dt i=1 ki
where λH2O(T) and λAr(T) are the thermal conductivity of water vapor
and argon at temperature T (in K), respectively. The thermal conduc­ where nk is the number of moles of the kth species. The rate ri for the ith
tivity (in W m− 1 K− 1) of H2O and Ar are estimated by [51]: reaction is given as:

K ∏
λH2 O (T) = 9.967213 × 10− 5 T − 1.1705 × 10− 2
(10) ri = kfi

[Xk ]υki − kri
[Xk ]υki (18)
k=1 k=1
λAr (T) = 3.5887 × 10− 5 T + 6.81277 × 10− 3
where [Xk] is the molar concentration of the kth species and kfi and kri are
At the bubble wall, the thermal diffusivity (χ ) is estimated by [53]:
the forward and reverse rate constants of the ith reaction, respectively.

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

Table 1
Scheme of the possible chemical reactions inside a collapsing argon bubble [41,65]. M is the third Body. Subscript “f” denotes the forward reaction and “r” denotes the
reverse reaction. A is in (cm3 mol− 1 s− 1) for two body reaction [(cm6 mol− 2 s− 1) for a three body reaction], and Ea is in (cal mol− 1) and ΔH in (kcal mol− 1). For some of
the backward reactions, the constants are not listed. Those backward reactions are neglected during calculations.
Reaction Af nf Eaf Ar nr Ear ΔH
23 5 22
1 H2O + M ⇌ H + OH + M
● ●
1.912 × 10 − 1.83 1.185 × 10 2.2 × 10 − 2.0 0.0 121.72
2 O2 + M ⇌ O + O + M 4.515 × 1017 − 0.64 1.189 × 105 6.165 × 1015 − 0.5 0.0 120.91
3 ●
OH + M ⇌ O + H●+M 9.88 × 1017 − 0.74 1.021 × 105 4.714 × 1018 − 1.0 0.0 104.36
4 H●+O2 ⇌ O+●OH 1.915 × 1014 0.0 1.644 × 104 5.481 × 1011 0.39 − 2.93 × 102 16.54
5 H●+O2 + M ⇌ HO● 2 +M 1.475 × 1012 0.6 0.0 3.09 × 1012 0.53 4.887 × 104 − 49,0
6 O + H2O ⇌ ●OH+●OH 2.97 × 106 2.02 1.34 × 104 1.465 × 105 2.11 − 2.904 × 103 17.37
7 HO● 2 +H ⇌ H2 + O2

1.66 × 1013 0.0 8.23 × 102 3.164 × 1012 0.35 5.551 × 104 − 57.34
8 HO● 2 +H ⇌ OH+ OH
● ● ●
7.079 × 1013 0.0 2.95 × 102 2.027 × 1010 0.72 3.684 × 104 − 38.82
9 HO● 2 +O ⇌ OH + O2

3.25 × 1013 0.0 0.0 3.252 × 1012 0.33 5.328 × 104 − 55.47
10 HO● 2 + OH ⇌ H2O + O2

2.89 × 1013 0.0 − 4.97 × 102 5.861 × 1013 0.24 6.908 × 104 − 72.83
11 H2 + M ⇌ H●+H●+M 4.577 × 1019 − 1.4 1.044 × 105 1.146 × 1020 − 1.68 8.2 × 102 106.33
12 O + H2 ⇌ H●+●OH 3.82 × 1012 0.0 7.948 × 103 2.667 × 104 2.65 4.88 × 103 1.97
13 ●
OH + H2 ⇌ H●+H2O 2.16 × 108 1.52 3.45 × 103 2.298 × 109 1.40 1.832 × 104 − 15.4
14 H2O2 + O2 ⇌ HO● 2 +HO2

4.634 × 1016 − 0.35 5.067 × 104 4.2 × 1014 0.0 1.198 × 104 41.95
15 H2O2 + M ⇌ ●OH+●OH + M 2.951 × 1014 0.0 4.843 × 104 1.0 × 1014 − 0.37 0.0 52.13
16 H2O2 + H● ⇌ H2O+●OH 2.410 × 1013 0.0 3.97 × 103 1.269 × 108 1.31 7.141 × 104 − 69.6
17 H2O2 + H● ⇌ H2 + HO● 2 6.025 × 1013 0.0 7.95 × 103 1.041 × 1011 0.70 2.395 × 104 − 15.38
18 H2O2 + O ⇌ ●OH + HO● 2 9.550 × 106 2.0 3.97 × 103 8.66 × 103 2.68 1.856 × 104 − 13.42
19 H2O2+ OH ⇌ H2O + HO●

2 1.0 × 1012 0.0 0.0 1.838 × 1010 0.59 3.089 × 104 − 30.78
20 O3 + M ⇌ O2 + O + M 2.48 × 1020 0 2.27 × 104 – – – 26.14
21 O3 + O ⇌ O2 + O2 5.2 × 1018 0 4.157 × 103 – – – − 94.77
22 O3+ ●OH ⇌ O2 + HO● 2 7.8 × 1017 0 1.9 × 103 – – – − 39.46
23 O3 + HO● 2 ⇌ O2 + O2+ OH

1 × 1017 0 2.8 × 103 – – – − 29.17
24 H + O3 ⇌ HO2 +O
● ●
9 × 1018 0.5 3.99 × 103 – – – 32.45
25 H●+ O3 ⇌ ●OH + O2 1.6 × 1019 0 0 – – – − 23.01

The forward and reverse rate constants for the ith reactions are assumed Equation (14), (23) and (24) are solved using finite difference
to have the following Arrhenius temperature dependence: method. The outputs of these equations are the bubble wall velocity,
( ) evolution of the bubble radius, variation of bubble temperature and
kfi = Afi T bfi exp − (19) pressure all along the bubble oscillation, respectively. The variation in
Rg T
time of number of moles of each species housed within the bubble is
( ) given by equations (21) and (22). The amount of argon remains un­
kri = Ari T bri exp − (20) changed during the bubble oscillation (chemically inert).
Rg T

where Rg is the universal gas constant, Afi (Ari) is the pre-exponential 3. Results and discussion
factor, bfi (bri) is the temperature exponent and Efi (Eri) is the activa­
tion energy. Arrhenius parameters of each chemical reaction are pre­ It should be noted here that only the case of a single bubble cavita­
sented in Table 1. tion is taken into account, where the different interactions between
The water vapor change with time inside the bubble, due to the bubbles in the sonicated liquid are ignored. Additionally, all simulations
evaporation and condensation at the bubble wall and due to chemical were conducted for argon-saturated water at 20 ◦ C, so, the initial bubble
reactions is given by: content is a mixture of water vapor and argon. The complete bubble-
dynamics model includes the liquid compressibility and viscosity, heat
nH2 O (t + Δt) = nH2 O (t) + 4πR2 Δt

+ VΔtU̇ H2 O (21) transfer (i.e., thermal conduction through the bubble wall), mass
MH2O transfer (i.e., non-equilibrium condensation and evaporation of the
For other species k (except Ar): liquid vapor across the bubble/liquid interface), reaction kinetics
occurring inside the bubble (i.e., reactions heats are incorporated). In
nk (t + Δt) = nk (t) + VΔtU̇ k (22) the purpose to evaluate the effects of the different parameters injected
The modified Keller-Miksis equation (Eq. (1)), is a nonlinear second- into the energy equation of a single bubble, we will assess in the next
order differential equation, which can be reduced to a system of two sections the result of elimination of each of these parameters on single
differential first-order equations as bubble dynamics. The investigated cases are:

= Ṙ (23) 1. Complete model with including all parameters (i.e., denoted as
dt Normal),
2. Model without heat transfer (i.e., denoted as Q● = 0),
3. Model without mass transfer (i.e., denoted as m● = 0),
⎧ ( )[ ( ) ⎫

( ( )) ]
m̈R Ṙ ṁ ⎪ 4. Model without reaction heats (i.e., denoted as ΔH = 0).
⎪ 1 1+ Ṙ PB (t)− PA sin 2πf t+ R

⎪ − P ∞ + 1− + +⎪

⎨ρL C C ρL C C ρL ⎪

( ) ( )

⎪ ⎪

ṁ ṁ
Ṙ+ +
R dPB 3 2
− Ṙ 1−

2ṁ ⎪

⎪ 3.1. Bubble radius evolution
⎩ ρL 2ρL 2CρL CρL dt 2 3C 3CρL ⎭
= ( )
dt In Fig. 1(a) and (b), the effect of each of the four models on the
1− CṘ +Cṁρ R evolution of the bubble radius as a function of time is shown for one

acoustic cycle (2.81 µs). The ultrasound frequency is 355 kHz and the
acoustic amplitude is PA = 2.5 atm. The ambient bubble radius and the

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

14 14000

(a) 12000
10000 290

Temperature (K)
Radius (µm)

8000 250
8 13.3
6 13.1 190
4 12.9
0.2 0.7 1.2 1.7

2 12.7 0
1.4 1.9 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 Time (µs)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (µs) Normal Q=0 m=0

Normal Q=0 m=0


(b) 10500
4 10000 10000

(b) 9500

Temperature (K)
3.5 8000 9000

3 1 6000

0.9 7500
Radius (µm)

2.5 4000
2 2000 2.396 2.397
1.5 0
2.34 2.36 2.38 2.4 2.42
1 0.5
Time (µs)
2.395 2.397
Normal Q=0 m=0
2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
Time (µs) Fig. 2. (a): The temperature inside the bubble as a function of time for the four
Normal Q=0 m=0 adopted models (normal, without thermal conduction, without mass transfer
and without reactions heat). Figure (b) is an enlarged view of Figure (a) at
around the end of the bubble collapse (simulation conditions: R0 = 3.2 µM, f:
Fig. 1. (a): The bubble radius as a function of time for the four adopted models
(normal, without thermal conduction, without mass transfer and without re­ 355 kHz, PA: 2.5 atm).
actions heat). Figure (b) is an enlarged view of Figure (a) at around the end of
the bubble collapse (simulation conditions: R0 = 3.2 µM, f: 355 kHz, PA:
2.5 atm). 9000

ambient pressure (i.e., external static pressure) are 3.2 µm [50] and 1
atm, respectively. From Fig. 1(a), it is seen that during the rarefaction 7000

phase, when thermal conduction through the bubble wall is ignored, 6000
Pressure (atm)

Rmax has a lower value (12.88 µm) compared to its values in the other
models. Rmax for the model without mass transfer (13.23 µm) is slightly
lower than the case of the model without reactions heat and the normal 4000
model, which give the same Rmax (13.33 µm).
As it is expected, at the strong collapse some delay is observed be­
tween implosion times (Fig. 1(b)), which are given as follows: 2.364 µs 2000
for the model without thermal conduction, 2.383 µs for the model 1000
without mass transport, 2.3966 µs for the complete model and the model
without reactions heat. On the other hand, minimal radii’s are classified 0
2.355 2.365 2.375 2.385 2.395 2.405
in a decreasing order as follows: thermal conduction elimination case:
0.90 µm, model without mass transport: 0.68 µm, model without re­
actions heat: 0.67 µm and the normal model: 0.62 µm. In order to un­ Normal Q=0 m=0

derstand the bubble radius evolution exhibited by the different systems

adopted herein, we should take into account the internal bubble tem­ Fig. 3. The pressure inside the bubble as a function of time for the four adopted
perature and pressure as well as the bubble wall velocity during the models (normal, without thermal conduction, without mass transfer and
expansion and the strong bubble collapse. All these parameters are without reactions heat). (Simulation conditions: R0 = 3.2 µM, f: 355 kHz, PA:
2.5 atm).
treated in detail in the next sections.

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

pressure (3100 atm) retrieved at collapse when thermal conduction is
ignored, the bubble maximal temperature increases up to 11600 K
200 (under 2.5 atm and 355 kHz). This maximal temperature originates
mainly from the effect of thermal conduction, because, during the
compression phase, internal energy of a single bubble increases
considerably due to the work applied by the external liquid on the
Wall velocity (m/s)


-100 -370 bubble wall. However, in turn, thermal conduction and vapor conden­
-390 sation (due to the higher vapor pressure) contribute to decrease this
-200 -410
internal energy. Therefore, in our case, the elimination of thermal
-300 -450
conduction prevents an important quantity of energy to be carried out of
-470 a bubble especially at the end of the strong collapse. Consequently, it
-400 -490 seems from Fig. 3 and the Van der Waals equation that the increase of
pressure is unable to reach the temperature increase, so that bubble
2.395 2.397 expands more by giving the higher Rmin value compared to the other
-600 models. In addition, the decrease of the maximal bubble-pressure re­
2.34 2.36 2.38 2.4 2.42 2.44
Time (µs)
duces also the vapor condensation, which increases necessarily the
bubble internal energy. It should be noted here that the elimination of
Normal Q=0 m=0 the thermal conduction mechanism has an important effect especially
where liquid temperature on the external bubble wall is considered
Fig. 4. The wall velocity of the bubble as a function of time for the four constant even during the compression phase according to the adopted
adopted models (normal, without thermal conduction, without mass transfer thermal model used in our study [59]. In fact, the thermal mechanism
and without reactions heat). (Simulation conditions: R0 = 3.2 µM, f: 355 kHz, (into the bubble internal energy) is based on the model adopted by
PA: 2.5 atm). Toegel et al. [53], where the external temperature on the bubble wall is
considered constant. Consequently, the heat carried out of the bubble
3.2. Bubble temperature/pressure and bubble wall velocity evolutions will be important during the compression phase (in reality the temper­
ature is increased for a very short time). Conversely, for the model
In Figs. 2–4, the bubble temperature, pressure and wall velocity without heat exchange, where no heat transfer is made, the energy
evolutions were plotted under the same simulation conditions of Fig. 1. prevented to get outside the bubble during the compression will be huge,
The different previous retrieved values of Rmax can be explained by the which means that the bubble temperature will be largely increased.
internal energy expression of a single bubble. According to Fig. 2(a) and Therefore, the elimination of thermal conduction has an important ef­
(b), the effect of the thermal conduction elimination has a huge impact fect, especially for our case where the temperature at the bubble wall is
on bubble internal energy. During the expansion, bubble loses some considered constant (during the rarefaction and compression phase).
work, which has a small contribution compared to other terms, because These results are in line with the work of Yasui [42,54].
the pressure inside the bubble during the slow expansion is extremely From Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, it is found that the collapse in the case of
low. This work should be recovered by thermal conduction and water models with thermal conduction is stronger than that for the model
evaporation toward the bubble interior. However, by eliminating this without thermal conduction, which is confirmed by the lower velocity
heat transfer, bubble will not be able to reach the Rmax of the normal and pressure attained at collapse by the model without thermal con­
model (i.e., where all the energetic parameters are present), due to the duction. On the other hand, the model without mass transport reveals at
energy deficit. In addition, according to Van der Waals equation, it is this stage (compression phase) a peak temperature of 10500 K and a
clear that due to the excess of temperature decrease, the maximal radius maximal pressure of 6900 atm at the strong collapse. This increase of
in this case is found to be lower than that in the other models. During temperature is interpreted as follows: in the normal model, during the
bubble expansion, the internal energy of the bubble increases due to the rarefaction phase, a huge amount of water vapor enters the bubble,
flow energy accompanied by evaporating vapor molecules (and thermal resulting in an increased heat capacity. Therefore, during the compres­
conduction). Nevertheless, the eliminated non-equilibrium evaporation sion phase, this large quantity of water vapor contributes to lowering the
and condensation seems to have a little effect on the bubble expansion bubble temperature due to its large heat capacity and vapor condensa­
compared to the model without thermal conduction (Fig. 2(a)-(b)). tion resulting from the higher vapor pressure inside the bubble. How­
Because water evaporation does not have a higher energetic impact on ever, in case when mass transport is ignored, a smaller amount of water
bubble internal energy compared to the thermal conduction during the vapor (large heat capacity) is trapped inside the bubble during the slow
expansion phase, so that Rmax in this case is slightly lower that the last expansion phase, which means that the heat capacity is not largely
models (model without reactions heat and normal one). For the model increased; therefore, the bubble temperature is increased more at the
without reactions heat and the normal model, Rmax is the same, which is strong collapse. During the rapid collapse and when the bubble internal
a logical result because no reaction is considered during the slow energy is increased by the external liquid work, a very small amount of
expansion (low temperature), so that the two cases give the same result. energy is carried out by vapor condensation due to the smaller quantity
During the compression phase, the different models exhibit different of water vapor present during this compression phase. It should be noted
behaviors at the strong collapse. It is seen from Fig. 2(b) that the that the work received during compression in this case is greater than
maximal temperature attained by elimination of thermal conduction the previous case (without thermal conduction), which contributes more
mechanism increases up to 11600 K. When vapor condensation is in the temperature increase. Due to the small amount of water present
ignored during the compression phase, the strong collapse in this case inside the bubble during the compression period, it is obvious that a
gives a peak temperature of small quantity of substances will be produced as a result of water ther­
10500 K. In turn, the elimination of reactions heat exhibits a peak mal dissociation, which contributes more to increase the bubble internal
temperature of 10100 K, which is in the same range as the previous energy (and bubble temperature). Besides, it is well known that most
cases. Finally, the normal model gives the lowest maximal temperature, chemical reactions taking place into the bubble are endothermal
where the bubble is heated up to a temperature of 8450 K, which is [40,54]. Consequently, in case of eliminated mass transport, it results
clearly lower than that of the previous models. From Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 3, that the absence of a large amount of water vapor inside the bubble has
which gives the pressure profile inside the bubble for 0.05 µs around the an important role in the internal energy increase. Bearing in mind all
end of the bubble collapse, it is shown that in spite of the lower maximal these arguments, we conclude that mass transport has an important

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

effect, which becomes more pronounced especially at the higher normal model (7870 atm) is greater than that found in the case when
acoustic amplitudes as it will be discussed later. Conversely to the case of reactions heat is ignored (7600 atm), with a difference of 270 atm. The
without thermal conduction, collapses for all other cases are stronger, minimal radii obtained by the normal model and that when reactions
due to the higher bubble wall velocity and pressure reached at the end of heat is ignored are 0.62 µm and 0.67 µm, respectively, which means a
collapse, as stated in Figs. 3 and 4. These findings are in good agreement difference of 7.5%. The increase of temperature observed in case of
with those found by Toegel et al. [60] and Hilgenfeldt et al. [61]. ignored reactions heat is due to the endothermal character of the most
The results provided by the model without reactions heat reveal an chemical reactions taking place inside the bubble (see. Table 1).
immense impact on bubble internal energy. In Fig. 2(b), the maximal Consequently, this amount of ignored reactions heat is used to increase
temperature reached in this case is 10100 K compared to the normal the internal energy of the bubble. Taking, of course, into account the
model, where the peak temperature is 8450 K, which means an increase external work of the sonicated liquid (increases the internal energy), and
of 16.34%. On the other hand, the maximal pressure attained by the thermal conduction, which participate to decrease the bubble internal

Normal m=0
Q m=0 Normal Q=0 m=0
(a) 3.5
1.6 3

1.4 2.5

0.8 1.5
0.6 1
0.4 0.5
0 14 8 5 4 3 2 1 0.5
14 8 5 4 3 2 1 0.5
R (µm) R (µm)

Normal Q=0 m=0 Normal Q=0 m=0

1.8 (c) 3.5
1.5 3


0.3 0.5
0 0
14 8 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 14 8 5 4 3 2 1 0.5

R (µm) R (µm)

Normal Q=0 m=0 Normal Q=0 m=0

(e) 3

1 2

0.8 1.5

0.2 0.5

0 0
9 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5
R (µm) R (µm)

Fig. 5. The maximum expansion and compression ratios, Rmax/R0 and Rmax/Rmin, for the model without mass transport, without thermal conduction and the model
without the reactions heat compared to the normal model on a range of ambient bubble radius (simulation conditions: PA = 1 atm, f = 355 kHz for (a) and (b), f =
500 kHz for (c) and (d) and f = 1000 kHz for (e) and (f)). [Normal: model with the integral form of bubble internal energy balance, Q● = 0: model without thermal
conduction, m● = 0: model without mass transport, ΔH = 0: model without the reactions heat].

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

energy. Therefore, the maximal bubble-temperature is increased. collapses obtained in cases without reactions heat and the normal-model
It has been shown in Fig. 1(b) that the minimal bubble radius reached case are more violent, which is explained by the higher pressures and
in the case of ignored reactions heat (0.67 µm) is greater than that fur­ speed attained at collapse, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The results of this
nished by the normal model (0.62 µm) by 7.5%. This is explained by the case reveal the importance of the chemical reactions heat compared to
fact that when the reactions heat is ignored, pressure increase is unable thermal conduction and mass transport mechanisms. The results in this
to reach the temperature increase according to the Van Der Waals part of work are in good agreement with those found by Kerboua et al.
equation, so that Rmin in this case is greater than that of the normal [40] and Yasui et al. [54].
model. Another factor that may contribute to the internal energy in­ According to the previous results, it has been shown that mass
crease is the lower internal pressure (ignored reactions heat case). This is transport, thermal conduction and chemical reactions heat each of them
because vapor condensation in this case will not be promoted due to the has the great importance in the global energy balance of a single bubble.
lower vapor pressure attained inside the bubble during the compression However, until now we have treated only the case where ambient radius,
phase. Compared to the previous case (mass transport), it seems that ultrasound frequency and the acoustic amplitude are fixed. To extent our

355 kHz 500 kHz 1000 kHz

1400 1200 900
(a): 1 atm (f): 1 atm 800
(k): 1 atm
800 600
800 500

T (K)
T (K)

600 400

400 Normal 400 300

Normal Normal
m=0 Q=0 200 Q=0
200 200 m=0 m=0
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

4500 3000 1800

(b): 1.5 atm (l): 1.5 atm
4000 (g): 1.5 atm 1600
3500 1400
3000 2000 1200
2500 1000

T (K)

2000 800
1500 1000 600
Normal Normal
1000 Q=0 Normal 400
Q=0 Q=0
500 m=0 500 m=0
m=0 200
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

12000 8000 3500

(c): 2 atm (h): 2 atm (m) 2 atm
7000 3000
10000 :
8000 5000
Normal 2000


T (K)

Normal 4000 Q=0

6000 Q=0 Q=0
m=0 1500 m=0
m=0 3000
2000 1000
2000 1000 500

0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

Fig. 6. Maximum bubble-temperature profiles for the effect of mass transport, reactions heat and the thermal conduction mechanisms as a function of R0 for different
frequencies and various acoustic amplitudes (simulation conditions: PA = 1–3 atm f = 355 kHz (a-e), f = 500 kHz (f-j) and f = 1000 kHz for (k-o)). [Normal: model
with the integral form of bubble internal energy balance, Q● = 0: model without thermal conduction, m● = 0: model without mass transport, ΔH = 0: model without
the reactions heat].

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

24000 16000 7000

(d): 2.5 atm (i): 2.5 atm (n): 2.5 atm
21000 14000 6000
18000 12000 5000
15000 10000

T (K)

12000 8000 Normal Normal

Q=0 Q=0 3000 Q=0
9000 m=0 6000 m=0 m=0
6000 4000
3000 2000 1000

0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

35000 25000 12000

(e): 3 atm (j): 3 atm (o): 3 atm
30000 10000

T (K)

Normal 6000
Normal Normal
15000 Q=0 10000 Q=0 Q=0
m=0 m=0 4000 m=0
5000 2000

0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

Fig. 6. (continued).

study, these parameters should be varied. To address this, in the next the exclusion each of the three mechanisms (reaction heats and mass and
section, models without mass transport, thermal conduction or reactions heat transfers) has an insignificant impact on both (Rmax/R0) and (Rmax/
heat are compared to the normal model in detail, taking into account the Rmin) responses at the limits of the investigated intervals of R0 (i.e., much
change of ambient bubble radius with relation to ultrasonic frequency higher and much lower values). Correspondingly, the obvious effect of
and the acoustic power. the three mechanisms observed at the optimum R0 values (4 µm for 355
kHz, 3 µm for 500 kHz and 2 µm for 1000 kHz) tend to be disappeared
3.3. Models effects-dependence of ambient bubble size and operating when going on right and left of these values until reaching the same
conditions responses at higher and lower values of R0. Therefore, the effect of
excluding mass and heat transfer from the energy equation of the single
The effects of excluding mass transport, thermal conduction and the bubble is strongly dependent on the initial bubble size; the conclusion
reactions heat from the normal model are investigated on a wide range which will be confirmed in the following section based on the maximum
of ambient bubble radius (R0). The resulted effect on the maximum temperature and pressure responses.
bubble expansion (Rmax/R0) and compression (Rmax/Rmin) are shown in Fig. 6(a)-(o) and Fig. 7(a)-(o) show the impact the three scenarios
Fig. 5(a)-(f) for an acoustic amplitude of 1 atm and various frequencies (without heat transfer, without mass transfer and with ignoring reaction
(355, 500 and 100 kHz). heats) on the maximum temperature and pressures reached at the
According to Fig. 5(a)-(f), the effect of mass and heat transfers as well collapse for various ambient bubble sizes, various frequencies and
as the reaction heats on acoustic cavitation depends to the ambient diverse acoustic amplitudes. The range of the acoustic amplitude is from
bubble size (R0) and the ultrasound frequency. It is found that the effect 1 to 3 atm. The used ultrasonic frequencies are 355, 500 and 1000 kHz.
of these energetic parameters increases with the increase of acoustic The liquid ambient temperature and the ambient pressure are 20 ◦ C and
amplitude or the decrease of the ultrasound frequency. For PA = 1 atm, 1 atm, respectively.
the maximal expansion and compression ratios are observed at around We have seen in paragraph 3.2 that the maximal bubble temperature
R0 = 4 µm for 355 kHz, R0 = 3 µm for 500 kHz and R0 = 2 µm for 1000 is attained by the model that ignores thermal conduction (Fig. 2(b)).
kHz (Fig. 5(a)-(f)). This shift of the maximal response is due to the However, this result was observed for an ambient bubble radius of 3.2
decrease of the ultrasound frequency, as discussed in depth in Refs. µm, ultrasonic frequency of 355 kHz and acoustic amplitude of 2.5 atm.
[18,28,62]. Besides, Fig. 5(a)-(f) clearly show that the effect of the three Temperature profiles of Fig. 6(a)-(o) show that is not always the case.
investigated energetic parameters (reaction heats and mass and heat According to these plots, either we fix the ultrasonic frequency and then
transfer) starts to be intense from the lower ambient bubble radii, and we interpret the ignorance effect of one of the previous mechanisms
then arrives to the maximum where the peak temperatures and pressures according to the acoustic amplitude variation and the ambient bubble
are attained (Figs. 6 and 7, which will be discussed later), where the radius range or we do the opposite. Nevertheless, in our case, we opt to
effect of each of these mechanisms is strong. After that, the intensity of fix the acoustic amplitude and then we try to reveal the effect of these
these effects is decreased with the increase of the ambient bubble radius. mechanisms (mass transport, thermal conduction and reactions heat) on
One other important statement that can be made from Fig. 5(a)-(f) is that the bubble temperature and pressure, taking into account the ultrasonic

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

355 kHz 500 kHz 1000 kHz

45 40 25
(a): 1 atm (f): 1 atm
40 35 (k): 1 atm
35 30 20

P (atm)
Normal 15

P (atm)
P (atm)

25 Normal
Q=0 20 Q=0 Q=0
20 m=0 m=0
15 m=0 10
10 10
5 5
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

1200 500 140

(b): 1.5 atm (g): 1.5 atm (l): 1.5 atm
1000 120
P (atm)

P (atm)

P (atm)
600 Normal Normal
200 Q=0 60 Q=0
Normal m=0 m=0
400 Q=0 40
m=0 100
200 20

0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)
14000 6000 900
(c): 2 atm (h): 2 atm 800 (m): 2 atm
4000 600
P (atm)

P (atm)

P (atm)

6000 400
Normal Normal
Normal 2000 Q=0 300 Q=0
4000 Q=0 m=0 m=0
m=0 200
2000 1000
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

Fig. 7. Maximum pressure (inside the bubble) profiles for the effect of mass transport, reactions heat and the thermal conduction mechanisms as a function of R0 for
different frequencies and various acoustic amplitudes (simulation conditions: PA = 1–3 atm, f = 355 kHz (a-e), f = 500 kHz (f-j) and f = 1000 kHz for (k-o)). [Normal:
model with the integral form of bubble internal energy balance, Q● = 0: model without thermal conduction, m● = 0: model without mass transport, ΔH = 0: model
without the reactions heat].

frequency change and the range of ambient bubble radius. In fact, it has ambient bubble size, a small amount of water vapor is expected to be
been well established that increasing the acoustic intensity acts exactly housed into the bubble at the end of expansion phase, with the exception
as a decrease in the frequency of ultrasound [27,31,44,63]. of the model without mass transport. However, for this bubble radius the
As a general observation, it is shown from Fig. 6(a)-(o) and Fig. 7(a)- difference of vapor amount is not significant between the model without
(o) that the maximum bubble temperature at the collapse is increased mass transport and the normal model. The expansion ratio (Rmax/R0) for
with the acoustic amplitude increase or the ultrasound frequency these small bubble radii is relatively lower than that of bubbles of a
decrease. These results are in line with those reported by many theo­ larger R0. Secondly, during the compression phase, because of the lower
retical works [21,30,64]. However, for the small bubble radii, some expansion ratio, a lower amount of produced substances is expected, so
interferences are observed in the temperature and pressure profiles for that the bubble energy balance will not be largely affected by the
the treated models. This can be explained by the effects of bubble size in elimination of the reactions heat, which means that the response of
this range of ambient bubble radius as follow: firstly, due to the small normal model is the same as the model without reactions heat. On the

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

60000 30000 4500

(d): 2.5 atm (i): 2.5 atm 4000 (n): 2.5 atm
50000 25000
40000 20000 3000
P (atm)

P (atm)

P (atm)
30000 15000 Normal
2000 Q=0
Normal Normal
20000 Q=0 10000 1500 m=0
m=0 m=0 1000
10000 5000
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

120000 80000 16000

(e): 3 atm (j): 3 atm (o): 3 atm
70000 14000
60000 12000
50000 10000
P (atm)

P (atm)

P (atm)
60000 40000 8000
Normal Normal
30000 Q=0 6000 Q=0
40000 Q=0
m=0 m=0
m=0 20000 4000
10000 2000
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
R (µm) R (µm) R (µm)

Fig. 7. (continued).

other hand, due to the lower expansion ratio, a small reduction of the slightly lower than those retrieved for without reactions-heat model and
heat capacity of the bubble is expected for the model without mass the normal model. It should be noted here that the numerical results
transport compared to the normal model, so that the two models give the found under each acoustic amplitude are interpreted in the same way as
same response. Finally, as result of the short time of compression and the in case of single bubble radius of 3.2 µm (section 3.2). However, many
lower expansion ratio, the heat conduction during the compression points of interference are retrieved between the temperature profiles of
phase for the normal model is very lower due to the lower bubble sur­ the model without mass transport, reactions heat and even the normal
face, which implies that the peak temperature obtained by this model is one, which are explained by the lower acoustic amplitude used in this
relatively the same as the model without a thermal conduction. These level. Pressure profiles of Fig. 7(a), 7(f) and 7(k) are slightly clear
interferences are also observed at the relatively larger ambient bubble compared to the temperature profiles of Fig. 6(a), 6(f) and 6(k). The
radii for each of the acoustic amplitudes and the ultrasound frequencies lowest pressure values are observed for the model without thermal
(Fig. 6(a)-(o) and Fig. 7(a)-(o)). This is because of the lower expansion conduction, followed by the model without mass transport. However,
and compression ratios (Fig. 5) as well as the huge amount of water the higher values of pressure are given by the model without reactions
contained inside the bubbles. The result is a milder collapse, which heat and the normal model.
means that the effect of each of these mechanisms is hidden in this range At the acoustic amplitude of 1.5 atm, Fig. 6(b), 6(g) and 6(l), it seen
of ambient bubble radius. that the distancing of the temperature profile, between especially the
On the other hand, the maximal response (maximum effect) is model without mass transport and the other models, becomes slightly
observed in a defined region of ambient bubble radius depending on the clear at the ultrasound frequencies of 355 kHz and 500 kHz compared to
acoustic amplitude and the ultrasound frequency. In this region, 1000 kHz, probably because at 1000 kHz, the acoustic amplitude is not
acoustic parameters (amplitude and frequency) and the ambient bubble stronger enough to reveal the effect of each of these models. The dif­
size are pertinent to exhibit the maximal possible intensity of effect. At ference between the temperature profiles of the model without mass
the acoustic amplitude of 1 atm, it is clear that the higher temperatures transport and the other models, especially toward the maximal tem­
are attained in case of the model without thermal conduction for the perature, can be explained by the effect of acoustic amplitude. This is
three frequencies (355, 500 and 1000 kHz). The maximal temperatures because mass transport mechanism starts to show its effect in the en­
given by this model for the ultrasound frequencies of 355, 500 and 1000 ergetic balance of a bubble at PA = 1.5 atm. However, this impact is not
kHz are 1200, 1050 and 810 K, respectively. In case of the normal model sufficiently larger than that of the other models. It is found for all the
and also models without mass transport and reactions heat, the maximal models adopted here that the maximal responses (maximal tempera­
temperatures are given at around 1050, 880 and 570 K for the ultra­ tures) are shifted toward the lower ambient bubble sizes, which is in
sound frequencies 355, 500 and 1000 kHz, respectively. Besides, as it is good agreement with the results found by Yasui et al. [18] and Merouani
discussed previously (section 3.2), model without thermal conduction et al. [28,62]. At this acoustic amplitude (1.5 atm), the model without
provides the lowest maximal pressure compared to the other cases, the thermal conduction persists to be dominant compared to the other
peak pressures are 18, 15 and 12 atm for, respectively, 355, 500 and models. Pressure profiles at this level of acoustic amplitude have the
1000 kHz. For the model without mass transport, maximal pressures are same trend as in the previous acoustic amplitude (1 atm).

A. Dehane et al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 73 (2021) 105498

At the acoustic amplitude of 2 atm, the maximal temperatures are 4. Conclusion

clearly shifted toward the lower ambient bubble radius, ~ 2 µm. It is
seen from Fig. 6(c), 6(h) and 6(m) that the peak temperatures are In this work, numerical simulations have been performed in the
raised for all the ultrasound frequencies. For this acoustic amplitude (2 purpose to assess the effects of mass transport, thermal conduction and
atm), the maximum temperatures retrieved for the model without re­ the reactions heat on a single bubble dynamics (argon bubble). These
actions heat are higher than those of the normal model by a difference effects were treated on a range of ambient bubble radii. The obtained
of 1800 K at the frequency of 355 kHz, which is due principally to the results show the existence of a region of ambient bubble radius (around
elimination of the reactions heat from the bubble energy balance. Even R0 of the maximal response) where the impact of all these energetic
at this acoustic amplitude, model without thermal conduction remains mechanisms is maximum. This trend is observed for a wide range of
dominant compared to the other models for all the ultrasonic fre­ frequencies and acoustic amplitudes. This maximal response is shifted
quencies. However, it is found that the response of the model without toward the lower bubble radius as the acoustic amplitude is raised or if
mass transport becomes more intense than those of the without- the ultrasound frequency is increased. The effect of thermal conduction
reactions heat and the normal models for the ultrasound frequency of mechanism is found to be dominant for the acoustic amplitudes lower
355 kHz. This is because the increase of the acoustic amplitude shifts than 2.5 and 3 atm for the ultrasound frequencies of 355 kHz and 500
the maximal response toward the lower ambient bubble radius. In kHz, respectively. However, for acoustic amplitudes greater than 2 atm
addition, it is seen before for a bubble radius of 3.2 µm (PA = 2.5 atm, f (f = 355 kHz) or equal to 3 atm (f = 500 kHz), the mechanism of mass
= 355 kHz) that the expansion ratio of the bubble for the normal model transport becomes more promoted than the other mechanisms. The ef­
or the model without reactions heat is greater than that of the model ficiency of the thermal conduction mechanism is due to the large
without mass transport. This contributes more to increase the heat amount of energy carried out of bubble during the compression phase,
capacity in these models compared to the model without mass trans­ where this loose of energy is more favored if the temperature of the
port. Therefore, during the compression phase, model without mass external wall of bubble is considered constant. For the model without
transport seems to be more dominant than the model without reactions mass transport, the increase of the maximum bubble temperature was
heat, due to its lower amount of vapor (lower heat capacity) and explained by the decrease of heat capacity of bubble and the very small
consequently lower quantity of created species (decreases the energy quantity of species created at the end of collapse (reduction of energy
consumption) at collapse. The maximum temperatures for the ultra­ consumption). On the other hand, for the model without reactions heat,
sound frequencies of 500 and 1000 kHz are shifted to ~1.8 and ~1.6 the increase of temperature originates from the endothermal nature of
µm of R0, respectively. the most chemical reactions taking place into the bubble. Finally, the
For PA = 2.5 atm and 355 kHz, the predominance of the model effect of each of these mechanisms (mass transport, thermal conduction
without mass transfer is clear for the maximum bubble temperature, in and reactions heat) is strongly dependent on the ultrasonic parameters
which the optimum ambient bubble radius is moved to ~0.8 µm, giving (acoustic amplitude and frequency) as well as the ambient bubble size.
a maximal temperature of 20000 K (Fig. 6(d)). The model without
thermal conduction gives a maximal temperature of 13600 K at around CRediT authorship contribution statement
1.4 µm. However, the model without reactions heat gives a peak tem­
perature of 11700 K compared to the normal model that provides 8800 Aissa Dehane: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal
K, which means an increase of 24.8%. On the other hand, maximal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Slimane
pressures are increased to 50000, 4300, 3700 and 18200 atm for, Merouani: Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision,
respectively, the model without reactions heat model, the model Visualization, Writing - review & editing, Methodology, Formal analysis.
without mass transport and the model without thermal conduction Oualid Hamdaoui: Conceptualization, Supervision, Visualization,
(Fig. 7(d)). For the other ultrasound frequencies, 500 and 1000 kHz, the Validation, Writing - review & editing. Abdulaziz Alghyamah: Visu­
model without thermal conduction persists to be dominant compared to alization, Writing - review & editing.
the other cases, which is due to the increase of ultrasonic frequency
which reduces the intensity of the bubble collapse.
The application of an acoustic amplitude of 3 atm under the ul­ Declaration of Competing Interest
trasound frequencies of 355 and 500 kHz reveals that the model
without mass transport is the more energetic one in bubble energy The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
balance, whereas this behavior is less intense for the lower and higher interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
ambient bubble radius (Fig. 6(e) and 6(j)). However, for an ultrasonic the work reported in this paper.
frequency of 1000 kHz, the model without thermal conduction persists
to be dominant (Fig. 6(o)), which gives the highest maximal temper­
atures compared to the other models (the peak temperature = 11000
K). At the acoustic amplitude lower than 2.5 atm for the ultrasound
This study was supported by The Ministry of Higher Education and
frequency of 355 kHz (and also 3 atm for 500 kHz), it is clear that the
Scientific Research of Algeria (project No. A16N01UN250320180001)
mechanism of thermal conduction is the dominant (especially at the
and the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological
peak temperature). However, for the acoustic amplitude greater than
Development (GD-SRTD). The authors extend their appreciation to the
2.5 atm (or equal 3 atm for 500 kHz), the model without mass transport
Deputyship for Research & Innovation, “Ministry of Education” in Saudi
becomes dominant compared to the other ones. This is because at the
Arabia for funding this research work through the project No. IFKSURG-
acoustic amplitude greater than 2.5 atm (f = 355 kHz) or equal to 3 atm
(f = 500 kHz), the expansion and compression ratios (around R0 of the
maximal response) of the model without mass transport are largely
greater than that of the model without thermal conduction. So that for References
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