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 Inability to communicate with one another: Talking sounds simple enough. However,
this is where quality is more important than quantity. Talking isn't difficult; we talk to our
partner everyday. It's the depth and richness of what we communicate that strengthens a
relationship. The more the communication deteriorates, the harder it becomes to talk
about meaningful issues.

 Problems trusting the other and the relationship : Trust is always a part of any
discussion about relationships. You trust your partner to be open, honest, and respectful
with you. You trust your partner to invest in the relationship as much as you do, to be
committed to growing together. Trust is undermined when the same problem repeats
itself. Deception and lying is a common trust issue. A person lies, the lie is discovered, a
promise is made to not lie again, and then another lie follows. Over time, trust is lost and
the relationship is in serious trouble.

 Disconnect with the emotional world of your partner : In one word, this refers to
empathy. Unfortunately, it's a lack in empathy. Empathy is a necessity of any
relationship. Empathy does not mean radical forgiveness, acceptance, or submission. It
does not mean that you allow your partner to do whatever he/she wants and you accept
any and all behavior unconditionally. Empathy refers to understanding how your partner
feels at any given moment. Many relationships end because of the inability to understand
the perspective of the other person.

 Not Wanting to do the Work: Relationships are not just about the good times. In fact,
they are mainly about the challenges a relationship is the hardest school where you have
to face all your “stuff” and decide what you want to do with it. Unfortunately, because so
many people conjure up this idea that a relationship is only supposed to be some magical
experience with no turbulence, very few actually want to do the work.

 Lack of Gratitude: Once we have found “our one”, over time the magic can start to
wear off. Life becomes hectic and we can easily forget how special the person we are
with. We begin to take them for granted and stop appreciating the things they do for us.
To ensure that your relationship lasts, every day you must “choose” to remember how
special that person is and makes it YOUR JOB to appreciate them.

 Having Expectations: Expectations are the “gift killer”. When you expect something
from someone you take away their opportunity to gift you with something and it removes
the sacredness and magic of the offering.


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