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DH A K A T U E S DAY J U LY 2 , 2 02 4
Regd. No. DA 781 Vol. XXXIV No. 160 Ashar 18, 1431 BS Zilhajj 25, 1445 Hijri 16 Pages Plus Life Style : Tk 15.00

Rain brings ‘French far-right More women Will BCB’s WC’

fresh dengue win a lesson for in construction discussions’
concerns progressives’ sector should be make any
our next goal difference?
P3 P7 P8 P11

Pension protest
brings public
univs to halt
Faculty, staff strike over new pension
scheme; students hold quota demo
STAR REPORT and allows encashment of earned leave
-- provisions that are unclear or missing
Teachers went on an indefinite strike over in the new scheme.
pension benefits yesterday, paralysing A finance ministry official said pension
public universities across the country. schemes like these are common across
Also, students at Dhaka and the world, adding that single-handedly
Jahangirnagar universities took to paying the pension was a burden for the
the streets, demanding quotas for government.
government jobs be abolished. After the government announced the
The teachers’ strike began yesterday scheme in May, teachers associations
with the academics demanding abolition termed it “discriminatory” and called for
of the new Prottoy Universal Pension its abolition.
Scheme. The teachers have also been
No classes, exams, or admission- demanding a new pay scale and the
related activities were done, most inclusion of professors in the “super”
classrooms and libraries were locked, and grade.
barely any university buses left the sheds There are over 16,000 teachers and
at the 35 universities where teachers and 34,382 staff at 50 public universities that

RAINY DAY GAMES! … Children dabble in a game of football through the puddles that formed in a school playground after rain in Khulna’s Dumuria
upazila. The photo was taken at Thukra Ramkrishnapur Pashchimpara Government High School yesterday afternoon.

Existing employees will not be affected SCHOOL EXAM MARKS GOVT OFFICIALS RAJBARI-TUNGIPARA
HC directive
Monthly pension, not one-time payment 65pc for written A lone train
sought for
Will deduct employees’ 10pc basic salary disclosure
The scheme is tax-free
part, 35pc for of assets
operating on
Tk 2,110cr line!
In light of media reports
staffers were on strike.
have nearly 300,000 lakh students. ARAFAT RAHAMAN about certain government No feasibility study done for the
At Dhaka University, the teacher’s
As yesterday was also the first day of association shunned the institution’s The National Curriculum Coordination Committee
officials amassing property, project; 4 stations non-operational
a three-day strike by the Inter-University a Supreme Court lawyer filed
103rd founding anniversary celebrations (NCCC) finalised the evaluation process in
Officers’ Federation over pensions, no a writ petition with the High
yesterday. summative assessment under the new curriculum
administrative work was done. Court yesterday, requesting
DU teacher Nizamul Hoque, secretary at a meeting yesterday.
“We will not return to the classrooms that the government
general of the Federation of Bangladesh Summative assessments are used to evaluate a
until the demands are met,” Prof Zeenat take steps to disclose the
University Teachers’ Association, said the student’s learning, skill acquisition, and academic
Huda, general secretary of Dhaka movable and immovable
pension scheme robbed them of their achievement at the conclusion of an academic year.
University Teachers’ Association, told a properties owned by public
sense of jubilation. Sixty-five percent of the evaluation will now
rally on campus. servants serving in civil
Addressing a rally, Prof Chandra Nath be based on the written part and 35 percent on
The protests follow a government capacities, as well as their
Podder said the new scheme was imposed practical activities.
decision to implement Prottoy pension family members.
without consulting the teachers. The NCCC, a high-level committee responsible for
scheme for recruits joining on or after Advocate Subir
The situation was similar at BUET, the curriculum’s final approval, made the decision
July 1 the autonomous, self-governing, Nandi Das submitted
Chittagong, Rajshahi, Jahangirnagar at the meeting with officials from the secondary,
nationalised, statutory, or such the petition as a public
and other universities. madrasa, and technical education boards. Education
organisations and their subordinate interest litigation to the
At Rajshahi University, teachers Minister Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury was in the
institutions. HC, also appealing to
Under the scheme, 10 percent of the demonstrated in front of the Senate chair. the court to direct the TUHIN SHUBHRA ADHIKARY
monthly basic salary of an employee, up Bhaban and the staff association near the Confirming the development, Prof Md authorities concerned with
to Tk 5,000, will be deducted and given administrative building. Moshiuzzaman, acting chairman of the National the government to adopt Bangladesh Railway had taken up a project in 2010 to
to their pension fund. The organisation At a rally on an otherwise empty Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), said, “The guidelines or policies or to
Jagannath University campus, Prof evaluation method has been finalised with some bring Tungipara of Gopalganj under the railway network
will contribute the same amount to the enact proper legislation to without carrying out any feasibility study.
fund, and interest will be added to it. Shaikh Masrick Hasan said there should minor changes to our initial proposals.” prevent the accumulation
be no disparity between current and PHASE-WISE IMPLEMENTATION The project was completed in 2018, more than five years
There will be no one-time gratuity for the of illegal wealth (movable behind schedule, for Tk 2,110 crore. The cost was almost
retiring employee. future teachers. The phase-wise implementation of the new or immovable) through
Meanwhile, some DU students curriculum started on January 1, 2023. Currently, double the initial estimates. But the BR now operates only
At present, no money is deducted corruption by the public one passenger train on Gopalganj-Rajbari-Rajshahi route.
from the salary. marched on campus demonstrating it is followed in classes one, two, three, six, seven, servants serving in civil
against the reinstatement of quota in eight, and nine. It will be adopted in classes four, The railway authorities also could not make four
The current system includes a 5 capacities and their family
percent annual increment in pension SEE PAGE 2 COL 6 SEE PAGE 2 COL 4 members. SEE PAGE 2 COL 1

Sylhet, Sunamganj
Remittance brace for another
hit about
$24b in spell of flood

After hovering People of Sylhet and Sunamganj are facing flood for the
around the third time this year due to heavy rainfall in the region and
$21-billion mark upstream India.
for the previous The water of the Surma, Jadukata, Kushiyara and Sari
two fiscal years, rivers are flowing above danger level at different points at
total remittances the time of filing the report.
sent home by Around a hundred villages in the low-lying areas of
Bangladesh’s Sylhet’s Kanaighat, Zakiganj and Jaintiapur upazila; and
migrant workers Sunamganj’s Tahirpur, Chhatak, Dowarabazar and Sadar
reached nearly $24 upazila are submerged.
billion in the just In the next 48 hours, heavy to very heavy rainfall is
concluded fiscal expected in the North, North-eastern and adjoining
year of 2023-24, upstream parts of the country, said a bulletin of Flood
Forecasting and Warning Centre yesterday.
providing some
“As a result, the water level of the rivers in North and
breathing space Northeastern regions may rise rapidly in a particular
amid the forex time,” said the bulletin released at 9:00am yesterday.
crunch. Rain and thundershowers are expected over the next
As per the latest five days, said another bulletin from the Bangladesh
data from the Meteorological Department yesterday.
Bangladesh Bank, Earlier on Sunday, the Bangladesh Water Development
remittance inflow Board (WDB) warned of a short-term flood in Sylhet.
stood at $23.91 The Surma River was flowing 102 centimetres above the
billion in FY24, danger level in Kanaighat Upazila at 6:00 pm yesterday,
rising by 10.66 while the Kushiyara River was flowing 28cm above at
Zakiganj’s Amolshid and 88 cm above the danger level
percent compared
at Fenchuganj upazila at the same time, according to the
to the year prior.
The Dhalai river has burst its banks after heavy rains, inundating villages in Telikhal union of Sylhet’s Companiganj upazila. In 12 hours WDB in Sylhet.
from 6:00am yesterday, at least 156 millimeters of rainfall was recorded in the district, and vast swathes of land lining different rivers went Meanwhile, the Sari River in Sylhet’s Jaintiapur’s


2 ASHAR 18, 1431 BS

ACC finds 12 heads
of Brahman cattle
MY DHAKA in Sadeeq Agro
Goat priced Tk 15 lakh found
5 POPULAR EATERIES The Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday
raided a farm of Sadeeq Agro in Savar’s Bhakurta

in and around DU campus and found five Brahman cows and seven calves.
ACC Assistant Director Abul Kalam Azad,
who led the drive, told reporters that they would
investigate how the cattle were brought to the
with beef, brain, shrimp, or just a farm as there is a ban on importing such cattle.
regular dinner with a dash of jhal fry, He added that they found the goat worth Tk
On July 1, 2024, Dhaka University bhorta, and bhaji -- students of DU rush 15 lakh there, whose price is now the talk of the
celebrated its 103rd anniversary. to Mama Hotel whenever they feel like country.
University life is an experience in itself. having a feast. Earlier in the day, the nine-member ACC team
Besides the education and the bonds went to Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm
Charukala Gate
of friendship people share, a notable (CCBDF), Savar, to enquire about 18 Brahman cows
This particular eatery is a temporary
aspect that shines in every person’s that were seized and kept at the farm for rearing.
shop that only operates in the
heart is campus food. Sadeeq Agro imported them without
afternoon. At the Charukala gate, one
We spoke to a few students and DU permission three years ago.
can find fried chicken. Every day, people
graduates about their favourite campus line up to get a taste of this snack. With CCBDF Director Monirul Islam told The Daily
eateries and here’s what we found. a little bit of sauce, it is a decent offer, Star that three of the 18 cows died. Dairy Farmers’
Association bought 15 cows from the fisheries and
Campus Shadow given the reasonable price. However, to
livestock ministry on condition of selling the meat
The tiny shop is well known for its treat yourself to a piece of this famous at fair price during Ramadan.
lemonade, but the best item there is the fried chicken, you will have to battle Sadeeq Agro owner Imran Hossain is the
luchi-daal, which is only served in the through a crowd. president of the organisation.
PHOTO: PRABIR DAS Honourable Mentions Asked whether the cows were slaughtered,
Of course, there are other options in Monirul said they were not tasked with supervising
befitting name. Standing beside the central library, it. “We handed over the cows to them as per
One of the reasons for the popularity Hakim Chattar is more popular for the campus. IBA and FBS Canteen are
two places that offer good food, but documents.”
of TSC is the affordable food it offers. its location than the food. The usual ACC Assistant Director Azad said they would
Whether it’s the khichuri or the chicken khichuri, soup, and snacks such as are overlooked because many feel that
the food there is somewhat overpriced. probe allegations against Imran of selling the
with rice, students line up all the same. shingara and pakora make up the same kind of cattle before Eid-ul-Azha. It would
Besides lunch, breakfast and snacks are menu here. And of course, there is tea. There is also Royal Tehari -- a small
shop at Nilkhet, which holds a special also be investigated whether any CCBDF official is
also served here and the place is almost It is hard to find a time when this involved in Sadeeq Agro.
always jam-packed. Taking a sip of their place is not crowded. Many students place in the heart of DU students, much
like Mama Hotel.
lemon tea while strumming a guitar is prefer to come here from the central
a common sight here. library for a quick bite. On other
Madhur Canteen is a legendary
eatery, but the place is usually crowded
Australia doubles foreign
occasions, it’s just a convenient place to
Hakim Chattar
sit for a quick meal under the shade of
for its political importance. As a result,
students turn to DUCSU Cafeteria,
student visa fees
afternoon. The luchi is always served the trees.
which perhaps offers the most REUTERS, Sydney
hot, straight from the fryer! If you walk Mama Hotel affordable food option on campus. And
by Mall Chattar in the afternoon, the It is difficult to find someone who just across from DUCSU, DU Coffee Hut Australia said yesterday it had more than doubled
aroma will certainly lure you towards studies at Dhaka University but has offers fast food and juices. the visa fee for international students, the
this simple place. not been to Mama Hotel. Located just This list is by no means latest move by the government to rein in record
TSC outside of the DU campus, the hotel comprehensive, and there are several migration that has intensified pressure on an
“Praner Mela” (carnival of life) -- is the is always bustling with students. The options scattered throughout campus. already tight housing market.
phrase used to describe TSC. If you ever owners have formed a bond with the Everyone has their share of fond From July 1, the international student visa fee
had the opportunity to be here for any students and make them feel welcome. memories about them. has risen to A$1,600 ($1,068) from A$710, while
occasion, you would know that it’s a As a result, whether it’s a special meal What’s yours? visitor visa holders and students with temporary
graduate visas are banned from applying onshore
for a student visa.

A lone train operating 65pc for written part Turkey arrests 67

FROM PAGE 1 tests while 35 on practical activity. after mob attacks
on Tk 2,110cr line! five, and 10 in January 2025.
As per the new curriculum,
Meanwhile, SSC exams, which take
place at the end of the 10th grade,
Syrian properties
FROM PAGE 1 professor of civil engineering at Buet. directors oversaw the scheme and the students of pre-primary to grade will be conducted by the existing AFP, Istanbul
stations in this section operational The Tungipara Express, which frequent changes of PDs hindered its three will not be assessed through education boards at different exam
due to a lack of manpower. Several was launched in 2019, operates from progress to some extent. exams. For higher classes, there will centres, but the evaluation process Turkish police were holding 67
buildings construed for the railway Gobra of Tungipara to Rajshahi via The IMED said the rail line is not be exams along with continuous will be under the new curriculum, people yesterday after a mob went on
staffers at those stations still remain Rajbari. being maintained properly. Five years assessment. according to the NTCB. the rampage in a central Anatolian
unused, leading to their decay. The BR could have invested this have passed since the opening of the DRAFTING AND APPROVAL When publishing the report card city after a Syrian man was accused
The Implementation, Monitoring money in other projects if a proper rail line, but the BR is yet to deploy The NCTB drafted the assessment of SSC, there will no longer use a
method in February. However, there of harassing a child.
and Evaluation Division (IMED) under study was conducted beforehand, he waymen (track maintenance workers). GPA system. Instead, there will be
were controversies and protests from seven scales to describe the level of A group of men targeted Syrian
the planning ministry made these said. According to the report, three staff businesses and properties in Kayseri
observations in its recently published guardians and teachers regarding competency, with “initial” at the
A proper study might have quarters were built at each of the five written exams. on Sunday evening, with videos on
Impact Assessment Report on the bottom and “unique” at the top.
suggested that the project should be stations but those were degrading as Following this, the education ADVANCEMENT FROM SSC TO HSC social media showing a grocery store
project. taken up a few years later, the expert those were unoccupied. being set on fire.
ministry formed a coordination From now on, SSC students will be
The project was taken up to revive observed. Also, four stations on Kashiani- committee for the evaluation system President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
allowed to advance to the HSC level
a 75km old line and build a 32km new THE PROJECT Gopalganj-Tungipara route and curriculum. even if they fail up to two subjects. condemned the latest bout of violence
track at a cost of Tk 1,101.32 crore. The rail line from Kalukhali remain inoperative due to a lack of The NCTB draft was further They will, however, receive a mark against Turkey’s large community of
The IMED report said the of Rajbari to Bhatiapara Ghat of manpower. revised based on this committee’s sheet showing their scores and will Syrian refugees.
contractors used oversised stones on Gopalganj was constructed in 1932 The stones used on the rail line is suggestions. The final draft was need to retake and pass the failed “No matter who they are, setting
the rail track, making the line risky. It but the line became inoperative in 30 to 40 percent oversised and the subsequently sent to the ministry subjects in subsequent examinations streets and people’s houses on fire is
also found that a lack of maintenance 1997. amount of stones were not adequate, for approval following the NCCC to obtain full marks. unacceptable,” he said, warning that
and unauthorised level crossings are The government in 2010 approved the report mentioned. meeting, according to the NCTB. TECHNICAL, MADRASA EXAMS hate speech should not be used for
increasing the risks of accidents. a project to revive the 75.5km section Contacted, BR Director General KEY DECISIONS IN FINAL DRAFT On the other hand, public political gains.
Transport expert Prof and build 32.35km of lines between Sardar Shahadat Ali yesterday said he In National Curriculum examinations in some specialised Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said
Hadiuzzaman said taking up a Kashiani and Gopalganj to bring would not comment on the project as Framework-2021, the NCTB outlined subjects under the Technical and
the Syrian national, identified only by
project without a feasibility study is Tungipara, the birthplace of the he was not the DG when it was taken two broad forms of learning Madrasa education boards will
assessment: formative (continuous his initials as I.A., was caught by Turkish
not a good example. father of the nation, under the railway up. continue to use the old method for
classroom-based assessment) and next few years, as decided in the citizens and delivered to the police.
“It is not possible to know the traffic network. He said they have shortages
demand, best locations of stations summative (at the end of an academic NCCC meeting.
The project was supposed to be of manpower, locomotives and year). Prof Md Mamun Ul Haque, acting
and the best possible links with roads completed by June 2013. But it was carriages and that’s why they cannot Pension protest
Following a major change in the chairman of the Technical Education
without a proper study. Investing completed in December 2018 with make all stations operational and summative assessment, students will Board, said class nine students under FROM PAGE 1
such a huge amount in a project 330 percent time extension and 91.61 operate more trains on the line. now have to sit for five-hour-long this board will continue to take public recruitments for government jobs.
without a study is questionable,” he percent cost escalation, shows IMED Asked about the return on tests for each subject: four hours exams in four specialised subjects Jahangirnagar University students
told The Daily Star yesterday. document. investment, he said, “It’s true that we for “practical” activity and one for using the old creative method due to kept the Dhaka-Aricha highway
As the BR invested money without The IMED report said that the are not getting enough return on the “theoretical” written test. There will the delay in making new textbooks blocked for several minutes.
assessing the traffic demand, they are project saw time and cost overruns as investment now. But we will have the be an interval in between. for those subjects. The High Court on June 5 ordered
operating only one train now which is it was taken up without a feasibility expected return when will be able to According to the new assessment For the same reason, the Madrasa a 30 percent quota for the freedom
not bringing enough returns for their study. operate more trains. However, it may method, 65 percent will be on written education board will be do the same. fighters’ children in government jobs.
investment, said Hadiuzzaman, a It also said that nine project take some more time.”

Explain VAT claims against

S Alam firms: HC to NBR
FROM PAGE 12 hold a hearing on the rules. But they had not done it. They
Customs, Excise & VAT During yesterday’s hearing, the cannot be given unlimited time
Commissionerate, Chattogram, companies’ lawyer Ahsanul Karim under the relevant law, he said.
without hearing the two companies told the bench that his clients At one stage, Deputy Attorney
-- should not be declared illegal. on June 4 sought time from the General Samarebdranath Biswas told
The respondents – the commissionerate for their senior the HC that the companies’ intention
commissioner and deputy counsel to appear for hearings. was not to pay the VAT.
commissioners of the Chattogram He said his clients were not heard Lawyer for the companies, Ahsanul
commissionerate; and revenue before the adjudication orders said his clients never said that they
officer of Customs, Excise & VAT, were issued. The commissioner of would not pay the VAT.
Karnaphuli Circle, Taltola Chowki, the Chattogram commissionerate According to an audit by the
Patia, Chattogram -- were asked to violated the principle of natural VAT wing of the National Board
come up with an explanation within justice in passing the orders by of Revenue, the companies have
10 days not allowing his clients to defend unpaid VAT and consequent
The court also asked them why themselves against allegations made penalties of over Tk 7,000 crore.
the commissioner of the Chattogram in show-cause notices issued on They evaded VAT by presenting
commissionerate should not be asked October 4 and December 27 last year lower purchase and sales data
to dispose of the matter by strictly and on March 18 this year, the lawyer in VAT returns and other means
following sections 73 and 85 of the said. between 2019 and 2022.
Value Added Tax and Supplementary Deputy Attorney General Nawroz The audit was subsequently
Duty Act, 2012. MR Chowdhury representing the reviewed by a five-member committee
The HC bench of Justice Zafar government told the court that the led by an additional commissioner of
Ahmed and Justice Sardar Md companies were given time on several Chattogram VAT Commissionerate,
Rashed Jahangir issued the rules occasions over the last one year to which also arrived at the same
after two writ petitions were filed by submit their statements before the conclusion.
the two companies. commissioner to uphold the principle The two companies denied any A worker removes debris from a supermarket damaged by a Russian missile strike, amid Russia’s attack on
The bench also fixed July 15 to of natural justice. wrongdoing. Ukraine, in Dnipro, Ukraine yesterday. PHOTO: REUTERS
ASHAR 18, 1431 BS
French far-right
Japanese official
win a ‘lesson’ for among 11 arrested
‘progressives’ for price gouging
Says UK’s Labour leader Starmer REUTERS
AFP, London
Myanmar arrested four executives of supermarket
The far-right victory in the first round of France’s general chains, including an official of a Japanese joint
election is a sign for politicians to better respond to venture, for selling rice at inflated prices, state
disaffected voters, UK Labour leader Keir Starmer said media said yesterday, as the war-torn country’s
yesterday. ruling junta struggles to stabilise its economy.
Starmer’s centre-left party is firm favourite to seize The impoverished Southeast Asian country
power at the UK general election on Thursday, bucking has been in turmoil since its military deposed
the trend of a rightwards shift in Europe and elsewhere, an elected civilian government in February 2021,
and making him prime minister. sparking widespread protests that have morphed
“The lesson I take from (the National Rally victory) is into a nationwide armed resistance.
that we need to address the everyday concerns of so many Authorities said they arrested 11 people,
people,” he said as the UK election campaign entered its including rice traders and officials of mills and
final few days. retailers, accusing them of inflating prices by 31
“We have to take that head on and we have to show percent to 70 percent from prescribed levels, the
both Thursday in the United Kingdom and across Europe Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said.
and the world that only progressives have the answers In Tokyo, Japan’s chief cabinet secretary,
to the challenges that are facing us in this country and Yoshimasa Hayashi, said police in Yangon
across Europe,” he said. were questioning a Japanese national. “The
“We have to make that progressive cause but we have Japanese government intends to continue taking
to, in making that, understand why it is... that people do A man throws a bucket of water to dowse a fire in a building that was heavily damaged during an Israeli army appropriate steps while urging local authorities
feel disaffected with politics,” he added. raid on the Nur Shams camp for Palestinian refugees, east of Tulkarm in the occupied West Bank yesterday. for his early release,” he told reporters.


criminally Palestinian prisoners denies amnesty
Russia border
charge Boeing for Catalan
Seek guilty plea,
say sources
face ‘all kinds of torture’ separatist regions report
Says Gaza hospital chief after release from AFP, Madrid
Israeli detention centre Spain’s top court yesterday
refused to grant an amnesty
power cuts
The US Department AFP, Deir El-Balah AFP, Moscow
ate more than a loaf of bread a to Catalan separatist leader
of Justice (DOJ) will
day,” said Salmiya. Carles Puigdemont on a
criminally charge Boeing The head of the Gaza Strip’s Officials in Russian
BA.N with fraud over two “Detainees were subjected charge of misusing public
biggest hospital said yesterday to physical and psychological funds, maintaining arrest regions bordering
fatal crashes and ask the
after being freed from more than humiliation.” warrants over his failed Ukraine reported
planemaker to plead guilty
seven months of detention that he The medical chief said no 2017 secession attempt. power cuts and
or face a trial, two people
familiar with the matter had been “tortured” by Israel. charge had ever been made Spanish MPs in May water supply issues
said on Sunday. Al-Shifa hospital director against him. Israeli forces detained passed an amnesty law yesterday after deadly
The Justice Department Mohammed Abu Salmiya was Salmiya during one of a number of aimed at drawing a line drone attacks by Kyiv.
planned to formally offer a among more than 50 Palestinians raids on Al-Shifa. under years of efforts to The attacks and
plea agreement to Boeing released and returned to Gaza for The hospital has largely been prosecute those involved in shelling on the border
later in the day, which treatment, according to an Israeli reduced to rubble by successive the botched secession bid. region of Belgorod over
includes a financial penalty minister and a medical source in raids since Israel launched its Blocking the amnesty the past day killed a four-
and imposition of an the besieged territory. assault on Gaza. for Puigdemont could year-old girl and wounded
independent monitor to Salmiya said he was put kinds of torture,” he told a press Salmiya and the other freed complicate life for Spain’s seven people, regional governor
audit the company’s safety through “severe torture” during conference. “Several inmates died detainees crossed back into Gaza Prime Minister Pedro Vyacheslav Gladkov said.
and compliance practices his detention, which left him with in interrogation centres and were from Israel just east of Khan Yunis, Sanchez, who relied on Ukraine regularly targets Russian border
for three years, the sources a broken thumb. deprived of food and medicine.” a medical source at the Al-Aqsa Catalan parties to secure a regions with drones, claiming attacks on energy
said. “Prisoners are subjected to all “For two months no prisoner hospital in Deir al-Balah told AFP. new term in November. facilities and ammunition depots.
ASHAR 18, 1431 BS
More women in construction

Why can’t the NBR sector should be our next goal

Dipa Das structural shift in labour dynamics. participation in the labour force, industry stakeholders perceiving
protect its server? is research associate at South Asian Network on
Economic Modeling (SANEM).
The rise of automation and
Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
there are no gender-specific policies
in the construction sector. The
women as less productive and costlier
due to additional safety and security
Its vulnerability to hacking has Eshrat Sharmin technology highlights the need to Public Procurement Rule, 2008, needs. Barriers related to marriage,
is senior research associate at SANEM. focus on technology and skills-based and Occupational Health and Safety pregnancy, and care work, combined
emerged as a serious security threat DIPA DAS and ESHRAT SHARMIN
occupations for women. Policy, 2013 ensure workplace safety with a lack of role models and
According to the Labour Force but lack gender provisions. The labour representation in workers’ unions,
The ease and frequency with which cybercriminals continue further limit women’s opportunities
to breach the National Board of Revenue (NBR) server is and perpetuate their marginalisation
Bangladesh’s economy has witnessed
disquieting. According to a report by this daily, a cybercriminal in the construction sector.
remarkable growth, solidifying
gang attempted to release a container of foreign cigarettes from To increase female participation
it as one of the fastest growing
Chattogram Port after breaching the NBR server with the login and to create a more inclusive
economies worldwide. According to
credentials of a customs official. Acting on a tip-off, officials environment in the construction
the Bangladesh Economic Review
seized the container loaded with 50 lakh sticks of cigarettes industry, several essential actions
2023, the construction sector
worth about Tk 5 crore. The breach of the server came to light should be taken to overcome the
significantly contributes to this
on Saturday after an investigation into the incident. challenges. Firstly, establishing a
growth—approximately 6.41 percent in
Despite the successful intervention, what worries us is that comprehensive workforce database,
2023. Construction’s share within the
the breach could have led to something far more sinister. It gradually formalising the sector
industry sector and growth is on the
shows once again the vulnerability of the NBR server to hacking through structured recruitment, fair
rise, with the growth rate increasing to
which is proving increasingly difficult to address. Reportedly, wages, standard work hours, proper
8.71 percent in FY2021-22, compared
following previous incidents of server breach, the NBR took implementation of well-defined health,
to 8.08 percent in FY2020-21.
some steps like the use of particular login IP and sending safety, and compensation policies,
As the construction sector expands,
OTP to mobile phones of officials with proper authorisations. and an institutional body addressing
it demands more labour. According
However, the latest breach has demonstrated that these workplace abuse and harassment are
to the Labour Force Survey 2022,
measures are not enough. Criminals somehow managed to use crucial.
construction is the fifth largest
the login credentials of a deputy commissioner of Chattogram Secondly, promoting female
industry in terms of employment in
Customs House to register the consignment with the NBR participation through skills training
Bangladesh, with about 5.44 percent
server, and also to access the server from a different IP address, incentives and creating a gender
of the employed population working
while no OTP was sent to the mobile phone of the official responsive ecosystem with standard
in this sector. A study conducted by
concerned. FILE PHOTO: ADAM JONES/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS wages, safety measures, maternity
Bangladesh Institute of Development
Over the last few years, at least 38 imported consignments
Studies (BIDS) projects that the The construction sector in Bangladesh is highly informal—78.42 percent of benefits, and flexible work hours are
of goods were released illegally by using the IDs of at least eight
revenue officials. Investigators said a cybercriminal gang was
construction industry is expected female workers here are employed under verbal agreements. also extremely important. Ensuring
that training programmes include
involved in those incidents; however, they failed to identify the Survey 2016-17, females in the law addresses critical women’s issues 30 percent female participation as
gang. After a few such incidents in 2022, it was discovered that To increase female construction sector are primarily like hygiene, maternity leave, medical mandated by the government and
earlier measures taken by the NBR had been insufficient to participation and to concentrated in lower tier jobs: 31.23 facilities, and working hours, but declaring minimum wages for entry-
prevent its servers from being breached. The institution itself percent as civil engineering labourers, enforcement is challenging in informal level jobs should be considered.
admitted that its technological safeguards could not thwart create a more inclusive
environment in the 22.15 percent as building construction sectors like construction. Thirdly, streamlining the labour
them. Even though these concerns have been well-known, the workers, and 18.27 percent as Women are largely confined to hiring processes for contractors and
fact that the authorities have been unable to address them construction industry, bricklayers. Studies found that women unskilled jobs like brick-breaking subcontractors, maintaining a worker
since is unacceptable. Another major concern is that despite several essential also work in senior management and and excavation due to a substantial database with national ID numbers to
repeated breaches, the probe committees that have been actions should be administrative roles, accounting for skills gap and lack of access to identify wage gaps, and adding specific
formed failed to identify the perpetrators or answer many approximately 7.1 percent and 4.3 training programmes. The sector’s clauses to labour laws addressing the
critical questions raised by the incidents. taken to overcome the
challenges. percent of total female employment high informality—characterised by construction sector-related concerns
The entire security system of the NBR seems to be way in the sector, respectively. Across all irregular recruitment, work hours, are vital. The Ministry of Women
below par, and the danger that it poses to our national security occupations, most female workers are and payment methods—limits job and Children’s Affairs should play a
is disturbing. Against this backdrop, the NBR should urgently either unskilled (53 percent) or semi- stability. Additionally, mobility and significant role in this regard, with
to require approximately 90 lakh
stamp down on such breaches by strengthening the security skilled (17 percent). According to the transportation issues, coupled with private actors and labour organisations
workers by 2030. But among the
of its servers. Customs officials and others should be more findings in the Construction Industry inadequate on site infrastructure advocating for workers’ needs. Finally,
top five employment-generating
vigilant about cybercrimes. And considering the gravity of the Skills Council (CISC) Employers surveys and security concerns, deter women state owned insurance companies
industries, the construction sector
threat posed by such crimes, the authorities should consider in 2018 and 2020, female workers are from long term-roles. The work should offer workers injury packages.
ranks second to last in terms of female
involving independent experts who can look into what’s really considered less productive than males. environment is often abusive, with The construction sector has the
employment. Only 0.4 percent of
happening and suggest solutions. The construction sector is highly frequent conduct violations, resistance potential to increase female workforce
women are employed in this sector,
compared to 8.18 percent of men. informal; 78.42 percent of female to female leadership, and harassment. participation, ensuring gender parity
With female labour force participation workers are employed as per verbal Unsafe conditions and inadequate and aligning with three Sustainable
Protect Tengragiri in Bangladesh increasing from 36.3
percent in 2016-17 to 42.7 percent in
agreements. Only 0.3 percent of
female employees have access to toilets
accommodations, such as the lack of
separate bathrooms and resting areas,
Development Goals (SDGs 1, 5, and
8). Occupations in this sector are
2022, the expanding construction and sanitation facilities, and 1.88 further exacerbate these difficulties. predominantly male-centric across all
forest at all costs sector presents a significant
opportunity to accommodate more
percent have maternity leave benefits.
This sector is inherently hazardous
Gender based violence, including
sexual harassment and physical assault,
tiers, underscoring gender bias and
stigma, necessitating considerable
female workers. due to the nature of its work, yet only remains a significant barrier, with attention from the government and
We can’t afford to lose the ‘second Additionally, with the country’s one percent of female workers have limited avenues for complaint. Wage policymakers. Implementing the above
Sundarbans’ to timber thieves LDC graduation and the anticipated access to safety gear. Additionally, just exploitation is prevalent, with female recommendations can help make the
decline in RMG exports, exploring 0.78 percent receive transportation workers often paid less than their construction sector a leading example
We are outraged to learn that another reserved forest is being sectors like construction is crucial and food subsidies, and 0.66 percent male counterparts for similar work. of gender parity and inclusivity,
plundered by timber thieves who are felling and stealing trees for accommodating the expected benefit from daycare facilities. Societal norms and gender bias further driving sustainable development and
indiscriminately, with no visible steps to stop them. According Despite policies to boost women’s discourage female participation, with economic progress in Bangladesh.
to a report by Prothom Alo, an organised criminal gang has
been stealing trees from the Tengragiri mangrove forest and
setting the stumps on fire to destroy evidence, in the process
causing damage to the trees that still remain standing. Locals
complained that this has been going on for a long time, alleging
that these thieves are working in cohort with forest officials.
The Tengragiri forest, situated along the coast of the Bay of
Bengal, stretches from Taltali upazila of Barguna to Kuakata
Celebrating the legacy of Prof Yunus
in Patuakhali, covering 13,644 acres of area, according to data
from the Forest Department. In 1960, it was designated as a This is an excerpt of a speech given by Susanna B Afan, president of the Ramon Magsaysay
reserved forest based on a survey done in 1927. Home to an
incredible biodiversity system, Tengragiri is the second largest Award Foundation, at the opening ceremony of the 14th Social Business Day on June 27, 2024.
mangrove forest in Bangladesh, and is thus known as the
“second Sundarbans.” In 1984, forty years ago, a then Award stands for—celebrating
Such an invaluable gift of nature—which, much like the 44-year-old Muhammad Yunus transformative, courageous
Sundarbans, acts as a natural barrier to calamities and protects was elected to receive the Ramon leadership, selfless service, and
the locals—already faces a host of threats to its survival, such Magsaysay Award for Community the Greatness of Spirit of ordinary
as the rising sea level and increasing salinity due to global Leadership for “his pioneering individuals and organisations that
warming, erosion, etc. Its chances of survival are being efforts in enabling rural men and bring meaningful, lasting change.
further jeopardised because of the greed and recklessness of women to become economically Named after the seventh
local influentials. A recent visit has revealed that 3,000 trees self-sufficient through sound president of the Philippines, the
have been felled and stolen in the forest’s Behular Char area. group-managed credit. His work Ramon Magsaysay Award honours
According to the Prothom Alo report, in March, a fire broke challenged misconceptions about individuals and organisations
out there and burned as many as 10,000 trees, damaging a the capabilities of the poor to save, embodying commitment to the
lot of others. What really puzzles us is that after the fire was collaborate, and effectively utilise common man, reflecting President
reported, it took local forest officials 18 hours to reach the loans.” Magsaysay’s life and leadership.
scene and bring the fire under control. Another fire incident Since its inception, the Grameen To date, 348 women, men and
happened in the Disirkilla area in April, but that was put out Bank has achieved remarkable organisations working across Asia
quickly enough, so the damage was minimal. success. Grameen Bank has grown have been conferred with what
When asked about their failure to prevent tree robbery and to provide collateral-free loans to 7.5 is now widely regarded as Asia’s
frequent fire incidents, forest officials in Tengragiri cited lack million clients, 97 percent of whom premier prize and highest honour.
of manpower and necessary resources. This seems to be their are women, in more than 82,000 We have captured their inspiring
go-to excuse whenever there are reports of timber theft from villages in Bangladesh. stories in our 65th anniversary
reserved forests. We must ask: how difficult is it to ramp up Yunus’s model has demonstrated commemorative book series, simply
the capacity of the Forest Department so that it can protect that even the poorest individuals called GREATNESS OF SPIRIT:
at-risk forest areas? Or is the concept of “reserved forest” lost can enhance their lives with dignity Susanna B Afan, president of Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, Stories of Love, Courage and Service.
on them? This lackadaisical attitude is totally unacceptable, and contribute to their country’s presents a portrait to Prof Muhammad Yunus to commemorate the Forty years since Muhammad
especially considering Bangladesh’s fast-depleting forest economic growth. 40th anniversary of him receiving the Ramon Magsaysay Award. Yunus received the Ramon
coverage. We urge the authorities to ensure that no further Muhammad Yunus is globally Magsaysay Award, a precursor to
damage is done to what’s left of our precious forests. recognised as “The Father of of Zakat, a religious offering that is Yunus and, as such, they too followed many of his other international
Microfinance.” one of the pillars of Islam. Dompet his footsteps. accolades including the 2006 Nobel
In the Philippines, the Center for Dhuafa’s microloans have benefited In 2008, CARD-MRI received the Peace Prize, we continue to celebrate
Agriculture and Rural Development- 24 million people—more than the Ramon Magsaysay Award. the undeniable impact of his work—
THIS DAY IN HISTORY Mutually Reinforcing Institutions entire population of Sri Lanka. In 2016, Dompet Dhuafa received billions of lives changed through the
(CARD-MRI) was established in 1986. In Pakistan, Muhammad the Magsaysay Prize. power of microfinance.
To date, CARD-MRI has empowered Amjad Saqib founded Akhuwat In 2021, Muhammad Amjad Saqib As a token of our appreciation
millions of Filipinos. Nine million of in 2001. His pioneering interest- also became a Magsaysay Laureate. and to commemorate the 40th
them accessed microloans, 30 million free microfinance model is based To date, there are countless other anniversary of Muhammad Yunus
are insured through microinsurance, on Islamic values and compassion, microfinance institutions globally receiving the Ramon Magsaysay
and five million individuals have known as Mawakhat. Akhuwat that have followed Muhammad Award, the Foundation would like
access to its health programmes. We has since grown into the world’s Yunus’s model. to present Muhammad Yunus,
are honoured to have Dr Aris Alip, largest interest-free microfinance This is the collective impact that 1984 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee
the founder of CARD-MRI, in the organisation. To date, it has Professor Yunus started that merited for Community Leadership, with
audience with us today. disbursed over $789 million in loans him the Magsaysay Award. He has his portrait. This portrait was
In 1994, in Indonesia, Dompet and lifted the lives of over 5.4 million transformed the lives not only of specially commissioned for our 65th
Civil Rights Act signed Dhuafa, a humanitarian institution, people in Pakistan. millions of Bangladeshis but also anniversary commemorative book
On this day in 1964, US President Lyndon B Johnson signed empowered millions of Indonesians These are the movements inspired billions of people around the world. series. This also serves as our birthday
the Civil Rights Act, perhaps the most important US law on through the principle and power directly by the work of Muhammad This is what the Ramon Magsaysay gift for his 84th birthday on June 28.
civil rights since Reconstruction (1865-77) and a hallmark of
the American civil rights movement.

The Daily Star EDITOR & PUBLISHER: Mahfuz Anam Registered & Head Offices: The Daily Star Centre Newsroom: Fax- 58156306 Advertisement: 01711623910 Subscription:
Reg. No. DA 781 Printed by him on behalf of Mediaworld Ltd at Transcraft Ltd, 229, 64-65 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215 01711623906
Tejgaon Industrial Area, Phone: 09610222222 GPO Box: 3257
ASHAR 18, 1431 BS
How universal and egalitarian is the
‘universal’ pension scheme?
Dr Ala Uddin the authorities of autonomous such discrimination. This disparity teachers today are concerned with be mandatory, and that after 8-10
is professor at the Department of Anthropology
in Chittagong University.
institutions like universities were not has greatly distressed the teaching their future. years when people will understand
consulted before this decision was community. The Federation of Although there was great its benefits, everyone will gradually
made. During the budget proposal Bangladesh University Teachers enthusiasm in the beginning, the register. What is the rationale for
for FY2024-25, it was declared that Association has already demanded pension scheme has fallen into a going back on that promise making
the government officials will be that the government reconsider the state of collapse due to bureaucracy, it mandatory for new employees
included in a new pension scheme pension scheme. Various university ambiguity, and discrimination. now?
called “Sebak” from July 2025. teachers’ associations have made Where 10 crore people were The bottom line is that any laws
Nothing has been mentioned about it clear in their positions that this expected to come under the pension and facilities of the country should
the benefits of this scheme, or its discriminatory scheme is in no way scheme, only a little over 100,000 be made applicable to all. At the
same time, these systems cannot be
Although pension schemes are of people in this country are imposed on people, they cannot be
considered safe and respectable important questions, but what has made applicable to some and not to
across the world, its process disappointed and appalled everyone others. Giving special importance
and significance are different in is that it is practically not universal. to one group of people engaged
Bangladesh. Millions of government The scheme is not mandatory in running the country and giving
officials and their families depend on for some government bodies and less importance to other, equally
pensions to meet the expenses of the sectors, especially bureaucrats. important sectors is not right.
family at the end of their lives. But the The outline of the new scheme and The government has to be
process of receiving and collecting the notification says that those proactive in implementing policies
pension has never been honourable who will join the employment of according to the needs of the nation.
or easy. Recently, the government self-governed, autonomous, state- In order to turn public universities
has taken some steps to improve this owned, statutory or homogeneous into knowledge-based, research-
situation with its “universal pension organisations from July 2024 oriented educational institutions,
scheme.” Although it created much will be compulsorily added to the the government should play a
enthusiasm at the beginning, the scheme. However, keeping certain leading role in establishing the
pension scheme has not proven to professions out of its purview is not dignity of university teachers in
be universal and respectable for an indication of universality. To society. Increasing teachers’ salaries
all. There are plenty of frustration, exclude the people of any profession and other benefits is related to
apprehension and discrimination in from the scope of this scheme means this. The government also has to
the initiative. either to deprive them, or to place play a necessary role in ensuring
Firstly, the word “universal” them above all others. that the recruitment of teachers,
means this pension scheme should The military, judiciary and appointment of vice-chancellors,
be applicable for all citizens of bureaucracy have been exempted and promotion of teachers, etc
Bangladesh. The artificial process from this so-called “universal” are done in a regular manner as
of creating hierarchy between scheme. While new employees per regulations. At the same time,
different professions is by no means joining the service of self-governed, university teachers, vice-chancellors
universal; it is rather discriminatory. autonomous and state-owned and their associates should be
This is why the call to withdraw the organisations after July 1 will be brought under accountability even
notification has come from various compulsorily covered under the within the autonomy.
levels, including teachers of public “Prottoy” scheme of public pension, FILE VISUAL: REHNUMA PROSHOON Likewise, the policy of demeaning
universities across the country. benefits—including pensions—will and demoting teachers in public
The government has announced remain unchanged for military difference with Prottoy. The work on acceptable. They argue that as a people have registered in the first universities is totally incompatible
the universal pension scheme as an personnel, members of the judiciary, Sebak has not even started. But in result of this, talented individuals in 10 months. Due to the exclusion with such a noble initiative as
alternative to the existing system of and bureaucrats. On the other hand, the case of others, Prottoy is planned the future will not feel compelled to of some sectors, it is not only the a universal pension scheme.
providing post-retirement financial public university teachers will be to be effective from July 1, 2024. Why become university teachers. teaching community but also the We welcome this public welfare
and social security to government deprived of pension benefits in the was this discrepancy allowed? What Universities will suffer if this public who now have doubts about initiative of the government. But the
employees. Whether it is people- future if they do not register for was the basis of this dual policy? discriminatory, bureaucrat-driven this pension scheme. Moreover, initiative should not end up causing
friendly and how reasonable it is public pension. The scheme has been rejected by and special-purpose scheme is when this was first presented, it was public anguish, fear, suspicion or
considering the financial capacity Questions arise as to why public university teachers due to implemented. In such a situation, said that this scheme would not discrimination.


Exposing the craven media stable

Binoy Kampmark guarded in his current iteration as a professor Greste displays the emetic plumage of by a usurping, industrious publisher. By
was a Commonwealth scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.
He lectures at RMIT University, Australia. He can be reached at
of journalism, Peter Greste, formerly a someone who has done an about face. “It is all means use the spoils from Assange journalist for Al Jazeera, was previously worth pausing for a moment to consider and his leakers, even while snorting about
dismissive in the Sydney Morning Herald of all Assange has been through, and to how they were obtained. Publish and write
Assange’s contributions as he was brutally pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate about them in the hope of getting a press
evicted from the Ecuadorian Embassy in his release,” he writes distastefully, also award. Never, however, admit that Assange
London. “To be clear, Julian Assange is no reflecting on his own carceral experiences is himself a journalist with more journalism
journalist, and WikiLeaks is not a news in an Egyptian prison cell. He also claims awards than many have had hot dinners. In
BINOY KAMPMARK organisation.” An organisation boasting that the role of WikiLeaks, in checking this grotesque reality, we are now saddled
“the libertarian idea of radical transparency” “the awesome power that governments with a terrifying precedent: the global
was “a separate issue altogether from press wield”, should be celebrated, while application of a US espionage statute
The WikiLeaks project was always going to put journalist. freedom.” stating, weakly, that he never believed endangering journalists and publishers
various noses out of joint in the journalistic The point was rather well made by Antony While approving the publishing activities that Assange should “have been charged who would dare discuss and run material
profession. Soaked and blighted by sloth, easily Loewenstein, himself an independent journalist centred on the release of the Collateral with espionage.” on Washington’s national security.
bought, perennially envious, a good number keen to ferret out the grainier details of abusive Murder video showing the killing of civilians In such shifting views, we see wounded
of the Fourth Estate have always preferred to power. When interviewed by none other including two Reuters journalists by egos, cravenness, and the concerns about This article was originally published
remain uncritical of power and sympathetic than Rowland himself, he explained, with Apache helicopters, and the release of the an estate whose walls had been breached on CounterPunch on June 28, 2024.
to its brutal exercise. For those reasons, the
views of Thomas Carlyle, quoting the opinion
of Edward Burke in his May 1840 lecture that
“there were Three Estates in Parliament; but
in the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, there sat a 1 “Beat it!” Write for us. Send us your opinion pieces to
Fourth Estate more important far than they all” 6 Stylishly uninhibited
seem quaintly misplaced, certainly in a modern 11 Eucalyptus eater
context. 12 “Hello” singer
The media response to the release of 13 “As You Like It” forest
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from his 14 Craze
scandalous captivity after pleading guilty to 15 Sword-making city
one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose 17 Harris and O’Neill
18 Hydrocarbon suffix
national defence information under the US 19 Ex-GI
Espionage Act of 1917 provides a fascinating 22 Bright beam
insight into a ghastly, craven and sycophantic 23 Pageant toppers
tendency all too common among the plodding 24 Zodiac dozen
hacks. 25 Senator Sanders
Take, for instance, any number of journalists 27 Gold unit
working for the Australian Broadcasting 30 City of northern Italy
Corporation, official national broadcaster and 31 Gorilla, for one
32 Imitating
devotee of the safe middle line. One, a breakfast 33 Lenin’s successor
news anchor for the network’s meandering 35 Missteps
twenty-four-hour service, has a rather blotted 38 Key
record of glee regarding the mistreatment of 39 Fork features
Assange over the years. 40 Flower girl, often
Michael Rowland, torturously insipid and 41 Bring to bear
ponderously humourless, had expressed 42 Like some communities
his inexpressible joy when the Ecuadorian DOWN SUNDAY’S ANSWERS
government cut off Assange’s access to the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures as he arrives in Canberra, Australia, on June 26, 1 Axel performer
Internet while confined to the country’s London 2024. FILE PHOTO: REUTERS 2 Solar halo
3 Boo — (“To Kill a Mockingbird”
embassy. “A big gold star to Ecuador,” he chirped unflagging patience, the reasons why Assange recluse)
on March 28, 2018. Andrew Fowler, another Afghanistan War Logs, the Iraq War Logs and
and Wikileaks are so reviled by the orthodox 4 Out of the wind
journalist and far more seasoned on the rise “Cablegate,” Greste fell for the canard that the 5 Making decrees
scribblers of the Fourth Estate. WikiLeaks, he publisher did not redact names in documents 6 Toast spread
of WikiLeaks, reproached Rowland on Twitter,
stated with salience, had confronted power, not to “protect the innocent” by dumping “them 7 Writer Tarbell
as the X platform was then called. “Why would
succumbed to it. all onto his website, free for anybody to go 8 Swiss city
silencing a fellow journalist be supported?” For
Rowland could only reiterate the standard through, regardless of their contents or their 9 Moves smoothly
Rowland, the matter was as clear as day. “That 10 Brewing need
remains a disputed opinion, Andrew. Publisher line that Assange had admitted guilt for a impact they might have had.”
“very serious offence”, refusing to examine the There is no mention of the decrypting key 16 Starts
and activist yes. But you put yourself in a small 20 Like some tigers
camp calling him a journalist.” reasons for doing so, or the implications of it. carelessly included in WikiLeaks: Inside Julian 21 Cal. spans
These points matter, because they go Again, the vulgar line that Assange had “put Assange’s War on Secrecy by its bumbling 24 Hit letters
to the central libelling strategy of the US US lives at risk” with the WikiLeaks disclosures authors David Leigh and Luke Harding, or 25 Bungle
government’s prosecution so casually embraced was trotted out like an ill-fed nag. Again, the fact that the website Cryptome was the 26 Galahad’s mother
by mainstream outlets. In such a generated Loewenstein had to remind Rowland that there first to publish the unredacted files ahead of 27 Pavlova’s field
was no evidence that any lives had been exposed WikiLeaks. There is certainly no discussion of 28 Individually
smokescreen, crimes can be concealed, and the 29 Signed a lease
revealers shown to be those of bad faith. Labels to harm, a point made in several studies on the the extensive redacting efforts Assange had 30 Treat, as a turkey
can be used to partition truth, if not obscure it subject from the Pentagon to the Australian made, as many of his collaborators testify to, 34 Seoul setting
altogether: a publisher-activist is to be regarded Defence Department. prior to the release in November 2010. 36 For each
more dimly than the establishment approved The tendency is pestilential. While more Writing on June 25 in The Conversation, 37 Retired jet

12 DHAKA TUESDAY JULY 2, 2024, ASHAR 18, 1431 BS

Power supply
The corrupt will from Adani
face music plant resumes
Says PM; cabinet okays
Electricity supply from
proposal to form company a unit of the Adani
to run Padma Bridge power plant in India’s
Jharkhand resumed
PARTHA PRATIM BHATTACHARJEE yesterday after 60 hours
of disruption, according
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to the Bangladesh Power
has said corrupt people will have Development Board (PDB).
to shoulder the responsibilities of Technical glitches
their deeds. halted power supply from
The Anti-Corruption the 1,496-megawatt coal-
Commission is an independent fired Adani plant on Friday
body and it will investigate morning.
into allegations of corruptions PDB spokesperson
following its own process, she Shameem Hasan told The
said. Daily Star that the unit
Speaking to her cabinet resumed its production
colleagues during an unscheduled discussion after a around 7:45am.
cabinet meeting yesterday, Hasina said action would “Now it is producing
be taken against the corrupt people regardless of their more than 500 megawatts
identities, a cabinet member told The Daily Star quoting of electricity,” he said
the PM. around 11:15am.
The meeting was held at the Prime Minister’s Office in Earlier, the PDB officials
the capital’s Tejgaon. said the Adani authorities
Hasina directed the cabinet members to bring forward found a leak in a valve of
the wrongdoings of the previous BNP-led alliance the circulating water pump
government. of the plant, which is why
She said that people have forgotten those wrongdoings, they forcibly shut down the
including the 10-truck arms haul, the huge hauls of ammo unit of the plant.
and explosives in Bogura’s Kahalu and Dupchanchia Another unit of the
upazilas, and the recovery of arms in Cox’s Bazar’s Pekua. plant went into routine
The premier said it is time now to bring those incidents maintenance during the Eid
before the people. Students of Dhaka University under the banner of “Students against Discrimination” stage a demonstration in TSC area yesterday holidays, which is supposed
SEE PAGE 6 COL 4 demanding reinstatement of the 2018 government circular that scrapped the quota system in civil service. PHOTO: RASHED SHUMON to resume this week.


Trump has claims against Hamas ally fires
immunity for S Alam firms:
Parties rush to
HC to NBR rockets into Israel build anti-far
official acts AG office says firms
don’t want to pay VAT
Most launches intercepted; Israeli tanks
advance in north, south of Gaza right front
REUTERS, Gaza had left months ago.
The High Court yesterday Yesterday, Israeli tanks deepened
Second round of voting July 7
REUTERS, Washington
questioned the legality The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group their incursions into the Shejaia
The US Supreme Court yesterday of government’s demand fired a barrage of rockets into Israel suburb in eastern Gaza City for a
found that Donald Trump for unpaid VAT and the yesterday, in an apparent show of force fifth day, and tanks advanced further
consequent fines of over as Israeli tanks pressed their advance in western and central Rafah, in
cannot be prosecuted for official
Tk 7,000 crore from S deeper into Gaza amid fierce fighting, southern Gaza near the border with
actions taken as president,
Alam Vegetable Oil Ltd and residents and officials said. Egypt, residents said.
but can for private acts, in a S Alam Super Edible Oil The armed wing of Islamic Jihad, The Israeli military said it had killed
landmark ruling recognising Ltd. an Iranian-backed a number of fighters
for the first time any form of On June 9, the ally of Hamas, said in combat in Shejaia
presidential immunity from Customs, VAT & Excise its fighters fired yesterday and found
prosecution. Commissionerate, rockets towards Arab mediators’ large amounts of
The justices, in a 6-3 ruling written by Chief Justice Chattogram in its several Israeli efforts to secure weapons there.
John Roberts, threw out a lower court’s decision rejecting adjudication orders asked settlements near truce stalled Hamas said that,
Trump’s claim of immunity from criminal charges the two companies to pay the fence with Gaza in Rafah, its fighters
involving his efforts to undo his 2020 election loss to Joe Tk 3,538 crore in “evaded in response to “the Israel conducts lured an Israeli
Biden. VAT”, Tk 3,531 crore in
fines, and interest on the
crimes of the Zionist
enemy against our
operation in Tulkarm force into a booby-
trapped house in REUTERS, Paris
The court’s six conservative justices were in the
amounts, to the state Palestinian people”. in West Bank the east of the city
majority and its three liberal justices dissented.
coffers within 15 work days. The volley of and then blew it up, France’s political parties rushed to build a united front
“We conclude that under our constitutional structure
Customs said the value around 20 rockets causing casualties. aimed at blocking the path to government of Marine Le
of separated powers, the nature of presidential power
added tax was evaded in caused no casualties, according to the Also in Rafah, the Israeli military Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) yesterday, after it made
requires that former president have some immunity from historic gains to win the first round of a parliamentary
fiscal years 2019-20 and Israeli military. Most launches were said that an airstrike killed a Hamas
criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in election.
2021-22. intercepted. But it showed the group fighter who fired an anti-tank missile
office,” Roberts wrote. still possess rocket capabilities almost at its troops. The RN and its allies won Sunday’s round with 33
Yesterday, the HC
“At least with respect to the president’s exercise of in two rules asked the nine months into Israel’s offensive it The health ministry in Hamas-run percent of the vote, followed by a left-wing bloc with 28
his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be respondents as to why says is aimed at neutralising threats Gaza said yesterday that at least 37,900 percent and well ahead of President Emmanuel Macron’s
absolute. As for his remaining official actions, he is also the VAT determination against it. people have been killed during nearly centrists, who scored just 20 percent, official results from
entitled to immunity,” Roberts added. orders -- issued by In some parts of Gaza, Hamas nine months of offensive. The toll the interior ministry showed.
Roberts said Trump’s case will be sent back to the lower the commissioner of fighters continue to stage attacks on includes at least 23 deaths over the past While financial markets rallied on relief the RN tally
courts for further review. SEE PAGE 2 COL 1 Israeli forces in areas that the army 24 hours, a ministry statement said. SEE PAGE 6 COL 3

France edge India replaces

Belgium to
move into colonial-era
quarters criminal laws
Critics say new laws could
create confusion
REUTERS, New Delhi

India replaced colonial-era criminal laws with new

AFP, Düsseldorf legislation yesterday, which Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s government said would make the country more
Jan Vertonghen’s late own just, but the opposition said risked throwing the criminal
goal took France into the justice system into disarray.
quarter-finals of Euro 2024 The new laws were approved by parliament in
on Monday as they edged December in Modi’s previous term with the government
Belgium 1-0 in a tense tie in saying they aim to “give justice, not punishment”. It says
Duesseldorf. they were needed as colonial laws had been at the core of
France had dominated the criminal justice system for more than a century.
the last-16 clash but their Among the key changes is replacement of the sedition
profligate finishing looked law frequently used as a tool of suppression, after its
set to force extra time until enactment under British colonial rule to jail Indian
they finally found a way freedom fighters.
through with five minutes Under the new laws - which replace the Indian Penal
left. Code, the Indian Evidence Act, and Code of Criminal
Substitute Randal Procedure - sedition is replaced with a section on acts
Kolo Muani collected the seen as “endangering the sovereignty, unity, and integrity
ball inside the Belgian of India”.
penalty area and hit a “About 77 years after independence, our criminal
shot that was going wide justice system is becoming completely indigenous and
until a deflection off the will run on Indian ethos,” India’s Home (interior) Minister
unfortunate Vertonghen Amit Shah told reporters. “Instead of punishment, there
took it past goalkeeper will now be justice.”
Koen Casteels. Criminal cases registered under the repealed laws
The lucky break sent the Super-sub forward Randal Kolo Muani screams in ecstasy after his strike led to a late own goal to help France scrape past Belgium with a before yesterday will continue to follow them, Shah said,
SEE PAGE 6 COL 7 1-0 win in the teams’ Euro 2024 last-16 encounter in Dusseldorf yesterday. PHOTO: REUTERS SEE PAGE 6 COL 3

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