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practice Test? 347 p ractice Test 1 af: Multiple-Choice ect 2 Py manures ane jon or completes the statement, quest snoatoing gure shows the interaction of water molecules with om ‘sodium chloride. i % wo a p PO™ ©, 4 H-O 9, : 4 PPS mn Hak er o-H HA \ynich ofthe following statements best explains the serar ‘arrangement of the figure? ‘molecules in this, (a) Waters nonpolar, and it can easily dissolve ionic com, : sive ions and positive ions with a nonpolar ring of aie both nega- () Waters polas, and it can easily dissolve ionic compounds by . i \with partially positive hydrogen atoms and by ebrraraae ‘negative ions negative oxygen atoms. ‘urrounding, ions with partially ‘c) Water and sodium chloride are both nonpolar molecules, and ride to dissolve in water. les, and this allows sodium chlo- {p) Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules and the ions in sodium chloric e. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE joLocy 350 fore doing s0, frst coats th pe experiment bu bore dow stent, rfactant (a cheml . the surfactam bel ‘ crease due 10 fewer hydrogen bonds form ling % vat eompound that distupts the formation of) cal have on the number of Crops of wage ype Fore overflow occurs, and justify your st edi 5, The student repeats with a thin layer of su bonds). Predict the effect be placed on the surface of he penny (A) The number of drops of water will de between the waterN (B) The number of drops of a water molecules. (©) The number of dro the water molecules. (D) The number of drops molecules . ey decrease dt fewer polar ends fo HIN hg . ve of water will increase due 10 increased polar coval P lent bonds, gomterineease dt nereasel suTaE enon, a rn re i rm 3 - 8 es Ps a a jer of genetic information? «Which ofthe following biologeal moectes* the cart (a) carbohydrates (8) lipids (©) nucleic acids (D) proteins ydesrives what would be needed to break down a polp, 7, Which of the following correct! 15 component amin that would produce 15 water molecules ume 14 water molecules tide chain into its jo acids? (A) dehydration reactions (B) dehydration reactions that would c (©) hydrolysis reactions that would pro (D) hycrolysis reactions that would consume 14 wa const sduce 15 water molecules fer molecules the following is a correct statement about protein structure? formed by hydrophobic interactions. (B) Secondary structure is formed by hydrogen bonds (C) Tertiary structure is formed by peptide bonds. (D) Quaternary structures are found in all proteins. 8, Which of (A) Primary structure is GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE eat PRAcTICN TEST: 351 ion ow sides of the U-tube apparatus are separated ac on ie AC by asems fusion on side A of the U-tube containg 'W% albumin and brane. The aqui ~vsite H contalns 2% albumin and 06 Mg 04M glucose, The agi sot ono icone, Meour solu. vie of the Following statements is correct? initially has a higher wa a) Side A init ter potential than, ve concentration than side B. “ide B because side A has lower ee ui € water same types of solutes, Potential because they both contain the 0, Glucose may pass through the semipermeable membrane in the U. not Ifthe solutions on each side of the U-tube tube, minutes, which ofthe following is the most lkay result (a) The concentration of ghicose on side B will inezease, (p) The concentration of albumin on side A will increase (c) The concentration of glucose on side A will increase. (0) The concentration of albumin on side B will increase, 11, Which of the following correctly predicts and fier 30 minutes? ovplains the movement of water in the U-tube after 3 2 (8) Water will move from side A to side B because the water higher than the water potential on side A, (C) Water will move from side B to side A because the water potential on side A wil be er than the water potential on side B. (D) Water will move from side B to side A because the water potential on side B will be higher than the water potential on side A. Potential on side B will be GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AP aIOLoGY Questions 12-14 Refer to the following table. Pa Fy rd erry bed reer 7% a perent e C en Ey ee reed ee iz | __ Mout 5 Amylase | Mouth s F Pepsin | __Stomach _ =a = ~ | Smal intest xy “Lipase_| “Small in me <3 [Frrypsin [Small imtestine 1s most likely reflects the activity of pepsin at dite Nt Pity " 12, Which of the following graph SE ‘ (B) i I ° aes (c) i g f ©) i i GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PRACTICE TEST1 383. 1» eats enough antacids to raise the pit of ot his apereof which enzymes would most kay pe Affected by tng MS OMA acid The is Mae vr aylase and pepsin ) arin and lipase (8) ree and trypsin ol sin and amylase oe jorie sphincter controls the flow of the cont THe The pyloric sphincter prevents the acid lente of the at mach (chyme) into the small ‘C chyme from the sto co mach _ small intestine until the pancreas Is ready tg Secrete bicarbonate into hema in neutralizes the elds in the chyme, tthe pyre Sphincter was damaged end on ye jntrol the flow of chyme into the small Intestine, ee sane cou Which Tactivity during digestion? enzymes would most likely have reduced lase and pepsin ,) pepsin and lipase UP pase and trypsin ip) eypsin and amylase TT ., which of the following processes occurs in anaerobic Prokaryotes? 4) amyl (a) glycolysis (g) Krebs cycle , (c) oxidation of pyruvate (p) oxidative phosphorylation questions 16-18 ina.dassic experiment to determine which wavelengths of light produce the Seatest amounts cf photosynthesis in photosynthetic algae, light was passed through a prism te shine different clsofihronto the photosynthetic algae Spirogyra (that was placed on a microscope lds), a5 shown in the following figure. ght Prism \ . Ww Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange ed ‘lone Splrogyra GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Aerobic bacteria (that need oxy8t (in nm) of diffe 16. V7, 18, ren to survive) were layered on top of the algae, ight are noted in the table. MMe wavelen hy nt colors of visible Ii Cera) 380-450 Peres a — Oran ac bacteria were found on the slide where the waved nat op The greatest numbers of aerobic 1d 660-700 nm. What conclusion could berdawn omy light was benween 420-470.nm data? amount of oxygen when exposed to any color of igh, (A) Algae produce the same (B) Algae produce oxygen only when in the presence of aerobic bacteria, n when exposed to green light. (C) Algae produce the most oxygen (D) Algae produce the most oxygen when exposed to blue-violet or red light, Further research revealed that the light-absorbing pigment in the algae Spirogyra (thay used in this experiment) was clorophyi which absorbs the mos ight energy inthe ways length ranges of 420-470 nm and 660-700 nm. Some photosynthetic red algae use the pig phycoerythrin, which absorbs dhe most light energy in the wavelength range of 495-579 mat .d with photosynthetic red algae, near which color of light ag this experiment was repeate‘ slide would you expect to see the greatest number of bacteria? (A) violet (B) green (©) orange (D) red What is the role of light energy in photosynthes (A) to activate the expression of genes needed for photosynthesis (B) to trigger a cell signaling pathway that produces carbon dioxide (C) to excite the electrons in the photosystems (D) to fix carbon dioxide during the Krebs (citric acid) cycle GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 19. and 20 ions ners of germinating mung he, robes that Measured the levels of eed fy n Sealed yx at FEMPEFATUTE OF 4° Coley and rihiea farbon donde - PRACTICE TEST a55 i wit Pl was MT the duration of the experi sit ofequal volumes Bas iment, SF chamber was tent MMe. One chemiver “Prat a temperature of 25° naisthe Independent variable in yy, WV “rPetiment 4) the number of germinating "UN bean, Ur) the temperature of the chambers ( } the amount of carbon dioxide « Produced {p) the amount of oxygen consy, med Ti ta) is Which of the following correct states the results ofthis experiment? (A) The mung beans at 4° Celsi at 25° Celsius, (8) The mung beans at 4° Celsi carbon dioxide in the chamber at a rate of 1.67 ppm CO. i i at 25° Celsius. (C) The mung beans at 25° ‘ate of 6.67 ppm CO, per minute and had a higher respiration rate than the mung beans at 4° Celsius, (D) The mung beans at 25° rate of 1.67 ppm CO, ps at 4? Celsius, Celsius increased the level of carbon dioxide in the ‘chamber ata er minute and had a higher respiration rate than the mung beans GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. a o wi - my < e ° 4 « ry 386 AP BIOLOGY 21 22, 23, 24. 25, 26, [Acell secretes a growth factor that slowly diffuses to nearby cells, stimutat signalin MB the gry those cells. This is an example of, ignaling, : (A) autocrine (B) juxtacrine (©) paracrine (D) endocrine ato sense the density of bacteria in the ay Quorum sensing is used by bacterl can release a signaling molecule that travels short distances to receptors on nearby yatta would best be deseribed as which type of cell signaling? te, (A) synaptic (8) cytokine (C) paracrine (D) endocrine Estradiol and testosterone are steroid hormones. Which typeof receptor are they moy re tobind to? (A) aG-protein-linked receptor (8) atyrosine kinase receptor (©) an intracellular cytoplasmic receptor (D) a membrane ion channel receptor ‘cAMP and Ca?" ions are examples of ___—— (A) cell membrane receptors (8) ligands (C) intracellular cytoplasmic receptors (D) secondary messengers Gap junctions in animal cells and plasmodesmata in plant cells are examples of which ype of signaling? (A) autocrine (B) juxtacrine (©) paracrine (D) endocrine How does a cell that has just completed the S stage of the cell cycle compare to the same cell, at the start of the S stage? (A) Ithas twice the amount of DNA and twice the number of chromosomes. (B) Ithas twice the amount of DNA and the same number of chromosomes. (©) Ithas the same amount of DNA and twice the number of chromosomes. (D) Ithas the same amount of DNA and the same number of chromosomes. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (a) Cyslins: mitosis-promoting factor cyclins; cyclin-dependent Kinases Oy edecenient kinases; cycling (p) Cyclin-dependent kinases; Phosphateses the three major events ofthe division ofthe (1) replication of the genetic material, chromosomes. These events happen ‘etic material (2) alignment of chron 8 teplication are mes, and (3) luting which stages ( spectively *Patalon of s, G1, G2 Tespectiv (aS (B) $, metaphase, anaphase (c) G2, metaphase, telophase (D) prophase, metaphase, anaphase s9, Which of he following would affect the greatest umber of steps in the signal transduction process? (A) an antibody irreversibly binding to a cell membrane receptor (B) deletion of the gene for the enzyme adenylyl cyclase (C) inactivation of a cytoplasmic protein Kinase (D) introduction of an inhibitor of a protein Phosphatase Questions 31 and 32 The ability o taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) isa sive. Ina population that is not in Hardy-Weinberg nant tasters, 400 heterozygous tasters, dominant trait. Nomtasters of PTC are reces- equilibrium, there are 520 homozygous domi- and 80 nontasters of PTC, 31. What is the frequency of the nontaster allele? (a) 0.28 (B) 0.44 (©) 056 () 0.72 GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE LEN Te a AP BIOLOGY » are carriers of the nontasting allele individuals who 42. Whats the frequency of individual (a) 0.08 (B) 040 (©) 050 (0) 082 —— Questions 33 and 34 Refer to the following table. Goer pero cue ern Preity cary uaa acteristics of both prokaryotic and e UKErYCt ety table shares char 33. Which of the cells in this (aya (B) B wc ()D dern plants? 34, Which of the organisms inthe table is most closely related 9 mo (aa (B) B oc (p) D 35, Two species of decr live on different mountain ranges separated by 500 miles. Which type of reproductive isolation does this scenario represent? (A) habitat isolation (B) temporal isolation (C) behavioral isolation (D) mechanical isolation GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE practice Test? 3! werelease thelr sperm and eRRs into the water. the : lowever, the sperm from red sea cco ez the os om purple ea urchin Which ype repro of reproductive isola. ania isolation a) ete isolation 1 hybrid fertility, reakdown @ ip) nyo «strand of DNA has the following sequence: vemplate ‘AAT TCC GGA TCG-5! isthe complementary strand created during DNA replication? what 1A AGG CCT AGC-5! suTTA AGG CCT AGC-3" y-UUA AGG CCU AGC-5" UA AGG CCU AGC-3' we ate w yc of te folowing statement bes explains the mechanism for DNA epiatlon? (a) DNA replication is reductive, because half ofthe total DNA present is copie. 1) DNA replication is semiconservative, because each DNA strand serves ' anew strand during replication. 8 as a template for : (c) DNA replication is dispersive, because the two resulting DN spixtures of parent and daughter DNA. Oe oleae woe ance (p) DNA replication is conservative, because one resulting molecu! poland the other consists of two new strands. Re race i iGestical to the cules, In DNA replication, DNA “unwinds” to form two template stran late strands: the lagging strand. Which of the following statements about these strands rae mee (x) On the lagging strand, short fragments are formed when the new strand of DNA is is synthesized. (8) ‘The leading strand of DNA is synthesized discontinuously. (©) DNA polymerase can only synthesize DNA on the leading strand. (b) The lagging strand can only be synthesized once the leading strand has been completed. pleted. 40, Which of the following is the enzyme used during trans ae ing transcription that directly generates the (A) helicase (8) ligase (©) DNA polymerase (D) RNA polymerase GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 360° AP BIOLOGY 41. Which of the following statements about introns is true? (A) introns are translated by ribosomes (B) tntrons have no function in the chromosomes. (C) Introns are found in eukaryotes (D) Introns are found only in prokaryotes commonly used antibotic, interferes with bacterial ribosom, 8. Which, Pro, 42, Streptomycin, fected by streptomycin? cess would most likely be negatively aff (A) DNA replication (B) posttranscriptional (©) transcription (D) translation sudyinga eukaryotic gene thats 15,000 base palrs long The sien re) rom the eyosol and finds that tis only 12,099 jg Paty Ps a M4 iJ wi S - ° By rs Cy modification of mRNA 43. A scientist iss the mRNA (produced by thi ge Tong, Why is the isolated mRNA not the same length asthe DNA that codes for ig (A) The scientist made a mistake and isolated the wrong mRNA, (B) Introns are removed from eukaryotic MRNAS, so the mRNA is shorter (8) Introns are a ‘han the Dy (C) RNAs ess stable than DNA and is more likely to degrade in the cell, (D) The poly.A tail on the mRNA results in an mRNA that is shorter than the gene, 4A. tn the erss AABDCE x AaBUCC, wha isthe probability of producing an ofprng wi genotype AaBbCc? ba) (a) o () oO (D) 45, Based on this pedigree, what is the most likely mode of inheritance of the trait? HO o,6 #0 6 Bo 64066 doen ae eee (A) autosomal dominant (8) sexlinked dominant (©) sex-linked recessive (D) mitochondrial inheritance GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PRACTICE TEST? 961 5 16-48 .gs in humans Is a sex clinked recessive was color-blind, hi female wh« as children with a Ht A female who ts sclebeee jot color-bli mal eros ind, but esto” vor blinds ftose er aris the likeltiood that thelr son will be ‘color-blindi i? yg (ayo (ny 25% (c) 50% (1) 100% __ yyhat is the likelihood that their daughter: willbe color-blind? (a) 0% (6) 5% (0) 50% (p) 100% sy. Which ofthe following isa ik sand squares indicate dete ly pedigree for this family? les. Shaded circles and squ: Note that cirles indicat as te femal Indicate individuals — with the rat i. we (B) 1 “t* " "ore " a 10 »oo G m1 oT ul co GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Locy 49, Which ofthe following is a density-independent factor that can limit Population sng, (A) competition (B) disease (C) predation (D) weather Questions 50 and 51 Refer to the following graph. Ne a a e uw Q - ° ra = cy Number of individuals Time 50. Which point on the graph represents the carrying capacity of the environment for this population? @a (8) B oc (Dp) D 51. Which point on the diagram most likely represents a point in which the population is grow. {ng exponentially? (a i (6) B joc : (Dp) D ; j GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PRACTICE TEST? 363 wich live as sessile forms attached to rock surfaces, have stinging nema- ‘Prey, such as fish. Tentacles nemones+ ca at elease paralyzing toxins (upon contact) into their gp as coos aad prey into the Bate cavly fr Igeston nore covered with a thin layer of mucus that fish are Prevents them from! cio one toxins. Clown Fah Ive among the tentacles, whieh ae ees oy en ame gattempt to eat clown fish are stung bythe see ect " nemone, ‘Anemone nematocysts and are pred ued by the se reno anunore towing ' describes the relationship between sea anemones and clov st? ba synmensalis on hal mutualis™ 1) parasiist ‘ _ ine marine ecosystems on the Pacific Const of Washington state, sea otters eat sea urchins. ar jutcins eat Kelp. Kelp forests provide food and habitat fora wide varity of marine organ isms. Due to overhunting from 1750 to 1910, sea otter populations were reduced from over 99,000 to less than 2,000. By 1910, kelp forests off the coast of Washington state: virtually isappeared. and the biodiversity of the marine ecosystems on the coast was greatly reduced. whieh of the following best describes the ecological role ofthe sea otter inthis ecosystem? (a) autotroph (g) detritivore (C) keystone species (p) prey species 4, Which ofthe following is a correct statement about energy in ecosystems? (a) Anet gain in energy can result in the loss of mass and the death of the organism. (a) Energy is recycled through ecosystems, (c) Changes in energy availability can disrupt ecosystems. (p) Heterotrophs capture the energy in sunlight. 55, Which of the following statements about population growth is false? (a) Reproduction without limiting factors results in the exponential growth of a population. (8) Density-dependent limits to populations results in logistic growth of a population, (©) ‘the carrying capacity of an environment depends on resource availability. (0) K-selected populations can far exceed their environment's carrying capacity. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘AP BIOLOGY nan in bacteria controlled By th repregyy %® acid tryp} snts of the frp operon, 56, The synthesis of the amino ‘operon. The following figure rePresen'® compont ‘structural genes ee > AINA polymerase YO = Repressor protein [B= Toptophan Ps im rt = w ra) i ° < ae cy sc represents the rp operon when the amino ald LypIophan Which of the following bes present in the | bacteria's environment? ae (a) Sirectural genes ®) a Promoter Operator Structural genes © oe +O Promoter Operator GO ON TO THE NEXT PASE PRACTICE TEST 1 of the sugar lactose in bacter ia is controlled by the inducil luctble lac o} yperon. This eaigest" vents the components of the lac opero n. Pais pores ‘Structural genes Promoter , Operator ( eee = AH ahmoe QF = Repressor protein @ = Lactose ofthe following best represents the fac operon when th yen the sugar lactose 4s present in the whi eria's environment? pact Structural genes ——s os Operator Promoter @ Structural gones “ @) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE na o rH e w 3 - ° 4 ae a AP BIOLOGY 58, 59, ‘Transmembrane proteins span across the entire cell membrane. Where wou, ld th, ic ami in a transmembrane protein most likely be found? re bic amino acids in a transmembrane p "thong, (A) in contact with the polar phosphates of the phospholi (B) on the outer surface of the membrane in contact with the cell's aqueous guy (©) incontact with the nonpolar fatty ackd chains of the Phospholipids Unig (D) onthe inner surface ofthe membrane in contact with the ces cytosoy 1s, which produice the peptide hormone insu in, there, In the alpha cells in the pancre: jhich of the following? uy Uikely be a high concentration of wt (A) lysosomes (B) centrioles (C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (D) ribosomes [A geneticist discovers a previously unknown genetic disorder. Pedigree analysis thoy, if both males and females can inherit this disorder from their mother but not from thet, 7 [Affected females can pass onthe allele for this disorder to the next generation, but aie ct males will not pass on this disorder tothe next generation. Whats the most likely mag inheritance of this disorder? ot (A) sexclinked recessive (B) mitochondrial inheritance (C) autosomal recessive (D) autosomal dominant STOP. If there is still time remaining, you may review your answers.

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