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Lighting scheme problems

Methods of lighting calculations
• It is desired to illuminate a drawing hall with an average illumination of 200lux.The hall is
30×20m2 .The lamps are to be fitted 4m from ground floor. Find the number of lamps and
wattage / lamp for the lighting scheme .Given efficiency of the lamps and available as 25
lumens/watt, maintenance factor 0.8 and coefficient of utilization 0.75, space height ratio
between 0.8 and 1.2 .Give satisfactory spacing arrangement.

E = 200 lux
Area of the hall, A = 30×20 = 600 m2
Luminous efficiency = 25 lumens/watt
MF = 0.8
CU (UF)= 0.75
Here we have to find out the no.of lamps & wattage/lamp
Methods of lighting calculations
O = watt of each lamp X Efficacy or

N = (E X A) / (wattage of each lamp X luminous efficiency X UF X MF)

N = (200 X 600)/ (Wattage of each lamp X 25 X 0.75 X 0.8)
N X Wattage of each lamp = 120000 / (25 X 0.75 X 0.8)
Total wattage of fixtures = 8000 watts

If we take 200 W lamps, then

Number of lamps = 8000/200 = 40
Taking five rows of eight lamps we have total distribution of 40 lamps.
Methods of lighting calculations
• Now length wise spacing comes to be (length of the hall = 30m & no.of lamps in each row=8)
30/8= 3.75 m
• Width wise spacing comes to be (width of the hall = 20m & no.of lamps in each row=5)
20/5= 4 m

The lamps near the walls are kept at half the calculated spacing to keep uniformity of light. If for
example this distance is kept equal, then light between two adjacent lamps will be more as
compared to illumination on the wall.

Now space height ratio; lengthwise comes to be (Mounting height is given, h = 4m)
=3.75/height = 3.75/4 = 0.94approx.
Widthwise space height ratio =4/4(spce/height) = 1
This ratios satisfy the condition. (Preferable space height ratio is given as 0.8 to 1.2)
Methods of lighting calculations
If in the given example we choose 100 watts lamps , then we have 80 lamps. Let us make 8 rows
of 10 bulbs.
Widthwise space = 20/8=2.5
space height ratio =2.5/4=0.625
Lengthwise space =30/10=3m
space height ratio =3/4=0.75
which does not satisfies the condition

So we can use 200W lamps of 40 nos with lengthwise 8 lamps in each row and widthwise 5
lamps in each row
Methods of lighting calculations
Methods of lighting calculations
• Example 2 : A drawing, with an area of 18 × 12 m, is to be illuminated with an average
illumination of about 150 lux. The lamps are to be fitted at 6 m height. Find out the
number and size of incandescent lamps required for an efficiency of 20 lumens/W. UF = 0.6,
MF = 0.75.
Given data:
Η(efficiency) = 20 lumens/W
E= 150 lux A= 18 × 12 = 216 m2 UF = 0.6 MF= o.75
Methods of lighting calculations

Let, if 24 lamps are arranged to illuminate the desired area. For space to height ratio unity, i.e.,
6 lamps are taken along the length with a space of 18/6 = 3m, and
4 lamps are along the width giving a space of 12/4 = 3 m.
Methods of lighting calculations
The arrangement of 24 lamps in a hall of 18 × 12 m is shown in Fig

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