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Canine Distemper Virus

Sandra Newbury
Shelter Medicine Program, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison, WI, USA

11.1 ­Introduction 11.2 ­Agent and Epidemiology

Canine distemper virus (CDV) causes a highly CDV is an enveloped ribonucleic acid (RNA)
contagious infection in dogs that was once virus in the genus Morbillivirus in the family
­considered the most common and deadly Paramyxoviridae. The other viruses in the
­infectious disease in dogs. Though largely pre- same genus include the closely related measles
ventable through immunization, CDV remains virus of primates, rinderpest of ruminants and
a significant cause of morbidity and mortality pigs, and the peste des petits ruminants virus
in shelters because many dogs and puppies are found in certain small ruminants. Animals
susceptible at the time of shelter intake and dis- susceptible to CDV that are most likely to be
ease is often unrecognized when introduced. present in shelters or have contact with shelter
While the disease is less common in owned animals are dogs, ferrets, coyotes, skunks, and
pets, communities with low rates of vaccina- raccoons. Many other species are also suscepti-
tion may similarly see disease more frequently. ble to infection; however, zoonotic transmis-
Shelters in communities where the disease is sion (to humans) of CDV has not been
more common are more likely to be affected. demonstrated. While dogs are the primary host
Infection can be inapparent, mild, severe, or for CDV, and dog-to-dog transmission is the
fatal in some cases. CDV may cause obvious, most likely source of infection, it is likely that
acute outbreaks with high morbidity and mor- the raccoon population acts as a substantial
tality or, perhaps most confusing, CDV in shel- reservoir and is responsible for much of the
ters can smolder at low levels, going exposure and maintenance of CDV in some
unrecognized for long periods of time. In recent communities. A significant source of infection
years, great strides have been made in prevent- in at least one major CDV outbreak in shelter
ing illness and managing outbreaks without dogs was found to be infected raccoons. The
resorting to depopulation. If shelters are experi- exposure apparently occurred when both spe-
encing problems with CDV related illnesses, cies were placed in the same animal control
life-saving solutions can often be found. vehicles (Hurley 2005).

Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters, Second Edition.

Edited by Lila Miller, Stephanie Janeczko, and Kate F. Hurley.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Canine Distemper Virus 257

Confusion about cats sometimes occurs were not effective, many more dogs would be
because feline panleukopenia virus infection is infected. CDV-induced disease remains com-
sometimes referred to as “feline distemper.” mon, or at least sporadic, in regions where vac-
Panleukopenia or “Feline distemper” is actu- cination is less common, and in environments
ally caused by feline parvovirus (FPV) which is such as shelters where infected dogs or wildlife
the ancestral virus of canine parvovirus type 2. may enter unrecognized and cause exposure to
CDV does not infect domestic cats nor cause unvaccinated or recently vaccinated dogs. This
disease in that species, however, it does cause has happened even in shelters in communities
disease in large felids (e.g. lions, tigers) (Ikeda where CDV is rarely seen in private practice
et al. 2001; Spencer 1995). and, in each case, lapses in vaccination corre-
late well with the development of the disease.
CDV should be considered at least on the list of
11.2.1 Biotypes of CDV
differentials anytime unusually severe or fre-
There are a variety of biotypes of CDV. The quent respiratory disease is seen in a shelter.
b­iotypes have different incubation periods as
well as different disease patterns in the animal.
The classic, acute biotype of CDV that was origi- 11.3 ­Transmission
nally isolated and characterized is often referred
to as the “Snyder Hill” strain of virus because it CDV may be shed in virtually all body secre-
was isolated and characterized at the Veterinary tions and excretions depending on the stage of
Virus Research Institute (now the James A. infection. A lower cycle threshold (Ct) or higher
Baker Institute for Animal Health) at Cornell viral load on quantitative reverse transcription-
University, which is located on Snyder Hill Rd. polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) suggests
in Ithaca, New York. Today, the acute virus bio- the dog may be more likely to contribute to
type Snyder Hill has been replaced by a suba- transmission. (See the section (11.7) on diag-
cute virus biotype referred to as R252. A very nostics in this chapter for more information.)
similar, if not identical, virus, A75 has also been CDV is a labile (unstable) virus. While fomite or
isolated. These two isolates are of the same or environmental transmission of CDV is possible,
similar biotypes and probably are the more the virus is easily killed by most disinfectants and
common biotype in the field since the 1980s. does not remain infectious outside the body for
Importantly, though there are multiple bio- more than a few hours to a few days, depending
types, there is only one serotype (antigenic on ambient temperature and other conditions.
type) of CDV, and thus the modified-live virus Transmission probably occurs most com-
vaccines made in the late 1950s and early 1960s monly through direct contact between sick
remain highly effective in limiting infection dogs and susceptible dogs, making recognition
and preventing disease. Similarly, current and isolation of animals with infectious res-
diagnostic testing appears to effectively detect piratory disease especially important in shelter
CDV in infected dogs. Outbreaks and disease settings where dogs will be housed together or
are seen because of gaps in vaccination rather come into contact with each other. Aerosol
than because new biotypes are breaking transmission between susceptible and actively
through effective immunization. In communi- infected dogs also occurs via inhalation of air-
ties where vaccination is common, the disease borne virus (Appel 1987). Mildly affected and
caused by CDV is rarely seen because vacci- recovering animals may play an important role
nated dogs are immune to infection and/or dis- in maintaining transmission cycles in shelters.
ease. Even in outbreak settings, dogs with Fomite and environmental contamination are
adequate antibodies do not develop clinical of less importance for disease transmission than
signs or shed the virus. If this cross-protection for a hardier virus such as canine parvovirus
258 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

but, since the virus only needs to survive for approximately 50 ± 20% of dogs were antibody
minutes on contaminated fomites, this route of negative for CDV at the time of intake, sug-
transmission may become significant in a shel- gesting that those dogs have never been vacci-
ter environment through staff handling or if nated or naturally infected, are susceptible to
equipment, kennels or holding pens are not infection, and have a high probability of
thoroughly disinfected between dogs. Fomite becoming infected if exposed prior to or near
transmission becomes even more likely when immunization (Lechner et al. 2010). Age
the disease is not recognized or identified and offers no specific benefit or protection from
infectious dogs are housed or otherwise co- the development of the disease; susceptible
mingled in the same area as healthy dogs. dogs in any age group may develop severe clin-
ical signs of CDV. This contrasts with canine
parvovirus, where adult dogs tend to have at
11.4 ­Pathogenesis least some age-related defense against the
development of severe clinical signs. More
Virus replication initially occurs in lymphoid obvious clinical signs as well as higher mor-
tissues when CDV first enters the body bidity and mortality may be seen in puppies
(Appel 1987; von Messling et al. 2004). In all because young dogs are more likely to be
likelihood, phagocytic cells transport the virus immunologically naive and, because of mater-
from the respiratory tract to local lymph nodes nal antibodies, are more difficult to effectively
or other respiratory lymphatic tissues, where immunize. Because of the possibility of mater-
CDV actively replicates in an immunologically nal antibody interference with vaccination,
naïve dog. Once the virus begins to replicate in puppies under 18–20 weeks of age must be
the macrophage/monocyte and the T and B considered potentially susceptible, regardless
lymphocytes, it is rapidly transported to of their vaccination history. (See Chapter 9 on
peripheral lymphoid tissues throughout the Canine and Feline Vaccinations and
body, including lymph nodes, spleen, bone Immunology for more information about
marrow, Kupffer cells of the liver, etc. maternal antibody interference.)
(Appel 1987).
During this early phase of the infection, the
animal becomes immunosuppressed with severe 11.6 ­Incubation Period, Clinical
T and B lymphocytopenia, interference with Signs and Disease Course
macrophage function, as well as other immune
function impairment (Krakowka et al. 1975; There is significant variation in the course of
Schobesberger et al. 2005). Immunosuppression the disease, clinical signs, and severity of ill-
can last for weeks, depending on the biotype of ness dogs experience with CDV infections. The
CDV infecting the dog. This immunosuppres- time until onset of clinical signs, the duration
sion probably contributes to many of the signs of of infection and disease, and the severity of
disease seen in shelters as infected dogs become disease are virus strain and host (dog) depend-
vulnerable to secondary infections. ent, as is the case for many viral infections/dis-
eases (Appel 1987; Summers et al. 1984). The
infectious dose or viral load the dog is exposed
11.5 ­Risk Factors to likely also plays a role. The incubation
for Infection period, depending on the strain of the virus
and the dog, may range from less than one week
Evaluations of titers from dogs entering shel- up to six weeks post-infection. Longer incuba-
ters throughout the United States have shown tion periods can be a reality but are much less
wide variation from region to region, but common. In the author’s experience, in the
Canine Distemper Virus 259

field, clinical signs most often develop more

quickly and only rarely develop as late as
six weeks.
Importantly, the morbidity and severity of
the disease seen in shelters can be dramatically
lowered through the vaccination of dogs
immediately on or prior to intake. Vaccination
for CDV provides early partial protection from
the development of severe clinical illness and
neurologic disease (Schroeder et al. 1967;
Larson and Schultz 2006). Many dogs exposed
to CDV after vaccination on shelter intake will
develop only mild to moderate signs of illness
while still posing a significant risk of transmis-
sion. In this situation, CDV often goes unrec-
ognized until a dog who was not vaccinated or
a puppy who was not effectively immunized
develops more fulminant disease.
Clinical signs of CDV have frequently been
described as bi-phasic. The earliest sign of
infection with CDV would normally be an ini-
Figure 11.1 A young dog exhibiting squinting
tial febrile response within a few days to a
that can be a characteristic sign of distemper.
week after infection. This often goes unrecog-
nized, especially in shelter settings. The initial
febrile response often coincides with the onset
of a period of immunosuppression that can
occur as early as three days post-infection and
persist for weeks to a month or more.
The earliest recognized clinical signs of
CDV infection are usually non-specific signs
of malaise and respiratory disease, including
coughing and a mucopurulent nasal dis-
charge. Ocular involvement is fairly com-
mon, usually characterized by a mucopurulent
ocular discharge or squinting. These signs
occur early in the first to third week after
infection and can be difficult to differentiate
from more benign disease but should be rec-
ognized as potentially suggestive of CDV. See
Figures 11.1 and 11.2.
These early signs may be followed or accom-
panied by vomiting and diarrhea. Gastroi­
ntestinal (GI) signs may be associated with
tenesmus and bloody feces. Intussusception is
a risk. Dramatic body wasting can occur with
Figure 11.2 A puppy with canine distemper
or without anorexia and should be considered exhibiting marked mucopurulent nasal discharge
a key clinical sign. Dehydration and systemic and squinting.
260 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

collapse are a significant risk without timely neurologic disease results from the viral inva-
and proper medical support and intervention. sion of neurologic tissue.
As a result of viral infection of the pulmonary Neurologic signs are characterized by
tissues, and opportunistic bacterial infection, s­alivation and chewing movements (petit mal,
lower respiratory tract disease (e.g. pneumo- chewing gum seizures) and seizures that may
nia) may also be seen during this later phase. become more frequent and severe (grand mal).
Skin disease (pustules) or a rare, measles- Though the development of central nervous
like rash may be seen in a small percentage of system (CNS) signs is a poor prognostic indica-
infected dogs. Digital and nasal hyperkeratosis tor, some dogs may recover. Prognosis worsens
have also been well described and are most with increased severity of neurologic signs.
often associated with varying levels of neuro- Some dogs who recover will clear their clinical
logic disease. Distemper was once known as signs, while others may have neurologic signs
“hardpad disease” a reference to the digital that persist but do not progress (e.g. persistent
hyperkeratosis that is less commonly seen myoclonus.)
A careful ocular exam is indicated in all
11.6.1 Secondary Infections Associated
cases of suspected distemper because ocular
with Immunosuppression
signs are relatively common. The most com-
mon ocular signs are crusting, mucopurulent As described above, CDV can cause a period of
ocular discharge and conjunctivitis as immunosuppression with or without ­concurrent
described above. Dogs may also be seen typical signs of canine distemper. In ­shelters,
squinting or blinking their lids. (See this immunosuppression most often leads to
Figures 11.1 and 11.2.) Keratoconjunctivitis clinical signs of canine infectious ­respiratory dis-
sicca (“dry eye”) may result in ulcer forma- ease (CIRD). This ­disease complex is caused by a
tion and perforation of the cornea, as first variety of bacteria (Bordetella, Streptococci,
described by Dr. Henri Carré in what may Pasteurella), Mycoplasma, and viruses (Canine
have been one of the earliest descriptions of Adenovirus-2, Canine Parainfluenza Virus
distemper in 1905. Though rarely seen by the (CPiV) and others) and is described in
author, other ocular signs of CDV may result Chapter 10. When present in dogs co-infected by
from viral effects on the optic nerve and the canine distemper, CIRD may cause severe
retina. Lesions that develop on the retina, sec- ­clinical signs including pneumonia and death.
ondary to degeneration and necrosis, appear In shelters, respiratory disease from secondary
as gray-pink densities. Post-infection, these pathogens may appear more quickly than
lesions can be identified as hyper-reflective actual pulmonary infection with CDV.
areas suggestive of previous infection with Immunosuppression may also contribute to
CDV. Optic neuritis, sudden blindness and other opportunistic infections.
retinal detachment can also occur but are Subclinical infections are possible.
rarely reported. Fortunately, these subclinical infections have
Clinical signs of neurologic disease may not generally been of great concern in trans-
develop concurrently with other systemic signs, mission or outbreak management. More
in the absence of other signs or, very rarely, importantly, clinical signs of mild CDV infec-
develop one to three weeks or even longer after tions may be missed or may mimic many of the
the resolution of other systemic signs of illness. clinical signs associated with more mild forms
Neurologic signs may range from only very sub- of infectious respiratory disease. These mildly
tle twitching to severe seizure activity. Most affected dogs shed virus which, if unrecog-
commonly, dogs who develop neurologic signs nized, can be associated with a substantial risk
will do so near the time of infection. This of transmission.
Canine Distemper Virus 261

11.6.2 Recovery performed starting soon after the resolution of

clinical signs. A positive PCR suggests the ani-
CDV remains a potentially fatal disease and can
mal may remain contagious to others, while a
lead to profound illness and mortality in some
negative PCR suggests the dog is less likely to
dogs. Outbreaks can cause devastating prob-
be infectious. Viral load normally drops signifi-
lems for shelters; resolution can require thou-
cantly as clinical signs resolve. (See the diag-
sands of dollars in resources for treatment and
nostic section 11.7 for more details.)
diagnostic testing. But the situation for indi-
In the author’s experience, a small fraction
vidual dogs and shelters facing problems with
of dogs may remain RT-PCR positive at low
CDV has improved dramatically in recent
quantitative levels for extended periods of time
years. While neurologic disease still carries a
(months) after recovery. It remains unclear at
poor prognosis, this clinical manifestation is
the time of publication if the genetic material
uncommon, especially when even partial vac-
being detected in these dogs represents viable
cine protection is present. In the numerous out-
virus or a transmission concern. In the author’s
breaks managed by the author and others
preliminary investigations, virus isolation
involving hundreds of dogs, the vast majority of
from swab samples collected from these “long
animals had uncomplicated recoveries when
shedders” yielded no viable virus. (Research is
treated effectively with prompt supportive care.
currently underway.) There is no one right
Mortality from outbreaks tends to be lowest in
answer for how to manage the rare dogs who
shelters that vaccinate on intake. Once recov-
remain RT-PCR positive. General recommen-
ered from clinical signs, dogs will normally be
dations involve keeping the dogs away from
immunocompetent and can be vaccinated and
susceptible dogs and housing in foster or adop-
spayed/neutered without additional precau-
tion homes with immunized dogs.
tions for the individual dog. It is important to
reiterate that vaccination for CPV should not be
delayed because of CDV infection. 11.7 ­Diagnosis of Canine
Distemper Viral Shedding, Carrier State
and Confirming Recovery Diagnostic testing can be utilized to confirm
Viral shedding begins by one-week post-infec- infection and determine if recovered dogs are
tion, sometimes before the development of still infectious. Diagnostics can also be used to
clinical signs, and usually resolves within a make risk assessments that identify dogs who
short period of time following the resolution of are likely to be protected from infection.
clinical signs. In some cases, however, viral In the early stages of the disease, it is often dif-
shedding may persist for as long as 16 weeks. ficult to recognize distemper, as the signs may
Though there is no carrier state per se for resemble CIRD (or Kennel Cough) or other dis-
CDV, recovered animals may remain infectious eases depending on the system affected. As
even after the resolution of clinical signs. described above, clinical signs of CDV encom-
Shedding is most common in respiratory secre- pass a wide range of disease symptoms that fre-
tions but is possible from all tissues and bodily quently overlap with other conditions commonly
excretions. Defining recovery and developing seen in shelters. Oculo-nasal discharge, upper
confidence that dogs are no longer an infec- and lower respiratory tract disease, and gastroin-
tious risk is essential to disease control and testinal (GI) disease such as inappetence, vomit-
outbreak resolution and can be achieved ing, and diarrhea are the most common early
through diagnostic testing. signs of disease. While neurologic disease is the
For defining recovery, polymerase chain most distinctive late phase clinical sign, it is,
reaction (PCR) testing is probably best thankfully, seen less commonly.
262 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

Neurologic disease suggestive of CDV in any Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase

individual animal in a shelter setting warrants Chain Reaction (RT- PCR) Assay
further investigation. Neurologic disease sug- RT-PCR assay is commonly used to detect viral
gestive of CDV in animals within the popula- nucleic acid in samples from suspect animals.
tion or after adoption, or markedly increased Since CDV is shed in all body secretions/excre-
severity or frequency of CIRD is cause for diag- tions during the acute systemic disease, a vari-
nostic evaluation of both the individual and the ety of samples can be tested and would be
population. In addition, diagnostic evaluation expected to be positive in infected dogs depend-
for any dogs with signs or history suggestive of ing upon the phase of infection. Nasal, deep
CDV at intake will help to identify infection pharyngeal, and conjunctival swabs are most
and diminish the risk of transmission. commonly collected. Conjunctival swabs tend
to yield the least amount of virus and are the
most objectionable to the dogs so are often
11.7.1 Diagnostic Tests
omitted by the author when designing a sam-
Isolation of the wildtype (virulent) virus has pling plan.
always been difficult because the virulent virus The sampling technique is especially impor-
does not readily replicate in tissue culture cells, tant since the sensitivity is so high. False posi-
either primary cells or cell lines. Appel found tives are possible from sampling contamination.
that primary cultures of alveolar macrophages Careful control of cross-contamination from
could be used to isolate wildtype virus, but the one dog or swab to the next is essential and
cells did not grow well, fresh lung tissue was requires training, a glove change between each
required, and the cells could not be passed sample collected, and diligence to ensure all
(Appel and Jones 1967; Appel et al. 1992). sampling instructions are followed.
Because of the difficulty of growing CDV in It is also possible that samples tested from
tissue culture, fluorescent antibody (FA) tests recently vaccinated animals may be positive
were adapted for detection of CDV in tissue because the modified live vaccine (MLV) CDV
sections and in various other sources where replicates in most of the same cell types as the
cells could easily be obtained (e.g. conjunctival virulent virus. Though vaccine virus replica-
swab, rectal mucosa swab, leukocytes, etc.) tion is transient and non-pathogenic and the
These assays are used on cells from conjuncti- virus is not shed at sufficient levels to infect in-
val, rectal, buccal, mucosal, and vaginal swabs, contact naïve animals, the sensitivity of
tracheal washes, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), RT-PCR may detect the vaccine virus in certain
and buffy coats, as well as tissue biopsy samples. It is not known with certainty how
imprints or sections (Damian et al. 2005; Saito long after vaccination the individual animal
et al. 2006). FA tests were used for years before would remain positive, what exact quantitative
the development of other more reliable and level would be seen, or how commonly posi-
sensitive diagnostic methods. tive results occur after vaccination. It is likely
The most commonly used diagnostic test is the animal would be positive as soon as three
now reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain to four days after vaccination and viral nucleic
reaction (RT-PCR). RT-PCR may be used on acid could be detectable, at least in certain
samples taken either from living dogs or on samples (those with leukocytes), for up to
postmortem tissue. two weeks. The only vaccine that should not be
Postmortem testing may involve multiple tis- detected would be the canarypox vectored
sue samples tested by RT-PCR, FA, or immuno- recombinant CDV vaccine found in the
histochemistry (IHC). Also, histologic tissue Recombitek ® vaccine.
changes and the presence of viral inclusion bod- Quantitative RT-PCR can help to differenti-
ies in cells are diagnostic for CDV (Appel 1987). ate mild infections, highly infectious animals,
Canine Distemper Virus 263

and vaccine positives. Positives may be reported a shelter where dogs are vaccinated at entry
out as either a Ct or a viral load that is estimated (Blixenkrone-Møller et al. 1991). Paired serol-
from the Ct. When a Ct is reported, a higher ogy must be completed over a period of weeks.
number means less genetic material was pre- It is expected that rising titers will be seen in
sent and more cycles were run before the virus recently vaccinated dogs. More informative
was detected. Estimates of viral load turn the Ct tests are available for diagnosis (e.g. IHC, FA,
around into an estimated quantity of viral par- and PCR).
ticles so the higher values indicate more virus In contrast to its relatively limited value in
was present. Some laboratories will provide a diagnosing disease in individual dogs in a shel-
quantitative cut point above which they believe ter setting, serologic testing is of great value in
the virus more likely results from infection determining the immunologic status of dogs
rather than from vaccination. Because recent entering shelters or that are present at the time
vaccination is so common in many shelters, it of a CDV outbreak and is described in the sec-
should be verified that this information is avail- tion on outbreak management in this chapter.
able before selecting a laboratory to submit
samples. In general, it is expected that vaccina- Postmortem Testing
tion would only result in positives with rela- Postmortem testing can be the most reliable
tively low viral load or high Ct, within only means to definitively diagnose distemper in an
about two weeks after vaccination, and only in individual animal and a population because
dogs who were not previously immunized. It is multiple tissue samples can be examined. Also,
important to recognize that mild, early, or late histologic changes and the presence of viral
infections may also have a low viral load or inclusion bodies are diagnostic.
high Ct that is not related to vaccination.
Interpretation is needed to evaluate the results Immunohistochemistry
in conjunction with clinical signs, dates of vac- and Fluorescent Antibody Tests
cination, and possible exposure for the dog. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), and to a lesser
While RT-PCR is an extremely sensitive test, extent today, immunofluorescence can be used
viral shedding may be intermittent, especially primarily on tissue sections after postmortem
in the late or recovery phase of the illness. A examination for detection of CDV in situ but
single negative test result from a single sample RT-PCR is now more commonly performed as
may not completely rule out distemper. part of necropsies. Because these assays are
Because of this, repeat testing may be prudent designed to detect intact virus, with viral pro-
in some cases, especially when suspicion is tein associated with the envelope antigens,
high or when attempting to define recovery. these techniques have a reduced sensitivity
However, in outbreak settings, the resource and a shorter period of detection time com-
investment required to obtain two negative pared to RT-PCR, which detects viral RNA.
tests to assign risk groups or define recovery They are unlikely to detect CDV from the MLV
must be carefully weighed with the additional for more than a few days, with a peak time of
care days needed and additional financial three to seven days after vaccination. This is in
burden. contrast to the presence of nucleic acids that
are produced at higher levels and detected at Serology higher sensitivity with PCR. Because CDV is
Serologic testing as a tool for diagnosis is not widespread in tissue in infected dogs, IHC or
particularly valuable in a shelter setting. FA of tissue sections are sensitive methods for
Serologic tests that measure IgM (early in postmortem diagnosis.
infection) versus IgG (later in infection) have IHC can be performed on cells from ante-
been used but are not reliable in the field or in mortem samples, including conjunctival
264 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

scrapes, urine sediment or buffy coat. These illness would be sampled, including acutely
are not believed to be affected by recent vacci- affected dogs and some that have been sick a lit-
nation so specificity is high, but due to variable tle longer (at least about 10 dogs or a good pro-
shedding in these tissues, sensitivity is low and portion of the population that has clinical signs).
negative results do not rule out infection. Positive results on PCR should be carefully
evaluated with consideration for both the
quantitative value, the presence of illness in
11.7.2 Initial Diagnostic Strategy
the population as a whole, and the individual
Recognizing disease and differentiating CDV animal’s history including vaccination date,
infection from other potential pathogens is intake date, and severity of clinical signs.
essential to provide appropriate treatment and Additional diagnostics may be necessary as
effectively control disease in a shelter setting, as part of that evaluation process. If animals have
well as to identify concerns for rescue groups or died or are euthanized, necropsy testing of sus-
adopters. Diagnostic testing also plays a key role picious cases should be undertaken to permit
in defining when an outbreak investigation or definitive diagnosis and rule out cofactors.
response is necessary, assigning risk groups, and
determining when dogs are no longer a risk.
Diagnostics for an individual animal or pop- 11.8 ­Treatment
ulation problem, such as a new arrival with
suspicious signs, a shelter with endemic levels Treatment recommendations for CDV focus
of disease or an outbreak of CDV, should be a largely on supportive care. Detailed informa-
priority whenever suggestive signs are present tion about the treatment of canine distemper
in an individual or within a population. can be found in other veterinary textbooks;
Organizations having problems with the CIRD only the basics will be covered in this chapter.
complex should always be wary of the possibil- As mentioned earlier, systemic disease may
ity that CDV may be playing a role. Some addi- lead to severe dehydration and emaciation, res-
tional criteria for heightened suspicion that piratory disease may progress to pneumonia,
CDV is present in a shelter population include: and immunosuppression facilitates invasion
by secondary pathogens. Supportive care pri-
shelter and community history of problems
marily revolves around intensive nursing care,

with CDV
fluid replacement and systemic vascular sup-
vaccination practices that do not ensure ALL
port, nutrition, and treatment or prevention of

dogs are vaccinated immediately on intake

secondary bacterial infection. Supportive care
development of neurologic disease in any
and treatment for secondary infections are

dogs either in the shelter or after release

essential as the viral infection runs its course.
markedly increased frequency or severity of
Dogs who have not developed neurologic dis-

ease have the best prognosis for recovery. The
management practices that favor transmis-
prognosis becomes more guarded to grave for

sion by allowing potentially infected dogs to

dogs who develop severe neurologic signs
remain in the general population or to have
depending on severity. Mild neurologic signs,
contact with healthy susceptible animals,
such as myoclonus, may be more manageable,
especially very soon after intake and
but neurologic disease is often progressive dur-
ing the course of illness and is often irreversi-
Evaluating samples from multiple dogs by ble. In every case where treatment is being
PCR testing is a great beginning point for diag- considered, both risk of contagion to other ani-
nostic inquiry if these risk factors are present. mals, prognosis, and welfare of the individual
Ideally, a mix of dogs in varying stages of clinical animal should be considered carefully.
Canine Distemper Virus 265

The judicious use of broad-spectrum Implementing programs designed to

b­actericidal antibiotics is recommended when increase vaccination rates for dogs in the com-
treating respiratory disease associated with munity, especially those who may not receive
CDV. Viral pneumonia is often accompanied regular veterinary care, would be quite helpful
by secondary bacterial infections, or a primary in increasing overall population immunity.
bacterial pneumonia may be present due to Please refer to Chapter 9 on Canine and Feline
CDV immunosuppression. Bacteria associated Vaccinations and Immunology for more infor-
with primary or secondary pneumonia include mation on this topic.
Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcal spe-
cies, Pasteurella multocida, Escherichia coli, Vaccine Types
Staphylococcal species and Mycoplasma. There are two types of vaccines available as of
Secondary infections may be susceptible to dif- this writing: (i) modified live viral (MLV) CDV
ferent antibiotics than those most commonly vaccine; and (ii) recombinant (r)CDV vaccine.
used in shelters to treat suspected primary The CDV vaccine from Boehringer Ingelheim
Bordetella or mycoplasma infections. has a canarypox vectored recombinant CDV
When GI signs are present, broad-spectrum component, whereas all the other products are
parenteral antibiotic therapy is essential. Fluid conventional MLV. A small study suggested
replacement therapy in the form of polyionic that the canarypox rCDV has the potential
fluids such as Lactated Ringers solution cor- advantage of providing more rapid protection
rects dehydration and helps prevent systemic in the face of maternal antibody (Pardo
collapse. B vitamins are also recommended. et al. 2007). However, most puppies entering
Anti-emetics should be given when vomiting is shelters do not have maternally derived anti-
present. For dogs who are unable or unwilling body (MDA), likely because being an unsteri-
to eat, other forms of nutritional support lized bitch, having a litter of puppies that ends
should be considered since treatment may be up in a shelter, and being unvaccinated, are
prolonged and body wasting is common. risk factors arising from similar circumstances
Treatment for the neurologic disease is com- (Lechner et al. 2010). The MLV are generally
monly less successful than supportive care for lower cost than recombinant vaccines and have
respiratory and systemic signs and is beyond the theoretical advantage of being able to com-
the scope of this chapter. petitively occupy viral binding sites, generating
protection even before humoral immunity is
induced. Therefore, MLV are generally pre-
11.9 ­Prevention, Management, ferred in shelters for puppies as well as adults.
and Response to Disease in Vaccine Efficacy and Safety
the Shelter
MLV CDV and rCDV vaccinations provide sig-
nificant protection even when dogs are chal-
11.9.1 Vaccination
lenged with exposure almost immediately
Vaccination of all dogs and puppies at the time following vaccination. One study (Schroeder
of, or prior to, intake is probably the most impor- et al. 1967) showed significant benefit from
tant method to prevent CDV from causing dis- MLV CDV vaccination of susceptible puppies
ease in shelters. Modified live virus vaccines for compared to those who were unvaccinated
CDV are among the most effective vaccines even when puppies were placed immediately
available, inducing strong, protective immunity into a CDV contaminated environment.
rapidly after administration. Even so, vaccina- Recombitek™, the rCDV vaccine product by
tion must be combined with planning and man- Boehringer Ingelheim, provided protection
agement strategies that focus on prevention. against IV challenge one week after vaccination,
266 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

and p­rotected dogs placed in a distemper con- Vaccine Timing and
taminated environment within hours of Revaccination
administration (Larson and Schultz 2006). Every animal over four to five weeks of age
It is important to recognize that the very should be vaccinated prior to or upon arrival to
early benefits from vaccination described in a shelter, regardless of their health status at the
the studies above are not likely to confer the time of arrival. Vaccines are unlikely to cause
same sterile immunity that can be expected a harm, whereas virulent virus is likely to be pre-
little later from vaccination for CDV. Full sent. For animals who are sick, it is possible,
immunity does develop quite quickly but may though not likely, the animal will be unable to
not be reached for three to five days. Instead, mount an immunizing response. It is unlikely
the very early post-vaccine immunity pro- the vaccine will adversely affect the animal,
vides protection from the development of while there is a good chance much needed pro-
severe neurologic disease and death. Dogs tection will be provided.
challenged by exposure within 72 hours of Provided maternal antibody interference is
vaccination may become infected, shed virus, not present, the majority of dogs over
and be a risk to other susceptible dogs in the 16–20 weeks of age will be protected by a single
population even if they do not develop fulmi- vaccination. However, because of the severity
nant disease. of the illness, the low risk associated with the
When vaccinations are administered on vaccine, and the small chance of vaccine fail-
intake; preventative management practices are ure due to factors such as incorrect handling or
put in place to minimize co-mingling, expo- errors in administration, an initial series of
sure and stress; and sick animals are promptly two vaccines two to three weeks apart is gener-
isolated, the short lag between vaccination and ally recommended (Welborn et al. 2011). Dogs
onset of sterile immunity does not often lead to who remain in the shelter for long periods of
clinical problems. However, in environments time need not be re-vaccinated more often
where susceptible and potentially infectious than every three years as per the American
dogs are housed or allowed to co-mingle Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) vaccina-
together or share common space, the disease tion guidelines.
may still occur in dogs who are vaccinated at
intake and exposed shortly afterward. This can Vaccination of Puppies
create some confusion and be associated with As with other diseases, interference from MDA
ongoing, endemic disease that may mimic can hinder effective immunization of puppies
unusually frequent or severe CIRD. under 20 weeks of age. While many puppies
will not have sufficient MDA to interfere and Vaccine Handling will be effectively immunized by the initial
Because CDV is relatively labile, it is critical vaccine, it can never be certain which puppies
that the vaccine is reconstituted only shortly may not be effectively immunized. Therefore,
before use, taking care not to leave the vaccine regular vaccination for puppies with combina-
at room temperature. If the room or ambient tion vaccine products should begin at four to
temperature is elevated, it is especially impor- six weeks of age and be repeated every two
tant that vaccines are reconstituted just prior weeks if puppies are in a high-risk environ-
to administration. The vaccine can be adminis- ment such as a shelter or high population vol-
tered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. If ume foster home, until 20 weeks of age. After
any portion of the vaccine fails to be adminis- adoption or transfer to a low-risk environment,
tered subcutaneously (e.g. part of it is injected the interval of revaccination can be extended
onto the skin or hair coat), a second full dose to three weeks, but even after adoption, pup-
should be given immediately. pies should receive a final vaccine at or after
Canine Distemper Virus 267

20 weeks of age. The rationale for giving the also a risk, a monovalent product for CPV
final vaccine for shelter puppies at a later age should also be strongly considered if the ferret
than has commonly been recommended for rCDV product is used.
purposely-bred puppies is two-fold: the possi-
bility that the dam recovered from field strain CDV Vaccination of Other
infection leading to higher than average levels Species
of maternal antibodies, and the difficulty of For species other than dogs (e.g. raccoons, fer-
accurately aging puppies when the exact birth rets), the PureVax® Ferret rCDV vaccine (1.0 ml
date is unknown (as is often the case in dose) should be used rather than a MLV vac-
shelters). cine because of the adverse reactions the MLV
Again, it should be emphasized that vaccina- vaccine may cause in these species. MLV CDV
tion alone will never be a sufficient interven- vaccines should only be used in the species for
tion when disease and exposure risk is high. which they were licensed.
Vaccination programs must work in concert
with management plans that decrease infec-
tious dose and risk of exposure, especially for 11.9.2 Environmental Control
puppies who may remain susceptible even
Because CDV is an RNA virus that is envel-
after vaccination. The best management plan
oped, the virus is rapidly inactivated outside
for susceptible juvenile animals is almost
the body by a variety of disinfectants, many of
always housing outside of the shelter in an
which are commonly used in shelters. (See
alternate, low-risk environment.
Chapter 8 on Sanitation for more information.)
CDV is also rapidly destroyed by heat. At tem- Special Considerations peratures of 56° C (130° F), it has a half-life of
for Pregnant Dogs in a Shelter four to five minutes, at 45° C (113° F), 10 min-
If a pregnant animal arrives at a shelter, the utes, at body temperature and room tempera-
risks and benefits of vaccination must be care- ture, 37° C (99° F) and 21° C (68° F) respectively,
fully weighed. The safest CDV vaccine to use about one to three hours, and 9–11 days at 4° C
in pregnant dogs is the canarypox rCDV vac- (42° F). Therefore, unlike canine parvovirus-2,
cine, as the MLV in immunologically naïve which is very stable in the environment and
(CDV antibody negative) dogs has the poten- resistant to many disinfectants and heat, CDV
tial to infect the fetuses, very rarely causing is very labile and can be readily destroyed in
death and absorption or abortion. While there the environment.
may be a small risk to the unborn puppies Notwithstanding this, even the short-term
from vaccinating the dam, if she has not been persistence of the virus in the environment can
previously immunized, the risk to the dam contribute to transmission. Efforts at decon-
entering a shelter environment unvaccinated tamination in the face of an outbreak or persis-
and susceptible, followed by likely to almost tent endemic disease concerns should focus on
certain exposure, could be very high. As a identifying points of common contact, espe-
result of an effort to protect the fetuses from cially surfaces likely to be in contact with sick
the possible adverse effects of vaccination, the and newly admitted, susceptible animals. This
dam and the puppies could all be lost to the should include consideration of animal con-
disease. trol vehicle compartments, intake pens that
Regardless of the vaccine type used (recom- are also used for housing sick animals prior to
binant or MLV), pregnant dogs that have anti- transfer or euthanasia, and staff clothing if
bodies will not be infected with the vaccine biosecurity precautions are not followed
virus, thus the embryos/fetuses will not be between handling sick and healthy individuals
affected. Because canine parvovirus is likely or populations.
268 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

11.9.3 Isolation and Separation Isolating or separating sick dogs removes the
greatest source of exposure in the shelter.
As mentioned above when describing trans-
Subclinically affected dogs may still shed virus
mission, infected dogs serve as the primary res-
and go unrecognized as infectious, but this
ervoir for the virus. When infected dogs are
tends to be less clinically relevant. The reduc-
intermixed with susceptible dogs, transmis-
tion in infectious dose in the environment that
sion is very likely to occur. This makes isola-
results from isolating the dogs who are most
tion or separation of all dogs with clinical signs
obviously a potential risk has a substantial
of disease an essential component of distem-
effect on clinical disease reduction.
per prevention and control. This is especially
Separation of sub-populations of apparently
true for respiratory disease because of the
healthy dogs and puppies works hand in hand
strong potential for aerosol transmission and
with isolation to protect susceptible animals as
the frequent overlap of signs of canine respira-
they enter the shelter. In many cases, transmis-
tory disease complex and early or milder to
sion can be interrupted by establishing defined
moderate canine distemper. However, as a gen-
housing areas and order of care for specific
eral practice, dogs with any clinical signs of
susceptible groups.
potentially infectious disease (e.g. GI, neuro-
Special handling practices to reduce trans-
logic) should also be isolated from the general
mission should be targeted toward the most
susceptible animals. In general, separation is
Isolation for CDV ideally is achieved by the
most important for puppies, since MDA may
use of a separate building or ward, including
cause interference with vaccination that leaves
separate airflow. Proper protective garments
many of them susceptible even post-vaccina-
should be provided as well as separate equip-
tion. Healthy puppies should be housed in
ment for use in the isolation area exclusively.
double-sided kennels that can easily be cleaned
Staff must be trained in isolation procedures
while the puppies remain protected within the
and either designated to work in that area only,
enclosure, with designated equipment for use
sequenced so that healthy animals are never
exclusively in that area and handling by staff
handled or cared for after sick animals, or full
wearing clean protective garments. Identifying
biosecurity must be utilized, including a
clinical signs and isolating or separating sick
change of coveralls, gloves, and footwear
animals promptly helps protect incoming ani-
between affected and susceptible populations.
mals during the first several days after admis-
In some cases, a separate ward is difficult to
sion when they have been vaccinated but have
establish. In that case, creating separation
not had sufficient time to develop full
where sick animals are promptly identified
and moved, housed in a designated area sepa-
rated by at least two empty kennels from the
susceptible population, and never cared for Planned Co-mingling
ahead of healthy animals are strategies that and All-In All-Out Housing
have been effectively implemented to bring an Group housing dogs randomly at intake
end to disease transmission. Even simple because there is insufficient housing in the
measures to create separation between healthy shelter is an enormous risk factor for the trans-
animals and those with clinical signs can have mission of many infectious diseases and creates
a dramatic effect on improving animal health. poor welfare. Shelters with this practice should
Housing and/or treating sick animals in the evaluate their intake and flow-through prac-
general population will ensure exposure of the tices as well as housing capacity to implement
entire population, and if CDV is present, it will change. If a shelter does plan to group house
lead to severe disease in at least some suscepti- recently admitted dogs, screening carefully for
ble animals. signs of illness and planning co-mingling of
Canine Distemper Virus 269

apparently healthy dogs can reduce the risk of life-saving evaluation and response t­actics.
transmission presented in group housing by Once an outbreak occurs, it becomes even more
defining cohorts or subgroups within the gen- essential that all dogs are vaccinated prior to or
eral population; this reduces both the viral load at entry. Response measures, beyond vaccina-
and the number of animals to which each ani- tion, must also be taken when the disease has
mal is exposed. To implement planned co-min- been identified in the general population. This
gling, a system must be put in place defining consists primarily of assigning risk categories,
which incoming healthy animals will be co- creating a sanitary environment for incoming
housed and interact with each other in play- dogs (clean break) and isolating or removing
groups or other activities. The simplest method exposed potentially infectious animals.
is to identify behaviorally and physically com- Please see Chapter 6 on Outbreak
patible dogs who are entering the shelter at the Management for more information.
same time (e.g. the same day). Only those dogs
who are part of the planned cohort would inter-
11.10.1 Outbreak Risk Factors
act with each other.
Though in general, co-mingling is not rec- Population health management practices play
ommended, when undertaken, all-in all-out an important role in the prevention of CDV
housing is an essential component of planned transmission in the shelter setting. Common
co-mingling. All-in all-out housing dictates risk factors in shelters experiencing outbreaks
that when co-mingling is necessary, all dogs or ongoing problems with CDV in their popu-
will be removed from the housing unit or hous- lations include sporadic or delayed vaccina-
ing area before new susceptible dogs are tion; failure to examine or vaccinate animals
brought in. Ideally, animals are moved through on intake; crowding beyond the capacity for
the shelter in cohorts. New animals should not care; kennels that are used inappropriately or
be added once the group has been established. in ways other than intended when designed
When all-in all-out practices are not used, it is (e.g. guillotine doors closed in double-sided
possible that one subclinically infected animal housing units); group housing that is not all-in
could remain in an area long enough to expose all-out; lack of separation between sick and
another susceptible animal and so on, creating healthy animals; poor or infrequent use of dis-
a cycle that allows persistence of the virus in ease detection methods and lax response to
the population. All-in all-out housing inter- respiratory disease that is believed to be “ken-
rupts that cycle by creating small groups in nel cough.” Animals transferred from other
which all dogs are less likely to have been shelters may also increase the risk of CDV if
infected. Each time one group leaves, the risk the source shelters are in CDV endemic com-
of exposure for the new group begins with just munities or have any collection of these risk
those dogs who have entered together, with no factors.
risk carried over from the previous group.
All-in all-out housing is an important compo-
11.10.2 Risk Assessment
nent of halting a cycle of transmission.
Through a combination of careful observation
of clinical signs and antibody testing, risk cat-
11.10 ­CDV Outbreak egories can be assigned to dogs. Risk categories
Management help management to move dogs who are not
likely to be affected by the disease through the
If an outbreak of distemper does occur in a shel- shelter quickly, leaving a much smaller, more
ter, it is possible to control the outbreak and easily managed group for outbreak response or
bring the shelter back to a healthy state by using treatment.
270 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

While assigning risk groups never provides positive on PCR can also save resources in an
an absolute guarantee of whether a particular outbreak setting. It is almost certain that dogs
animal will become infected or not, defining who were infected will develop protective anti-
the level of risk for individual animals and sub- body titers, so serologic testing in these dogs
groups can at least guide informed decisions. should be a low priority for resource
Risk assessment can be used to clear animals investment.
for rescue or adoption and help guide efforts to In-house serologic tests have great value
create effective isolation and separation. because they can be run fairly quickly and sim-
Establishing risk categories for exposed ani- ply and provide immediate answers about
mals limits the number of dogs subject to quar- immunologic status. Samples for serology can
antine, isolation, or special rescue. Because also be sent to diagnostic labs, but turnaround
some animals may have strong immunity to time for results is important in an outbreak
distemper demonstrable via serologic assess- response setting. When attempting to identify
ment, it may not be necessary to treat all who low risk, clinically healthy animals for adop-
have been exposed as potentially infectious or tion or transport, it is more financially frugal to
“at-risk.” test for antibody first and pair positive anti-
Serologic risk evaluation is a valuable tool, body results with a PCR that suggests the dog
especially as an alternative to quarantine for is not currently shedding virus. If the dog is
CDV because its long incubation period, in antibody negative or insufficient antibody is
many cases, makes quarantine of all exposed present to suggest protection, then a PCR
dogs difficult to impossible for many shelters should be repeated at the time the next anti-
to implement. Antibody testing correlates body test was collected to suggest that the titer
well with immunity for CDV, and both com- was rising because of vaccination and not as
mercial and in-house tests (Vaccicheck™ and the result of infection.
Synbiotics TiterCheck™) are available for this Many questions arise about serology testing
purpose. Those dogs that are free of clinical in puppies. Puppies under five months of age
signs and have sufficient antibodies can be may have MDA present. This passive immu-
considered protected and are very unlikely to nity is detectable on most serologic tests but
become infected or develop the disease. One can’t be well differentiated from active immu-
caveat is that when disease detection and mon- nity. Passive immunity does not have the
itoring have not been consistently or effectively backup system of antibody-producing memory
performed, it may be necessary to pair sero- cells that active immunity provides, which
logic testing with RT-PCR testing even in dogs suggests it may be somewhat less protective.
with no clinical signs to be sure clinical signs Also, maternally derived antibodies are con-
weren’t missed and the dogs are not in the stantly degrading, so antibody levels from pas-
recovery phase of illness and still shedding sive immunity are likely to drop with time,
virus. In the author’s experience, it is not making the puppies more at risk of infection.
uncommon in complex outbreaks to find Adding to this complication is the potential for
apparently healthy dogs whose immune status MDA interference with immunization from
and PCR testing together suggest they were vaccination. With all of this being true, clini-
recently infected and continue to shed some cally, puppies with sufficient antibody titers
level of the virus as the outbreak intervention appear to be protected from infection just as
gets underway. It is important to identify and adult dogs are. The difference in terms of man-
isolate these dogs when establishing a clean agement is that while the immune status of
break to stop the cycle of transmission. adult dogs who are antibody positive will not
Using serologic testing sparingly on dogs change, it is probable that the immune status
recovering from clinical signs who tested of puppies changes over time. While adult
Canine Distemper Virus 271

dogs who are known to be protected can 11.10.4 Creating a “Clean Break”:
remain in an environment where the virus is Protection of Incoming Dogs
present, it is essential that puppies identified as During an Outbreak
low-risk through antibody testing be removed
When responding to an outbreak, all dogs,
from the risk of continued exposure as quickly as
without exception, must be vaccinated prior
to or within minutes of entry. All incoming
When titer testing cannot be used to assign
dogs should be placed into clean, disinfected
risk groups, dogs can be assigned to risk
kennels. Housing for incoming dogs should
groups based on vaccination dates and the
be located at least 25 ft away from moderate
likelihood of exposure. However, this method
to high-risk dogs (based on titers, exposure
will mean that many will be considered high
history or clinical signs) and from other dogs
risk unless a known start date can be identi-
coming in with clinical signs of disease; ide-
fied for possible exposure or excellent man-
ally, this should be a separate building or at
agement practices were in place to prevent
least a separate ward. If necessary, this can
transmission. If complete veterinary vaccina-
be a separate set of runs with clear visual
tion records are available, dogs who had been
barriers delineating at-risk versus clean
vaccinated when older than 20 weeks and
areas. As described above for isolation, sepa-
prior to admission or possible exposure should
rate staff and supplies should be used for
be considered low-risk but revaccination is
new incoming dogs versus exposed/at-risk
likely still the safest course of action. Verbal
dogs. Dogs designated as low-risk based on
assertions by owners relinquishing dogs that
titer testing can be housed with new incom-
they are “current on their vaccinations” are
ing dogs, if necessary, based on space
inadequate to ensure protection.
When separate housing for exposed versus
11.10.3 Quarantine Requirements
new incoming dogs is not possible, a “snaking
for High-Risk/Exposed Dogs
clean break” has been used successfully to
If high-risk dogs must remain in the shelter, resolve an outbreak. While not ideal, this
they should be separated from other dogs, method can reduce risk and overall mortality.
especially those who have been recently admit- A snaking clean break is created by establish-
ted, recently vaccinated and all puppies under ing a separation of exposed versus incoming
20 weeks of age. In the past, it has been recom- dogs of at least 25–40 ft (7.7–12.2 m). This can
mended that these dogs should be held for a be achieved, if necessary, by leaving several
quarantine period of at least four to six weeks empty kennels between exposed and incoming
to ensure that they are not incubating the dis- dog housing areas. Clear visual markers desig-
ease. In many cases, this long holding time is nate each area, such as signage, rope, or chain
impossible for the shelter; it also creates wel- barriers, and full-width curtains hung across
fare concerns or runs the risk of actually con- aisleways. Designated equipment and biosecu-
tributing to more disease in the shelter due to rity precautions must be used for each area just
crowding. Quarantine areas should have safety as would be the case if truly separate buildings
procedures equivalent to those described for or wards were available. However, as the popu-
isolation areas above in the section on isolation lation of exposed/at-risk dogs dwindles (e.g.
and separation. As an alternative, the develop- through transfer or clearance of quarantine)
ment of positive serology paired with a nega- and the population of newly admitted dogs
tive RT-PCR can provide good evidence that a grows through ongoing intake, the location of
dog has developed immunity usually much the clean break can be changed to accommo-
sooner than the full incubation period. date this dynamic flow.
272 Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters

Initially, most of the dogs in the shelter may possible even for dogs where clinical signs
be considered exposed/at-risk and just a few have not been noted. In shelters that were not
kennels will be designated for new intakes, vaccinating at intake, viral shedding within the
while late in the resolution of an outbreak the group tends to last longer.
reverse will be true. Of course, thorough clean- Adopters or shelters receiving recovered or
ing of kennels that are transitioning from exposed/at-risk dogs who have not been
housing exposed to newly admitted dogs is cleared using diagnostics should be made
critical in this circumstance. aware that the dog may have been exposed or
infected with CDV and advised to keep the
11.10.5 Summary of Outbreak dog away from areas frequented by puppies,
Control due to disease progression or development of
infection. These concerns arising from failure
Outbreaks within the shelter can be brought to utilize diagnostic testing to help define risk
under control with careful attention to the can create significant welfare concerns for all
measures described above. Clinical cases concerned, (i.e. the shelter, adopter and the
may continue to occur, but they should be dog), and is also likely a false economy com-
limited to dogs infected before entering the pared with the cost of testing. In the author’s
shelter. If timely preventive management experience, clearing dogs through diagnostic
practices are put into place as part of the out- testing to allow for adoption and transfer
break response, disease transmission from without additional precautions has been a
these cases can be controlled and future out- safe and powerful life-saving tool. After man-
breaks avoided. aging hundreds of dogs with this systematic
process, we have not had any reports of a
cleared dog going on to cause infectious prob-
11.11 ­Considerations
lems or develop new clinical signs related to
for Adoption CDV.

Decision making and safety surrounding

adoptions or transfers of dogs during or after 11.12 ­Conclusion
an outbreak can be greatly aided by the use of
diagnostic testing. Diagnostic testing can help Canine distemper remains an important and
assess if dogs continue to shed virus or are challenging disease, especially in animal
safe to interact with other dogs. A combina- shelters, throughout the United States and
tion of RT-PCR testing for antigen and anti- world. Fortunately, this potentially devastat-
body testing can help to clear dogs for ing disease is vaccine-preventable and if
adoption or transfer. A negative RT-PCR test effective vaccination programs are used in
in combination with a positive antibody test shelters and, more importantly, if more dogs
suggests the dog is very unlikely to pose an in the community were properly vaccinated,
infectious risk. CDV could be substantially reduced as an
As noted earlier, some recovered dogs may important cause of disease. Until that time,
continue to test positive on RT-PCR for pro- meticulous examination and vaccination of
longed periods. It is unknown at this time if animals on intake, careful monitoring, sepa-
dogs testing positive on RT-PCR for very pro- ration and isolation of symptomatic animals,
longed periods actually continue to be an and prompt diagnosis and response when the
infectious risk, but until clarity is gained, it is disease is suspected can greatly minimize the
important to proceed with caution. This rare damage inflicted by this once-relentless
prolonged timeframe for positive results is disease.
Canine Distemper Virus 273


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