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Paradoxical Hypertrichosis after Laser-Assisted Hair Removal

Article · February 2006


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4 authors, including:

Moustafa El-Saied Medhat Ismail

Mansoura University Sohag University


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Vol. 17, No. 1, February 2006 – Gerhard Fierlbeck et al.

Received: 16 May 2005

Accepted: 1st referee: 12 June 2005

2nd referee: 8 July 2005

Paradoxical Hypertrichosis after Laser-Assisted Hair Removal

Gerhard Fierlbeck*, Naeim Dawoud**, Moustafa El Saied*** and Medhat Ismail****

Departments of Dermatology and Venereology, Tubingen University*, Germany, Tanta University**, Mansoura Uni-
versity*** and Clinical Pathology****, Sohag Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University

laser technology has led to the development and

distribution of numerous red and infrared lasers and
Background: Laser hair removal has become light sources to address this issue.1 Laser-assisted
one of the most common medical procedures; it hair removal is the most efficient method of long-
is a relatively safe with limited side effects. Hair term hair removal currently available, moreover
induction after laser-assisted hair removal has
several hair removal systems have been shown to
been previously rarely reported.
be effective in this setting: ruby laser (694 nm),
Objective: To review the prevalence and fea- alexandrite laser(755 nm),diode laser(800 nm) and
tures of this paradoxical effect. the neodymium : yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd :
Methods: This is a retrospective study that in- YAG) laser (1064 nm),with or without the applica-
cluded all patients who underwent laser hair tion of carbon suspension(3). They target melanin in
removal during 3-years period with a long the hair follicles with pulse durations in the milli-
pulsed alexanderite laser during the time period second range(4,5). According to the theory of selec-
from October 2001 to October 2004. tive photothermolysis, the light energy is absorbed
Results: 1 patient of 329 (5.2%) treated with the by melanin in the hair shaft and is transformed into
long – pulsed alexandrite laser (755 nm) re- thermal energy, causing damage to the hair follicle
ported increased hair after laser hair epilation, structure. The short pulses (usually shorter than the
in comparison with the control group (30 pa- thermal relaxation time of the follicle) limit the
tients), this side effect occurred predominantly thermal damage to the follicles and, therefore, sur-
on the face and the neck with skin type and 1V. rounding tissue is spared(6,7). Some laser irradiation
Conclusion: Hair induction is a real but rare parameters such as wavelength, fluence, pulse dura-
side effect of laser hair removal. tion, spot size have been shown to influence the
damage of the follicles, however, the role of some
Introduction patients'factors such as hair growth cycle is still
under debate(8). Laser hair removal is considered to
Unwanted facial and body hair is a common be a safe procedure. Side effects are mainly a result
problem generating a high level of interest for of epidermal damage caused by melanin. They oc-
treatment innovations(1). In 1996, the US Food and
cur more often in darker skin types and tanned skin.
Drug Administration (FDA) approved laser epila- Concurrent epidermal cooling reduces the incidence
tion for clinical practice(2). Since then, advances in

Vol. 17, No. 1, February 2006 – Gerhard Fierlbeck et al.

of side effects, which include hypopigmentation, Results

hyperpigmentation, superficial crust/vesicle forma-
Of 329 patients, 19 reported post laser epilation
tion, and scarring. The vast majority of side effects
hypertrichosis during 3-year period. Two of them
are transient in nature, even though permanent ones
were excluded as one of them proved to have poly-
(e.g. Hypopigmentation, scar formation) have been
cystic ovary and the other used minoxidil 2% spray
reported in the literature(9,10). In some patients ter-
for the scalp. Regarding the other 17 patients, laser
minal hair has been observed to appear in areas
treatments were considered the most likely cause
where it was not present before laser treatments. It
for hypertrichosis in those patients, because hyper-
occurs mainly in adjacent areas to the ones that
trichosis occurred exclusively at treated sites. All
laser epilation was applied and in areas where vel-
the 17 patients had black hair and skin phototype III
lus hair is being treated. Several names have been
and 1V. The median age, race, skin type, hair color,
proposed: terminal hair development, hair induc-
and treatment settings for these patients and com-
tion, terminalization, and paradoxical effects(11,12).
pared with the comparison group are summarized in
Table (1). Hair induction in all patients occurred on
Patients and methods
the face and the neck area.13 patients decided to
This is a retrospective study included all pa- continue laser therapy with gradual good response.
tients who underwent laser hair removal at laser There was no statistically significant difference
center of Saudi German Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom between the patients and the control group regard-
of Saudi Arabia during 3-years period with a long ing the sex, mean age, skin phototypes, hair color,
pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser (cynosure apogee laser fluences, mean number of sessions and the
6200 model 105-0030-000) during the time period mean interval of sessions.
from October 2001 to October 2004.Laser proce-
Table 1. Comparison between patients and con-
dures for the face were done by well trained derma-
tologists but those for the other body areas were trol groups.
done by well trained nurses under the direct super- Patients Control
vision of the dermatologists. All the patients who
N=17 (%) N=30 (%)
underwent laser therapy during the previously men-
tioned period were contacted and those who re- Sex
ported increased hair growth or noted by the clinic Male 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
staff to exhibit increased hair growth after laser hair Female 17 (100%) 30(100%)
removal were included by this study. Post-laser
Mean age, y ±SD 31.2±8 33.4±9
hypertrichosis was defined as occurring if patients
developed a definite increase in hair density, color, Skin phototype
coarseness, or a combination of these at treated 8 (47%) 13 (43%)
sites when compared with baseline clinical photo- 1v 9 (53%) 17 (57%)
graphs in the absence of any other known causes of
Hair color Black: Black:
hypertrichosis. Full history and clinical examina-
17 (100%) 30 (100%)
tion in addition to investigations including full
Fluence, J/cm2 15±4.2 16±3.1
blood picture, plasma testosterone, plasma cortisol,
urinary 24-hour 17-hydroxy-and ketocorticoster- mean ±SD
oids, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate levels, No. of treatments, 6±2.1 5.2±2.6
prolactin levels, FSH, LH, ovarian scan and radiog- mean ±SD
raphy of the pituitary fossa. Average time interval
between treatments, in 8.4±3 7.5±4
weeks, Mean ±SD

Vol. 17, No. 1, February 2006 – Gerhard Fierlbeck et al.

Photo 1. Paradox hypertrichosis in cheek.

Photo 2. Paradox hypertrichosis in chin.

Vol. 17, No. 1, February 2006 – Gerhard Fierlbeck et al.

Discussion Conclusion
Paradoxical effect of laser assisted hair removal Paradoxical hypertrichosis after laser-assisted
is one of the most recently recorded side effects hair removal is a real but rare event that clinicians
after several years after the FDA approved laser and their patients should be aware about and should
hair removal devices. It was recorded at 2002 by be included in the informed consent form. Dark
Morenos et al(13) and Hirsch et al(14). The ratio of skin types and using suboptimal laser fluences may
terminal hair to vellus hair increases with age, as be considered as risk factors, with more predilec-
approximately 25% of healthy women developed tions to the face and the neck. Prospective studies
terminal pigmented hair around the lip, the areola, would characterize this phenomenon more com-
and over the lower abdomen and the amount of hair pletely with better understanding of other risk fac-
increases until menopause occur(15,16). All hair folli- tors.
cles are formed during gestation and no further
neogenesis occurs after birth(17), therefore transfor- References
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