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SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It is a structured process used by software
developers to design, develop, test, and deploy high-quality software products. SDLC provides a
systematic approach to software development, ensuring that the end product meets the
requirements and expectations of stakeholders while adhering to deadlines and budget constraints.

Phases of SDLC:
Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance

1. Planning Phase:

Business Case Example: A manufacturing company specializing in aerospace components decides to

implement Teamcenter PLM to streamline its product development processes and improve
collaboration among dispersed teams. The company aims to reduce time-to-market, enhance
product quality, and ensure compliance with industry standards.


1. Define Project Scope: Identify key areas where Teamcenter will be implemented, such as
CAD data management, BOM (Bill of Materials) management, change management, and
document control.

2. Gather Requirements: Engage stakeholders from engineering, manufacturing, quality

assurance, and supply chain departments to gather their requirements for PLM functionality.

3. Conduct Feasibility Study: Assess the technical feasibility, cost, and benefits of implementing
Teamcenter, considering factors such as existing IT infrastructure, resource availability, and
expected ROI.

4. Create Project Plan: Develop a comprehensive project plan outlining timelines, milestones,
resource allocation, and budget for the implementation of Teamcenter PLM.

2. Analysis Phase:

Business Case Example: During the analysis phase, the company conducts a detailed assessment of
its current product development processes and identifies areas for improvement. Key pain points
include inefficient collaboration between design and manufacturing teams, lack of version control for
CAD files, and manual change management processes leading to errors and delays.


1. Document User Needs: Interview end-users from various departments to understand their
pain points, preferences, and desired features in a PLM solution.

2. Identify Stakeholders: Identify stakeholders who will be impacted by the implementation of

Teamcenter, including executives, department heads, engineers, and IT personnel.

3. Create Use Cases: Develop use cases or user stories that describe how Teamcenter will
address specific business needs and improve productivity across the product lifecycle.

4. Prioritize Requirements: Prioritize requirements based on their impact on business

objectives, urgency, and feasibility of implementation within the project timeline and budget.
3. Design Phase:

Business Case Example: In the design phase, the company works with a team of PLM consultants
and internal stakeholders to design the architecture and configuration of Teamcenter to meet its
specific requirements. The design phase includes defining data models, workflows, security roles,
and user interfaces tailored to the company's processes and workflows.


1. Design System Architecture: Define the overall architecture of Teamcenter, including server
infrastructure, database schema, and integration with existing systems such as CAD software
and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems.

2. Develop Data Models: Design data models for managing CAD files, BOMs, documents,
change orders, and other product-related information within Teamcenter.

3. Configure Workflows: Create workflow templates to automate product development

processes such as design review, change approval, and release to manufacturing.

4. Design User Interface: Design intuitive user interfaces within Teamcenter that align with the
company's workflows and provide easy access to relevant information and functionalities for
different user roles.

4. Implementation Phase:

Business Case Example: In the implementation phase, the company deploys Teamcenter PLM and
configures it according to the design specifications. This involves installing and configuring
Teamcenter software, migrating existing data, setting up user accounts and permissions, and
integrating with other systems.


1. Install Teamcenter Software: Install Teamcenter server and client software on designated
hardware infrastructure following vendor guidelines and best practices.

2. Configure System Settings: Configure system settings, preferences, and parameters within
Teamcenter to align with the company's requirements and workflows.

3. Migrate Data: Migrate existing product data, including CAD files, BOMs, documents, and
change history, from legacy systems or file servers to Teamcenter.

4. Integrate with CAD and ERP Systems: Establish integrations between Teamcenter and CAD
software (e.g., Siemens NX, SolidWorks) for seamless data exchange, as well as with ERP
systems for synchronized BOM and manufacturing data.

5. Testing Phase:

Business Case Example: During the testing phase, the company conducts comprehensive testing of
the Teamcenter PLM implementation to ensure that it meets functional requirements, performs
reliably, and is user-friendly. Testing includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user
acceptance testing (UAT).

1. Unit Testing: Developers perform unit tests to validate individual components and
functionalities within Teamcenter, ensuring that each module works as intended.

2. Integration Testing: Test integration points between Teamcenter and other systems (e.g.,
CAD, ERP) to verify data exchange, interoperability, and end-to-end process flows.

3. System Testing: QA engineers conduct system tests to evaluate the overall performance,
scalability, and reliability of Teamcenter under various scenarios and workloads.

4. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Engage end-users from different departments to participate
in UAT, where they validate the usability, functionality, and alignment of Teamcenter with
their workflows and business needs.

6. Deployment Phase:

Business Case Example: In the deployment phase, the company rolls out the Teamcenter PLM
solution to production environments and provides training and support to end-users. Deployment
involves installing client software, configuring user access, and transitioning from legacy systems to


1. Install Client Software: Deploy Teamcenter client applications to end-user workstations,

ensuring compatibility and proper configuration for access to PLM functionalities.

2. Configure User Access: Set up user accounts, roles, and permissions within Teamcenter
based on organizational roles and responsibilities, ensuring appropriate access controls.

3. Data Migration: Finalize data migration activities to ensure that all relevant product data is
available in Teamcenter for ongoing operations and decision-making.

4. User Training: Conduct training sessions for end-users to familiarize them with Teamcenter
features, navigation, and best practices for effective use in their daily workflows.

7. Maintenance Phase:

Business Case Example: In the maintenance phase, the company provides ongoing support and
maintenance for the Teamcenter PLM solution to ensure its continued performance, scalability, and
alignment with evolving business needs. Maintenance activities include bug fixes, software updates,
performance tuning, and user support.


1. Bug Fixes: Address reported issues and bugs in Teamcenter through patches, hotfixes, or
software updates released by the vendor or internal development teams.

2. Software Updates: Stay up-to-date with new releases and updates of Teamcenter to leverage
new features, enhancements, and security patches provided by the vendor.

3. Performance Tuning: Monitor the performance of Teamcenter infrastructure, identify

bottlenecks or areas for optimization, and implement performance tuning measures to
ensure optimal system performance.

4. User Support: Provide ongoing user support and training to address user queries,
troubleshoot issues, and help users maximize their productivity with Teamcenter PLM
Methodologies in SDLC
1. Waterfall Methodology:

Overview: The waterfall methodology follows a sequential approach, where each phase must be
completed before moving to the next. It is well-suited for projects with clear and stable

Application in PLM Implementation:

 Planning Phase: Define project scope, objectives, and requirements upfront, such as the
specific modules of Teamcenter to be implemented.

 Design Phase: Develop detailed design specifications for Teamcenter based on predefined
requirements, including data models, workflows, and user interfaces.

 Implementation Phase: Code and configure Teamcenter according to the design

specifications, ensuring alignment with predetermined requirements.

 Testing Phase: Conduct comprehensive testing of the entire PLM system to validate
functionality, performance, and reliability before deployment.

 Deployment Phase: Roll out the fully developed and tested PLM solution to production
environments following a predefined deployment plan.

 Maintenance Phase: Provide ongoing support and maintenance for the deployed PLM
system, addressing any issues or enhancements through subsequent phases.

Example: In a manufacturing company implementing Teamcenter PLM, the waterfall methodology

ensures that each phase, such as requirements gathering, design, and testing, is completed before
proceeding to the next phase, reducing the risk of scope creep and changes during development.

2. Agile Methodology:

Overview: Agile is an iterative and incremental approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration,
and customer feedback. It is suitable for projects with evolving requirements and a need for frequent

Application in PLM Implementation:

 Sprints: Break down the PLM implementation project into short iterations or sprints,
typically 2-4 weeks long.

 Backlog Management: Maintain a product backlog of features, enhancements, and tasks for
Teamcenter implementation, prioritizing based on business value.

 Daily Standups: Conduct daily standup meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and plans
for the day, fostering collaboration and transparency.

 Incremental Delivery: Deliver working increments of the PLM solution at the end of each
sprint, allowing for early feedback and validation from stakeholders.

 Adaptation: Embrace change and adapt to evolving requirements throughout the project,
incorporating feedback to continuously improve the PLM solution.
Example: In a PLM implementation project using Agile, the manufacturing company may prioritize
core functionalities such as CAD data management and BOM control for early sprints, delivering
incremental value to end-users and refining requirements based on their feedback.

3. Scrum Framework:

Overview: Scrum is a specific framework within the Agile methodology that defines roles, events,
and artifacts to manage complex projects effectively.

Application in PLM Implementation:

 Roles: Assign roles such as Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team for the
PLM implementation project.

 Sprint Planning: Conduct sprint planning meetings to select backlog items for the upcoming
sprint and define the sprint goal.

 Daily Standups: Hold daily standup meetings for the Scrum team to synchronize activities,
discuss progress, and identify impediments.

 Sprint Review: Demonstrate completed work to stakeholders at the end of each sprint and
gather feedback for future iterations.

 Sprint Retrospective: Reflect on the sprint process and identify areas for improvement
during retrospective meetings, fostering continuous improvement.

Example: In a PLM implementation project following the Scrum framework, the Product Owner
collaborates with stakeholders to prioritize PLM features, the Scrum Master facilitates team
collaboration and removes impediments, and the Development Team works iteratively to deliver
increments of the PLM solution.

4. Kanban Method:

Overview: Kanban is a visual management technique that focuses on optimizing workflow, limiting
work in progress, and maximizing efficiency.

Application in PLM Implementation:

 Kanban Board: Create a Kanban board to visualize PLM implementation tasks, with columns
representing workflow stages such as To-Do, In Progress, and Done.

 Work Items: Break down PLM implementation tasks into smaller work items or user stories,
represented as cards on the Kanban board.

 WIP Limits: Set work-in-progress (WIP) limits for each column to prevent overloading and
ensure a smooth flow of work through the system.

 Pull System: Adopt a pull system where team members pull work items from the backlog
into the workflow based on capacity and priority.

 Continuous Improvement: Continuously monitor and optimize the PLM implementation

process based on metrics such as lead time, cycle time, and throughput.

Example: In a PLM implementation project using Kanban, the manufacturing company visualizes
tasks such as data migration, workflow configuration, and user training on the Kanban board,
enabling transparent workflow management and continuous improvement.
5. DevOps Practices:

Overview: DevOps combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops) to automate software
delivery, increase deployment frequency, and improve collaboration between teams.

Application in PLM Implementation:

 Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Use IaC principles to automate the provisioning and
configuration of infrastructure for hosting Teamcenter and related systems.

 Continuous Integration (CI): Implement CI pipelines to automate the build and testing of
Teamcenter configurations, ensuring code quality and reliability.

 Continuous Deployment (CD): Automate the deployment of Teamcenter updates and

enhancements to production environments, reducing manual intervention and deployment

 Monitoring and Logging: Implement monitoring and logging solutions to track the
performance, availability, and security of the PLM system in real-time.

 Collaboration Tools: Use collaboration tools such as version control systems, issue trackers,
and chat platforms to facilitate communication and collaboration among development,
operations, and other stakeholders.

Example: In a PLM implementation project with DevOps practices, the manufacturing company
automates the deployment of Teamcenter updates using CI/CD pipelines, enabling frequent releases
and rapid response to changing business requirements.

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