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YES / NO /

From Leah Carey

Sexual Communication Coach
Why use a Yes / No / Maybe list?
The kink/BDSM community has been using
Yes/No/Maybe lists for a long time to make
sure that everyone is on the same page
before a “scene.” But people who aren’t
into kink (also known as “vanilla”) can
benefit from the same concept – using a
rating scale as a way to generate
conversation and negotiation before
getting into the bedroom.

How to use it
Print two copies. You and your partner
should each fill one out separately. BE AS
HONEST AS POSSIBLE!! Giving the answer
that you THINK your partner wants will
only muddy the communication.

Once you have both completed the

checklist, sit together and compare your
answers. Put the majority of your focus on
the places where your “yes”es align – this is
where you’ll both be in your pleasure
zone! DO NOT try to talk your partner out
of a “no.” This leads to distrust and
resentment – the exact opposite of what
you need to build a healthy, fulfilling sex

There may be things on this list that you’ve

never considered or are WAY outside your
comfort zone. That’s okay. This list isn’t
meant to pressure you into considering
things that aren’t for you – it’s simply a
place to record your honest feelings about
various activities so you have a place to
start conversation with your partner(s).

On the flip side – this is not an exhaustive

list. If there are things you want to do that
aren’t on here, I’ve left some spaces for you
to add your own! (And please drop me an
email at so I can add
them to my master list!)


Sexual Communication Coach
Start with the basics...
Because this list is meant for partners who are just beginning to open the lines of
communication, it assumes a two-person interaction. Adding another person to your
sexual interaction requires a significantly higher level of communication and trust, so
spend some time making sure you and your partner are VERY comfortable addressing
the questions on this list before moving to varsity-level activities.

Speaking of varsity-level activities: this list includes some light power play activities,
but does not delve deep into BDSM territory. There are already many excellent
Yes/No/Maybe lists for BDSM play that can be found through a quick Google search. If
you want to move into more serious impact play, fetish play, and other harder-core
activities, seek them out.

Keep talking!
This is not a one-time conversation. Make a date with your partner to revisit your lists
periodically – every three months? Six months? Once a year? Things change over time.
Make sure you are up-to-date on your partner’s needs and desires!

And one more thing...

There is a lot here. You don't need to do it all in one sitting! Take it in chunks if you
need to. Or, if you're the power-through type, go ahead and get it done!


Sexual Communication Coach
Notes on the rating scale
A “yes” could mean many things. There’s a vast difference between a “HELL YES – any
day, any time!” and a “Yes, I’m willing to do this occasionally to please my partner.” But
an “x” in the “yes” column doesn’t provide that distinction.

That’s why I suggest rating your “yes”es from 1 (“I’m willing to do this occasionally to
please my partner”) to 10 (“HELL YES!”).

It provides a means of negotiation with your partner – if they want something at an 8

and you only want it at a 3, you can either find an activity that’s an 8 for both of you …
or on that night you can do the activity that’s an 8 for them with the understanding
that next time the two of you will do an activity that is an 8 for you and only a 3 for

What if you mark something as a “yes” or a “maybe” … but when you do it, you don’t love
it? Let your partner know! IT’S OKAY TO CHANGE YOUR MIND! And if you find that
something is more exciting to fantasize about than to actually do, let your partner
know that too! Perhaps you can incorporate it into your dirty talk, but make sure your
partner understands your boundaries.

Next steps
This checklist is a great place to start conversation with your partner. In doing this
exercise, some couples may find that there are deeper issues to address. In those
cases, it’s often useful to have a coach or counselor join you to make sure that everyone
feels safe, seen, heard, and understood. If you find yourself in this situation, please
don’t hesitate to reach out to me to talk about coaching. You can email me directly at or you can fill out my coaching form at
with-me. I look forward to talking with you!

And whether you feel the

need for further coaching
or not, I’d LOOOOOVE to
hear how this checklist
works for you! Please
drop me a line at or
reach out to me on
Facebook or Instagram to
let me know what you're
discovering about
yourself and your partner!


Sexual Communication Coach
Here's to your
better sex life!
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Types of touch:

Sensual kissing

Passionate kissing

Kissing/licking/nibbling (where?)

Feather light touch (where?)

Kneading/massage touch (where?)

Tickling touch (where?)

Pinching (where and how hard?)

Wrestling/play fighting (intensity?)

Other types of touch (describe)


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Genital touch:

Touching genitals with fingers (external)

Touching anus with fingers (external)

Touching genitals with mouth (external)

Touching anus with mouth (external)

Penetrating genitals with tongue

Penetrating anus with tongue

Inserting fingers into genitals

Inserting fingers into anus

Touching genitals with toys (external)

Touching anus with toys (external)

Inserting toys into genitals (what toys?)

Inserting toys into anus (what toys?)

Vaginal fisting

Anal fisting

Penis (or strap on)-in-vagina penetration

Penis (or strap on)-in-anus penetration

G-spot stimulation

G-spot massage

Prostate massage


Sexual Communication Coach

How are you doing? Is this making you nervous? That last
page was a lot!

If so – THAT’S OKAY! This is stuff we don’t usually talk

about, and some of us don’t even want to think about!

If you’re feeling a little jittery but okay to keep going,

take a deep breath and turn the page!

If you’re feeling REALLY jittery, get a glass of water (or

wine!). Do a couple jumping jacks. Do something to
physically dispel some of the nerves. Then turn the page!

If you’re feeling like you can’t possibly turn the page

because you might end up sharing something that you’re
afraid for your partner to know, I can help. You and your
partner can send me your FILLED OUT checklists
separately (so neither of you sees the other’s list!) and I’ll
get on the phone with you to work through the lists
together. Find out more at

And if you’re not nervous at all … if you’re rarin’ to go …


Photo was taken by Zackary Drucker

and is courtesy of The Gender Spectrum Collection.
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Activities that could leave marks:

Scratching (where? how hard? leave marks?)

Biting (where? how hard? leave marks?)

Sucking (where? how hard? leave marks?)

Slapping (where? how hard? leave marks?)

Sex positions:

Being on top during sex

Being on the bottom during sex

Sex from behind

Sex while kneeling





Dry humping / clothed rubbing

Scissoring / rubbing naked genitals

Tit fucking




Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this

Cuddling before sex

Cuddling after sex

Cuddling that doesn't lead to sexual play

Toys / props / role playing / other:

Role playing as foreplay

Role playing during sex

Costumes as foreplay

Costumes during sex

Lingerie during foreplay

Lingerie during sex

Cross dressing as foreplay

Cross dressing during sex

Blindfolding during foreplay

Blindfolding during sex

Restraints during foreplay

Restraints during sex

Dirty talk as foreplay


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Toys / props / other (continued):

Dirty talk during during sex

Erotic dance / lap dance

Hair brushing / nail painting / other grooming

Shaving / trimming pubic hair

Suspension (sex swing, etc.)

Rope tying

Electric stimulation

Strap ons

Ice cubes

Body paints

Candle wax

Nipple clamps

Food play


Butt plugs

Sensation play (feather, silk, vampire gloves)

Vibrators (used externally)

Vibrators (used internally)

Dildos (used externally)

Dildos (used internally)


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Power play:

Many “vanilla” couples explore light power play activities like the ones listed below.
If you are interested in pursuing more intense D/s activities, search Google for
“BDSM yes/no/maybe checklist.”

Giving gentle instructions

Giving firm orders

Physically moving a partner into positions

Spanking during foreplay

Spanking during sex

Paddling / Caning / Flogging during foreplay

Paddling / Caning / Flogging during sex

Shoe / foot worship

Orgasm denial


Receiving impact / pain

Giving impact / pain

Giving impact
On a/ pain
pain / impact scale of 0 to 10, I can experience pleasure at a ____
On a pain / impact scale of 0 to 10, I can be comfortable giving at a ____
Sensation play (feather, silk, vampire gloves)


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Masturbation and porn / erotica:

Masturbation without partner present

Masturbation in front of partner

Masturbating with partner

Masturbating with partner's support

Watching porn alone

Watching porn together (what types?)

Reading erotica alone

Reading erotica aloud together

Leaving erotica for my partner to read

Masturbation and porn / erotica:

Public displays affection (where & how much?)

Role playing in public

Outdoor sex

Visiting strip club with partner

Strip club alone or w/ friends (w/o partner)

Visiting sex club with partner

Visiting sex club without partner

Voyeurism (watching in a sex-possible space)

Exhibitionism (in a sex-possible space)


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Ways to connect:

Lights on or off when I'm naked

Lights on or off when my partner is naked

Lights on or off during sex

Taking a bath together

Taking a shower together

Music on during foreplay

Music on during sex

TV on during foreplay

TV on during sex

Fluids and barriers:

Ejaculating in mouth

Swallowing ejaculate

Ejaculating in vagina

Ejaculating in anus

Ejaculating on face

Ejaculating on other parts of the body

Condom / dental dam for oral sex

Other physical barrier requirements

Birth control requirements


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this

Sexy texts (words only)

Sexy photo texts

Taking nude photos

Taking nude video

Taking sex video

Phone sex

Video chat sex

Substance use during sex:






Other mind altering substances (specify)


Sexual Communication Coach
Yes Maybe No
I want Maybe I do not
I want
my Maybe I my I do not want my
to do
partner could do partner want to partner
to do this this could do do this to do
(1-10) this this
Ways to connect:

Lights on or off when I'm naked

Lights on or off when my partner is naked

Lights on or off during sex

Taking a bath together

Taking a shower together

Music on during foreplay

Music on during sex

TV on during foreplay

TV on during sex

Direct eye contact during foreplay

Direct eye contact during sex

Talking about my body (in what terms?)

Talking about my partner's body

Discussing sexual fantasies


Sexual Communication Coach
I prefer when my partner (does/does not) make noise during sex
I (am/am not) comfortable with sex during menstruation
I like my genitals to be referred to as:
I do not like it when my genitals are referred to as:
These parts of my body are off-limits:
I’m not comfortable touching these parts of another person’s body:
When I want you to stop, I will say:
When I want you to keep going, I will say:
When I want us to pause but not stop, I will say:
I like it when (I/my partner) initiates sexual activities
I like it when (I/my partner) initiates sexual activities unexpectedly
I have trauma that gets triggered when:
If I/my partner need to pause sexual activities to deal with a trigger or other
emotional upset, my preferred way to handle that is:
If I/my male partner can’t achieve or maintain an erection, my preferred way to
handle that is:
If I/my male partner can’t achieve or maintain an erection, the activities I would like
to halt are:
If I/my male partner can’t achieve or maintain an erection, the activities I’m
comfortable continuing are:
If I/my female partner isn’t lubricating, my preferred way to handle that is:
If I/my female partner isn’t experiencing orgasm, my preferred way to handle that is:
If I/my female partner isn’t experiencing orgasm, the activities I would like to halt
If I/my female partner isn’t experiencing orgasm, the activities I’m comfortable
continuing are:
After I experience orgasm my preference is to:
After I experience orgasm I would like my partner to:
After my partner experiences orgasm my preference is to:


Sexual Communication Coach
Holy shitballs,
you did it!!!!!
That was a lot and you got through it!

Now make a plan to sit down with your partner and go over
your lists.

If you find that you need support to have this conversation,

please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Visit or email me directly at I look forward to talking with you!

Here's to your better sex life!

What if you could have ANYTHING you want in the bedroom without fear
of being shamed or feeling like there’s something wrong with you (even if
what you want is LESS sex)?

Leah is here to help you make that a reality!

Leah Carey
is a sexual communication coach who helps people learn to communicate about sex so they
can get what they really want in the bedroom - rather than just accepting (or tolerating!)
what they’re given.

Sexual freedom is a subject that is deeply personal to

Leah because she spent most of her life being a VERY
good girl. Most of the sex she had was either boring or
painful, but she endured it because she wanted the
cuddling that happened after.

Having taken her own journey to sexual freedom, she is

now passionate about breaking the silence, fear, and
shame around women’s sexuality and pleasure, and
redefining what it means to be a “good girl.”

Leah is the host of the “Good Girls Talk About Sex”

podcast (click here to listen.)

You can find her at or:

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