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Computing and Ethics

It is the process of utilizing or completing a task.
It is a system of moral principles that differentiates between good and bad
Computer Ethics: It involves the code of conduct to use information technology
in a responsible way.
Intellectual Property Rights:
Intellectual Property(IP) is a term referring to legal property rights of a person
over his/her creations of applications both artistic and commercial.
The common types of IP Rights are:
A trademark is a word /symbol/design that identifies and distinguishes the goods
and services of one company from those of others.
Eg: TM – a mark used to promote or brand goods for unregistered trademark.
A patent is a right concerned with a new invention to manufacture the patented
product or to use the patented process.

Internet of things(IoT):
It is a new aged technology that allows computing devices to transfer data over a
network like internet without requiring human to human or human to computer
Application of IoT Technology:
 Health and fitness: IoT smart gadgets like Fit
Bit, MiFIt, Misfit records heart rate, blood pressure etc.
 Home security : Gadgets for video surveillance , motion, temperature and
sir quality control.
 Transport : Transport gadgets or machinery (vehicles like car) which can be
driven automatically)
 Shopping Rights: Smart Refrigerators that can order for grocery items when
the stock goes below a set level.
Virtual Reality(VR):
VR is a technology that allows people to interact in a 3D virtual environment.
Augmented Reality(AR):
A technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's
view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.
Eg: Google glass.

Differentiate between AR and VR

Augmented Reality(AR) Virtual Reality(VR)
1. AR is a mix of real world and the 1. VR creates an entire virtual world.
virtual world.
2. It let people interact with both 2. In this it is hard to differentiate
world and distinguish clearly what is real and what is not real
between both.

Cyber Security:
Threats to Computer Security:
 Hacking: Hacking is identifying and exploiting weaknesses in computer
systems and/or computer networks
 Cracking: The term “cracking” means trying to get into computer systems in
order to steal, corrupt, or illegitimately view data. The popular press refers
to such activities as hacking, but hackers see themselves as expert, elite
programmers and maintain that such illegitimate activity should be called
 Common general attacks/Threats:
 Viruses: These are the malicious code or programs that cause damage to data
and files on a system.
 Worms: Worms are self-replicating programs which eats up the entire space or
memory of the system.
 Trojan Horse: It is a program that appears harmless(such as a text editor or a
utility program ) but actually performs malicious functions such as deleting or
damaging files.
 Spyware: Spyware is a software which is installed on one’s computer to spy on
their activities and report this data to people willing to pay for it.
 Adware: These are programs that deliver unwanted ads to our
computers(generally pop-up form).They consume network bandwidth and are
similar to spyware.
 Spamming: It refers to the sending of bulk mails by an identified or unidentified
 PC Intrusion : It means to compromise a compromise a computer system by
breaking the security of such a system or causing it to enter into an insecure

It can occur in any of the following form:

 Sweeper Attack: It sweeps or deletes all data from system.

 Denial of services: This type of attack eats up all the resources of a
system and the system or application comes to a halt.
 Password guessing: Most hackers hack or guess passwords of others’
accounts and gain unauthorized access.
 Snooping : It refers to opening and looking through files in an
unauthorized way.
 Eavesdropping: Similar to snooping when someone listens to a
conservation that they are not part of , then it it is called eavesdropping.
 Phishing: It is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire
sensitive information such as username, psswords, credit card
information etc. by using authentic looking emails or websites to trick
recipients into giving their sensitive personal information.

Cyber Security Measures: The combination of identification, authentication and

authorization can control access to a system.
Various techniques used for network security are given below:

 Authorization :If the user is able to have legal login id then he/she is considered as an
authorized user.
 Authentication: It is also termed as password protection as the authorized user is
asked to provide a valid password for being treated as authentic.
 Firewall: A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private
network is called firewall.
 Intrusion:An Intrusion detection system and network resources , activities and use the
information gathered from these resources to notify the authorities when it identifies
a possible intrusion.
Preventive Measures:
 A security policy is a formal statement of the rules that people who are given access to
an organisation’s technology and information assets must abide.
 Use proper file access permission when sharing files on a network.
 Disconnects from the internet when away.
 Never click on a link you receive in your email from unauthorized source.

Online Privacy:
 Practice to safeguard your data.
 Use firewall whenever possible.
 Control browser setting to block tracking.
 Browse privately whenever possible.
 Be careful while posting on internet
 Do not give sensitive information on wireless.

Open Source Software:Open source software is used to refer to those categories of

software program whose license don’t imposed much condition.

Difference between Freeware and Free Software:

“Free Software” is software that comes with certain freedoms. This usually includes the
source code and the right to modify it and distribute your modified version - for free or
charge for it.

Freeware is software that costs you no money to use. Freeware often has a version that has
more features and that costs money, with Freeware you don’t get the source code or the
right to distribute it.

Difference between Free Software and Open Software:

Free Software: It means the software is easily accessible and can be freely used , changed ,
improved , copied and distributed by all who wish to do so without any payment.

Open Source Software: In it source code is released under a license in which the
copyright holder grant user the right study , change and distribute the software to anyone
and any purpose.
Terminology related to Open Source and Free Software:

 OSS and FLOSS: OSS refers to Open Source Software where source code is available to
customer and it can be modified and redistributed without any limitation.
FLOSS refers to Free Libre Open Source Software and is used to develop a software
with both freely as well as open software.
 GNU(GNUs Not Unix): These types of softwares project emphasis on freedom i.e it
can be used freely by any user to install it.
 FSF(Free Software Foundation): FSF is a non- profit organization created for the
purpose of supporting free software more.
 OSI(Open Source Initiative): It is an organization dedicated to cause promotional
formation of open source market software.
 Freeware : This is generally used for software which are available free of cost and
which allows copying and further distribution , but not modification and shoes source
is not available.
 W3C(World Wide Web Consortium): Its an organization responsible for producing the
software standards for www.
 Proprietary Software: Proprietary software, also known as closed-source software, is
non-free computer software for which the software's publisher or another person
retains intellectual property rights—usually copyright of the source code, but
sometimes patent rights. Example Operating system.
 Shareware: It’s a software which is made available with the right to redistribute
copies but the license fee should be paid .
 Copyrighted Software: It’s a free software whose distribution term ensure that all
copies of all versions carry more or less the same distribution terms.

License and Domains of Open Source Technology:

Open Source license are license that allow softwares to be freely used, modified and shared.
Few open source license are:
 GPL(GNU General Public License): GPL grants and guarantees are wide range of rights
to developers ( it allows users to legally copy, distribute and modify softwares) who
work on open source projects.
 LGPL(Lesser General Public License): With LGPL the requirements that you have to
release software extensions in open GPL has been removed.
 BSD License: BSD License are a family of permissive free software license software
with minimal restriction of use and distribution of covered software.
 Apache License:
It grants number of rights to users:
 Rights are perpetual (which can be used forever).
 Rights are worldwide.
 Rights are granted for no fee.
 Rights are non-exclusive.

Difference between Public Domain Software and Proprietary Software:

Public Domain Software is free and can be used without restriction whereas
Proprietary Software is neither free nor available for public.

It refers to online manners wjhich one should follows using internet or working online.
 Never Spam
 Write clearly and precisely
 Always post correct content in proper and respectful language.
 Never expect other people to do your homework for you.
Email Etiquettes :
 Be concise and to the point.
 Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuations.
 Make it personal.
 Answer swiftly
 Use proper structure and layout
 Be careful with formatting.

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