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Class: 10th SOCIAL SCIENCE Max. Marks: 80

I. Four choices are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements.
Choose the correct answers and write the complete answer along with its letter of
alphabets: 8x1=8

1 Constantinople was called the Gateway of European trade

A. It was the border for Europe.
B. It was the port way for international sea route.
C. It was the center of UNO. 1 Mark
D. It was the center of international trade.
Ans: D. It was the center of international trade.

2 Goa became a state in the year1987. Before becoming a state

formerly it was
A. A colony of Portuguese B. An independent state 1 Mark
C. A union territory D. A part of Karnataka
Ans: C. A union territory.
3 . Russian Revolution and French Revolution have upheld
A. The struggle of human right
B. The unification movement
C. The cause of World War 1 Mark
D. The cause for the industrial Revolution.
Ans: A. The struggle of human right.
4 To check a child marriage the toll free number to which we can
call give the information is
A. 101 B. 108 C. 1089 D. 1098 1 Mark
Ans: D. 1098.

5 Truly the whole mankind is one was declared by

A. Pampa B. Ranna C. Janna D. Ponna 1 Mark
Ans: A. Pampa.

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6 Silicon city of India is suited in
A. Maharashtra B. Tamil Nadu C. Karnataka D. Gujarat
1 Mark
Ans:C. Karnataka.
7 Rajesh observed in his passbook that the bank has levied service
charges for his bank account that type of is bank account is
A. Saving bank account B. Current account
1 Mark
C. Term deposit account D. Recurring deposit account
Ans: B. Current account.
8 The planned economy for India was written by
A. Sir M Vishvesvarayya B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Mahatma Gandhi D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 1 Mark
Ans: A. Sir M Vishvesvarayya.

II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each: 8x1=8

9 What were Deewani Adalats?

Ans: A civil courts. 1 Mark

10 Why Swami Vivekananda did establish Ramakrishna Mission?

Ans: In order to propagate the ideals of his teacher. 1 Mark

11 Which country signed panchsheel principles?

Ans: India & China. 1 Mark

12 What is division of labour?

Ans: Work being done by people depending on their interests, 1 Mark
tastes, abilities, age, expertise, skills and gender.

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13 What is name of International Airport of Kolkata?
Ans: Subhash Chandra Bose Airport. 1 Mark

14 What are floods?

Ans: Over flow of river water due to heavy rain and melting of 1 Mark

15 Who is an entrepreneur?
Ans: Innovator of new ideas and business processes. 1 Mark

16 What is budget?
Ans: Statement of estimated income and expenditure of a year 1 Mark
prepared by the government.

III. Answer the following questions in two to four sentences each: 8x2=16

17 How is communalism harmful to our nation’s progress? (Any4)

 Creates religious division.
 Creates mutual distrust and threat.
 Creates social groupism.
 Creates economic antagonism.
 Creates political rivalry.
 Disrupt unity and integrity. 𝟐
 Propagates hate philosophy.
 Leads to social unrest.
 Ruin of life and property.
 Leads to physical combat.


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How are disarmament treaties helpful in maintaining
international peace?
 Only solution for the arms race.
 Will reduce global level fear.
 Will reduce tension. x4=2M
 Ensures global security.
 Can reduce or eliminate of certain or all armaments.
 Direct process to bring down the number of arms.

18 What are the legal measures for the education of untouchability

in India? (Any-4)
 Article 17 prohibits Untouchability.
 Untouchability Crime Act of 1955.
 Civil Rights Protection Act of 1976.
 Practicing Untouchability is punishable offence.
 Right to vote.
 Right to participate in election.
 Reservation in education.
 Reservation in employment.
 Entry into temples
OR 𝟏
What are the remedial measure for unemployment in India?
 Population control.
 Establishment of cottage industries.
 Agricultural development.
 Industrial development.
 Educational reforms.
 Five year plans.
 Vocational education.
 Rural development.
 Employment guarantee programs

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19 Dayananda Saraswati played prominent role in reviving Vedic
culture. justify
 Dayananda Saraswathi gave a call ‘Back to the Vedas’.
 Dayananda believed Vedas were the source of truth and x4=2M
 Advocated swadharma.
 Began Purification Ritual’
20 Explain how Goa was liberated from Portuguese? (Any-4)
 Fight began to include Goa.
 Portuguese were ordered to give up Goa.
 Brought army from Africa and Europe.
 Tried to suppress the movement.
 Satyagrahis gathered at Goa 𝟏
 Began a liberation movement. 𝟐
 Demanded Portuguese to quit Goa.
 Indian army entered Goa.
 Goa was liberated in1961
 Goa became a part of Indian Union.

21 In India winter season is the season of least rainfall than any

other Seasons .justify.
 Many states of north India witness very low temperature.
 In some places, the temperature drops to sub-zero levels.
 Heavy snowfall occurs. 𝟏
 In South India, temperature is normal 𝟐

 The climate is very pleasant.

 India gets 2% of the annual rainfall during this season.

22 Which are the atomic minerals found in India?

 Uranium.
 Thorium. x4=2M
 Beryllium.
 Lithium.

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À 9035033871, 9901415147.
23 How was pre harvesting technology not useful to the small
 Not able use advanced irrigation methods.
 Not utilize the high yield variety seeds.
 Not able to use chemicals.
 Not able to use fertilizers.
24 Name the types of bank accounts.
 Savings Bank Account.
 Current Account. x4=2M
 Recurring Deposit Account.
 Term Deposit Account

IV. Answer the following questions in two to four sentences each: 9x3=27
25 Krishna Raja Wodeyar IV was termed Rajarshi. Explain. (Any-6)
 Abolished fees in primary schools.
 Helped girls’ education.
 Started University of Mysore.
 Established Indian Institute of Science.
 Developed Irrigation.
 New railway lines were laid.
 Started small and large scale industries.
 Legislative council was formed.
 Encouraged musicians.
OR 𝟏
Explain how Marthanda Varma controlled the Dutch power? 𝟐
 MarthandaVarma Ruler of Wynad.
 Compiled an army of 50,000 Soldiers.
 Occupied the pepper growing areas.
 Cancelled pepper trade rights of Dutch.
 Controlled the surrounding areas.
 Made the other rulers to oppose the Dutch.
 Got back the ports which were in the control of the Dutch.
 Made Travancore as the richest province.
 Captured trading centers of Dutch

ªÀÄzsÀĪÀ£À ¥ÀæPÁ±À£-
À 9035033871, 9901415147.
26 There is a need for conservation of forest in India. Why?
 Maintains environmental balance.
 Cause of rain.
 Protect the habitat of wild animals.
 Prevents soil erosion.
 Protects bio-diversity.
 Provides forest products.
 Increases fertility of soil.
 Gives clean air.
There is a need for preventing soil erosion in India why? x6=3M
 Rivers Causing floods.
 Changes the river course.
 Storage capacity of reservoirs gets reduced.
 Loss of fertility.
 Agriculture production gets reduced.
 Ground water level is lowered.
 Harm to Vegetation.
 Drought increase.
 Natural springs dry up.

27 How does the government generate revenue from many source?

Revenue Receipts:
1. Taxes: 1. Direct Taxes 2. Indirect Taxes
• Income Tax • Central Excise Duty.
• Company Tax • Import-Export Taxes.
• Wealth Tax • Service Tax.
• Foreign Travel Tax 𝟏
2. Non Tax income x6=3M

Capital Receipts
 Internal Loan.
 Foreign loan.
 Non Loan capital income

ªÀÄzsÀĪÀ£À ¥ÀæPÁ±À£-
À 9035033871, 9901415147.
How do Panchayat Raj Institutions bring rural development?
 Provide basic facilities.
 Encouraging primary education.
 Encouraging middle school education.
 Encouraging adult education.
 Expansion of health facilities.
 Public distribution system.
 MGNREGS Programme.
 Providing Housing schemes.
 Creating employment opportunities.
 Development of agriculture.
 Extending irrigation facility.
 Removal of poverty Programme
28 What characteristics should a person process to become an
entrepreneur? (Any-6)
 Creativity. • Innovation.
 Dynamism. • Leadership
 Team building • Problem solving
 Risk taking. • Decision making
 Commitment • Self Confidence.
What methods should be followed to file a cash in a consumer
court? (Any-6)
 No prescribed proforma to file a case.
 Complaint may be typed or hand written. 𝟏
 Complaint should include the name of the person, full
address and Telephone Number.
 Person or organization against whom the complaint is made
should be, mentioned clearly with address.
 Specify the Particulars of the goods, loss incurred and the
amount of loss.
 Bill or receipt should be enclosed.
 No a fee or stamp duty for the complaint.
 No advocate or lawyer is required.
 Consumer himself/herself can argue.

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À 9035033871, 9901415147.
29 What were the conditions of subsidiary Alliance?
 King had to keep the British Army in his kingdom.
 King had to pay maintenance charges.
 Appointment of Resident in his Court.
 King could not appoint any other European.
 Company would offer protection to the state.

30 What were the aims and objectives of the UNO?

 To maintain international peace and security.
 To develop friendly relations among nations.
 To establish faith in fundamental human rights. 𝟏
 Solving international problems. 𝟐

 To establish justice and respect.

 Function as a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.
31 Explain the reason for child marriage practices in India.
 Dowry system.
 Gender discrimination.
 Lack of education.
 Lack of proper implementation of law.
 Lack of community participation. x6=3M
 Poor implementation of
 Lack of legal provisions in school education.
 Lack of implementation of child rights.
 Lack of child development programs.

32 Name the neighboring countries of India.

 Afghanistan. • Pakistan.
 China. • Nepal. 𝟏
 Bhutan • Myanmar. 𝟐
 Bangladesh. • Sri Lanka.
 Maldives.

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À 9035033871, 9901415147.
33 Britain could not have fought the Second World War
powerfully without the support of India justify. (Any-6)
 Utilized the agrarian products.
 Utilized industrial goods for the war.
 Expanded war -related industrial goods.
 Production of weapons rose.
 Indian troops kept ready.
 Indian soldiers were used in many wars.
 Intensive training was given.
 Participation of the Indian Army.
 Innovative military training.

V. Answer the following questions in about EIGHT sentences each:

34 The British land revenue system brought a great change in
Indian agriculture justify.
 Zamindars class created.
 Farmers exploited.
 Farmers became landless.
 Land became a commodity.
 Agriculture was commercialized.
 Money lenders became strong.
 Zamindar became the land owner.
 Zamindars collected excess money.
 Farming laborers suffered. 𝟐
 Farmers lead a life of insecurity.
 Zamindars had to mortgage their lands to pay land taxes.
Extremists played a prominent role in freedom movement of
India. Justify.
 Unhappy with congress.
 Aim- independent India.
 Criticized the moderate thinking.
 Propagated extremist ideas.
 Leaders – Lal, Bal, Pal.

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 Opposed the partition of Bengal
 Popularized Swadeshi movement
 Boycotted foreign goods.
 Tilak declared: “Swaraj is my birthright”
 Started religious functions to organize people.
 Published ‘Kesari’ and ‘Maratha’ newspaper
 Leaders were imprisoned.

35 Explain the military and economic as for the first war of Indian
Military Causes:
 Condition of the Indian soldiers was pathetic.
 British soldiers enjoyed Status, salary and opportunities
 Opportunities were not given to Indian soldiers.
 Disturbed religious sentiments of the Indian soldiers.
 Indian soldiers were forced to cross the ocean.
 Soldiers were forced to use greased cartridges.
Economic causes: x8=4M
 Indian industries suffered.
 Craftsmen became unemployed.
 Textile & wool industries became sick.
 People lost their jobs.
 Cottage industries suffered a death blow.
 Imposed Heavy tax on Indian goods.
 Exploitation of farmers.
 Took back the inam lands.
 Farmers felt insulted
36 Mention the measures taken to improve the status of women in
 Women education.
 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act.
 Dowry Prohibition Act. x8=4M
 Stree Shakti’.
 Self-employment.
 Mahila Mandalas.
 Yuvathi Mandalas.

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 Women Self-help groups.
 Women Co-operatives.
 Women Commissions.
 Reservation in Government jobs.
 Reservation local body.

37 How is cultivation of paddy different from cultivation of wheat?

Conditions Paddy Wheat

Nature of Crop Kharif crop Rabi crop
Temperature 25° c. 10° to 15° C
Rainfall 100-200 cms 50 to 70 cms
Fertile alluvial soil Sand mixed clay and 𝟏
Soil 𝟐
and clayey soil black soil.
Level Land Required Not required
Standing water Required Not required
Irrigation Required Required

38 Draw an outline map of India and mark the following

a. Bombay b. Guwahati c. Salem d. Coromandal coast


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À 9035033871, 9901415147.

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