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Effect of installing residential solar

panels to bridge the energy gap

GROUP MEMBERS: Huzaifah Salahud Din(Mentor), Syed Hasan Raza, Raffay Mehboob,
Omais Haider


1. Introduction
2. Evaluation of sources
3. Causes
4. Consequences
5. Conclusion
6. Course of Action
7. Bibliography

Climate change, global energy consumption and the calls for renewable power
and sustainable energy are the needs of society today. Solar power in our homes
through the use of solar panels is a viable solution to close the energy divide and
empower homeowners to produce their power instead of depending on
conventional forms of energy. Solar panels are effective in preventing the
emission of greenhouse gasses and have the possibility of saving costs of
electricity bills and achieving energy security from sun energy. Such a change is
the key to a new era characterized by the use of solar power as a solution to the
increasing energy needs and effects of climate change.
Evaluation of Sources:
Sun power tools, though good for many uses again and again, have some earth
issues. Making, setting up, and taking down cause noise and change how things
look, which affects people who live near them. Bad stuff used when setting up
could poison water and dirt, making the earth's health worse. Big areas needed
for huge sun power set-ups break up where plants and animals stay. Also, large
sun farms make places hotter, as they take in heat and put it back. To fix these
things, we need to pick spots well, use ways to make things less bad, and do
things that keep Earth good for a while. Tsoutsos,T et all,(2005)

Over the next decade, household installation of solar panels faces significant motives

and barriers. High initial expenditures and long payback times deter many homeowners

from adopting solar technology. However, these challenges can lead to transformative

consequences, such as reduced installation challenges through economies of scale and

advancements in technology. Additionally, widespread adoption could drive significant

energy market transformation towards renewable sources. Simplifying administrative

processes is crucial to overcoming these barriers, making solar installations more

accessible and financially viable for households. Palm, J. (2018)

The impact of solar energy systems on residential home value remains

under-researched, with limited comprehensive data on how installations affect property

values and transaction prices. The market has historically been slow to recognize and

appropriately value the benefits of solar energy systems, despite their potential to

increase energy access, create jobs, and conserve non-renewable resources. Local TV

and newspaper sources can provide insights into the popularity and cost range of solar

panels in your area. According to a study by Zillow, homes with solar panels may see a

value increase of around four percent, suggesting a positive impact on property values.

Qiu, all,(2017)

Construction, installation, and removal phases might pose noise and visual
obstructions. These processes involve the use of pressure in which hazardous material
used in installation might contaminate pressure, water, and soil. This model has some
drawbacks that should be overcome; they include; High initial investment costs which
make it difficult for companies to float, and a long break-even point for the cost
incurred.There is a definite shortage of universally applicable and conclusive studies
and data on impacts of solar energy system installations on property values and prices
at the time of sale. Also, the market for solar energy systems has been rather
uninformed and has failed to assign correct value to solar energy systems.
Solar energy is one of the easiest sources of energy to embrace apart from being cheaper but it
comes with some factors to contemplate. Of course, there are benefits such as decreased
installation problems and energy market changes but there are issues concerning land usage
and climate effects.

Utility size solar systems call for extensive spaces of land, hence may lead to land degradation.
Further, the urban heat island effect may occur in that the solar panels tend to absorb heat.
The disadvantage stated above can be seen in this figure


However, the benefits are rather significant. It shows how solar energy can bring change to the
energy market and allow more homes and businesses to access energy. Moreover it promotes
employment opportunities and since it is a green energy source, it assists in preserving the
depleting natural resources such as fossil energy. Taking into account the advantages and
disadvantages of using them, solar energy can become the key element of sustainable

In conclusion, this paper has established that although solar energy is one of the potent and
renewable energy sources, it comes with some challenges. During construction, installation, and
removal, noise and obstructive visibility can be of serious concern while environmental pollution
comes from the use of dangerous materials. Also, while the costs of initial investments are
relatively high and the payback time is incredibly long compared to other logistic methods, many
companies cannot afford it. Moreover, the absence of extensive analysis and realistic appraisal
of solar energy systems due to the current conditions in the market hinders their adoption.

Still, the advantages associated with the use of solar energy are numerous despite the demerits
highlighted above. Solar energy systems can provide new developments in the energy market
by providing energy to homes and businesses and employing citizens. They also help nature to
be conserved in a way that will prevent the depletion of natural resources, particularly fossil
fuels. However, some challenges like land degradation and the heat island effect should not be
taken lightly.

In general, architectures of integrated solar energy systems are important features of

sustainable development. Addressing the economic, environmental, and social dimensions will
be crucial to unleashing this renewable energy source to its greatest potential. Through
research and development and continued progress in technology, the obstacles can be
manageable thus causing solar energy to be a key basis of a sustainable and reliable energy
According to Our World in Data, solar energy capacity reached 1 terawatt (TW) in April 2022.
This is due to a number of factors, including falling solar panel prices, government incentives,
and increasing awareness of the climate crisis. Solar energy is now one of the most affordable
and fastest-growing sources of electricity in the world.

Course of Action:
However, as the use of photovoltaics expands to a large scale to develop utility-scale plants that
may occupy hundreds of acres, there could be conflicts with the fauna and their natural habitats;
it is, therefore, important that measures that mitigate these impacts are put in place. A good one
is the ordinance to install solar panels on rooftops or other unused spaces within cities and
towns hence reducing the encroachment of natural ecosystems. Further, the combination of
solar energy projects with farming through horizontal agri voltaics also has the potential of
providing energy as the output and land protection as another advantage.

It is also important to find out information from some local papers or TV stations which will freely
give information on the current price of solar panels in the market. Zillow in their study found
that using solar panels enhances the value of a home by nearly four percent and this can be
useful to homeowners. Hence, sensitization on the monetary value and environmental aspect of
sunlight as a source of energy has to be done. It is also recommended that the government
should provide incentives in the form of financial subsidization and efficient permit policies
should be granted to enshrine solar panels into homes across the state thus acting as unique
propositions to sustainable development and energy market transformation.
Tsoutsos, T., Frantzeskaki, N., & Gekas, V. (2005). Environmental impacts from solar energy
technologies. Energy Policy, 33(3), 289-296.

Palm, J. (2018). Household installation of solar panels – Motives and barriers in a 10-year
perspective. Energy Policy, 113, 1-8.

Qiu, Y., Wang, Y. D., & Wang, J. (2017). Soak up the sun: Impact of solar energy systems on
residential home values in Arizona. Energy Economics, 66, 328-336.

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