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Information and

(Written Report)

Submitted by:
Mary Jane Maturan
Reynaldo Briones
Gwen Cadungog
Jia Buniel

12 – Vulpecula
(Group 3)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) which covered the historical
development, the digital divide, and the positive and negative effects
of ICT across various aspects of society. This executive summary
provides an introduction of ICT and presents its conclusion. It begins
by defining what is ICT and others perspective of it by giving other
definition of other authors. Then proceed to the history, gap and
positive and negative impacts across society of ICT.

II. What is Information and Communication Technology?

is defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources

used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange
information.(UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2009).

According to AJAYI, O. O (2009), ICT can be described as: Information

Communication and Technology (ICT)

Communicating Information via Technology

➢ Collecting

➢ Collating

➢ Conveying
III. The History of ICT
In the early 19th century, calculators emerged, marking a technological
advancement after the discovery of electricity in the 1780s. Charles
Babbage's initial computer designs surfaced in 1833, while the first
electronic calculator was assembled by Konrad Zuse in 1931. The late
19th century saw the roots of television in early transmission systems, with
Guglielmo Marconi inventing "wireless telegraphy" in 1894, paving the
way for radio development. The 1920s witnessed the widespread
adoption of commercial radio broadcasts and the earliest television
transmissions, including the development of color television. Alexander
Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in 1876 laid the foundation for
widespread telephone technology in the 1930s. The 1970s and 1980s
marked the introduction of mobile phone technology, with the sale of the
earliest mobile phones. The late 20th century saw a surge in computer
development, with Intel introducing the first microprocessor in 1971 and
IBM manufacturing the initial versions of today's computers in 1981. Tim
Lee's creation of the World Wide Web in 1991 defined a significant
moment for Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

IV. The Digital Divide

is defined as the gap that

exists between those
who have reliable
internet access and
devices and those with
very limited access or
none at all.
Three different levels of disparity:
1. to the disparities in ICT use between people living in different
parts of the world;
2. to unequal opportunities for ICT use within countries;
3. to participation in a democracy and the possibilities that may
develop after the digital revolution. Ultimately, it is a global
endeavor to close the gap created by the digital divide.

V. The Effects of Advancements in ICT

Influenced by three factors, namely,
1. existing ICT infrastructure;
2. level of education, skills and income in the country; and
3. ICT policy and regulation of the government and the level of e-

VI. Positive and Negative Areas of ICT Throughout ICT Supply

Positive Effects of ICT span various aspects of society. In education, ICT
facilitates uninterrupted student-teacher interaction during disruptive
events, enhances distance learning mechanisms, and provides valuable
information resources. This contributes to the overall improvement of
educational processes, although there's a risk of hindering critical thinking
skills when students struggle to discern reliable information during
research. In employment, the research, development, and manufacturing
of ICT-related infrastructure generate diverse job opportunities, leading to
a relative improvement in poverty alleviation. However, the emergence of
ICT-related crimes raises ethical concerns and poses negative impacts on
employment. ICT also positively affects health by monitoring metrics and
providing easy access to medical records, although excessive gaming and
pornography consumption present health risks. In terms of connectivity,
innovation, and research, ICT fosters advancements but comes with
challenges such as increased dependency on technology and potential
job cuts. Regarding privacy and security, ICT contributes to safety
measures, yet issues like invasion of privacy, security subversion, and
cyber threats persist, prompting concerns about resource vulnerability in
the face of ICT failures.
III. Conclusion
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has evolved
significantly over the years and contributes a benefits in every
aspect of society. From calculators to the postmodern era the
World Wide Web has become part of our daily lives. Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) has evolved significantly
over the years and contributes a benefits in every aspect of
society. From calculators to the postmodern era the World Wide
Web has become part of our daily lives. However, despite the
progress in ICT, the digital divide remains a global challenge,
reflecting disparities in internet access and device availability.
Addressing this divide is crucial for ensuring impartial
opportunities for participation in the digital revolution. Also, ICT
experiences positive and negative impacts across society.

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