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I am deeply interested in Doist and the Head of Marketing role for several compelling

reasons that align closely with my professional background and personal values.

First and foremost, Doist’s mission to empower people with simple yet powerful tools
resonates strongly with me. Throughout my career, I have been passionate about leveraging
innovative solutions to solve complex problems and enhance productivity, much like Doist
does with its products, Todoist and Twist. The opportunity to contribute to a company that
prioritizes improving people’s lives through well-crafted productivity tools is incredibly

Doist’s core values of Ambition, Mastery, Independence, and Communication are principles
that I have consistently upheld in my professional journey. My role as Head of Marketing and
Communications at INSPECTACAR demonstrated my ambition to drive significant sales
growth and market presence through strategic vision and execution. I have continuously
pursued mastery by staying abreast of the latest marketing technologies and trends, ensuring
that my team and I deliver high-quality work. My experience across various roles, including
at GlaxoSmithKline and Scotmann Pharmaceuticals, has honed my ability to work
independently, taking ownership of projects and remaining accountable. Furthermore, clear
and concise communication has been a cornerstone of my leadership style, ensuring effective
collaboration and fostering strong relationships across departments.

The duality of the Head of Marketing role at Doist excites me, as it perfectly aligns with my
skills in both strategic planning and hands-on execution. I thrive in environments where I can
balance creative thinking with data-driven decision-making, and I am eager to bring this
approach to Doist. My experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, coupled with my
resourcefulness in working within budget constraints, prepares me well for this position. The
prospect of guiding and mentoring a talented marketing team while collaborating closely with
other Heads to drive the company’s mission forward is highly appealing.

Moreover, Doist’s commitment to a fully remote, flexible work environment aligns with my
values of work-life balance and continuous learning. The ability to design my own schedule
and work from anywhere enhances my productivity and well-being, which I believe are
critical for sustained professional growth and success.

In conclusion, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join Doist as the Head of Marketing.
I am confident that my background, skills, and values make me a great fit for this role, and I
am excited about the possibility of contributing to Doist’s continued success and innovation
in the productivity tools space.
In the next five years, I envision leading the marketing function at Doist by fully integrating
advanced AI technologies to enhance our strategic capabilities and operational efficiency. AI's
potential to revolutionize marketing is immense, offering benefits such as hyper-
personalization, razor-sharp targeting, and real-time data analysis.

My approach will focus on leveraging AI to collect and analyze customer data, enabling us to
anticipate and respond to customer needs with precision. For instance, AI-powered tools can
help us create deeply personalized content and automated marketing processes, freeing up our
team to focus on strategic and creative initiatives. By utilizing AI for dynamic pricing,
predictive analytics, and chatbots, we can enhance customer engagement and optimize our
marketing spend.

Moreover, AI will be instrumental in improving our decision-making processes. By analyzing

market trends and competitive landscapes, we can make data-driven decisions that align with
our business goals. Integrating AI into our marketing stack will not only increase our
efficiency but also drive innovation, allowing us to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

In this role, I will foster a culture of continuous learning, ensuring that our team remains at
the forefront of AI advancements. This includes regular training sessions, workshops, and
encouraging experimentation with new AI tools and techniques. By embracing AI, we can
achieve higher ROI, streamline our marketing efforts, and deliver exceptional value to our

 AI in Marketing: Evolution Medium (

 The Evolution of Marketing Setup (


 Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Vanguard X (

The Earn with INSPECTACAR was a monetary rewards based referral program for our
vehicle inspection services. Every successful referral would earn the refferee PKR 500
 Objectives: What were the main goals of the campaign?
The main objective of the campaign was to increase sales and brand awareness through a
referral program.
 Strategy: What strategies and tactics did you employ to execute the campaign with
limited resources? Since resources were very limited, we increased focus on marketing
channels that have the maximum reach with the lowest cost per conversion. We were very
tactical in our target audience segmentation and market positioning. We spend quite a lot of
time planning and ensuring that the campaign would have the highest ROAS for the lowest
 Challenges: What were the major challenges you faced during the campaign? The low
approved budget was a big challenge, an even bigger challenge was what channel to use and
which one to cut, how to ensure that we maximise the reach while staying within budget. We
also had to multitask with other just as important campaigns running simultaneously.
 Execution: How did you manage the campaign with a constrained budget? Were there
any specific tools or platforms that you utilized? We primarily used Google and Meta Ads
and a radio campaign (TV campaign would be too expensive and radio is still a very common
marketing channel with an impressively high reach) since we did not have the budget for A/B
testing and pilot programs, we had to ensure what we launched would hit a home run in the
first try. We spent most of our brain power on planning and brainstorming ways to increase
reach while reducing campaign spend.
 Outcome: What were the results of the campaign? How did it impact the business? The
campaign outperformed even our most optimistic expectations. After launch the campaign
managed to increase inspection sales by over 45% in the first month and continued to boost
sales by 10-20% every month. We received tons of referrals and even had some clients that
made our referral program a source of passive income for themselves. This campaign
launched in the early days of INSPECTACAR actually proved to be one of the biggest
contributors to INSPECTACAR becoming the 2nd largest vehicle inspection service provider
in the country
During my tenure as Head of Marketing and Communications at INSPECTACAR, I led the
"Earn with INSPECTACAR" campaign, a monetary rewards-based referral program designed
to increase sales and brand awareness. This campaign had a highly constrained budget,
presenting significant challenges.

Objectives: The primary goal was to boost sales and enhance brand visibility through
customer referrals, offering PKR 500 for each successful referral.

Strategy: With limited resources, we focused on high-reach, low-cost channels like Google
Ads, Meta Ads, and radio. We carefully segmented our target audience and strategically
positioned the campaign to maximize return on ad spend (ROAS). Extensive planning and
brainstorming ensured our tactics would be effective without the luxury of A/B testing.

Challenges: Navigating the minimal budget required meticulous decision-making on channel

selection and resource allocation. Balancing this campaign with other ongoing initiatives
added complexity.

Execution: We prioritized channels that offered maximum reach and engagement for
minimal cost. The use of radio, a widely used and cost-effective medium, complemented our
digital efforts. We emphasized meticulous planning to ensure a strong campaign launch.

Outcome: The campaign exceeded expectations, increasing inspection sales by over 45% in
the first month and sustaining 10-20% monthly growth thereafter. It generated significant
referrals, some clients even turning the program into a source of passive income. This
campaign played a crucial role in establishing INSPECTACAR as the second-largest vehicle
inspection service provider in the country.

This experience underscored my ability to execute successful marketing strategies under

financial constraints, utilizing creativity, strategic planning, and resourcefulness to achieve
impactful results.
To encourage ambition and excellence within my teams, I employ several key strategies:

1. Set Clear and Ambitious Goals: I establish high standards and challenging yet
achievable targets that inspire team members to push their limits and strive for
excellence. I ensure these goals are communicated clearly to the team, even resorting
to the occasional motivational speech here and there.

2. Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning: I encourage team members to pursue

professional development through training and workshops. This not only enhances
their skills but also keeps them motivated and engaged.

3. Provide Autonomy and Trust: I empower team members by giving them ownership
of their projects and trusting them to make decisions. This independence fosters a
sense of responsibility and drives them to deliver their best work. My insistence on
project autonomy delivers a message of complete trust while my strict open door
policy ensures that my team know they can always come to me for anything.

4. Recognize and Reward Excellence: I acknowledge and celebrate individual and

team achievements through public recognition, rewards, and career advancement
opportunities, wherever possible. This reinforces a culture of excellence and
motivates others to perform at their highest level.

5. Offer Constructive Feedback: I provide regular, constructive feedback that helps

team members identify areas for improvement and develop their strengths. This
ongoing dialogue ensures continuous growth and improvement. I do however ensure
that any constructive feedback offered comes with complete privacy and help
developing a road-map for improvement in the relevant field.

6. Lead by Example: I demonstrate commitment, hard work, and a positive attitude,

setting a standard for the team to follow. By modeling excellence, I inspire my team
to adopt similar behaviors and attitudes.

By creating an environment that supports growth, autonomy, and recognition, I motivate my

team to embrace ambition and strive for excellence in their work.
Leading teams in a distributed and asynchronous work environment requires a unique set of
leadership skills and strategies. When the team is fully remote and values independence,
communication, and continuous learning, the following skills and strategies are crucial:

Instrumental Leadership Skills and Strategies:

1. Clear and Concise Communication:

o Importance: Ensures everyone is aligned and informed despite time zone


o My Strength: I excel in crafting clear, concise, and engaging

communications, maintaining transparency, and fostering trust within the

2. Trust and Autonomy:

o Importance: Allows team members to take ownership of their work and

deliver results independently.

o My Strength: I empower my team by providing them with the autonomy to

make decisions and trust them to deliver on their commitments.

3. Structured Collaboration Tools:

o Importance: Utilizing tools like slack, teams and even to-do list generators to
organize tasks and facilitate seamless collaboration.

o Needs Work: Proficient in leveraging these tools to enhance productivity and

ensure smooth coordination.

4. Regular Check-Ins and Feedback:

o Importance: Keeps everyone on track and provides opportunities for growth

and improvement.

o Needs Work: I tend to rely on individual check-ins through audio calls or

video calls, which often is more intimate, but also time consuming and need to
be scheduled as a result are less frequent. I am actively working on relying
more on collaboration tools to get quick and frequent check-ins along side
more focused and scheduled monthly check-ins.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability:

o Importance: Necessary to manage and adapt to changes quickly in a dynamic

work environment.
o My Strength: I am highly adaptable and thrive in fast-paced settings, quickly
adjusting strategies as needed.

6. Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning:

o Importance: Encourages team members to grow professionally and stay

updated with industry trends.

o Needs Work: I am committed to creating more structured opportunities for

learning and development within the team.

Implementation at Doist:

Given Doist’s emphasis on ambition, mastery, independence, and communication, I aim to:

 Promote ambitious goals: Encourage the team to set and achieve high-impact

 Support mastery: Provide resources and opportunities for continuous learning.

 Encourage independence: Foster a culture where team members feel empowered

and trusted.

 Facilitate clear communication: Ensure all communications are transparent and

inclusive, keeping everyone in the loop.

By continuously honing these skills and strategies, I strive to lead effectively in a distributed
and asynchronous work environment, driving both individual and collective success.

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