[Level C] IELTS Speaking Lesson 3

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IELTS speaking


EXPERIENCE questions

For example:
Q: Have you ever been to a public library?
These are questions that ask you about
Q: Did you go to the library when you were
your past experience.
Q: Did you stay up late when you were
Q: Did you play sports when you were a kid?
experience questions
Question type 1: Did you play sports when you were a kid?

Answer style 1: Answer style 2:

Yes, I did. I used to play football a lot To be honest, I wasn't much into sports as a
when I was younger. I enjoyed it kid since physical activities were too tough
because it allowed me to spend time for me. I was actually more drawn towards
with my friends and stay active. Plus, activities like painting and playing musical
I've always been a competitive person, instruments, which allowed me to express
so I loved the thrill of the game. my creativity.
Q: Did you play sports when you were a kid?
Answer style 1:
Yes, I did. I used to play football a lot when I
was younger. I enjoyed it because it allowed
me to spend time with my friends and stay
active. Plus, I've always been a competitive
person, so I loved the thrill of the game.

Further expansion (optional)
Q: Did you play sports when you were a kid?
Answer style 2:
To be honest, I wasn't much into sports as a
kid since physical activities were too tough
for me. I was actually more drawn towards
activities like painting and playing musical
instruments, which allowed me to express
my creativity.

Expansion (reason)
Alternatives (optional)
experience questions
Question type 2: Have you ever visited an art gallery before?

Answer style 1: Answer style 2:

Yes, I have. I visited an art gallery a few No, I haven't visited an art gallery before.
years ago while I was on vacation in While I find art interesting, I haven't had the
Paris. It was a fascinating experience chance to visit a gallery yet. However, it's
seeing all the artwork up close, and I something I'd like to do in the future to
particularly loved the oil paintings. broaden my knowledge of art.
Q: Have you ever visited an art gallery before?

Answer style 1:
DIRECT ANSWER Yes, I have. I visited an art gallery a few
years ago while I was on vacation in Paris. It
was a fascinating experience seeing all the
artwork up close, and I particularly loved the
oil paintings.

Expansion - experience
Experience analysis (optional)
Q: Have you ever visited an art gallery before?
Answer style 2:
No, I haven't visited an art gallery before.
While I find art interesting, I haven't had the
chance to visit a gallery yet. However, it's
something I'd like to do in the future to
broaden my knowledge of art.

Expansion - reason
Future plan (optional)

Describe a place

Describe a time you were late for a meeting

You should say:
What the meeting was for
When the meeting was
Where the meeting was
And explain why you were late
Begin by mentioning the event that you will be describing. Here are a few sample
introduction structures:

- "I would like to share about an event that made a significant impact on me, which
- "The event that I've chosen to talk about today was a truly memorable experience
- "Today, I am going to recall a fascinating event that occurred in my life, specifically..."
Main point
For the main part of your response, you could consider the following

● Time and Place: Mention when and where the event took place.
● Participants: Describe who was involved or present at the event.
● Activities: Discuss what happened during the event. Give a
detailed account of the activities, occurrences, or experiences.
● Personal Involvement: Explain your role or participation in the PERSONAL
event. Describe your feelings, reactions, and actions. INVOLVEMENT
● Significance: Talk about why this event was important or &
memorable to you. What impact did it have on your life? What did SIGNIFICANCE
you learn or gain from it?

!!!Tip: Choose your emotions before you start speaking.


Wrap up your response by summarizing the main points or providing a reflective

comment. Here are some ways you can conclude:

- "Looking back, this event was an important part of my life, and the memories I made
during it will always be cherished."
- "Overall, this event left a profound impact on me, and it's something I often look back
on with great fondness."
- "Looking back, experiencing this event was truly remarkable, and it's something that I
wouldn't trade for anything."
Sample answer
Background: Time & Place
Well, to be honest, I always try to be punctual all the time when it comes to
meetings. However, there is one particular occasion that I arrived late at an
Describe a time you were late important job interview that took place on a Monday morning around 9 a.m.
for a meeting
You should say: Actually, the interview was set at the headquarter of the company that I was
What the meeting was for applying for and it was in a whole new part of the city. As I had already
When the meeting was expected how complex the situation was, I had to search the way the night
Where the meeting was before and woke up earlier than normal to get the bus.
And explain why you were late
Main point:
However, on that day, the bus dropped me off about a kilometre away from
the building and I had to rely on my phone’s map for the rest of the journey.
Unfortunately, the map seemed to be leading me in circles as I found
myself returning to the starting point after 15 minutes of walking.
Sample answer
Main point (2):
At that moment, I felt extremely worried that I would not be able to arrive at
the meeting on time. So I contacted the interviewers immediately to explain
Describe a time you were late my situation while trying to ask passersby for directions. Thankfully, one
for a meeting woman knew exactly where the building was and kindly pointed me in the
You should say: right direction. Finally, I arrived at the destination after 5 minutes as my
What the meeting was for heart pounded heavily.
When the meeting was
Where the meeting was Reflection:
And explain why you were late Even though I was 10 minutes late for the interview, everything went well
and I got accepted. However, looking back, I still think that experience is a
stark reminder of the importance of familiarising myself with new
locations ahead of time to avoid such mishaps in the future.

Answer technique
Do you think supporting the arts should be a priority for

It depends on the broader objectives and current needs of a

country. I mean, supporting the arts can undeniably play a pivotal
role in preserving cultural heritage, fostering creativity, promoting
COVERING tourism, and even driving economic growth. However, in
situations where a country faces pressing concerns like extreme
ALL BASES poverty or health crises, immediate resources might be better
allocated to addressing these primary issues. In those
scenarios, only a minor investment can be alloted to developing
the arts to provide much-needed relief and hope to the public.
Answer technique
“It depends on …”
Do you think supporting the arts should be a priority for

It depends on the broader objectives and current needs of a

country. I mean, supporting the arts can undeniably play a Concession
pivotal role in preserving cultural heritage, fostering creativity,
promoting tourism, and even driving economic growth.
However, in situations where a country faces pressing
concerns like extreme poverty or health crises, immediate
resources might be better allocated to addressing these Explanation - example
primary issues. In those scenarios, only a minor investment
can be alloted to developing the arts to provide much-needed
relief and hope to the public.
Answer technique
How are photographs used to help people learn?

Well, I believe that photographs play a pivotal role in

facilitating learning for different groups, especially
students and special needs individuals. For
students, photographs provide tangible context,
especially in history where images can transport
learners to bygone eras, or in science where detailed
shots elucidate complex concepts. Meanwhile, for
those with special needs, photographs may
become essential communication tools. For
examples, individuals with autism might use pictures
to express desires or emotions, which might be hard
to be normally conveyed.


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