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Assalamualaikum Wr.WB
Hallo Everyone….How Are You All ??
I Hope you are always healty whereever and whenever
Alright,There is a saying that says “Do not Know, Then do
Not Love’’. So therefore , Let me Introduce My Self
I hope With The Introduction,That I will Convey You Will be
more Famiiar With Me.
Okay , Let Me Introduce
My Name Maulana Ihsan Mausuf as for my nick name Ihsan ,
But You Can Call me M I M , Because it Stands for my full
name .
I’m From Indonesian, I live in Tasikmalaya , The Mountain of
Tanjung or in Sundanese Gunung Tanjung
My Birthday is on The Second Of September 2000
So , My age at the moment twenty two
I’m a manajemen Students at Cipasung University
I’m happy study there , Because My teacher and my friend
Always make me smile.
I’m a Single , Two Days ago from the making of this video I
was dumped by my lover. But No Problem I still Have My
Family , My teacher , and my friends. That always make me
happy. Okay Next
There Are Four People In My Family, they are My Father ,
My Mother, Me and My Younger Brother.
My father is a driver at Budiman bas And My Mother
Housewife , In my Opinion She’s A women The Most
Beautiful . And My Younger Brother Still an elementary
School Students.
My Hobby Is A Playing E Football Game at Mobile
My Favourite Sports is a Football
In my free time, I also like reading of the book
I don’t Like Durian , Because it Smalls Bad
My favorite Food Is a Fried Banana With Cheese and
Chocholate and My Favourite Drink Is A Zamzam Water
ahh, The Drink is Very Refreshing
My Favorite day of the week is A Wednesday Because I Need
to use it for Study English lessons.
My Favourite Place is Mosque , Because I can Feel
Comfortable and Serenity in that Place
I Like Travelling . I have been to Pangandaran Beach,
Waterfall , And white crater in Bandung City
The most Beautiful Place In my Country is Raja Ampat .
There is A very Beautiful View
I Study English Because English Language is Very Very
Important for me.
Okay , Maybe That’s all I can Say ,If you have any Question
Please Contact My Number Below 082 119 566 195
The last I want to Apologize to My Teacher Mrs Vera and
All Of My friends Because Wednesday , Twenty Sixth Of
October 2022 I Can’t Take Lesson Properly. Because There
Are some interest That I Can’t Leave, Please Understand Me.
Before Closing , I have a quotes
How Far You go, That’s how far you Get Experience.
Thanks For All
Wassalamualaikum Wr.WB

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