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What is Shomyo?

A. Japanese court music

B. Puppet theater

C. Buddhist chanting

D. Traditional dance

Which of the following describes Gagaku?

A. Puppet theater

B. Buddhist chanting

C. All-male theater

D. Court music

What is the oldest traditional music in Japan?

A. Noh

B. Kabuki

C. Gagaku

D. Shomyo

What does Noh combine in its performances?

A. Music, dance, poetry, design, and costumes

B. Puppetry, narration, and music

C. Singing and acrobatics

D. Monophonic chanting and dance

What does Kabuki traditionally feature?

A. Puppet manipulation

B. Melodrama and colorful dancing

C. Acapella chanting

D. Court music

What does the term "Kabuki" originally mean?

A. Song-dance theater

B. Puppet theater

C. Court music
D. Buddhist chanting

What is Bunraku?

A. All-male theater

B. Buddhist chanting

C. Puppet theater

D. Court musi

How many puppeteers manipulate a single puppet in Bunraku?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

Which traditional Japanese art form includes a shamisen player in its performance?

A. Shomyo

B. Gagaku

C. Noh

D. Bunraku

What does the drama in Noh consist of?

A. Singing, known as yokyoku or utai

B. Monophonic chanting

C. Puppet manipulation

D. Melodrama and colorful dancing

Which of the following is a mouth organ made from bamboo or wood?

A) Shakuhachi

B) Sho

C) Fu’ye

D) Hichiriki

The Shakuhachi is a type of:

A) Zither

B) Flute

C) Drum

D) Lute

Which instrument is a sophisticated side-blown flute with seven finger holes?

A) Fu’ye

B) Sho

C) Shamisen

D) Koto

Which instrument is similar to an oboe?

A) Sho

B) Shakuhachi

C) Hichiriki

D) Biwa

The Koto is:

A) A famous Japanese zither

B) A bamboo flute

C) A gong instrument

D) An hourglass-shaped drum

Which instrument is a flat-backed lute with skin-covered bellies and three strings?

A) Koto

B) Shamisen

C) Biwa

D) Kakko

The Biwa is the Japanese version of which instrument?

A) Pi’pa

B) Oboe

C) Zither

D) Flute
The Kakko is made from which material?

A) Bamboo

B) Silk

C) Deer skin

D) Wood

Which of the following is a huge drum suspended on an artistic frame?

A) Kotsuzumi

B) Shoko

C) Da-daiko

D) Kakko

The Kotsuzumi is used in which performances?

A) Noh and Kabuki

B) Gagaku

C) Folk festivals

D) Western orchestras

Which instrument is a gong used in Gagaku music?

A) Sho

B) Shoko

C) Da-daiko

D) Kotsuzumi

Chinese Music Periods

During the Formative Period, music was primarily used for:

A) Western orchestras

B) International trade

C) Folk festivals honoring ancestors

D) Vocal performances

Which period was characterized by an overflow of musical ideas due to Western contacts and Asian trade?

A) Formative Period
B) International Period

C) National Period

D) World Music Period

The emphasis of the National Period was on:

A) Instrumental forms

B) Vocal music

C) Folk festivals

D) Western orchestras

A new kind of music born from Western instruments and forms characterizes which period?

A) Formative Period

B) International Period

C) National Period

D) World Music Period

What type of instrument is the HSIAO?

a) String instrument

b) Percussion instrument

c) Wind instrument

d) Brass instrument

Which instrument has a wooden stem with seven finger holes and a reverse thumb hole?

a) Sheng

b) Sona

c) Ch’in

d) Mu-yu

The SHENG is best described as:

a) An end-blown flute

b) A mouth organ with 17 bamboo pipes

c) A two-stringed fiddle

d) A four-stringed lute

Chordophone or String Instruments

Which of the following is a seven-stringed long zither?

a) P’ipa

b) Yueh-ch’in

c) Ch’in

d) Erh-hu

The YUEH-CH’IN is used to accompany songs in which opera?

a) Noh

b) Kabuki

c) Peking Opera

d) Cantonese Opera

The ERH-HU is:

a) A four-stringed lute

b) A two-stringed fiddle

c) A three-stringed lute

d) A hardwood slit-drum

Idiophone – Percussion Instruments

Which instrument is known as the “wooden fish”?

a) Temple Clapper

b) Mu-yu

c) Lo

d) Pang-ku

The LO is:

a) A circular gong struck with a padded wooden mallet

b) A double-headed barrel-shaped drum

c) A hardwood slit-drum

d) A three-stringed lute

What is the TEMPLE CLAPPER used for?

a) Accompanying songs in Peking Opera

b) Confucian rituals

c) Processions

d) Acrobatic performances

Membranophone or Percussion Instruments (with membrane)

The PANG-KU consists of:

a) Three double-headed drums

b) A two single-headed drum made of wedges of wood

c) Double-headed barrel-shaped drums

d) A mouth organ with bamboo pipes

Which drum is suspended by four rings from a curved frame?

a) Pang-ku

b) Tang-ku

c) Chan-ku

d) Temple Clapper

The CHAN-KU is commonly used in:

a) Confucian rituals

b) Peking Opera

c) Processions

d) Acrobatic performances

Peking Opera

Peking Opera combines several art forms. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

a) Singing

b) Painting

c) Acrobatics

d) Literature

The roots of Peking Opera trace back to which periods?

a) Ming and Qing Dynasties

b) Song and Tang Dynasties

c) Yuan and Ming Dynasties

d) Han and Jin Dynasties

What is the term for the metrical cycles of beats in Indian music?

a) Raga

b) Tala

c) Laya

d) Gamaka

2. What does 'Laya' refer to in Indian music?

a) Metrical cycles of beats

b) Ornamentation

c) Tempo

d) Combination of scale and melody

3. In Hindustani music, what is the term for a beat?

a) Matra

b) Akshara

c) Shruti

d) Sargam

4. What is a 'Drone' in Indian music?

a) A scale

b) A tempo

c) An important element

d) An ornamentation

5. What best describes a 'Raga'?

a) Metrical cycles of beats

b) Tempo in Indian music

c) Combination of a scale and a melody

d) Ornamentation

6. What are the two principal tones of a Raga called?

a) Vadi and Samvadi

b) Druta and Vilambita

c) Matra and Akshara

d) Sargam and Shruti

7. What is the smallest interval tone in Indian music, equivalent to microtones in Western music?

a) Gamaka

b) Shruti

c) Matra

d) Tala

8. What is 'Gamaka' in Indian music?

a) Tempo

b) Ornamentation

c) Beat

d) Drone

9. What are the Indian solfege syllables called?

a) Tala

b) Laya

c) Sargam

d) Raga

10. What are the tempo variations in Indian music?

a) Druta, Maghya, Vilambita

b) Vadi, Samvadi, Gamaka

c) Tala, Laya, Shruti

d) Raga, Drone, Matra

What is the larger drum in a pair of tablas called?

a) Mridangam

b) Tabla

c) Bhaya

d) Bansuri

What material is the smaller tabla drum typically made of?

a) Metal

b) Wood

c) Clay

d) Plastic

How is the mridangam played?

a) Held in the hands

b) Laid across the lap

c) Hung from the neck

d) Placed on a stand

Aerophone or Woodwind Instruments

What type of instrument is the bansuri?

a) Reed instrument

b) Flute

c) Trumpet

d) Clarinet

Which of these is an oboe type instrument from the Hindustani tradition?

a) Bansuri

b) Shehnai

c) Nagasvaram

d) Tambura

The nagasvaram is a large double reed oboe type instrument from which region?

a) North India

b) West India

c) South India

d) East India

Chordophone or String Instruments

Which instrument is known for being used as a drone in both South and North India?

a) Sitar
b) Sarangi

c) Vina

d) Tambura

Which is the most popular instrument in Northern India that may have up to 13 strings?

a) Sitar

b) Vina

c) Sarangi

d) Tambura

Which instrument is associated with the South and has four melody strings and three drone strings?

a) Sarangi

b) Vina

c) Sitar

d) Tambura

The sarangi is a bowed fiddle associated with which musical tradition?

a) Karnatak

b) Hindustani

c) Western Classical

d) Folk

What is Wayang Kulit?

A. A type of dance

B. Shadow puppetry using puppets made of animal skin and painted with colorful designs

C. A traditional Indonesian garment

D. A type of food

What is the most important musical ensemble in Indonesia?

A. Orchestra

B. Band

C. Gamelan

D. Choir

What instruments are commonly found in a Gamelan ensemble?

A. Guitars and pianos

B. Drums, metallophones, xylophones, gongs, and bamboo flutes

C. Violins and cellos

D. Trumpets and saxophones

In what settings is the Gamelan traditionally played?

A. Cafes and restaurants

B. Concert halls

C. Courts and religious ceremonies

D. Sports events

What is the function of the Gamelan in Indonesian culture?

A. Only for entertainment

B. It plays an important part in spiritual life, religious ceremonies, important events, and entertainment

C. For commercial purposes only

D. For educational purposes only

What are Pathets in Indonesian music?

A. Types of musical instruments

B. Modes used to determine the highness and lowness of pitch

C. Dance styles

D. Types of food

What is Slendro?

A. A type of dance

B. The five-tone scale or pentatonic scale

C. A seven-tone system

D. A musical instrument

What is Pelog?

A. A type of dance

B. A five-tone scale

C. A seven-tone system or diatonic scale

D. A type of puppet

What is the function of the SARON in a Gamelan ensemble?

A. It plays the skeletal part of the gamelan composition

B. It is a type of drum

C. It is a bamboo flute

D. It is a type of gong

Which instrument in the Gamelan ensemble is similar to a mandolin?

- A. Chelempung

- B. Rebab

- C. Gender

- D. Bonang

How many strings does the Chelempung have?

- A. 6

- B. 12

- C. 20

- D. 26

What is the SULING?

- A. A metal bar instrument

- B. A bamboo flute

- C. A bronze kettle

- D. A wooden xylophone

What material are the plates of the GENDER made of?

- A. Wood

- B. Metal

- C. Bronze

- D. Bamboo

What instrument in the Gamelan ensemble uses two long sticks to strike bronze metal kettles?

- A. Bonang

- B. Gong Ageng
- C. Saron

- D. Kempul

Which instrument is considered the most sacred and honored in the Gamelan?

- A. Gambang

- B. Gong Ageng

- C. Saron

- D. Rebab

What is the music of the common people in Korea called?

A) Chong-ak

B) Sog-ak

C) Aak

D) Tangak

2. Which type of Korean music is known for its elegance and formality, often played in court?

A) Sog-ak

B) Hyangak

C) Chong-ak

D) Aak

3. What type of music is an imported form of Chinese ritual music?

A) Tangak

B) Aak

C) Sog-ak

D) Chong-ak

4. Which term refers to a pure form of Korean music?

A) Hyangak

B) Sog-ak

C) Chong-ak

D) Aak

5. What is the term for music that combines Chinese and Korean influences?
A) Sog-ak

B) Tangak

C) Aak

D) Chong-ak

Vocal Music Quiz

6. What is a long narrative song in Korean vocal music called?

A) Sijo

B) Kagok

C) Kasa

D) Minjo

7. Which type of vocal music is a short lyrical song?

A) P’ansori

B) Kagok

C) Sijo

D) San-jo

8. What is the song of the farmers called?

A) Nong-ak

B) Kagok

C) Sijo

D) Kasa

9. Which vocal music is performed for stage and drama?

A) Kagok

B) P’ansori

C) Minjo

D) Sijo

10. What type of song is meant for a solo instrument?

A) Kagok

B) San-jo

C) Kasa
D) Nong-ak

Instruments Quiz

11. Which instrument is a cylindrical bamboo similar to an oboe?

A) Tanso

B) P’iri

C) Chottdae

D) Haegum

12. What is a small notched vertical bamboo flute called?

A) Tanso

B) P’iri

C) Chottdae

D) Kayagum

13. Which instrument is a long flute made of bamboo with six holes?

A) P’iri

B) Haegum

C) Chottdae

D) Komungo

14. What is the name of the twelve-stringed zither in Korean music?

A) Komungo

B) Haegum

C) Kayagum

D) Tanso

15. Which instrument is known for expressing the noble spirit of a learned man?

A) Kayagum

B) Komungo

C) Haegum

D) Ching

16. What is the smallest gong struck with a wooden mallet called?
A) Pak

B) Kwaenggwari

C) Ching

D) Changgo

17. Which instrument is a clapper shaped like a folded fan?

A) Ching

B) Pak

C) Kwaenggwari

D) Changgo

18. What is the huge gong played with a padded mallet used in military and Shaman music?

A) Pak

B) Ching

C) Kwaenggwari

D) Changgo

19. Which instrument is an hourglass-shaped drum played by striking either or both ends?

A) Changgo

B) Ching

C) Pak

D) Kwaenggwari

During which period was the Thai alphabet invented?

A) Sukothai Period

B) Ayuthaya Period

C) Krungthep Period

D) None of the above

In which period did the instrumental groups such as pi-phat, khruang saay, and mahori first emerge?

A) Sukothai Period

B) Ayuthaya Period

C) Krungthep Period

D) None of the above

Which king invented new instruments during the Krungthep Period, contributing to the development of music and dance?
A) King Rama I

B) King Rama II

C) King Rama III

D) King Rama IV

What type of orchestra is the Pi Phat?

A) Ensemble of strings instruments

B) Ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments

C) Ensemble of mixed strings and percussion instruments

D) None of the above

Which type of ensemble is known for accompanying solo and choral singing?

A) Pi Phat

B) Khruang Saay

C) Mahori

D) None of the above

What is the primary composition of the Khruang Saay ensemble?

A) Woodwind and percussion instruments

B) Strings instruments

C) Mixed strings and percussion instruments

D) Wind and brass instruments

What are tonadas?

A) South American love songs in Spanish

B) Cuban dance rhythms

C) Brazilian bossa nova tunes

D) Puerto Rican percussion instruments

Which Latin American rhythm is named after the capital city of Havana?

A) Tonadas

B) Rumba

C) Habanera

D) Tango

Which rhythms are described as faster and inspired by African dance?

A) Habanera and Tango

B) Rumba and Mambo

C) Zamba and Bossa Nova

D) Tonadas and Palitos

Which Latin American music genre is said to evoke images of white sand, blue sea, and gently waving palms?

A) Rumba

B) Tango

C) Bossa Nova

D) Habanera

Latin American music joined hands with which genre to revolutionize popular songs and dances?

A) Classical music

B) Jazz

C) Rock

D) Hip-hop

Which instrument was created and first used by native Indians of Puerto Rico?

A) Maracas

B) Guiro

C) Palitos

D) Conga

What is a guiro?

A) A pair of sticks

B) A hollowed-out gourd

C) A drum adapted from Africa

D) A percussion instrument from Cuba

What are palitos in Latin American music?

A) Maracas

B) Bongos

C) Congas
D) A pair of sticks banded together

Which Latin percussion instrument is described as a solid, hollowed-out log with a nailed-on skin?

A) Maracas

B) Guiro

C) Conga

D) Bongos

Which instrument is integral to Latin percussion, particularly as a solo instrument?

A) Maracas

B) Guiro

C) Conga

D) Bongos

What kind of song is "Du-mu-ra"?

A) A love song with long verses.

B) A song sung on festive occasions.

C) An industrial song.

D) An Igorot funeral song.

When is "Tal-bun" typically sung?

A) During wedding ceremonies.

B) At funerals.

C) On festive occasions or when there are visitors.

D) During social gatherings.

What is the characteristic of "Pag-pag"?

A) It consists of three notes and is sung in two parts.

B) It includes improvised words to suit the occasion.

C) It is a ceremonious occasion with dancing and drinking.

D) It expresses grief over premature death.

Which type of song is "Ayoweng"?

A) A love song with long verses.

B) A song sung on festive occasions.

C) An industrial song.

D) A courtship dance of Jolo.

What does "Nan-a-an-to-o-ay" express?

A) Love and longing.

B) Joy and celebration.

C) Grief over the death of one who died prematurely.

D) Courtship and romance.

What is a "Cañao"?

A) An industrial song.

B) A ceremonious occasion with dancing and drinking.

C) A courtship dance of Jolo.

D) A love song with long verses.

What is "Sua-sua"?

A) A song sung on festive occasions or when there are visitors.

B) An Igorot funeral song.

C) A ceremonious occasion with butchering of pigs.

D) Both a song and courtship dance of Jolo.

Which type of song meets the requirements of both musical and poetic arts?

A) Art Song

B) Folk Song

C) National Song

D) Popular Song

What defines a Folk Song?

A) Complex musical structure

B) Originating from professional composers

C) Simple melodic, harmonic, and metric fundamentals

D) Designed for mass appeal

Which type of song belongs to and represents a nation?

A) Art Song

B) Folk Song

C) National Song

D) Popular Song

What characterizes a Popular Song?

A) Trivial musical and poetic value

B) Highly complex musical structure

C) Written for elite artistic circles

D) Deeply meaningful lyrics

What is a Strophic Song?

A) A song with a complex narrative structure

B) A song with no repeated stanzas

C) A song with multiple stanzas set to identical tunes

D) A song composed without any rhythmic structure

What is a Ballad?

A) A song originating from Italy

B) A type of dance song

C) A song with no melodic structure

D) A common English song derived from dance

What is Plain Song primarily used for?

A) Entertainment in taverns

B) Traditional Japanese rituals

C) Christian church rituals

D) Military ceremonies

What type of song is "Suliranin"?

A) A victory song

B) A cradle song

C) A sad monotonous song sung by pilgrims in hot weather

D) A dramatic song sung while paddling a banca

What is "Oyayi" used for?

A) To commemorate a battle won

B) To quiet down crying children or make them sleep

C) To honor the victors

D) To portray grief over someone's death

When is "Sambotani" typically sung?

A) At a feast

B) During interment or when one is sad

C) While paddling a banca

D) To pacify restless children

Which song is associated with a victory in battle?

A) Tagulaylay

B) Sambotani

C) Tagumpay

D) Holohoo

What is the purpose of "Indolanin"?

A) To sing during interment

B) To sing in the streets when leaving or entering the town

C) To make babies go to sleep

D) To quiet down crying children

Which song is sung during a funeral by the guests?

A) Oyayi

B) Ombayi

C) Sambitan

D) Tagumpay

What type of song is "Hila-Hila"?

A) A victory song

B) A cradle song
C) A dramatic song sung while paddling a banca

D) A sad monotonous song sung by pilgrims in hot weather

When would you sing "Holohoo"?

A) At a feast

B) During interment or when one is sad

C) To quiet down crying children or pacify them

D) To commemorate a battle won

What does "Tagulaylay" express?

A) Grief over someone's death

B) Victory in battle

C) Joy at a feast

D) Sleepiness in babies

Who typically sings "Sambitan"?

A) Pilgrims in hot weather

B) Rustics in the streets

C) Relatives of the deceased at a funeral

D) Guests during interment

Extraliturgical music is practiced by the entire major Christianized ethno linguistic group. Which of the following practices are
examples of extraliturgical music?

A) Christmas panunuluyan

B) Gregorian chants

C) Buddhist hymns

D) Islamic call to prayer

Which of the following best describes secular music?

A) Music developed within the church

B) Music practiced only during religious holidays

C) Non-religious music

D) Music with religious themes

What is Kumintang originally known as?

A) A war song

B) A love song

C) A dance

D) A religious chant

What is Kundiman known for?

A) Being a dance popular among Tagalogs

B) Its origin in Havana, Cuba

C) A passionate lyrical song about true love

D) A fast-paced duple meter dance

Which of the following dances is common among Tagalogs and Visayans?

A) Habanera

B) Polka

C) Jota

D) Balitaw

What is the characteristic meter of Habanera?

A) Quadruple time

B) Triple time

C) Duple time

D) Irregular time signature

What is the origin of Jota?

A) Tagalog areas

B) Havana, Cuba

C) Spain

D) Visayas

Which category of music in the Philippines includes both Western classical music and compositions in the Western classical or
modern idiom by Filipinos?

A. Semiclassical music

B. Popular music

C. Classical music

D. Folk songs
What musical genre in the Philippines encompasses stylized folk songs, sarswela music, hymns, marches, band, and rondalla

A. Folk songs

B. Classical music

C. Semiclassical music

D. Songs and ballads

Which aspect of Philippine music refers to compositions catering to a wide mass audience and influenced significantly by
American culture?

A. Music for theater

B. Pinoy pop music

C. Western classical music

D. Instrumental music

What musical form in the Philippines includes love songs, ballads, and compositions for everyday musical needs?

A. Semiclassical music

B. Popular music

C. Songs and ballads

D. Classical music

Which musical category in the Philippines covers a broad range of forms such as folk songs, dance tunes, ballads, rock’n’roll,
jazz fusion, and rap?

A. Pinoy pop music

B. Classical music

C. Folk songs

D. Popular entertainment

Which historical influence made the field collection of Filipino folk songs and their later popularization possible?

A. Japanese occupation

B. American occupation

C. Spanish colonization

D. Chinese trade influence

What early Philippine theater forms served as sources of light entertainment music?
A. Komedya and sarswela

B. Sarswela and rondalla

C. Folk dance and ballads

D. Marches and hymns

Philippine band music has become integral in the life of every Filipino in which communities?

A. Highland Christian communities

B. Urban centers

C. Muslim communities

D. Lowland Christian communities

Which type of music in the Philippines caters predominantly to a youthful audience in urban centers and is widely disseminated
through electronic media?

A. Folk songs

B. Pinoy pop music

C. Classical music

D. Semiclassical music

The significant influence of American culture on Philippine musical life is most reflected in which musical movement?

A. Semiclassical music

B. Pinoy pop music

C. Classical music

D. Popular entertainment

Who is known as the Father of Kundiman?

A) Julian Felipe

B) Nicanor Abelardo

C) Lucio San Pedro

D) Francisco Santiago

Who composed the Philippine National Anthem, with lyrics by Jose Palma?

A) Nicanor Abelardo

B) Julian Felipe

C) Antonio Molina
D) Dolores Paterno

Who composed "Hatinggabi" in an impressionistic style?

A) Francisco Santiago

B) Alfredo Buenaventura

C) Antonio Molina

D) Lucio San Pedro

Who composed "La Flor De Manila 1897 (Sampaguita)"?

A) Dolores Paterno

B) George Canseco

C) Ryan Cayabyab

D) Jose Mari Chan

Who was named National Artist in 1991 and composed "Sa Ugoy ng Duyan"?

A) Lucio San Pedro

B) Julian Felipe

C) Nicanor Abelardo

D) Francisco Santiago

Who composed "Pilipinas Kong Mahal" and "Ako’y Anak ng Dalita"?

A) Francisco Santiago

B) Ryan Cayabyab

C) Alfredo Buenaventura

D) George Canseco

Who composed the opera "Maria Makiling" and "Kayumanggi Symphony"?

A) Alfredo Buenaventura

B) George Canseco

C) Ryan Cayabyab

D) Jose Mari Chan

Who composed "Kapantay ay Langit" and "Gaano Kadalas ang Minsan"?

A) George Canseco
B) Dolores Paterno

C) Nicanor Abelardo

D) Willy Cruz

Who composed "Isang Dipang Tao" and "Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika"?

A) Ryan Cayabyab

B) Lucio San Pedro

C) Francisco Santiago

D) Willy Cruz

Who is known for "Christmas in Our Hearts" and "Beautiful Girl"?

A) Willy Cruz

B) Jose Mari Chan

C) Nicanor Abelardo

D) Antonio Molina

Who composed "Araw-Araw, Gabi-Gabi" and "Kung Mahawi Man ang Ulap"?

A) Willy Cruz

B) Dolores Paterno

C) Alfredo Buenaventura

D) George Canseco

Ogie Alcasid is known for his contributions in various fields. Which of the following songs is NOT associated with him?

A. Nandito Ako

B. Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang

C. Hanggang Ngayon

D. Magdalena

Freddie Aguilar is famous for his iconic song "Anak." Which of the following songs is also attributed to him?

A. Bulag, Pipi at Bingi

B. Ipaglalaban Ko

C. Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang

D. Pumapatak ang Ulan

APO Hiking Society is composed of Jim Paredes, Buboy Garrovillo, and Danny Javier. Which song is NOT one of their popular

A. Pumapatak ang Ulan

B. Salawikain

C. Mahirap Magmahal ng Syota ng Iba

D. Panganay ng Umaga

Joey Ayala is known for his folk music and poetic lyrics. Which of these songs is associated with him?

A. Lumad sa Siyudad

B. American Junk

C. Kung Mawawala

D. Estudyante Blues

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