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The Necessity of Time Management Courses

to University Students

Lê Đặng Hoàng Nhân

November, 2023

Time, unlike many other aspects of life, is beyond the control of human beings. Regardless of

one's position or authority, time cannot be stopped, slowed down, or accelerated. Once time is

lost, it cannot be recovered, and nothing can substitute for it. This reality poses a challenge for

leaders who face numerous demands within a limited timeframe. However, effective leaders

understand the importance of managing time. The skill of scheduling and allocating time to

complete tasks is known as time management. By critically analyzing how time is spent,

individuals can identify areas of time wastage. By implementing time-saving methods, valuable

time can be gained (Bharathi, T, 2004). Time management is essentially self-management. The

skills required to manage others are the same skills needed to manage oneself, including the

ability to plan, organize, direct, and exercise control over one's time and activities.

It is believed that utilizing time wisely is crucial not only in worldly pursuits but also for

attaining success in the afterlife, as highlighted by Algaradawi (2003, p14). Benjamin Franklin

said, "Time is money," emphasizes the significance of managing time effectively. Failing to do

so can lead to difficulties in various activities. Scholars, such as Claessens et al. (2007), have

provided different definitions and approaches to time management. Chansaengsee (2017)

suggests that practicing time management can help prevent disappointment in life.

Additionally, Cyril (2015) states that time management is increasingly becoming a concern for

individuals across all levels of management, as it has a positive impact on both personal and

professional aspects. Effective time management can lead to cost reduction and improved

efficiency in projects and operations. Ultimately, the objective of time management is to utilize

our leisure time in the most efficient manner possible.


According to Chase et al. (2013), it is crucial to acknowledge time management as a critical

factor in academic performance and research productivity, particularly within educational

institutions. They suggest that individuals such as chairs, associate deans for research, and

faculty mentors can be valuable allies in effectively managing responsibilities and maximizing

research output. Collaboration and cooperation among individuals are essential as no one

person can accomplish all tasks alone. Whether it's a family, college, business, army,

government, or church, every organization is comprised of individuals working together

towards common objectives. To ensure cohesive teamwork, a central coordinating entity

known as "management" is necessary (Tushar, 2022).

It is undeniable that time management has undeniable benefits for both individuals and society,

especially when considering individuals as integral members of their communities. Effective

time management allows individuals to make the most of their time and achieve optimal

results. However, further research is needed in this field. The purpose of this study is to

examine the impact of time management on academic achievement among high school students

in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The study's limitations were defined in three dimensions:

the scope focused on time management and academic achievement among high school

students, the study was conducted in Irbid high schools within specific time constraints during

the second semester of the 2014/2015 academic year.

Time management is a comprehensive process that involves various administrative functions

and relies heavily on personal talents and skills. By effectively managing time, individuals can

generate positive impacts on both society and them. However, it is crucial to establish time

limitations to enable individuals to adapt to current and future situations (Alghamdi, 2008,

p.30). Furthermore, it is worth noting that according to Alsalmi (2008, p.25), the more

effectively a company manages its time, the more successfully it achieves its goals within the

appropriate timeframe. To enhance effectiveness, individuals must prioritize tasks and allocate

sufficient time to achieve optimal results. Effectiveness can be measured by the number of

completed tasks within the specified time frame.

These procedural foundations are essential for achieving effective time management and

minimizing time wastage. They are commonly referred to as the four rules, which are as

follows; Determining Objectives and Priorities: Alyan (2005, p.68) describes this rule as

identifying key objectives and priorities within the intended framework and assigning

importance to these objectives: Allocating Required Time: According to Alsifani (2001, p.27),

each task should have a designated deadline for completion. This can be determined by

analyzing the average effort required to complete similar tasks within specific timeframes.;

Time Planning: Hareem (2006, p.112) emphasizes the need to redefine future goals in terms of

time distribution. This involves setting specific time targets for achieving institutional

objectives; Time Management: This final phase involves effectively managing all the

surrounding circumstances and resources in order to maximize the utilization of time. It builds

upon the previous phases, particularly time planning (Alaboudi, 2002). By following these four

rules, individuals and institutions can establish a structured approach to time management,

leading to improved productivity and achievement of goals.

Certainly, time management is highly advantageous both at the individual and community

levels, recognizing the individual as the fundamental unit that contributes to the functioning of

a community. (Aldeeb, 2006) He discusses several aims of time management, including:


Allotting Time for Self-Development: Time management enables individuals to dedicate time

to personal growth, improving performance, and understanding their role and position within

society; Stimulating Creativity and Innovation: Effective time management allows individuals

to allocate time for creative thinking and generating innovative ideas within their work or field;

Maximizing Life's Benefits and Minimizing Missed Opportunities: By managing time

efficiently, individuals can make the most of their lives, minimizing the costs associated with

missed opportunities. It emphasizes seizing advantageous opportunities and avoiding

unnecessary delays or inefficiencies; Preventing Idleness and Mistakes: Time management

helps individuals protect against idleness and minimize mistakes by ensuring productive and

purposeful use of time; Providing Adequate Rest: Time management acknowledges the

importance of allocating sufficient time for rest and rejuvenation. It emphasizes maintaining a

healthy work-life balance and avoiding burnout. By striving to achieve these aims, individuals

can enhance personal development, contribute to their communities, and lead more fulfilling

and productive lives.

Time is a resource that is equally available to all individuals, but once it is lost, it cannot be

regained. The significance of time lies in the fact that it determines the progression of one's life,

and with each passing minute, death draws closer. Energetic individuals understand the value

of time and make the most of every minute, while for lazy individuals, time holds little

importance. Time is incredibly valuable to humans as their lifespan is composed of a

continuous series of time units. Only humans have the ability to derive benefits from time by

purposefully utilizing it (Shahadeh, 2006, p.44). Time can be divided into two major sections.

The first section pertains to the time needed for necessities such as sleep, food, and so on. The

second section relates to the time that is utilized to overcome challenges and pursue goals

(Alga'eed, 2001, p.302).

The key factor in effective time management is planning, considering the order and priorities of

tasks, as well as allocating time to optimize available resources within a specified timeframe.

Several principles have been suggested by researchers, including the time analysis principle,

which involves daily planning based on event sequences in school life (Alswedan, 2004).

Additionally, daily planning entails setting a time schedule for the day prior to its

commencement (Abulhkair, 1998). Lastly, flexibility is crucial for accommodating availability

and ensuring the satisfaction of subordinates, particularly when involving them in decision-

making processes (Alyan, 2007, p.55).

Time waste: it is a dynamic term which means that what makes the waste of time may differ

according to changing settings; it directly means any time spent in useless sake is to be

regarded as time waste (Farah, 2008).

The administrative process involves a combination of sequential operations, including

planning, organizing, directing, and censorship. Inefficiencies can arise at each stage, such as

wasting time during the planning phase by lacking clear objectives or failing to set deadlines

for tasks. Disorganization can be a waste of time during the organizing stage when multiple

tasks are not prioritized, potentially leading to neglect of duties. In the directing stage, time can

be wasted by focusing on unimportant details and failing to establish good rapport among

workers. Lastly, time can be wasted in the censorship stage by having excessive visitors

distracting workers and overlooking their mistakes (Ehmeed, 2009).


In schools, students' performance in various subjects is assessed and recorded based on their

year of birth. These assessments are documented as success percentages, indicating the level of

achievement for each student (Mohammad, 2003).

The academic achievement of students can be influenced, either positively or negatively, by the

school administration. This impact can be observed through various practices, such as the

interpersonal relationships among members of the administration. Additionally, the policies

implemented by the administration, whether they are authoritarian or lenient, can also have an

effect on academic outcomes (Naser, 2002).

According to Samira (2011), achieving a high academic level is dependent on

three factors: repetition, motivation, and a general method. Repetition refers to the act of

practicing or reviewing material, which leads to improved academic performance. Motivation

plays a crucial role as it involves having a strong desire and attachment to the effort put into

studying. Lastly, the general method entails taking a comprehensive approach to learning,

where the learner seeks a holistic understanding of the topic and actively engages in drawing

out facts and additional points independently. These three terms collectively contribute to

attaining a good academic level.

The measurement of academic achievement encompasses various testing methods. One form is

the conventional test, where the respondent verbally expresses their understanding in their own

words (Abualam, 2005). Another type is the objective test, which requires students to provide a

direct and correct answer to questions, such as yes/no questions, multiple-choice questions, and

matching questions. The grading of these objective questions is based on an objective standard

(Jamil, 2000). According to Samira (2011), factors influencing academic achievement can be

categorized into three overlapping factors. The first is mental factors, which encompass

intelligence and individual abilities. Physical factors also play a role in academic achievement.

Lastly, educational factors, such as the quality of instruction and learning resources, also

contribute to a student's academic success.

The study conducted by Alrheme and Almardeni (2014) focused on examining students'

perspectives regarding time management in terms of planning, organizing, directing, and

censorship, and its impact on academic achievement. The data for the study was collected from

a sample of 300 students. The results indicated a strong correlation between planning and

academic achievement, suggesting that effective planning positively influences academic

success. Furthermore, the study revealed a significant positive relationship between time

management and academic achievement.

In a separate study by Kimlglo and Filz (2008), the relationship between academic achievement

and time management skills was investigated among students at Ghazi University in Turkey.

The findings demonstrated that students displayed a high level of behavior in planning their

time effectively, while wasting time was at its lowest level. The study also revealed a

significant positive relationship between planning time and wasting time, as well as between

academic achievement and medium time management skills.

Abusakour (2003) conducted a study focusing on identifying obstacles to time management

and decision-making in education departments of government secondary schools in the West

Bank, Palestine. The study employed a descriptive approach to collect information and data.

The findings indicated a direct relationship between obstacles in time management and

planning, as well as resource shortages and delays in educational services in the following year.

Another study by Abulshawi and Abusultana (2003) aimed to assess the time management

skills of students from various faculties at Yarmouk University and examine the relationship

between time management and academic achievement, considering variables such as gender,

university year, and faculty. The results revealed a moderate level of time management skills

among students at Yarmouk University. Additionally, a positive and statistically significant

correlation was observed between time management skills and academic achievement,

particularly among economics and science students.



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HIGHER SECONDARY STUDENTS. I-manager’s Journal on School Educational

Technology, 3.

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