Neuroscience Pre-proff

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1. A typical spinal nerve has:

a. Posterior ramus containing autonomic fibers
b. Anterior fiber root contains sensory fiber
c. Lateral column contains parasympathetic nuclei
d. Dorsal root which has sensory ganglion

2. The anterior surface of medulla oblongata shows:

a. Olives
b. Hypoglossal triangle
c. Middle peduncle
d. Pyramids

3. The percentage of CSF concentration of glucose is that of blood

a. 20-30%
b. 30-40%
c. 50-60%
d. 60-70%

4. A banker aged of 50 years has come in primary health centre with complains of palpitation
and headache. On examination his B.P came out as 150/ 100mmhg.What primary
prevention do you advise him to prevent against stroke?
b. Blood pressure lowering drugs
c. Cholesterol lowering medication
d. Carotid revascularization

5. A 40 years old man present in causality of hospital with hemiplegic headache and difficulty
in speaking Finding of CT scan shows a large hematoma at the area of pterion those
characteristic finding is due to:
a. Epidural hemorrhage
b. Lesion at pyramids
c. Lower motor neuron lesion
d. Lesion at motor cortex

6. A 17-year-old male present to the obstetrician at 16 weeks of prenatal care. The

obstetrician finds increased amniotic fluid and orders alpha fetoprotein and HCG levels.
One week later the called patient back to tell her that the alpha fetoprotein level is
increased. The most probable fetal diagnosis is
a. Cyclopia
b. Hydrocephalus
c. Renal agenesis
d. Spina bifida
7. A 30-year-old male, presented in the Emergency with severe headache. History revealed
he has human immunodeficiency virus infection. Lumbar puncture revealed mild
lymphocytic infiltrate and no neutrophils. CSF glucose and protein are normal. An India ink
stain revealed microorganisms showing haloes around it. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Escherichia coli
b. Cryptococcus neoformans
c. Streptococcus
d. Staphylococcus

8. A 27-Year-old man suffers a head injury .A CT brain is performed which of the following
features favors a subdural hematoma over an extramural hematoma.
a. The hematoma measures 50 HU
b. The presence of a temporal skull fracture.
c. The hematoma crosses the midline over falx
d. The hematoma crosses sutures

9. CT Scan of 35 years old patient with meningioma shows dilation of ventricles, following
term is most appropriate for abnormal increase in CSF. Abnormal increase in CSF is called:
a. Holoprosencephaly
b. Hydrocephalus
c. Megacephalous
d. Microcephaly

10. Peripheral adverse effects of levodopa, including nausea, hypotension, and cardiac
arrhythmias, can be diminished by including which drug in the therapy?
a. Amantadine
b. Ropinirole
c. Carbidopa
d. Entacapone

11. In brain tissues, the main histological finding associated with infarcts is:
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fat necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

12. The primary motor area receives inputs arising from all the following centers, except :-
a. Basal ganglia
b. Cerebellum
c. Hypothalamus
d. Thalamus
13. A 50-year-old female presented in the OPD with complaints of recent onset of headaches.
A cerebral angiogram revealed 5mm saccular aneurysm at the bifurcation of middle cerebral
artery. Which of the following complication is most likely to occur from this lesion?
a. Epidural hematoma
b. Subdural hematoma
c. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
d. Hydrocephalus

14. It is a problem-solving procedure that is guaranteed to produce a solution if it is followed

strictly. For Example: mathematical Formulas.
a. Algorithm
b. Heuristic
c. Decision making
d. Discussion

15. A child is experiencing absence seizures that interrupt his ability to pay attention during
school and activities. Which therapy is most appropriate for this patient?
a. Ethosuximide
b. Carbamazepine
c. Diazepam
d. Watchful waiting

16. Enzyme used for degeneration of dopamine is

a. Acetylcholinesterase
b. Acetyl-transferase
c. Monoamine oxidase
d. catechol-a-methylaminenadase

17. Sudden flailing movement of an entire limb occurs in damage to:

a. Globus pallidus
b. Sub-thalamus
c. Putamen
d. Substantia nigra

18. Rabies is a zoonotic disease which is transmitted to human from rabid animals. The best
way to prevent rabies as a primary prevention is:
a. Wound washing
b. Pre-exposure prophylaxis
c. Post exposure prophylaxis
d. Use of disinfectant

19. Increased intracellular fluid in the brain secondary to endothelial, neuronal or glial injury
results in
a. Cytotoxic edema
b. Interstitial edema
c. Lymphatic edema
d. Allergic edema
20. A 50 years old male suffered a stroke, resulting in a lesion in his temporal lobe. Which of
the person’s perceptual or cognitive functions is most likely impaired?
a. Motor coordination
b. Decision-making
c. Emotional regulation
d. Hearing

21. Neonatal tetanus is one of the causes of high infant mortality in Pakistan. The best way to
prevent neonatal tetanus as primary prevention is:
a. Training of Dais (local midwifes)
b. Awareness
c. Immunizing child bearing females
d. Safe delivery Kits

22. A 60 old man develops a tremor in his fingers. The tremors are most pronounced when he
reaches for his coffee cup or points to an object. Which component of the motor system is
most likely to be involved:
a. Parkinsonism
b. Cerebellar diseases
c. Hyperthyroidism
d. Frontal eye field

23. Slowly adapting receptors differ from rapidly adapting receptors in :-

a. Stopping to discharge after a relatively longer period of constant stimulation
b. Detecting the dynamic properties of stimuli
c. Detecting velocity of stimuli
d. Generating receptor potentials with different properties

24. Which of the following is a posterior fossa abnormality?

a. Arnold- Chiari malformation
b. Spina bifida
c. Myelomeningocele
d. Polymicrogyria

25. A 35 years old patient with a head injury has problems with sleep and arousal., the area of
the brain most likely to be damaged would be :
a. Basal ganglia
b. Brain stem
c. Cerebellum
d. Reticular system

26. In Anomic aphasia the lesion occurs in:

a. Wernicke’s area
b. Angular gyrus
c. Broca area
d. Motor area
27. Regarding free radical, the correct statement is
a. Abnormal enzymes that leak from mitochondria
b. Species of chemicals that are highly reactive and contain negative charge
c. Produce by protein synthesis
d. Highly reactive chemicals with an unpaired electron

28. The lateral spinothalamic tract conveys impulses of:

a. Light touch
b. Pressure
c. Pain and temperature
d. Touch and proprioception

29. Which one is un capsulated receptor?

a. Meissner’s corpuscles
b. Pacinian corpuscles
c. Ruffini’s end organ
d. Merkel’s disc

30. Motor aphasia is associated with the lesion in :

a. Broca’s area
b. Primary motor area
c. Primary visual cortex
d. Wernicke’s area

31. The commonest modifiable risk factor for stroke

a. Hypertension
b. Age
c. Family history
d. Physical inactivity

32. The Lateral geniculate body is associated with:

a. Hearing
b. Olfaction
c. Taste
d. Vision

33. Which one of the following structures has a primary function to coordinate rate, range,
force & direction of movement?
a. Primary motor cortex
b. Pre motor & supplementary motor cortex
c. Pre-frontal cortex
d. Cerebellum
34. All of the following are included in limbic system EXCEPT:
a. Amygdaloid nucleus
b. Cingulate gyrus
c. hippocampus
d. Tegmentum

35. The ability to localize the site of stimuli depends upon :-

a. The type of the stimulated receptor
b. Connections between the receptor and the sensory cortex
c. The rate of adaptation of the stimulated receptors
d. The nature of the stimulus

36. Myasthenia Gravis:

a. Acetylcholine receptors are destroyed by the antibodies
b. Motor end plate is destroyed
c. There is an over activity of acetylcholine receptors
d. There is decrease synthesis of acetylcholine

37. Usual or expected frequency of disease in a community is called “endemic disease”. Which
one of the following infectious diseases is not endemic in Pakistan?
a. Rabies
b. Diphtheria
c. Tuberculosis
d. Yellow fever

38. Medical student studying the venous drainage, of brain, reveals that the sinus which is
continuous as internal jugular vein is:
a. Cavernous sinus
b. Inferior petrosal sinus
c. Sigmoid sinus
d. Superior petrosal sinus

39. Slow Wave sleep is characterized by :-

a. Predominance of the slow α – waves in EEG
b. Occurrence of dreams
c. Irregularity of heart rate and respiratory rate
d. Being a deep type of sleep

40. Production of dopamine from tyrosine is by the process of

a. Hydroxylation
b. Decarboxylation
c. Decarboxylation followed by hydroxylation
d. Hydroxylation followed by decarboxylation

a. Pre-motor f. Broca’s area

b. Supplementary motor g. Wernicke’s area
c. Primary motor h. Pre-frontal cortex
d. S1 area i. Limbic association
e. S2 Area j. Angular gyrus area

41. Damage to which area leads motor Aphesis

42. Which area has a role in working memory
43. Which area has a role in brain storming
44. Damage to which area leads to Dyslexia
45. Damage to which area leads to Amorphosynthesis


a. Cingulate gyrus f. Visual cortex occipital lobe

b. Pre central gyrus g. Superior, middle temporal gyrus
c. Frontal eye field h. Superior, inferior parietal lobule
d. Broca’s area of speech i. Post central gyrus
e. Inferior frontal gyrus j. Hippocampus

46. Area which is considered as the oldest part of cerebrum (Archecerebrum)

47. Primary and secondary hearing centers lie in inferolateral side of the cerebral cortex
48. Area 6, 8 and 9 that controls the voluntary scanning movements of the eye
49. Area 44,45 area that produces mechanical speech located in frontal lobe
50. Primary sensory area (area 8) perceives general body sensations from the opposite side

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