RTS Exam

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CT087-3-3-RTS Realtime Systems Page 1 of 3

This closed book exam looks to address the following learning outcome:

CLO1: Discuss typical real-time systems, their requirements for asynchronous

operation, concurrency and robustness. (C2, PL01)


Please read the following instructions carefully:

For this closed book exam, you are required to answer ALL the five questions related to
RT systems. Each question carries 10 marks.

Define the term Real-time Systems. State and explain briefly the FOUR characteristics of
a Real-time Systems (RTS).

[10 marks]


(a) Explain briefly relative deadline and absolute deadline for a task. If the task is
released (ready for execution) at time t = 2 and its relative deadline is 6, what is the
absolute deadline for the task?
[5 marks]

(b) State TWO fixed-priority scheduling algorithms, and then describe briefly how each
of them works.
[5 marks]


The following figure shows a task graph with 8 tasks. Tasks are labelled from T1 to T8,
where Ti has higher priority than Tj if i < j. Assume tasks are scheduled on two
processors P1 and P2. All tasks are non-preemptable, and scheduling decisions are made
whenever some jobs become ready for execution or jobs completed. Fill up and complete
the following scheduling table.

Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Information 202305
CT087-3-3-RTS Realtime Systems Page 2 of 3

Time Released Ready P1 P2 Completed

but not yet to run
ready to run


[10 marks]

Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Information 202305
CT087-3-3-RTS Realtime Systems Page 3 of 3


(a) A task set T1, T2, …Tn is schedulable by the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling
algorithm if its schedulable utilization, U ≤ 1. Given two tasks (T1 and T2), and the
execution time (e1) and sampling rate for T1 are 8ms and 100Hz. If both tasks are
schedulable with EDF algorithm, calculate what is the maximum period (p2) for T2 if its
execution time (e2) is 60ms. You may use the following formula for the calculation.

[5 marks]

(b) What is the key difference between the static scheduling and dynamic scheduling in a
real-time operating system? Give two examples of algorithms for each of them.

[5 marks]


(a) Define the term concurrent programming. How is it different from the parallel
programming? Give an example of concurrent programming used in real-time
transportation systems.
[5 marks]

(b) Asynchronous send model can be used in task synchronization. However, it has
several drawbacks. Explain briefly the drawbacks found in this model.

[5 marks]

Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Information 202305

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