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How (and why)

3D digital design is not a new concept. Both digitized hand drawings and di-
gital illustrations have been used for a long time.
But recent changes in the fashion universe made this expertise even more
helpful – or even mandatory, depending on the scenario.
A proficient professional in the virtual environment can work alongside pe-
ople from all over the world. This barrier-breaking allows stylists and designers to
work from home, exchanging archives and many ideas about their styles with te-
This way of work became essential, especially with the pandemic. In many
different industries, digital artists have turned their homes into real creative labs.
In this new reality, the advantage of 3D digital design nowadays goes far
beyond the format itself. The computer allows the usage of a variety of tools, which
would often be physically out of reach.
So, in this e-book, you’ll find out the importance of 3D digital design in fashion
and the infinite possibilities it brings for students, professionals, and companies. In
addition, you’ll get to learn two amazing Audaces tools to start using today!

Happy reading!
1. Why learn digital design today?

2. What are the possibilities

of digital design for students,
designers, and clothing

3. How to make 3D digital designs

with Audaces solutions?

3.1. Audaces Fashion Studio

3.2. Audaces 3D

4. Conclusion
Chapter 01
The evolution of digital design is unprecedented. Digital artistic techniques
have become increasingly robust, developing features for many different needs.
Today, 3D digital design can be both an advantage and a necessity, depending
on the case. Even though 3D usage and technology are increasing rapidly, it hasn’t
reached 100% of the industry yet – so there’s a lot of space for new digital adepts to
place themselves at the forefront!
Fortunately, software tend to be democratized day by day, and that is what is
happening! More designers from small studios with low resources can now access
advanced software on super-complete machines at affordable prices.
If this tendency is not motivating enough for you to join the 3D digital design
universe, we need to consider two top keywords of the moment: NFT and meta-
verse. The creation of digital clothing pieces for usage and commerce in the digital
environment is also in full swing.
But we haven’t finished. There are
more reasons why you should learn more
about the power of Fashion 4.0!
3D printers have been more and
more popularized and have been using di-
verse materials. With the file in hand, the
clients print the piece in the most appro-
priate size for their body.
So, learning to do digital 3D design is
about being one step ahead.

Let’s see how?

Chapter 02
There is a range of players involved in the fashion industry. Professionals,
companies, digital influencers, gamers, and so on.
Among all of them, 3 main groups will benefit from integrating 3D digital de-
sign into their routines. Check out what they are:

Many fashion students don’t have ac-
cess to raw materials, tools, and other profes-
sional work features. Even if they do, someti-
mes the skills are still being developed and
some mistakes can waste time and material,
or even damage equipment.
In this case, the 3D digital design repre-
sents a great learning environment! Fashion
students can test different textures, fabrics,
and colors, without spending any cent! Like
this, the chances of mistakes in your proto-
types are much smaller.
Professional stylists and modelers
don’t have infinite resources and time, as
we know. Errors in the prototypes end up
delaying the deliveries and often waste
raw materials. Sometimes you want to be
more inventive, but there’s a fear of misu-
sing money and material if something goes
That’s why a 3D environment is a
place full of learning and possibilities. De-
pending on the tool you’re using, the vir-
tual pieces you create will look exactly the
same as you imagined. Therefore, you can
reduce the number of samples and pro-
totypes needed until your collections are

Clothing Business
The delivery pressure, the strategic use of raw materials, and the optimization
of the processes are concerns of any clothing company that wants to keep evolving.
Using obsolete technology or not updating your knowledge about tools and new
drops can worsen the production workflow.
However, it’s possible to reverse the game! With 3D digital design, you have
more assertiveness in the creation, reducing the waste of time and resources. In
addition, you relieve the pressure on your employees – so they can put their efforts
and creativity into what really matters.
The result is a more profitable and healthier environment for everyone.
Chapter 03
Audaces has a multi-solution program that embraces the entire fashion busi-
ness ecosystem!
In 3D digital design operation, we have two incredible pieces of software you
need to know! They are Audaces Fashion Studio and Audaces 3D.
They can work separately, but they are even better within Audaces360 – a
complete chain of systems and machines that speeds up your production, impro-
ves the communication between the sectors, reduces or even eliminates errors, and
guarantees meeting deadlines!

Audaces Fashion Studio

Did you know that with Audaces Fashion Studio, it is possible to create 3D
models so quickly that even newly trained professionals, with little knowledge of
modeling, can demonstrate all their creativity and the power of innovation?
Audaces Fashion Studio allows users to create models without needing to de-
velop modeling – it’s practical to visualize the fabrics, the colors, and the finishings.
Besides, each one of the pieces (and its versions) can be presented in digital format.
The software is also integrated with print
editors in real-time, allowing you to change the
patterns used until you find the most suitable
one. All this without wasting an inch of fabric. But
that’s not all!
The commercial appeal of 3D digital design
was reinvented by Audaces Fashion Studio, due to
4.0 technology. It provides visual communication
among the development and commercial teams,
enhancing the approval of each model.
It’s the best creation tool for those who
want to innovate, in line with the brand’s DNA,
and without wasting time on a lot of testing or
stopping to study each current trend.
In other words, this solution is for you - who
knows right that it’s possible to combine good ar-
tistic taste with fast and profitable deliveries.

Audaces 3D
Making a 3D digital design is amazing in
itself, but it can be even more! With Audaces 3D,
fashion professionals can sew and simulate their
creations in a 3D environment. Therefore, it redu-
ces the time and cost for the clothing samples cre-
The advanced modeling power of this tool
even allows you to approve the very first digital
prototype you created! Besides, you have a more
sustainable process, an image renderer for the
Marketing and Sales teams, a virtual fitting room,
and the confirmation of fit and wearability of your
pieces on the computer screen.
With Audaces 3D, you will never again:
• Be afraid of tight deadlines
• Face problems with costs and sample production time
• Rework and delay in the process due to lack of integration between style and
• See errors in the communication between teams from different places
The virtual simulation of different and realistic patterns, trims, accessories, and
fabrics give you more creative power. And not only that – Audaces 3D also allows NFT
sales and applications in virtual reality.
It doesn’t mean you have to give up on paper and pen. Sketching and brains-
torming are very important tasks that still can be done manually – each one of us
has a style, after all.
However, to stand out and glow up in the fashion market, you will need to
know how to transfer this design to the computer screen and transform the samples
until you get the best representation of your idea.
Everyone who has learned or is learning how to do digital design has a place
in the future of fashion. Studying the concepts and knowing how to use the most
appropriate tools soon will be a minimum requirement in the market (in fact, it’s
already a must nowadays!).
The industry will demand companies to deliver products with higher speed,
quality, and the most advanced 3D virtual design.
At the same time, to provide these deliveries, the brands will only hire more
qualified professionals.
So don’t hesitate to study 3D digital design! There are plenty of career oppor-
tunities for skilled professionals – and you could be the next to claim your spot.

Take this opportunity to stand out in the market! :)

Audaces is a world reference in technological innovation for fashion. For
over 30 years, we’ve been developing solutions that are easy to learn, use and
maintain, that speed up the creation, development, and production of fashion.
We are audacious! Our intelligence also meets the needs of other
industries, such as upholstery, footwear, furniture, and other flexible materials.
We are partners and facilitators! We know that each client has a challenge,
so we offer solutions that adapt to different needs.
We are global, leaders in Latin America, and we are present in more than 70
countries around the world. Currently, more than 40,000 fashion professionals
use Audaces solutions daily.

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