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A person:

I would like to mention my mother, who plays a crucial role in my life. She is a teacher in a
secondary school. She is not just my mom, she is also my idol, my best friend and also my
consultant. I adore her because she is such a kind-hearted, caring and loving person in the
family. As you know, I live in a nuclear family with four members, my parents, my older brother
and me; therefore, my mom will have more time to look after each member more carefully,
both in terms of physical health and emotions. Honestly, she is the one I can share everything
without any hesitation. Whenever I have any problems or sadness or happiness, mom is always
the first person that I talk to. She always cheers me up, gives me pieces of valuable advice and
encourage me to look on the bright side everytime I feel depressed. Moreover, my mom is also
a responsible citizen and she fulfills her duty at work very well. I guess there must be pressure
at her workplace and I know that she has to work really hard to support the whole family but I
rarely hear her complain. Her determination and strong-willed characteristics have set a good
example for me and that is also the thing that I have to remind myself so that I can be such a
wonderful person like her.

A place:
The first one coming to mind is the Flower Park in Da Lat city, which is located in the central
high land of Vietnam. Situated at the end of Xuan Huong lake, the park covers more than 7,000
square meters. Flower Park showcases Vietnam’s biggest collection of flowers-comprising
hundreds of species with a wide variety of colors, such as red, yellow, orange, pink, or even
blue, and their shades. Hydrangeas, orchids and roses and many other flowers make this city a
kingdom of flowers. This Park attracts a large number of travelers every day. The park’s gate is
naturally decorated with splendid flowers. Along the paths in the park are fountains and pine
trees. Besides, there are carts covered with flowers going around the park to delight the
tourists. Natural flowers harmonize with man-made architectural features.create an incredible
scenery. Astonished. There are some reasons why the memories about this place are still vivid
in my mind. The first one is obviously its beauty. To be honest, I had never seen any place with
such a diverse range of colorful flowers in my life. The first time I entered this park, I was truly
blown away. Another reason is that I visited this place last year with my classmates to let off
some steam after nerve racking time without any true day-offs. We really had an enjoyable
time together. I hope that I will have opportunities to visit this Flower Park again.

An object: Bicycle

I had transportation to school by it and no longer would need to walk. This vehicle is an
environment-friendly mean of transport without fuel consumption. When i sits on the saddle
and exerts a force on the pedal, this power enables the crank to spin, leading to the shift of the
chain. This allows the movement of the spokes, hence the rotations of both wheels. Providing
that i intends to decelerate, i can reduce the strength, making the rear derailleur and front
derailleur linked to the chain control the speed of the bicycle. The back components are joined
with the front ones by a frame including pump, crossbar and gearshift, which allows the vehicle
to move spontaneously. There is a handlebar whereby i can change the direction when cycling.
In case i wants to either slow the bicycle down or stop, i uses the brake lever, which is
connected to the front brake and the rear brake by the cable.
An event:
My graduation ceremony from the secondary school 2 years ago. I celebrated it w my
classmates, my fml and all of the teachers. I still remember the atmosphere and the joy me
and my friends have during the event. We all were to make our own arrangements of buying
suits and as far the rehearsal for the real occasion was concerned it was primarily done by the
management of the school. They told us everything about the day and they also sent invitation
cards to the parents of the students who were to graduate.We were able to admire the unique
musical performances and listen to the principal's speech. After that, we took pictures to
preserve our memories and talked a lot about our future plans. Finally, the school drum
sounded and the ceremony ended. At that moment we were extremely emotional, everyone
was in tears. We all felt proud and happy for taking the first step closer to our dream
Skill you learned from older people
Describe a skill that you learned from older people You should say:
It is my father who taught me the most momentous life lessons and skills. Among many things,
he instructed me to drive motorbike safely and adeptly.
I wasn't a confident motorcyclist. So I wanted to overcome my fear of driving.
We had our driving sessions every weekend. I expected him to break down the process into a
series of steps. I thought we would first practice in a simulated environment and focus on
mastering one or two functions, say, steering and speed calibration. Although he would make
me repeat each step until I got it right before leading me headlong into 'real' traffic conditions.
But my father has always been the 'sink or swim' type of a teacher. He took me on one of the
busiest roads in the city. My spine stiffened, my eyes popped and my face turned red. I was
really scared. Moreover, my father was constantly yelling at me and giving guidances. But his
approach to teaching demonstrated to be effective, and I overcame the fear of driving.
It was only after accomplishing driving motorbike course that I comprehended what freedom
was. Even when I didn't have my own motorbike, I could take my parents one and go
somewhere without waiting for one of them to give me a lift. On many occasions it made
getting around the city far more comfortable than it used to be. I can stop or change the route
any time I want. I can say without any exaggeration that since I learned to drive my life has
enhanced in countless ways.

Interesting city

Well, X is the city that I'm in love with. And because I was overwhelmed and
astonished by its size and beauty, I remember almost every minute that I
spent there like it was just yesterday even though I went there 2 years ago.

X is a bustling city, the capital of X. It's so tremendous that if you view the
city from a tall building, you get the feeling that it doesn't end. And as I've
just said it's by far the most beautiful city that I've ever visited.
X is divided into two parts, the old town and the modern city, therefore
there's an eclectic mix of historic architecture and modern buildings that
have bizarre/diverse shapes. What is really amazing is that there are no
ugly, cooker-cutter buildings in the modern part of the city. Due to a
clever/brilliant use of materials, almost each building has its unique
design. The climate is pleasant fresh pure , too.

I'm a keen walker so I explored the whole city on foot w ma fml. And I really
loved both parts of the city. For example, while walking around its historic
part, I leisurely discovered significant scenic spots, peaceful green spaces,
and ubiquitous local attractions along the way. You can walk for days and
still have something. new to see 'cause there are many places of cultural
and historical value, and there are countless routes that can be taken in
different parts of the city. I also visited the observation deck. I just couldn't
miss the opportunity to visit it although it was a bit pricey.So I walked, tried
local food, visited famous destinations and enjoyed the magnificent
scenery around. It really did feel likely jumping from antiquity into modern
times. I think X is a magical place.

Interesting song:

I have always been a massive fan of music. I love listening to music because it helps
me recharge my battery as well as uplift my spirit after a nerve racking time overloaded
with work and study. I honestly don’t have my favorite genre as my playlist includes all kinds of
music. But the first one coming to my mind is “Happy” by Williams Pharrell. “Happy” is a song
with cheerful beat and exuberant vocal taken from the Original Soundtrack of
the movie“Despicable Me 2” although it was first featured as the lead single taken from
Pharrell’s second solo album entitled ‘G I R L’. One thing that I really do enjoy about “Happy”
is that it doesn’t fall under the classification of EDM. You can relegate “Happy” more to the
“old school” category because you can clearly hear the influences of Motown Records
throughout the song.
It does make sense, therefore, why Pharrell opted for a more classic and refined approach to the
production of “Happy”. Pharrell certainly does an excellent job in helping provide mainstream
listeners a “breath of fresh air” from all the EDM-laced influences. In addition, he delivers all
his words with so much ease that it almost sounds effortless on his part. Plus, there is also that
very distinctive soulful quality to his voice, which adds to the mass appeal and friendly warmth
of this single.
The message is clear. It is all about maintaining a positive state of mind despite how gloomy and
sometimes disheartening events can be. When you can have a cheerful disposition in life,
everything will look brighter and way better than it really is.
In a way, “Happy” is a rare kind of song because it offers the listeners a hearty dose of innocent
fun and makes them look at the inner child in themselves as opposed to being one of the
hundred pop songs that are either about love or money.
One of the ambitions that I have not yet achieved is to be able to fluently communicate in
I just got this idea a year ago because I realized that nowadays, knowing more foreign languages
is an advantage not only in our daily lives but also in work environments.
In order to achieve this, I registered for a Japanese class for beginners, twice a week. I also
downloaded an application named Duolingo on my iPhone which helps people study foreign
languages, so that I can study on my own at home. For the first two months, I did not skip any
classes and spent at least 30 minutes every night studying Japanese on Duolingo at home.
Unfortunately, I could not keep up with the schedule for long since I was working full time, not
to mention that I had many other social activities that distracted me from studying. There were
days when I was so busy that I had to work overtime to finish my task. As a result, I wasn’t able
to go to japanese class and I definitely didn’t have any time to study at home. Moreover, my fml
n friends complained that I had been ignoring them, so I needed to arrange my timetable to hang
out with them. Just like that, I gradually lost my ambition to study Japanese and until now, I only
memorize one alphabet table n some simple phrase, even though Japanese uses three types of the
Person only met once n want to know more:
Today I would like to tell you about a person I have met once and extremly expect to meet again
in the future. Her name is Hương and she is 30, a young lady who looks cute with a humorous
and dynamic personality. I first met her when I was studying Japanese in a language centre in
which she was the teacher. After finishing one lesson with her, I stopped attending there cause
my family had to move into a new place and she also retired from teaching and continue to
pursue her master’s degree.
To be honest, it was an extraordinary time because she has great pedagogic methods which
combined with her own life experience and stories. When she began, all of the students, were
impressive cause she enthusiastically told a fascinating story and organized intellectual games
which was hillarious. Indeed, ms.huong did a good job not only as an instructor but also as
a storyteller.
To be such an excellent teacher, she had traveled a lot and had experienced all kinds of ups and
downs in her life. To me, her knowledge is deep like an ocean which I cannot see the bottom
of. Thanks to that, besides the japanese language, she became my bestfr and we share a lot w
each other
I really admire and appreciate her for her profound knowledge and her experience. She not only
helped me improve my japanese but also supported me well with advice when I cope with some
personal issues. It’s very effective n useful. That’s all I would like to share with you about
ms.huong. I hope I will be able to meet her again.

Long walk
I'm gonna tell you about something that started as a 3hour walking tour and turned into a day-
long adventure walk around hanoi cause I got lost. So, 2 years ago I spent my summer vacation
in X to let off some steam after a nerve racking time, and had a walking tour of the city. At first,
everything was ok. But at some point, me with my bestie didnt pay attention and spilled some
tea. After that, the guide started walking faster, and suddenly I realized we had lagged behind the
rest of the group. To my regret, my phone had been out of battery n my bestie one was forgotten
in the hotel, so we could neither contact the guide nor use Google Maps. Then I asked some
passers-by for directions, but they were tourists, just like us. They just shrugged their shoulders
and apologized for not being able to help. We decided to retrace our way, but it appeared to be
more difficult than it seemed as there were many winding and narrow streets which looked
exactly the same. So we ended up walking round in circles. We had no idea how to get back to
the bus. we perceived that we would have to take a taxi to return to the hotel. So we stopped
worrying about it, relaxed and continued exploring the city on foot. We visited many ubiquitous
attractions n tried some local food as well as enjoy the beauty of some scenic spots. I guess we
walked countless steps on that day. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to document my record 'cause
my phone was dead. Inspite of the fact that we were exhausted, we found the trip was
meaningful n fun.

Dream job:
Becoming an english teacher. I would say I don’t mind working in either a language center or a
big school or even a university as long as they are reliable. In terms of the job’s characteristics,
it is to teach English language of course. However, due to the recently increasing demand, I
would like to choose pedagogical English to focus on.
To be qualified for this career, we need to have a TESOL degree, which is all about the training
course of teaching English to make us professional teachers. More than that, this job requires
us to have tremendous passion, desire and patience because we need to meet up with a lot of
different students who come from diverse backgrounds and various personalities. That is why,
on top of all, social skills are critically crucial, especially for modern teachers.
This job to me is perfect for several reasons: First, I can get to meet many students who always
have a story to tell and I believe we can learn something from them like life experience,
another perspective towards some prevalent community problems. Secondly, a teacher also
has the capability to inspire others with their life story. I don’t mean that we have to always
share our personal stories to make students imitate us but what I mean is to incentivize
students to love the language by the way we share our real-life experience n examples with
them. Last but not least, by teaching the language, a teacher also has an opportunity to spread
the value of the language to students which helps them perceive the language as an art
of communication, not just merely a test or a tool to earn money.
Building with architectural interest:
Since you’ve asked me about a modern building, I’d love to share with you about one of the
most symbolic towers in Vietnam, Lotte Tower.
As far as I am concerned, this construction is by far the second highest tower in Hanoi, with 65
floors in total. What sets it apart from the others is probably its one-of-a-kind design. Inspired
by Vietnamese traditional costume, Lotte Tower has a shape that pretty much resembles the
curves of ao dai, which makes it unmistakable in a city full of skyscrapers like Hanoi.
Situated in the central business district of Hanoi, this is such an impeccable location for
numerous services. In fact, Lotte has been utilized for a wide range of purposes. A lot of big
corporations, especially multinational companies have located their headquarters and
representative offices there, so you can easily notice a stream of businessmen and
businesswomen moving around Lotte on a daily basis.
Moreover, there is also a shopping mall that displays high–quality merchandise from countless
nationally and internationally renowned brands. I must say that, whenever I come across the
area, any product for sale here is such a feast for the eyes. Besides, this building is definitely a
place for entertainment. Most notably, there is an observation deck located on the 65th floor. It
provides us with a panoramic view of the city with a stunning skyline, helping us capture all the
beauties of Hanoi into our eyesight.
This magnificent building should be preserved cause it not only does contribute to the economy
but also brings pride to Vietnam. It is proof that Vietnamese are able to create amazing
skyscrapers that can compare to any other country in the world.
Invention changed ppl’s life:
Currently, technology has changed the world in so many ways that things which used to be
impossible are today easily available and anybody can have easy access to these inventions.
Today's internet and applications have changed the shopping experience totally and one can
buy any product from any corner of the country and make safe payments from their bank
accounts using e-wallets. Here I am going to talk about UPI payments which have enhanced the
way people live. Today everybody does online shopping from different shipping portals and
they pay money using Google Pay it's a UPI based payment system that guarantee the
shopkeeper’s security. In the past people had to carry cash all the time then came cards which
also had some restrictions and fear of losing. But with Google pay people can make payments
using their smartphones conveniently and don’t have to bring wallet with them. Apart from
paying to shops they can recharge their accounts, pay electricity bills,and gas bills regularly they
do not have to stand in long lines to make payment. Every residents absolutey can sit at the
comfort of home or anywhere at any time. Sending and receiving money has become so
advantageous today. This application is beneficial to all age groups who are able to use
smartphones. It makes electronic payment safer and convenient. The user interface is so easy
that by adding a mobile number or scanning a qr code one can send and receive money in their
bank accounts. One can send money to friends and relatives anywhere in the country. Older
people can also use this as it has a very simple user interface.
Study method/concentration/positive change:
While the entire day passes by just like a breeze, whenever I sit to learn, I find myself to be
distracted and inattentive towards my studies. Since this issue became frequent, I decided to
alleviate the situation. Thus, I spent hours altogether on the internet, searching for one
solution. And fortunately I found the perfect one.
To begin with, I perceived that my cell phone was making me drift away from concentration the
most. Subsequently, whenever I undertake my assigments, I keep my phone switched off, lock
it inside the cupboard and give away the key to my mother to have zero access to this device.
And then, instead of multi-tasking which means accomplishing all of the subjects at the same
time, I have broken them down into phases. This way, I spend no more than an hour on a
subject. Post that, I take a short break for rejuvenation and spend another hour on the next
Usually, I burn the midnight oil or wake up early in the morning to handle my deadls. The
reason is that these time are when everybody is completely falls asleep, and I can get peace and
quietness all around; thus, i will absolutely pay attention to my work n my productivity has
grown considerbly.
Since I implemented this method into my daily regimen, I have noticed a significant change. I
get to focus better, study more and cover my syllabus efficiently.
Interesting discussion:
Thre are a lot of conversations in my dailylife n i would like to share w u one of the discussion i
found it’s kinda interesting. To be honest, i only spill tea abt my private matters w my bestfr. So
it happened last month when i was struggling w my weight problem. To diminish adipose, i
tried diverse solutions such as doing physical workouts and some sports: skipping, badminton…
however, i ate a lot of fastfood as well as pikelets cause i would like to release stress n
depression. As a result, i couldn’t achive my goal n i felt under the weather. Therefore, i told my
bestie this issue n she said that i was losing weight wrong way. From my perspective, just doing
some physical activities n normally eating anything you like can help lose weight. Then, she
argued that a balance diet in weight loss is 70 percent while workout is only 30 percent. So she
suggested a suitable diet plan for me. Firstly, i should eat more vegetables n boiled or grilled
food as well as reduce the amount of starch n fat in my meals. Next, not to eat anything after
7p.m n drink more water. I asked her if i need to workout n she said i just had to do medium
excercises. Subsequently, i found this method is extremly effective n i felt really grateful that i
followed her advice. I think this discussion sounds great cause it helps me broaden my
knowledge n be healthier.
Famous person contributing to society:
It’s kinda hard for me to come up w a name of a person who has done a lot of work to
contribute to the society as a whole simply cause there is an endless list of amazing n wonderful
ppl who have been dedicating their life to the betterment of community, but if i gonna choose
one, the first name that comes off the top of my head is definitely taylor swift. She’s an
admirable american singer who is renowned for not only her versatility n multi talents but also
the enormous sense of inspiration that she has been generating which motivates the young
generation to work harder towards their goals. She impressed everyone w her fascinating voice
n people also look up to taylor due to her charitable financial support. She has been working for
many non-govermental organizations that provide shelters for underprivileged children n
orphans. Hardly does anybody want to help others even when they live in a lap of luxury but
she is the opposite that’s why i really appreciate her. Taylor is also a business magnate who has
been investing in many different sectors including cosmetics, beauty, economy, real estate…and
she also has a gift of the gab, super articulate in conveying ideas n opinions she’s absolutely a
genious. If i have a chance, i will go to her live concerts to enjoy her profressional performance
I love different celebrations and parties, but not when I'm the person who is responsible for
organizing things. For me, the process of preparation is a chore to be endured. But
at least once a year I have to organize my birthday party.
I have a birthday in September. So as you understand, I went through the whole process
just a couple of months ago. This time I started preparing a party one month before the
date as I didn't want to do everything at the last minute like I usually do.
First of all, I chose a date for the party. Thank God, I didn't need to make sure that mostof
my friends were free because they know that I always celebrate my birthday on the same
day as I was born. It has been for many years, so they don't plan anything . I planned to
invite quite a few guests, so obviously I couldn't invite them to my place asmy dwelling is : '
one-room flat. For this reason, I booked a table at my favoriterestaurant, I ordered food,
drinks and a birthday cake. I ordered big colorful balloonsand prepared a basket of props
handy for people to use to take funny photos. Youknow, some funny hats and glasses. I
discussed a party playlist.To tell the truth, although it may seem that I didn't do a lot, the
process was really tiring.First of all, though || started well in advance, I was pressed for time.
Secondly, I didn'twant to spend a fortune, so I had to choose everything carefully and
compare prices indifferent places. And sometimes it was difficult for me to make up my
mind about somethings such as what dishes to choose, what color balloons to order. Such
things. But theparty was even better than I expected


I was a really spoiled kid, so there were tons of different toys competing for myattention,
but my all-time favorite was a teddy bear. When I was about 7, my dad camehome with a
giant box. When I opened it, I saw a brown bear with a big head and black beady eyes
staring at me. I started jumping for joy because this toy had been on mywishlist for a long
time and I begged my parents for it. It was really cute and cuddly. Thewhole next day I was
really busy choosing the best name for my fluffy furry friend. I'mafraid it wasn't original but I
called my teddy Winnie, after my favorite cartoon character Winnie-the-Pooh. It became my
best buddy for many years.Not that I didn't like spending time with my peers, but unlike my
friends, Winnie wasalways by my side, witnessed all the moments of my life. I dragged it
around everywhere.Once I found out that one eye was missing. I tried to find it, but didn't
succeed. I wasreally upset because I thought it wouldn't have happened if I had looked after
Winniemore carefully. So my mom had to get a replacement on the same evening. Winnie
and I spent a lot of time together. I fed it and talked to it. In the evenings I readstories to my
teddy bear. When it got sick, I treated it with pretend tea and honey. It iswithout doubt I
took it to bed and it even had its own pillow. Probably it was Winnie thatchased away bad
dreams. I also taught my bear to read and write, and it was a really assiduous student.
Besides, Winnie must have been the most fashionable of all. In thesummer it had on some
shorts, tee sandals, sunglasses, and a hat. When it was coldand wintry, I would put on a
jacket, sweater, boots, and a cute snowy hat! Winnie ismuch more than a toy, it is a symbol
of my childhood, so it is still with me, hibernating inone of my closets.

Things can’t live without:

What I can't imagine my life without now is a vacuum cleaner. I use it every single
day,sometimes even twice a day. I'm not obsessed with cleanliness but I hate to see dust,
crumbs, cat's hair and other particles onthe floor, on carpets and on the furniture. I love my
cat, but he sheds a ton of hair everywhere every day. It seems to me he drops more fur than
one would think ispossible. And I've got a chair that gets particularly covered in hair every
day 'cause thisis the place where my cat likes to chill. If I didn't vacuum every evening, there
would be clumps of hair all over our clothes and everywhere. Plus, I like to walk around my
flat barefoot, but I hate when my feet get dirty and when dirt and other particles stick to
myI'm happy that I have a really powerful vacuum cleaner which is specially designed
forpeople who keep pets. It's a canister model which has the motor and dust collector,
andthe vacuum head connected to its main part by a flexible hose. It is a wheeled type andit
has really high suction power, so I don't have to put too much effort in order to cleanall the
surfaces. It's compact and lightweight, therefore I don't have any difficulty usingSo every
evening I vacuum all the surfaces using different heads for different tasks. AndI do it even if
I feel drained after a hard working day. If it weren't for this vacuum cleaner,the whole flat
would be covered in cat's hair, crumbs, dust, torn paper pieces and otherparticles, which
would really annoy me.Without exaggeration, I'm really happy that humanity once created
this household
device because it saves a lot of my time, and I clean the whole flat relatively fast.

Positive change/healthy

Last year I came to realize that the quality of my life would improve significantly if I started
leading a healthy lifestyle. What I did first was I read a lot of articles inmagazines and
consulted a dietician because without professional help diets may do more harm than good.
The biggest challenge was to stop eating fast food. I started tochoose carefully what I ate,
when and what for. I became a frequent visitor of a gym anddid exercises regularly. At least
3 times per week.I've been living like this for more than a year now. I have to confess that
this appearedto be more difficult than | expected as, first of all, this requires discipline and
time. For example, sometimes you don't want to go to the gym. You say to yourself that
nothingwill happen if you skip one workout. But you understand that if you do it once,
nothing will stop you from doing it regularly. Secondly, when you eat fast food, you don't
have tothink at all. You take whatever you see in a shop to make your stomach full. But if
you start eating healthy food, you think about its nutritional value, you count calories and
tryto choose fresh high-quality meat and vegetables.In any case, all these efforts are worth
changing the way you live. For instance, it wasnot until I started following a healthy diet and
doing sport regularly that I began to loseweight naturally without starving myself. As a
result, I started looking slimmer andfeeling better. What's more, I became much more
attractive for the opposite sex. Now Ihave many admirers who say that I'm beautiful, and my
photos get really many likes on social networks. My health has improved significantly since I
started taking the firststeps towards my life. I have started feeling more energetic than usual
before. This has also helped me get better skin, so now I don't look as pale as before. To
sum up, the quality of my life has improved dramatically.

Lost and find:

I'm a person who's forever losing something. And in most cases, I don't notice thatsome
item is missing for a long time... if ever... However, recently there was one casethat I
remember very well. This is because I lost my smartphone, and it was a totaldisaster because
I am not ashamed to say that I can't survive even an hour without thedevice.So, one day I
returned home after a busy day and wanted to text one of my friends, but Icouldn't find my
smartphone. At first, I didn't worry at all. I asked my mom to call myphone 'cause I was sure
it was somewhere in my purse or in one of the pockets. Whatwe heard was 'the phone you
dialed is not available at the moment'. This meant thatlocating my phone fant and easily
was out of the question. I thought the batt had goneflat, therefore it would just take a little
time to find it. I searched high and low, but thesearch was without success. I realized I'd lost
At that very moment I felt like my heart was coming to a complete stop. I startedpanicking. I
thought that someone would hack my phone password and get access tomy photos and
notes, my accounts on social media, which was the last thing I wanted tohave happened. I
thought of the potential consequences of my being out of contact forwhat might be several
days. Among other things, it was an expensive item, and I'd beensaving for a long time to
buy it.The worst thing about it was that I had no idea where | lost it. What I remembered
wellwas that I called my friend after I accomplish the lesson. This meant I didn't leave it in
the school. So l understood that I must have lost it either in the back seat of a taxi or in
achanging room in a clothes store. To be honest, I thought I would never see my
phoneagain. Much to my surprise, I got it back.I returned to the shopping mall and asked
around for the lost item. The shop assistanttold me she had found my phone in the dressing

Broken n repair/story remember:

There’s a story I think I’ll never forget. I was already in bed when I heard a strange noise coming
from the kitchen. I rushed there, opened the door and what I saw made
me totally shocked. Water was gushing out from the broken faucet.
Of course, it didn’t happen unexpectedly. I was bound to happen sooner or later. First ofall, the
faucet was old. And it should have been replaced, but we were always too busyto deal with it.
And we kept putting it off. What’s more, we just ignored the harbingers ofthe impending
disaster. For example, a few days before this happened I noticed the faucet was dripping. I told
my husband about it, but he said there was absolutelynothing to worry about.A few days later it
became apparent that there was something to worry about. The worst
thing was that it was almost midnight. So there was very little change that we would find
a 24-hour emergency plumbing repair service. In any case, we had to deal with the
problem urgently. What we did immediately was turn off water at the main shutoff valve,which
is at the water meter. Thank God, it didn’t take us much time to find it. That’s allwe could do
ourselves. The next morning I contracted a local plumbing repair serviceand scheduled a service
call for plumbing repair because fixing is not husband’s forte.It was a nightmare, but I was
feeling happy because we didn’t flood our neighbors.
A few weeks ago, one of my close friends moved into a new apartment. So it's perfectly
natural that she wants to present her new home to her friends, and for this, she's going
to throw a housewarming party next month.
When I received an invitation, my first thought was 'Oh my God. What gift shall I giveher?'
To me, choosing the perfect gift is always a daunting task 'cause I hate givingsomething
that will go unappreciated. For me, it's really important to give a gift a personis dreaming of.
But the element of surprise is as important as the acceptance of the gift.That's why I never
ask a giftreceiver about what they want or need directly. As a result,it usually takes time to
find out what a person wants and find the perfect gift for them.Fortunately, this time my
friend literally saved me when she created a wishlist usingGoogle Docs so that everyone can
choose the gift of their choice and budget, but shewon't see what people are getting her
'cause she set me as the owner of thespreadsheet. So she has no access to her own
document. And we'll be able to keep allactivity a secret until she starts unwrapping presents.
So nothing will ruin the surprise.
What's more, his system helps prevent the receipt of duplicate or unwanted gifts and
allows us, gift-givers, to figure out which stores have the items she needs.
All I did was open the document, look through the whole list and choose the gift I likedthe
most. And it was also the one that fitted my gift budget. I'm going to buy her aflatware set
for 6. It's quite expensive. She told me she'd added some pricey items tothe list she doesn't
expect to get them. Just imagine how surprised and delighted shewill be when I give her the
gift that she expects the least.
Vietnam proudly boasts a myriad of scenic spots, among which are magnificent lakes and rivers
that accommodate stunning natural beauty I’m going to talk about an ancient lake that is well
known as a nationally famous destination. The lake is called Hoan Kiem lake. Which is located in
the very heart of Ha Noi, Viet Nam’s capital city.
If my memory serves me right, this charming lake measures around 120,000m² and is
surrounded by wide shade trees, making it an idyllic retreat for the city dwellers there who
want to get away from the hustle of city life.

The lake is commonly known as the Sword Lake since all Vietnamese children learn about the
story of a giant turtle and holy sword in their school. Legend has it that our Emperor Le
Loi’s defeat of the Ming army in the past owed much to his magic sword. One day, while he was
sailing on the lake, suddenly a golden turtle surfaced and asked for the sword as it belonged to
the Dragon King. The Emperor agreed to give it back to the turtle and renamed the lake
to commemorate this event.

Hoan Kiem Lake is not only famous for its breathtaking scenery but also its cultural and
historical values. It has served as a focal point for Hanoi’s public life as you will see
inhabitants going for a stroll or doing exercise while enjoying cool breezes there every morning
and afternoon. Foreign tourists also definitely can’t miss this place if they visit Vietnam due to
the fact that it has always been considered as a crucial landmark of our capital.

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