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Total English Placement Test

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✔ Total English Placement Test

Place students as follows:

00-20 Below Elementary

21-35 Elementary
36-60 Pre-intermediate
61-85 Intermediate
86-100 Upper Intermediate

If you are sure students are below Intermediate, use only Part A (questions 1 – 50). If you
think they are Intermediate or Upper-Intermediate, use only Part B (questions 51 – 100) and
grade it as follows.

00-15 Below intermediate 1/17
11/7/24, 10:38 a.m. Total English Placement Test

16-35 Intermediate
36-50 Upper Intermediate

Total English Placement Test

Question 1

_____ name is Robert.

A Me


C My

There are 100 questions to complete.


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 4 years ago

Good morning so far I am enjoying to answer these questions. But several questions I don’t know yet.
Beside I would like clarifying that founded several questions missed. Such as number 24, 47, 54, 95.
Perhaps you will add some explanation about it.

1 Reply

 4 years ago

Hola gracias por su ayuda, quisiera saber si 1- ¿esto tiene algún precio

2- deseo tener mi resultado de la prueba para corregir mis errores, ¿como puedo obtenerlos?

3- deseo continuar aprendiendo con ustedes ¿Como lo puedo hacer?

-2 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Jorge  4 years ago

Hello! You are welcome.

1 – All the tests on our website are totally free.

2 – You can see all the correct and incorrect answers of the questions at the end of the tests by
clicking the get results button.
3 – You can improve your English by study all the lessons and tests here from easy to difficult.

¡Hola! De nada.

1 – Todas las pruebas en nuestro sitio web son totalmente gratuitas.

2 – Puede ver todas las respuestas correctas e incorrectas de las preguntas al final de las pruebas
haciendo clic en el botón Obtener resultados.
3 – Puedes mejorar tu inglés estudiando todas las lecciones y exámenes aquí, de fácil a difícil.

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Svetlana Sanchez Kabatskaia

 Reply to ETO  1 year ago

Thank you very much for your effort and excellent material.
Just one question: how do I know the level in the Total English Placement Test? If it’s A1, A2,

0 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Svetlana Sanchez Kabatskaia  1 year ago

Thank you for your kind words about our Total English Placement Test, we’re glad to
hear that you found the material helpful.
In terms of your question, our test does not follow the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels of A1, A2, etc. Instead, it is designed to
categorize test-takers into one of five proficiency levels: below elementary,
elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, and upper intermediate.

However, it is worth noting that our proficiency levels can be roughly correlated to the
CEFR levels as follows:

Below elementary: A1 or lower

Elementary: A2
Pre-intermediate: B1-
Intermediate: B1+/B2-
Upper intermediate: B2 or higher

Of course, this is just a rough approximation, and other factors such as a user’s
specific strengths and weaknesses may affect their placement.

We hope that this information helps you better understand the levels in our
placement test. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or

-1 Reply

 4 years ago

It is very, very useful for students like me.

thanks a lot.
if explanation had been given, it could have been more useful. it is just a suggestion.

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 4 years ago

I can’t start any of the test .. Why is that?

-4 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Manal  4 years ago

I opened the tests with browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and there seems to be no
problem. Could you please clear your browser cache and update to the latest version and then try

-1 Reply

 3 years ago

Hi! What is part B? Thank you

-1 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Ingrid  3 years ago

Part B includes questions from 51 and 100.

-2 Reply

mousa okla
 3 years ago

I am really enjoying answering all level placement tests.

-1 Reply

 3 years ago

This test is really useful. I enjoy answering the questions.

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 3 years ago

Hi, I’m enjoying your site and learning a lot. Thanks for making all these resources available.

0 Reply

 3 years ago

Hello, I do appreciate your website. Honestly, it’s truly amazing for English training. Well done!

0 Reply

 3 years ago

I do appreciate your website. It’s really amazing with so many tests! Good job!

0 Reply

 3 years ago

Thank you for making an app like this. It was useful to check my English language level.

-3 Reply

U Tun Tun Oo
 2 years ago

Your tests are very helpful to me. Thanks a lot.

-2 Reply

 2 years ago

Can I use the tests on your website from my own telegram channel?

-4 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Ahrorjon  2 years ago 9/17
11/7/24, 10:38 a.m. Total English Placement Test

You can only use our tests for academic and educational purposes as long as you share the URL of
the online test for each one.

-1 Reply

 2 years ago

Total English Placement Test”He offered to help me with the decorating”. Sorry, but I don’t think
“decorating” is a proper word here, imho it should be decoration

-3 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Jamilya  2 years ago

In fact, there is no reason not to use the word “decorating”. Please, check its definition from Oxford

0 Reply

 2 years ago

Hello thanks for your hard studying-suffering one question only.. I did 7 or 8 mistakes but get 98 of
100… is there any different evaluation?

-1 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Imran  2 years ago

Hello! You can find many more level tests here:

-1 Reply

 2 years ago

Hi. I think there’s a missing word in the question 29: It’s the _____ interesting of his films.
Should it be e.g. ‘the (most) interesting PART of his films’?

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ETO Author

 Reply to Anna  2 years ago

Let’s say we are talking about Steven Spielberg, who has directed several films. And considering all
his films, we think that “Jurassic Park” is the most interesting one. So we say:

It is the most interesting (one) of his films. (it = Jurassic Park)

That is to say, there are no missing words after the word “interesting”.

-1 Reply

 1 year ago

Hello, could you please inform me of my level if I have obtained 89%? Thank you.

-2 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Amma  1 year ago

Hello! 89% is Upper Intermediate.

-2 Reply

 1 year ago

Hello how can I know my level? How many correct answers correspond to each level?

0 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to mar  1 year ago

It is written above the test.

0 Reply

 1 year ago

bruh i got 96%, but i don’t think i am upper intermediate

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 2 months ago

Hello! If a person gets 27 out of 50 in part A and 15 out of 50 in part B and 42 in total what is this
level? I cannot understand whether part B scores should be included in the whole sum. Thanks a lot!

0 Reply

ETO Author

 Reply to Varvara  2 months ago

According to the placement test criteria we provided, the total score of 42 is calculated by
combining the scores from both Part A and Part B. A score of 27 out of 50 in Part A indicates an
Elementary level, while a score of 15 out of 50 in Part B suggests an Intermediate level.

When these scores are combined, the total falls within the Intermediate range. Therefore, your level
would be classified as Intermediate.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask!

0 Reply

ben rejeb abdelfatteh

 1 month ago

je vous remercie infiniment de tous ce que vous donnez bonne continuation cordialement votre

0 Reply

 1 month ago

very good test thanks 😎😍

 Last edited 1 month ago by venox

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