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Intro: Branding Beats Sales

“Brand beats sales every day. Sales is just bad branding.” -Gary Vaynerchuck

Business by definition is simply the volume of an organization’s activity, and as entrepreneurs,

we focus our efforts on the financial activities.

Every financial activity in your business, whether it's a service, a product, or a combination of
both, contributes to your brand image. This image, especially in the digital realm, directly
influences how the public perceives you. Every tactic, technology, or strategy you employ
communicates something to your audience, which can either encourage or discourage their
purchasing decisions.

So let’s take this under consideration, and address this problem head on. Your business’s brand
is simply the story of your client’s problem, your solution, and the relief they experience from
your solution. Your ability to communicate this is directly proportional to your business’s financial
success. Salesmen understand this on a micro level, and large corporations understand this on
a macro level. The salesman at the cell phone store knows if he can get you to believe that your
technical problem is dire enough, you’ll accept his company’s solution to fix your problem, and
he’ll get a commission.

Again, your business’s brand is simply the story about…

1. Your buyer’s problem
2. Your solution
3. The relief they experience

Do you appear to your audience like you know the solution to their problem or like you care
about their problem? Is any part of your communication intentionally communicating this to
them? Is there proof of this on your business’s digital footprint?

If the answer isn’t yes to any of those three questions, then this workbook is for you. If you’ve
ever wondered what the actual work looked like without all the fancy automation and tech, but
still want to use it... Then this workbook is for you. It’s going to radically transform how you
approach new buyers. If you can answer yes to some or all of these questions, then this may be
a very helpful reference guide for you. In this workbook, you’ll see the exact examples I used to
get results in my personal life. In either case, I hope you enjoy the experience :)
Module 1: The Brand

First and foremost, we emphasize the importance of knowing your audience – the
cornerstone of a compelling service offer. By defining your ideal customer's
demographics, understanding their needs and challenges, and identifying their preferred
communication channels, you lay the groundwork for a service offer that resonates
deeply with your target audience.

With a clear understanding of your audience in place, we move on to explore the key
elements of crafting a compelling service offer. From clearly defining your service and
translating its features into benefits to articulating a value proposition that encapsulates
the core value you provide, each element plays a crucial role in shaping a service offer
that stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Furthermore, we delve into the intricacies of developing a strategic pricing strategy that
reflects the true value of your service. By conducting a cost analysis, focusing on
value-based pricing, exploring different pricing models, and being open to testing and
optimization, you can ensure that your pricing strategy aligns with the transformational
outcomes your service delivers.

But crafting a stellar service offer goes beyond just defining your service and setting a
price. We explore the importance of offering compelling service packages tailored to
different client needs and budgets. By creating tiered packages, including value-added
services, and ensuring clear differentiation between packages, you empower clients to
choose the option that best suits their requirements.

So how do we do that? Let’s get to work!

Now when it’s said that you need to find your ideal client, what exactly does that mean?
Remember this formula: Main Problems + Solution + Promise = YOUR BRAND.


Main Problems: “When I was trying to [do this] at the start, I…”
1. Can’t think straight enough to wrap my hands around the topic and execute with any real
2. Was stuck in analysis paralysis
3. Felt desperate for results ending in sabotage
4. Kept finding newer and newer tactics and systems to learn to make things run better, but
they were rarely compatible
5. Would waste time
6. Was not really sure what all running a business entailed, and it was a horrifying
prospect, and wasn’t really sure I was built for it.
7. Failed many times
8. Questioned if I had ADHD often
9. Would have a packed calendar, but in reality I could blow them all off and nothing would
change in my business.
10. Kept having to refocus on other things in life

Solution/Service: “What I needed was to..”

1. Prospecting (Action Step: Increasing IG List)
2. Messaging and Marketing (Action Step: Create Outreach and Nurture Content Cycle)
3. Rebuttals (Action Step: Create Content Ideas)
4. Qualification (Action Step: Define Key Questions)
5. Service Delivery (Action Step: Clarifying the Deliverable Checklist)

Promise: “And afterwards, I felt relieved that..”

1. The only thing I had to worry about is doing the work, something I COULD control
2. Everything felt possible. I had a renewed sense of optimism about my business.
3. No matter what happened, I could still push my project further and further because it
wasn’t dependent on any tricks, just the fundamentals.
4. I finally understood how generating revenue actually worked on a fundamental level so
now I could really maximize what I already knew
5. I could finally identify wasteful efforts, letting me focus fully on the actual work that needs
to be done

Now that you’re clear on what your brand is, we need to be clear on who this brand is


1. This service is for…

a. Both seasoned and starting service providers with inconsistent or no sales
b. Projects that need a clear direction to increasing sales
c. Projects with little to no budget, but a great need for sales
d. People that don’t have a comprehensive prospecting, outreach, qualification,
offer, and service delivery process
e. Solopreneurs working by themselves in need of a lighter burden
f. Business owners looking to position their business to be both fully automated and
scalable without having to deal with resource management issues
2. This service is NOT for..
a. Business owners looking to rely solely on one prospecting channel
b. Generating service or product ideas
c. List building (We do give you a start though!)
d. Educating you on the full tech stack or the sales cycle
e. Merchandising or product sales

Now that we know those things, it’s time for the most important one. Why are YOU doing
this? Now, I, personally, don’t know what exact combination of things that are motivating
you, but I am aware of one of them: to make money.

Having a motivation to make money, and being transparent about this, for some reason, is a
taboo subject amongst many entrepreneurs. Yet, it’s also widely accepted that all must have a
profession and earn their own living. While the obvious middle ground is to simply provide
valuable services to earn the equivalent financial compensation, it’s important to note here
because as stated earlier trust and transparency are a vital part of your brand. While it’s not
necessary to actively market your financial desires to your buyer, it is necessary to put critical
thought into this when crafting your brand: How much money does this brand need to

It’s easy to copy a salary from a profession similar to your brand, or to believe wholeheartedly in
your entrepreneur spirit and double or even triple that number and work from there, right? Yet
the obvious conflict here is greed, or the dissonance between wants and needs, ideally vs
practically. So what do we do?

We become clear on our situation. How much does it cost to deliver this service/product? How
much time does it take per delivery? What are my monthly personal expenses? Again, I can’t
guess what your financial needs are, but I know you need them covered. So we find a
sustainable base, and we increase it from there.

There are still a few more things to consider before settling on a good price to charge (if you’re
not set already), so let’s revisit this later in the workbook.

Knowing all of this, let’s put it into application.

MODULE ONE ACTIVITY: “What’s your brand?”
1. Main Problem:







2. Solution:







3. Promise:






4. Value Statement: I help [this kind of person] with [this problem] by [solution].







5. Who this is for







6. Who this is NOT for





7. What are the costs associated with delivering your product/service?






Module 2: Service Offer Details
Now that we know what the brand is, and who the brand is for, let’s focus on the brand’s

This module is really all about “algorithm development”. If you have any background in
programming or tech, you’re probably very familiar with this concept already. Say you’re making
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.. Most people follow a similar process with slight deviations in
technique or application. Step 1, get the bread; Step 2, get the peanut butter; Step 3, get the
jelly; Step 4, get the knife; Step 5, take the bread out of the bag; Step 6, place the bread on the
counter; Step 7…

All the way until you have your completed sandwich. Now, one thing you might notice or think is
that making a sandwich like this doesn’t take this many steps. And you’d be both correct and
incorrect. The purpose of algorithm development isn’t to say “This is the sole and absolute way
to accomplish this task”, it’s to say “This is how I do it.”, and that’s more documentation-oriented.
This is why it’s important to know what your brand is, so you can clearly define it, so you can
clearly communicate it.

For example:

Say we’re creating a service based off of the “Total Sales Overhaul” brand.. (which this was
originally supposed to be). If I’m face to face with my customer, and they ask me:

“What do you do?”

I need to be able to give a clear and consistent answer. What am I willing to promise? In this
case, it might be something like…

1. I will do a total sales overhaul for your brand

2. Not just center your messaging
3. Not just delivering complete and easy to follow documentation on operations for
4. Not just list building
5. Not just ad creation
6. We deliver a complete sales overhaul from prospecting to qualification to your actual
offer in an easy to read and follow PDF that’s tailored to your business’s brand
7. Never have to worry about what to do next!
8. Delivery time in 1 week!

If this were an e-course, I might state those things that I’m willing to promise as “Learning
Objectives”. For whatever format your product/service will be in, it’s crucial to communicate
exactly what you intend to deliver, so it’s clear what value the buyer will receive.
To make things simpler, you’re communicating the details of your SOLUTION to their
PROBLEM. We’ve done most of the work here in Module 1 by defining our solution, their pain
points, and even thinking further on the production process by listing their costs. Notice here,
how your offer is typically another restatement of your brand (problem + solution + promise =
1. Describe your product/service offer in as much detail as possible. (Your Promise)














Module 3: Prospecting List and Outreach:
Now that you know what your brand is, who your brand is for, and what it’s value is. We
need to focus on our “Get, Keep, and Grow” strategy.

Get, Keep, Grow is what it sounds like. It’s your plan to get new buyers, keep them in good
rapport with your brand, and to grow that rapport to new levels of engagement. This is typically
conceptualized as the actual sales cycle. Many businessmen and salesmen are already familiar
with this process.

It's typically some form of

a. Prospecting
b. Contacting
c. Following Up
d. Qualifying
e. Closing

Sales cycles for service based businesses typically use all five of these steps, but for product
based businesses, many can get by with only using a few of these steps.

For this module we’re just going to focus on prospecting. Your business is going to have
different channels you use to communicate your brand to your audience, and you’ll want to
identify them so you can identify exactly what number’s you’ll need to hit. There’s lots of ways to
find your buyers, but I’m going to list ones that are free to do as well as a few paid solutions.

This is where almost ALL of the real work is. Nothing you do will matter if you don’t proactively
go get prospects to contact, qualify, and close!

So we’re going to work with 3 main prospecting and outreach channels: emails, DMs, and posts.

Remember the buyer’s experience is

1. I don’t know you
2. I don’t know you and now I’m aware you exist
3. I know of you and I’m curious
4. I’m interested
5. I’m interested in buying

We’re responsible for making them aware of us, and enticing them to buy us. Remember this is
a numbers game, so as long as we are consistent with our messaging and our outreach, things
will work out fine! A good outreach day for this plan is 100-200 prospects contacted a day for a
sales goal of four sales a week.
An expected positive response rate to your outreach is around 5%, so don’t be discouraged if
the conversations don’t go as hoped. The goal in conversation is to move them to the next step
in the sales cycle, which in this case is to click on the link after I’ve confirmed they’re a good fit..

This is the purpose and methodology behind each prospecting channel.

Email - get prospects started. Cover lots of ground fast. Can buy credits to unlock emails.

(Optional: You can buy credits to acquire emails)

Step 1: Download DataMiner Chrome extension
Step 2: Go to linked in and search for ideal client profile
Step 3: Scrape data
Step 4: Load all contacts into CRM of choice
Step 5: Send cold email blast for group of prospected contacts

DM - the slowest prospecting method but almost the same effectiveness as face to face
interactions as long as genuine conversation is mimicked.

Step 1: Pick 5 Hashtags related to your Ideal Client Profile

Step 2: On the explore tab, search for posts under those hashtags that most closely relate to
your Ideal Client’s pain points.
Step 3: Click on the likes or find a comment that’s expressing a pain point
Step 4: Tap on the profile matching the Ideal Client Profile, like 1-2 random posts, and send DM

Posts -most unreliable methods for the short term. Can also cover lots of ground fast with viral
content. Almost no work for very high engagement when in alignment with the ideal client
profile. This method is most effective when outputting content at high levels and at a consistent
rate. Can typically be turned into targeted ads to reach large audiences.

Step 1: Schedule 5 posts for the week to go into the groups and pages of your choice. They
should all have calls to action for engagement.
Step 2: Periodically check on these posts, and respond to and DM commenters

Next thing to consider is “Sequencing”. Bonus tip, simply sending out the communication is not
enough to move enough traffic through your sales funnel to close your offer. To be more
consistent in your sales process, you need to create “Sequences” for each time you contact
somebody to keep track of your relationships and sales volume. Not everybody is going to
respond to you immediately, and if you forget about them you just missed out on a potential
buyer! The most common tools for these are CRMs, you can do this manually or use any free or
paid CRM! is a great resource for this.

A Sequence for an email outreach channel looks something like this:

Day 1: Initial Contact

Day 3: (If no reply) Send Followup 1 Email
Day 5: (If no reply) Send Followup 2 Email
Day 12: (If no reply) Send Followup 3 Email

This way you can ensure that you are reaching the recommended 7-12 touches till close for
each contact you’ve prospected. You put as little or as many tasks in your sequence as you’d
like. Sequencing for DMs (and cold calls) is very similar.

Another example of sequencing using social media is this..

1. Key Brand Topics

a. Prospecting
b. Messaging and Marketing
c. Rebuttals
d. Qualification
e. Service Delivery
f. Game Jams
2. Content Formats
a. Live Streams
b. Tutorials
c. Posts
d. 60-90s videos
3. Content Platforms
a. Youtube
b. Facebook
c. Tik Tok
d. LinkedIn
e. Instagram
f. Discord

Sunday: Nurture Post - Prospecting, Marketing and Messaging Topic

Monday: Outreach Type - Text/Video Post

Tuesday: Nurture Post - Rebuttals and Qualification Topic

Wednesday: Outreach Type - Honeypot

Thursday: Nurture Post - Service Delivery Topic

Friday: Outreach Type - Livestream and Announcements

Now that we have a healthy idea of our marketing, or passive outreach strategy, we need to
have our business’s sales operations touch the ground. We need to add something more
concrete than social media’s vanity engagement metrics, sales matter right? We figured out in
Module 1 how much money we would need, but how exactly do we know how much work
is required to earn it?

When most people think about sales, they think of a salesman on the phone talking to
somebody trying to convince them to buy their product/service. This is probably the image you
have when you imagine you might have to do something similar. While your business model
might not start out with a phone sales channel, it will definitely need a direct outreach strategy.

Whatever method you choose to directly reach out and contact your prospect, you need to keep
these concepts/formulas/metrics in mind:

A. Contacting the Prospect

(# of contacts responding positively)

(# of prospect contacted) → Positive Response Rate (5%)

B. Communication of Value

(# of link clicks) .
(# of lead magnets sent) → Engagement Rate (50%)

C. Closing the Engagement

(# of sales) .
(# of link clicks) → Close Rate (25%)

So, let’s say that we want to hit $6k/mo in revenue. And say the target metrics you want
or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you are looking for are a 5% positive response rate,
a 50% engagement rate, and a 25% close rate..
‘How many people would you need to reach out to in order to meet your sales goal within your
time frame? Let's look at the variables:

Price: $375 (you set this)

# of sales = ??
# of link clicks = ??
Close Rate = 0.25
# of lead magnets sent = ??
Engagement Rate = 0.5
# of prospects contacted = ??
# of contacts responding positively = ??
Positive Response Rate = 0.05

So, if our goal is to generate $6k/mo in revenue, let’s work backwards. 6000/375 is 16 sales a
month. Now, we know both our sales goal and our target closing rate. At this point, it’s simple
algebra. That means we need around 64 clicks from engaged prospects to hit our goals. Which
means we need to send at least twice as many lead magnets out as we need clicks (128).

And this brings us to the metric that we can control, our outreach. To have the opportunity to
send 128 lead magnets effectively, we need to be sending out around 2,500 DMs. And we
simply tweak this formula till it's optimized for your brand.

These formulas work with all of the outreach channels, yet it’s the most straightforward with
DMs and Phone calls. It’s important to note here, that while your goal IS 2500 DMs/mo, with a
5 day work week on this, that’s around 128 DMs a day. Put a better way, that’s 2500 leads that
you bring into your business that you are RESPONSIBLE for keeping track of, and following up
with in your sequences.

It’s also important to make sure you’re keeping track of your KPIs to make sure you’re on target
for your goal. If you send 100 DMs, and at least 5 of them don’t give a positive response, you’ll
need to go back and check your messaging or your ideal client profile. Because this is so
important, many entrepreneurs are tempted to continuously workshop their messaging, and
while this IS a good habit to have, you shouldn’t change your messaging simply because it
hasn’t been performing for a week or two, it’s often better to wait the month out to get a full
report on the effectiveness of your entire operation before changing up your approach.

And with these same formulas, playing around with them with different numbers, you can find a
good price to set for your value/service for your situation and motivation.

Now.. let’s apply this!

1. Pick your product/service price (if you haven’t already)
2. Pick your KPIs
a. Positive Response Rate: ____________________________

b. Engagement Rate: ________________________

c. Close Rate: ________________________________

3. Pick your hashtags
a. Hashtag 1: ____________________________

b. Hashtag 2: ________________________

c. Hashtag 3: ________________________________
4. Add 500-600 contacts to a spreadsheet.
5. Write the first message you’ll send to a prospect (For DMs):






6. Write a follow-up message to send if no response after a certain time





Module 4: Messaging
Now that we know what our brand is, who it’s for, what it’s value is, and our “Keep, Get,
Grow” strategy…. What exactly do we say to these people? It’s one thing to know it for
yourself, and another to know what to do… but how do you do it?

I’ll be real with you, at this point, either you’re adept at copywriting or you are not. If you want to
emulate that skill, you have four options:
1. Leverage technology
2. Outsource/Hire the skill
3. Learn the skill yourself
4. Do the best you can

And while the best strategy is typically some combination of all the options.. You’re here
because you’re tired of trying to figure this all out.

So let’s use ChatGPT, then edit it how you’d like. The free 3.5 version is plenty for this. The
reason I had you answer those questions about your brand is because you’re going to copy and
paste these prompts along with your answers to have ChatGPT act as a free copywriter for your

1. Using the format: “Problem, Solution, Promise, CTA”, and these values [item from
Module 1 problem list, item from Module 1 solution list, Module 1 promise list, Module 1
cta list] to generate a story/script for a post on [platform]. It’ll be a [text/video/post] post

Use these to come up with both content ideas, and paste your messaging below so store for
when it’s time to create content and start your outreach. Add at least one to each section so you
have something, but this is your methodology for generating quality content at scale that’s
consistent and tuned into your brand. And if you’re not already, get comfortable using
ChatGPT and ai tools and coming up with your own prompts. THEY ARE YOUR FRIEND!
Don’t fully rely on them, just be sure to make full use where you can.

You’ll get a result like this (just be sure to verify and make edits before using them):

Text Post for Monday:

Problem: "When I was trying to start my business, I couldn't think straight enough to execute
efficiently. I was stuck in analysis paralysis."
Solution: "What I needed was to focus on prospecting, messaging, rebuttals, qualification, and
service delivery."
Promise: "Afterwards, I felt relieved that I could focus solely on doing the work, knowing that
everything was possible."
CTA: "If you want to learn more, click the link in my bio to get the PDF workbook covering these
same fundamentals."
Video Post for Tuesday:
Problem: "I felt desperate for results, but kept finding incompatible tactics and systems to learn."
Solution: "I learned to focus on increasing my IG list, creating outreach content, defining key
questions for qualification, and clarifying deliverables."
Promise: "Now, I have a renewed sense of optimism about my business."
CTA: "Click the link in my bio to get the PDF workbook and subscribe to my YouTube channel
for in-depth content."

Text Post for Wednesday:

Problem: "I wasn't sure what all running a business entailed, and it felt overwhelming."
Solution: "By focusing on prospecting, messaging, rebuttals, qualification, and service delivery, I
gained clarity."
Promise: "Now, I understand how generating revenue actually works on a fundamental level."
CTA: "Learn more by clicking the link in my bio and subscribing to my YouTube channel for chill
lofi content."

Video Post for Thursday:

Problem: "I questioned if I had ADHD often and struggled to stay focused."
Solution: "I learned to identify wasteful efforts and focus fully on the actual work that needs to be
Promise: "Now, I can push my projects further because it's based on fundamentals, not tricks."
CTA: "Get the PDF workbook and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more in-depth content."

Text Post for Friday:

Problem: "I had a packed calendar, but could easily blow off tasks without consequence."
Solution: "By focusing on the fundamentals of prospecting, messaging, rebuttals, qualification,
and service delivery, I regained control."
Promise: "Now, the only thing I have to worry about is doing the work, something I can control."
CTA: "Click the link in my bio to get the PDF workbook and start mastering these fundamentals."

Now, make your content out for your first week or month OR schedule a time to do it.

Now, we’ve covered our messaging for our social media channels, but what about our
other outreach channels? We do the exact same thing! Here’s an example of some content
that I’ve generated and even used by coming up with prompts (very similar to the one I shared
with you) tailored to my needs. There’s a few examples listed below.
1. Email Messaging
Subject: Elevate Your Sales Strategy for Free: Exclusive Offer for New Vendor on Fiverr

Hey {{FirstName}},

Sorry to get right to it, but I need your help. As a new vendor on Fiverr, I'm thrilled to introduce
you to our Total Sales Overhaul Package—a comprehensive solution designed to transform
your sales approach from the ground up.

We're extending a limited-time offer exclusively to you: a free access to our Total Sales
Overhaul Package in exchange for your honest feedback and review.

Here's what you can expect from this exclusive offer:

● Crafting an ideal client profile

● Implementing effective prospecting strategies
● Developing compelling messaging
● Streamlining qualification processes
● And receiving a final, customized PDF report for your reference

This offer is ideal for both seasoned service providers seeking consistency and startups lacking
direction or working with tight budgets. As a solo entrepreneur or business owner aiming for
automation and scalability, this opportunity is tailored to help you achieve your goals.

Please note that our package isn't suitable for businesses relying solely on one prospecting
channel, idea generation, or merchandise sales. We believe in diversifying strategies for optimal

Ready to embark on your sales transformation journey at no cost to you? Simply fill out the form
to claim your complimentary access.

Warm regards,

Jyasi' Davis

Founder at Genus Global

"Business. Gaming. Community."

2. DMs


1. #SmallBusinessSupport
2. #Sales
3. #ServiceProviders
4. #BusinessMindset101
5. #BusinessPlan

Hey [Recipient's Name],

Struggling with game sales? Exciting news – we're launching a new service to make sales and
marketing more accessible for game devs! Introducing our Total Sales Overhaul Package! From
finding your perfect players to delivering results, we've got the roadmap to success!

Interested? Shoot me a message! 🌟

[Your Name]
3. Posts

🚀 Calling All Game Devs! 🎮 Exciting News Inside! 🌟

Hey fellow game devs! 👋

Are you tired of navigating the maze of sales and marketing strategies for your games? We hear
you! That's why we're thrilled to announce a brand new service designed to make sales and
marketing more accessible for game developers like you!

Introducing our Total Sales Overhaul Package – your ultimate solution to skyrocketing game
sales and reaching your target audience effortlessly!

But here's the kicker – we want YOUR input! Drop a comment below with your biggest

challenge when it comes to game sales and marketing. Whether it's reaching your audience,
tight budgets, or simply feeling overwhelmed, let us know!

We'll be reaching out via DM to chat further and see how we can help you overcome these
challenges and take your game to the next level!

Let's make game sales and marketing a breeze together! 💪

[Your Name]

Now, let’s apply this!

1. What platforms will your brand be on?: _______________________________________
2. Create content ideas for a month, then schedule them.
Module 5: Rebuttals
Now that we know what our brand is, who it’s for, what its value is, our “Keep, Get, Grow”
strategy, what to say, how to say it, and where…. We need to focus back on our buyer.
What if they say no?

Rejection is one of the main obstacles any salesman or businessman encounters. Many simply
remind themselves of the saying “For every 1 yes, there are 99 nos.”, making the task before
them a numbers game. Which is true, but if we’ve truly done our work up to this point diligently,
the people that told us no are actually OUR REAL AUDIENCE.

As entrepreneurs delivering value to their buyer community, we should tune into our audience to
find out WHY, and adjust accordingly.

Imagine you’re playing the old game “Snake”. If you move in a straight line, and never adjust
your path, you’re bound to get some pellets here and there. But we know the way the game is
played skillfully is when you adjust course to find each pellet you can. And that’s what knowing
your rebuttals will help your businesses do.

One other very important thing that knowing your rebuttals will do is it will help you create better
content! Each rebuttal is another aspect of your solution, more details about their problem,
another opportunity to affirm your solution can solve their pains.
1. As you continue your outreach, keep note of any objections that come up, and list them
all here:







2. Provide a response to each objection. Put each answer down below here:







3. Make new content using your format from your responses to these objections, put your
ideas down here:






Module 6: Key Qualification Questions

Key questions are important so you can make sure that everybody that you come into contact
with are people who you are able to deliver the service to. This includes people who can’t afford
your product, people who don’t need your product, and people who show that they won’t make
use of your product.

Example: [ ]


1. Write out as many questions that you think would identify your customer as someone
who NEEDS this service:







2. Store those questions in a google form for immediate use.

Module 7: Service Delivery Checklist
Now, for the most important part. We need to be clear on your available resources and
ability to deliver for each buyer. The best way to do this is to create a quality checklist to
make sure your deliverable delivers exactly what you promised!


A. Make Ideal Client Profile and finalize offer

a. Who is this for?
b. Who is this NOT for?
B. Make Prospecting and Outreach sheet with contacts according to package tier
a. Spreadsheet created?
b. Right number of contacts found?
C. Create messaging for client’s platforms and outreach
a. Landing Page?
i. Chat gpt description
b. DMs?
i. Chat gpt generated
c. Posts?
i. Chat gpt generated
d. Media Pages?
i. Bios edited?
D. Generate qualifications and rebuttals for client’s offer
a. Rebuttals separate page in PDF?
b. Key Questions separate page in PDF?
E. Solidify service deliver operations
a. Checklist?
b. Deliverable format?
F. Finalize PDF and deliver to client
a. Saved in Drive for later reference?
b. Recommended Zeely?
3. Come up with your checklist! (Refer to your promise.)















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