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✘ Ujian Tugas 1 : Tengah Semester (UTS) ✘ Akhir Semester (UAS) Susulan

Semester : ✘ Ganjil Genap T.A. 2023/2024

Program Studi :
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 1 Open Book! ✘ Closed Book!
Kelas : Semeru Closed Handphone!
Hari/Tanggal Ujian : 08 Januari 2023
Dosen : R.R. Merry Wahyu P, A.M. Berkas Jawaban Ujian
Lampiran format soal teori : 90 Menit
Waktu Ujian Soft Copy ✘ Tertulis

A. Pilihan Ganda (bobot 30)


Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

1. We … to the school together

a. Going
b. Go
c. Goes
d. Went

2 … you … English well?

a. Do, speaks
b. Does, speak
c. Do, speaking
d. Do, speak

3. I … YouTube videos everyday

a. Watch
b. Watches
c. Watched
d. Watching
4 Richard and Lydia ... discussing the material now
a. Was
b. Were
c. Are
d. Is

5. “How is your study?” “Not so good at the moment. I....It very much.”
a. Enjoy
b. Am enjoying
c. Am not enjoying
d. Will not enjoy

6. Santy...The examination today, Pray for her success.

a. Are doing
b. Is doing
c. Do
d. Did

7. Marks ... not gone to school.

a. Has
b. Have
c. Was
d. Were

8. Anya and Joen have ... Sinta's big secret.

a. Know
b. Knew
c. Knaw
d. Known

9. Your lecturer … proud if you win in the contest.

a. Will
b. Will be
c. Be
d. Would be

10. It is eight already, we … be late.

a. Are going to
b. Be going to
c. Were going to
d. Is going to
11. Tiffany's cat ... sick last week.
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. were

12. He ... very pale yesterday at 3 p.m.

a. was
b. were
c. had been
d. has been

13. Sam ... attend math class yesterday.

a. was not
b. were not
c. did not
d. does not

14. Michael ... a sandwich before breakfast this morning.

a. prepared
b. was preparing
c. had prepared
d. had preparing

15. ... you been at school since 6 a.m?

a. had
b. has
c. were
d. was

16. I must be off now is same meaning with :

a. I must arrive now
b. I must take noe
c. I must put now
d. I must go now

17. Bagaimana kamu sampai di sini ? in english is :

a. How do you get here ?
b. How did you get here ?
c. How does you get here ?
d. How Was you get here ?
18. How long does it take to arrive ? in bahasa is :
a. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk berangkat ?

b. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk tiba ?

c. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk rapat ?

d. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengerjakan tugas ?

19. Apa alasanmu ? in english is :

a. What’s your reason ?

b. What’s your business ?

c. What’s your duties ?

d. What’s your job ?

20. It’s nor far from here, in indonesian is :

a. Letaknya jauh dari sini

b. Letaknya jauh dari sana

c. Letaknya dekat dari sana

d. Letaknya tidak jauh dari sini

21. What ... you want to do ?

a. Does

b. Is

c. Do

d. Was

22. We ... come on time

a. Must

b. Will

c. Can

d. Had
23. I will ... the meeting

a. Ignore

b. Always

c. Wake up

d. Attend or come

24. I Suppose so, means :

a. Saya harap demikian

b. Saya fikir demikian

c. Saya menyangka demikian

d. Saya menerima demikian

25. Saya orang asing, in english is :

a. I’m a weirdo

b. I’m a nice guy

c. I’m a stranger here

d. I’m a rude guy

26. Excuse me, where is the station here ?

a. Permisi, apa ada stasiunnya di sini ?

b. Permisi, dimana stasiunnya di sini ?

c. Permisi, siapa stasiunnya di sini ?

d. Permisi, kapan stasiunnya di sini ?

27. How ... I go there ? you ... there ....bus

a. Will, can, on

b. Can, may, in

c. Must, do, is
d. Can, can, by

28. Dare to speak english, please ! in indonesian is :

a. Berjiwa baca bahasa inggris, tolong !

b. Berbahasa inggris, tolong !

c. Berani berargumen bahasa inggris, tolong !

d. Berani berbicara bahasa inggris, tolong !

29. I’ always grateful, in indonesian is :

a. Saya selalu beryukur

b. Saya jarang berargument

c. Saya sering terlambat

d. Saya pernah bersyukur

30. Tolong jangan pernah menyerah, in english is :

a. Don’t ever lost !

b. Doesn’t pick up !

c. Please don’t never give up !

d. Please don’t never shy !

B. ESSAY ( Bobot soal 70 ).

Fill in the correct and complete answer !

1. Please translate in bahasa ( in Indonesian is ) :

a. Jakarta is very different from Bali,
b. Let’s practice english with us !
c. Thank you for your hospitality,
d. I have no job experience.

2. Please translate in english :

a. Tolong panggil saya dengan nama asli !
b. Terima kasih sudah mengerjakan tugasmu.
c. Saya akan bertahan dalam segala situasi
d. Selagi menunggu kelas berikutnya, terkadang saya menunggu di kelas sambil membaca
atau mengerjakan tugas lain
3. Complete the sentences correctly !
a. I need to ...... myself to college
b. I .... Wake up at ... a.m in the morning
c. There are many .... I have to do before going to school
d. First of all, I do my ... until it’s very ...
e. After that, I .... the floor
f. I love to see my room ... and ...

4. Please mention examples of adjectives, nouns, and adverbs { each 5 examples } !

a. Adjectives : .........................................................................................
b. Nouns : ........................................................................................
c. Adverbs : ........................................................................................

5. Please mention examples of Regular, and irregular verbs { each 5 examples } !

a. Regular verbs :
Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3
.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

b. Irregular verbs :
Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3
.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... ..........

Good Luck !
B. Essay (bobot 50)

1. Point (10)
2. Point (15)
3. Dst…

Selamat mengerjakan
Kejujuran penghantar kesuksesan
✘ Ujian
: Tengah Semester (UTS) ✘ Akhir Semester (UAS) Susulan
Tugas 1
Semester : ✘ Ganjil Genap T.A. 2023/2024
Program Studi : ANIMASI (DIV)
Mata Kuliah : Open Book! Closed Book!
Kelas : Closed Handphone!
Hari/Tanggal Ujian :
Dosen : Berkas Jawaban Ujian
Lampiran format
Waktu Ujian soal Praktik
: 90 Menit Soft Copy ✘ Tertulis

Soal Praktikum (studi kasus)

(silahkan ketikan soal…..

Selamat mengerjakan
Kejujuran penghantar kesuksesan

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