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Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi

Date: ​06/02/2021​ English Worksheet No. 163

Class - 3​ ​____
Textbook - Marigold Unit-10 The Ship of the Desert, Pg. 107
Student’s Name- _____________ Teacher’s Name- _____________

Hello, my dear children! Do you remember the meeting between the Camel and the Lion? They
seem to have become good friends and are meeting each other again today.

Let us read the following sentences and understand the meaning of the words to write the correct ones in
the blanks-

1. She ______ (road/rode) on the_______. (road/rode).

2. My _______ (sun/son) is playing in the _______. (sun/son)

3. _____ (I/eye) have to go to an ______ doctor.

4. Can you ____ (sea/see) the beautiful ____ (sea/see)?

Let’s have some more fun by doing exercises given on page no. 155 of the English Workbook.

Note for Teacher: The teacher should reach out to the children for a better understanding of the worksheet as per need.

अ भभावक के लए सझ
ु ाव: ब च को पंचतं क कहा नयाँ पढ़ने के लए ो सा हत क िजए।

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