GNSS Lecture Notes NIMS

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Prepared By: Er.

Sharad Banjade

GNSS Lecture notes

Introduction of GPS
 The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation and surveying system
for determination of precise position and time, using radio signals from the satellites.
 GPS, consists of 24 satellites in near circular orbits.
 And at about 20,200 Km altitude.
 Coverage with signals from minimum 4 satellites
 GPS is primarily a navigation system for real-time positioning.
 GPS has 6 orbit equally spaced.
 Cut-off angle with a 15 degree.
 Orbit time around the earth for satellite is 11hours 58 minutes.
 Carrier waves are in L1 and L2 band.
 L1=1575.42MHz, L2= 1227.60MHz.
 The velocity of the radio signal (290,000km/sec)the time taken for the radio signal to travel
from the satellite to the GPS receivers.

 Notes: In the survey department of Nepal published book, GPS firstly developed date was
mention at 1978.
 Global positioning system was introduced in Nepal by Japanese consultant (JICA) during 1988
 Later during in 1990 used to measuring of control point at different location of Himalayan belt.
 Surveying department was started to use GPS technique for extension and provide control
point since 1992.

GPS Segments

 The Global Positioning System basically consists of three segments: the Space
Segment, The Control Segment and the User Segment.
Space Segment.

 Satellite orbiting the earth.

The Space Segment contains 24 satellites, in 12-hour near-circular orbits at altitude of about 20000 km,
with inclination of orbit 55. The constellation ensures at least 4 satellites in view from any point on the
earth at any time for 3-D positioning and navigation on world-wide basis. The three axis controlled, earth-
pointing satellites continuously transmit navigation and system data comprising predicted satellite
ephemeris, clock error etc., on dual frequency L1 and L2 bands .
Prepared By: Er.Sharad Banjade

Control Segment
 Station positioned on the earth equator to control the satellites.

 This has a Master Control Station (MCS).

 It also work at Monitor Stations (MSs) and an Up Load Station.
 To estimate satellite [space vehicle (SV)] ephemerides and atomic clock
 To predict SV positions and clock drifts.
 To upload this data to SVs.

User SegmentAnybody that receives and uses the GPS .

 The user equipment consists of an antenna, a receiver, a data-processor with

 All the user like ,students,teachers,surveyor,researcher..etc.

Features of GPS Satellites

Some of the important features of the GPS satellites are as follows .

- Design Life: 5 years (with expendables stored for 7 years)

- On orbit weight: 430 kg
- End-of-life power: 400 W
- Power Source: 5m2 solar arrays tracking the sun and 3 Ni-cd batteries for eclipse
- 3 axis stablished, earth pointing satellites
- Navigation Pay Load: Pseudo Random Noise (PRN) signal assembly, atomic frequency standard
- Cesium beam atomic Clocks accurate to 10-14 sec, processor and L band antenna
- Codes:
(a) Precision (P) Code: Generated at GPS clock frequency of 10.23 MHz (equivalent to 30 m in
range) interpolated to sub-meter level. Repeats itself after 267 days, resolution = 100 nanoseconds.
(b) Coarse Acquisition (C/A) Code: Code sequence frequency of 1.023 MHz (range 300 m)
interpolated to few m. Repeats itself every 1 millisecond, resolution = 1 micro second
- PRN navigation signals on two frequencies:
(a) 1575.42 Mhz - L1 Band - Wave length 19 cm.
(b) 1227.6 MHz - L2 Band - Wave length 24 cm.

Principle of GPS
 Method of trilaterations.
Prepared By: Er.Sharad Banjade

Accuracies with GPS and Comparison with other Techniques

GPS is the first positioning system to offer very high accuracy in most surveying and navigational
applications at very low cost and with high efficiency. Accuracies now routinely achieved in measurement
of baseline lengths in relative mode, using high precision Geodetic instrumentation, with many hours of
observations and scientific data processing, are as follows:

(i) 0.1 - 4 mm in Local surveys (10 m-100 km baseline lengths)

(ii) 4-10 mm in Regional surveys (100-1000 km baseline lengths)
(iii) 1-2 cm in Global surveys (1000-10000 km baseline lengths)
(iv)Moving vehicle, accuracy of about 50 m.
(v) Soldier or hiker based users in desert, accuracy of about 15 m.
(vi) Ship based users in coastal waters, accuracy of about 5 m.
 Land surveying based users, accuracy of about 1 cm or less

Sources of error in GPS survey

 Ionospheric and atmospheric delays.
 Satellite and receiver clock error.
 Multi path
 Diluationof precision
 Selective availability(S/A)
 Anti Spoofing(A/S)

GPS is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS).

It is the commonly used acronym of NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Time And Ranging)
GPS (Global Positioning System) operated by US DOD (Department of Defense). It helps the
user to know his position anywhere on the earth by giving solution to the problem-“Where on
earth am I?”

 Four GPS coded satellite signals make possible the computation of position in 3- dimensional form,
velocity and time offset via receiver clock.

 It could be contributed on ease of use and cost reduction in hardware simultaneously.

 GPS surveys provides following advantages:-

• 3- Dimensional with no need of site Intervisibility.

• All weather and day or night operation.
• Data processing with high speed having Common Reference System.
• High quality control with achieving high precision.

• Less labor but skilled persons are needed.

Prepared By: Er.Sharad Banjade

A new beginning in new project of GPS has been proposed by US Department of Defense in the starting day
of 1970’s.

 After Post processing the data , following values would be possible to visualize:-

 State Plane coordinates with latitude, longitude, geodetic height.

 Cartesian Coordinates X, Y, Z.
 Forward & backward geodetic azimuth with geodetic or slope distances of baselines
for eliminating the use of Laplace correction for conversion of astronomic to geodetic
 Point to point varying vertical angle.

 Accuracy depends upon the quality of known points having baseline components in survey.

 There are two other Global systems for determination of positions, GLONASS and GALILEO.

 GLONASS (Russian Navigation Satellite System): Global Navigation Satellite System by Russian
Aerospace Defence Forces is a space-based satellite navigation system. It provided an alternative to
the NAVSTAR GPS of U.S., during the cold war time of last decades of twentieth century.

GALILEO (European Navig tion Satellite System): Galileo G is a €20 billion project developed by
collaboration of European Union and European Space Agency. Apart from Russian GLONASS, US
GPS, high precision has been achieved in this positioning system.

Salient features of Galileo system

Prepared By: Er.Sharad Banjade

 Apart from above there are few others regional satellite navigation systems

 BEIDOU (Chinese Navigation Satellite system): It comprises of two separable satellites

Constellations i.e. Limited test system operating since 2000 and Under construction full Scale
navigation system.

 BEIDOU Satellite Navigation Experimental 5System Or BeiDou-1 offers limited coverage and
Applications. It consists of three satellites and basically famous for users of china and their
neighbored countries.
 It is official termed as a second generation of system or COMPASS. It will prove global satellite
navigation system after all 35 satellites. It proves operational and fully successful with 10
satellites in orbit in China in December, 2011. After the completion of 2020, it would be available
all global customers. .

Salient features of BEIDOU system

QUASI ZENITH – QZSS (Japan Navigation Satellite System) is a proposed three-satellite (now
expanded to four satellites) regional time transfer system and Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS)
for the GPS that would be receivable within Japan.
 IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System): It is defined as a Regional satellite
Navigation system being developed by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
Prepared By: Er.Sharad Banjade

Comparison of global navigation satellite systems of the world

Name Country No. of Altitude/ Orbits Global/ Other

Satellites Regional informati
NAVSTA U.S. 24 20,200 km in 6 orbital planes Global Project is
R operational.
widely used.

GLONAS Russia 24 19,100 km in 3 orbital planes Global Project is

S operatio
Galileo Europe 27 23,200 km in 3 orbital planes Global Project not
operational yet.
Beidou China 35 5 satellites in geostationary Global Project is
orbit at 36,000 km; operational
3 satellites in inclined regional mode.
geosynchronous orbit at about
36,000 km;
27 satellites at 21,500 km in
3 orbital planes
QZSS Japan 3 3 satellites in elliptical orbit at Regional Project not
about 40,000 km t 32,000 km operational yet.
in different orbital planes
IRNSS India 7 3 satellites in geostationary Regional Project not
orbit at 36,000 km; operational yet.
4 satellites in inclined
geosynchronous orbit at
about 36,000 km
Prepared By: Er.Sharad Banjade


Due to the high accuracy, versatility, ease and economy of operation, and all-weather
operation offered by GPS, it has found numerous applications in many fields, ranging from the
mm-level high precision geodesy to the several-metre level navigational positioning. Some of
these applications are:

- Establishment of high precision zero order Geodetic National Survey Control

Network of GPS stations.
- Strengthening, densification and readjustment of existing Primary Control
Networks using GPS stations.
- Connecting remote islands to mainland Geodetic Control Networks.
- Determination of a precise geoid using GPS data.
- Earth rotation and Polar Motion Studies from GPS data.
- Estimating gravity anomalies using GPS.
- Marine Geodesy : positioning of oceanic stations, buoys etc.
- Earthquake monitoring : Crustal movements of the order of few cm/year
can be monitored using GPS method, thus making GPS most suitable for
monitoring continental drifts, neotectonic / seismotectonic movement, etc.
- Vertical Control Network : High accuracy of few mm in heights achievable with
GPS at much less cost and time compared to levelling to make GPS method most
suitable for establishing lower accuracy vertical control networks.
- Geophysical positioning, mineral exploration and mining.
- Survey control for topographical and cadastral surveys.
- Ground control for photogrammetric control surveys and mapping.
- Offshore positioning : Shipping, offshore platforms, fishing boats etc
- Space craft tracking : Vector separation between GPS satellites and any other
satellites can be monitored by GPS, e.g., pinpointing the location of LANDSAT etc.
- General aircraft navigation, approach to runways, navigation/positioning in remote
areas like deserts, dense jungles, shaded areas of microwave, precise sea
navigation, approach to harbors etc. It is expected that in 1990s most civilian
aircrafts, ships, boats will be fitted with GPS equipments and even hikers, boat and
car owners, truck drivers will be using it extensively.,
- Military ; Improved weapon delivery accuracies i.e. for missiles etc., for ranging in
artillery, navigation for Army, Navy, Airforce - thus affecting ultimate saving of upto
1 billion dollars annually on navigation in U.S.A.
- Scientific applications, like studies related to the ionosphere and
troposphere, glaciology, etc.

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