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Reflection report of my gains of attitudes, knowledge, skills and
personal improvement
after taking the course ASE331

This submitted to
Lecturer: Asso. Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Phu
The Department of Life Science
International School of Thai Nguyen University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Subject of Academic Skills for Higher Education (ASE131)

Tran Thi Hoai Linh

December, 2022
ISTNU: International School of Thai Nguyen University
ASE: Academic Skill for Higher Education
Preliminary Pages
Topic title ……………………………………………………………………..I
List of Symbols and Acronyms/Abbreviations ……………………………….II
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………..III
Main pages
How did the ASE131 course change myself?...................................................1
Life value, life skills and personal development…..…………………………...4
Member of an academic community, how to become a real member?...............7
List of referrences
List of referrences……………………………………………………………...10
How did the ASE131 course change myself ?
I want to start by giving Lecturer
Associate Professor Dr. Hoang Van
Phu, whom I highly admire in the
lecture hall every time he
communicates information to me,
my heartfelt and sincere gratitude.
Since I have been studying this
topic, he has also served as my
mentor and inspiration. I greatly
appreciate it.
From the first time, I was impressed with this course as if I was taking a professional life
skills class. I was taught by a respected teacher, an excellent and professional lecturer of the
International School. In the span of three months, I have learned a lot from him, from study
skills, life skills, self-development skills and many essential life skills. I really love this subject
and of course I also love that lecturer, his age does not affect his enthusiasm and dedication.
Each lesson is a color, a valuable intellectual treasure that we learn from an experienced lecturer
in both knowledge and life, I feel very fortunate to have met him and learned this interesting
In each lesson, we learn a life skill, we can share and show our talents through each lesson.
Right from the first lesson, we were introduced to ourselves, shared about our strengths and
weaknesses, and received enthusiastic comments and suggestions from the lecturer. In addition,
he also taught us how to study as well as present exercises and essays in the subjects. I feel that
what he shared is very useful in both school and life. We learn a lot of useful skills such as
speaking, reading, taking notes, or soft skills in life and in University. I feel like my first month
and after 3 months of studying this subject has completely changedl, this subject has really
changed my personality. It helps me navigate what I need to do and what I have to do, plus we
have the support of the faculty so we know what we need to do. That was amazing. I have been
able to apply many things that I have learned into practice a lot, and have really achieved a lot of
concrete success as I have applied the way of studying and how to take notes, and present the
lesson in a scientific way. mind map. In addition, I also apply the presentation of the report as
well as the essay. Besides having to mention reading skill, I really think it's very useful, I used to
love reading books and spend a lot of time on it. However, after studying this subject, I realized
that maybe I was going in the wrong direction, so I haven't really exploited the full benefits of
reading. After studying this subject, I know how to design a schedule as well as orient my
reading. What books do I need to read, when, where to read, and to read for good? I began to
focus on reading books that served me directly as a lecture study purpose. I refer to a number of
Vietnamese books at the same time as English or other foreign language books. Moreover,
during the time I translated the English book, I also expanded my vocabulary, writing style and
new structures. I want to broaden my knowledge more in the international network of fields.
After studying Teacher's subject, he told me to read a lot of books and learn about them.
And I do according to the Master's word. How has reading changed my life?
How to read books effectively? I realized a few things after studying this subject
- First you have to find the motivation for you to read the book: I myself is like the teacher
said (You should do it and your life will be different). My motivation at that time was I wanted
my life to be different but I myself didn't know how to do it?
- What Purpose of your reading will you fulfill? I myself am working in the field of Human
resource training and development and reading books will help me gain a lot of knowledge, gain
many perspectives, and learn valuable values.
- Ask yourself, am I really passionate about books? I myself did not have any passion
before, but after following the Master's instructions, doing and doing, I became really passionate
about books when my work and life achieved what I wanted with these books. What I learn from
- Which book to read? At first I read all the books the teacher pointed out, and now I can say
that you can read any book you like.
- How effective is the reading method?
1. Make it a goal to spend time in books
2. How many times should you read each book?
1st time: I skimmed through the entire book (absolutely not skipping words).
Second time: I read slowly and did not skip words.
3rd time: I read each page and chapter carefully.
4th time: I read each page and each chapter carefully and I stopped to write an essay about
what I read in that chapter.
5th time: I read it slowly again.
6th time: Write an essay about the whole book.
3. Should reading books be read silently in the mouth or read aloud?
4. Is it advisable to read multiple books in the same time period?
In my opinion, it is not advisable to read only one book at a time.
The second biggest influence I received was on my presentation skills. I already know how
to arrange ppt, orient the purpose of the presentation, how to be scientific and how to be
effective. From there, I formed a mindset to organize ideas and design content. In my opinion,
this skill is extremely important at university level and it also helps me prepare the necessary
skills for future work when I give presentations or present ideas in front of people. In addition,
this course also tells us what we need to do at the University, effective study methods,
appropriate study skills, clear and specific goals orientation. I have been effectively applying the
skills I have learned, besides, I also manipulate and practice with friends a lot, which helps me to
improve and also increase my teamwork skills. Of course, to have the change like today. I also
try a lot in creating conditions for myself to have the opportunity to apply it in real life to be
effective. For example, every time I do a report or an essay, I often apply the cover templates and
presentation methods from the subject, or I also apply the note-taking skills to the lessons to
mark the main ideas for the students. learning easier. In addition, I also apply reading skills more
scientifically. In the last lesson, we learned more about studying abroad or about interns abroad,
from which I knew what I needed to prepare for going abroad, fully equipped with knowledge
for studying abroad.
Life value, life skills and personal development

The value of life is an economic value used to quantify the benefit of avoiding a fatality. It is
also referred to as the cost of life, value of preventing a fatality (VPF) and implied cost of
averting a fatality (ICAF). In social and political sciences, it is the marginal cost of death
prevention in a certain class of circumstances. In many studies the value also includes the quality
of life, the expected life time remaining, as well as the earning potential of a given person
especially for an after-the-fact payment in a wrongful death claim lawsuit.
As such, it is a statistical term, the cost of reducing the average number of deaths by one. It is
an important issue in a wide range of disciplines including economics, health care, adoption,
political economy, insurance, worker safety, environmental impact assessment, and
In industrial nations, the justice system considers a human life "priceless", thus illegalizing
any form of slavery; i.e., humans cannot be bought at any price. However, with a limited supply
of resources or infrastructural capital (e.g. ambulances), or skill at hand, it is impossible to save
every life, so some trade-off must be made. Also, this argument neglects the statistical context of
the term. It is not commonly attached to lives of individuals or used to compare the value of one
person's life relative to another person's. It is mainly used in circumstances of saving lives as
opposed to taking lives or "producing" lives.

For me, I don't want to stay the same, I want to change myself to make it grow and I need a
plan. I want to become someone better. Someone capable and smart and there is always this part
inside me that wants to expand and interact and reach more and that is what I want to avoid: I
want to shrink and to stay as I am. I do not want to lose myself. I don't want to let myself go and
to let my potential drop away. I want to expand and reach more. I can change if I implement my
plans and this is why I know my plans work. Not only do I want to become smarter and better, i
want to become happier and I want to feel more happiness and I want to express more happiness.
I want to improve the necessary skills in life. This is my fourth personal development plan. The
first two plans did not help me. The necessary skills did not improve. The first plan was created
when I was 18 years old. It would have taken 4 months to develop myself. But in the end, the
result is nothing. I did not know which skill I wanted when I created the plan. I did not need to
know when I created the plan. I feel that I was lost direction when i set plans to develop. My
second plan took 6 months to do. The necessary skills did not improve. The plan had no effect on
the necessary skills. And now for the third time creating a plan for personal development, this
time I will give specific plans: what I want to develop, how to do it and how to do it. I think what
I need to develop now are soft skills and skills for study and for future research purposes, I need
to establish the skills that are really needed and the skills I have available to develop it better for
my study as well as my life. I used to be a conservative but I find that only makes me worse so I
need to listen more and learn more skills to develop myself, I don't want to stop myself in any
position, I need to reach new heights and seek higher achievements like now. In addition, I also
need to develop many other skills that not only keep the traditional skills, the skills that I already
have in addition to developing it, but I also need to have more new things in life. Our lives are
constantly changing every day. This forces us to change to adapt to life. Some changes in your
life make you happy, while others make you hesitate. Have you ever asked yourself an honest
question: "Do we often limit ourselves to opportunities, experiences and even give up on certain
dreams because we are so used to live? current stability?"
There is no other power stronger than willpower. A will, you will have enough courage and
energy to overcome obstacles and challenges.

I have two plans, long-term and short-term: a long-term plan to develop skills and a short-term
plan to eliminate bad habits. In which I want to develop three main skills which are soft skills,
effective study skills, and social communication (or leadership) skills. And give up that bad
habit of sleeping late and a few other bad habits.
1, Soft skills
+ Know how to listen to the contributions and constructive ideas of the team
+ Improve organizational and teamwork skills
+ Positive attitude to attract the enthusiasm of colleagues and make you full of energy,
+ Creativity in learning and group activities
+ Work well with pressure, learn to get used to working pressure, make a habit of facing that
pressure. Try to get the job done under pressure.
+ Learn effective reading and note-taking skills
2, Effective study skills
+ Learning skills in class : Listening skills and note taking.
+ Self-study skills at home : About space and time
Self-study at home is one of the basic skills for effective study
+ Good memorization skills : Train your brain
+ Reading skills
3, Social communication (or leadership) skills
+ Decision making skills
+ Problem solving skills
+ Strategic thinking
+ Confident and assertive
Member of an academic community, how to become a real member?

I noticed that since entering the university door I find that in this environment the learning is no
longer the same as in middle school and high school, we tend to have to study self-study and
spend time on it. The class is only the support of the lecturer, most of us need to study and
research on our own, that helps me to be more creative in learning as well as voluntarily explore
the resources that make us more self-sufficient. more mastery in learning also with the support
and collaboration of the instructors they will guide and steer us in the right direction and learn
the right way that's really great. I have noticed that since entering the university door we seem to
have been annoyed but the academic environment here we study and research intensively and
highly on a particular topic of Buddhism. In certain fields, we will deeply understand the nature
and principles of that problem, not simply learn what to face and learn briefly. We need to learn
deeply and has a very high academic propensity compared to the old days. For me, if you want to
become a real member of academic community, you should follow :
3 ways to make the most of your society membership

Connect with other members

“At my first ST&D conference, I was struck by the supportive interactions and collegiality of
Society members. They welcomed new attendees with open arms, and I’ve been attending every
year since.”

Collaborate on projects

“Networking at conferences is a great way to build professional relationships; several valuable

research collaborations have developed from conversations I had with conference attendees.”

Develop your skills

“Participating in presentations and poster sessions at Society conferences produced useful

feedback and support. This has helped me to develop my skills, and further my academic career.”

What is academic community?

Academia continues to evolve but not always in lock-step with pedagogy. The question of what
role an academic community plays comes forward. Especially as different types of educational
institutions rise and fall.
Higher education trends show a marked uptake of students looking to learn from online or
distance classes. Reasons for this include time-saving and structuring, especially when trying to
work and school at the same time.
The other reason was the level of attention and ability to learn at one's own pace. Overall,
the numbers tell a story of modern education.
Even as the locations and methods shift between physical and online locations, the role of the
academic community remains the same.
Academic Community

An academic community involves the students, the faculty, and a halo of interested parties. Each
wants to help and benefit the others, but the pathway to any given objective isn't always clear.
When discussing a community the forest and trees can get confused.
What is a cause and what is an effect isn't always clear. One of the reasons academic definitions
become tedious revolves around this need for accuracy to create clarity.
So, an academic community's role is to provide support. But how does it provide that support
and why is support needed? Well, the next couple of sections will nail that down.
Knowledge Production Not Knowledge Consumption

The scope of information defines the biggest difference between learning institutions. Higher
education doesn't just represent more information, but also different approaches to it.
Trade schools teach rote skills which can be applied quickly to complete tasks. They provide
valuable knowledge to people who provide valuable services and products.
Colleges, likewise, provide a bulk of knowledge to understand a field.
Universities broaden their horizon and provide background and some interdisciplinary views.
Elevating each of these institutions above being 'just school' is their ability to produce
knowledge, not simply provide it. It isn't too far from the adage about fishing. Teach a person
how to learn and they can learn for life.
An academic community provides the support necessary to make the leap from knowing a
physics formula to creating an application for that formula.
Professional Organizations
One of the key components of an academic community is the working world. This end goal of
education and knowledge plays a part in guiding the process.
Professional organizations want to encourage and cultivate certain skill sets in future candidates.
They have a strong financial incentive in doing so, but they also have a legacy.
Each class that leaves a school and enters a field aided by a professional organization strengthens
the chain. If these chains disappear they take utility with them. The older knowledge and the
newer knowledge no longer have the ability to temper each other.
Professional organizations provide a glimpse of the working world by reflecting the necessity of
skills and problem-solving acumen. They also create a tether for transitioning between education
and work. When the working world becomes an extension of the educational world, both worlds
Sum Greater Than the Whole

The gestalt effect holds true in a lot of communities. More people working together bring a better
solution than several people working in isolation.
An academic community builds upon the knowledge pools of the past. This interconnects
disciplines to create new solutions.
The classical education of modern universities was designed to replicate this effect. They want
each student to understand just enough of what other majors and graduates do, so they can not
take away, if not outright contribute.
Without an academic community, trying to keep all of the people working towards a common
goal becomes frustrating and confused.
Nobody knows what anyone else is doing, and some people will fight for resources. The
community helps to spread the resources to the needs and keep the information channels open.
List of referrences

Study Skills for Geography, Earth and Environmental Science Study

Study Skills Book

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