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The world of
Name Surname Class: 11th Evaluation
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(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)

Part A: Listening


1 Listen to an interview about career exploration and skill development and choose /15
the correct answer.
a. Through mentoring / counselling, teens and young adults can learn from people who have more
life experience and can help them in the transition to adulthood.
b. Individualized learning / working Plans can help young people manage their work tasks and
different responsibilities.
c. Job Centres offer support and guidance in finding / keeping a job.
d. Only a few young adults / manufacturers believe that technical skills will play an important role in
meeting the needs of employers in the future.
e. College graduates who completed internships struggle to find a part-time / full-time job.


1 Listen to a news report about building inclusive career paths for young adults and /15
choose the correct answer.
The Help Group’s Bridgeport Vocational Education Center aims to help students with a. special /
important needs in becoming more b. independent / successful during the transition to adulthood,
focusing on c. education and training / education and learning, community participation, and
d. college / employment.
College Internship Program Long Beach is a specialized transition program helping young adults with
learning differences to be successful in college, job, and e. independent / individualized living.
Test 3. The world of

3 Part B: Reading

Read the text attentively.

This company just decided to give

employees a 4-day workweek permanently
A four-day workweek is now a permanent perk1 for employees
of tech unicorn Bolt. The San Francisco-based e-commerce
developer piloted the program last fall, and the results were
overwhelmingly positive, said founder and CEO Ryan Breslow.
5“I couldn’t imagine running a company any other way,” he said.
Productivity has increased, work has been streamlined and
employees are happy, he added. A survey taken at the end of
the three-month trial period found 94% of workers and 91% of
managers wanted the program to continue. In addition, 84%
10 of employees said they have been more productive, and 86%

said they have been more efficient with their time.

The idea is not to necessarily take on more work hours but to

work more efficiently. During their work hours, employees
laser-focused, Breslow said. “A lot of companies operate with a lot of work theater, which is people
caring more about the appearance of working than the actual work,” he noted. “It’s impossible to sift 2
15 through the noise and get to the heart of the matter,” Breslow said.

Bolt, which has 550 full-time employees, is one of a handful of companies in the U.S. that have moved
to the shortened workweek. Proponents3 are hoping the idea will catch on, especially during a time
when attracting and retaining workers is a high priority. “Companies we have helped to make the
transition to a four-day week have reported it has significantly expanded their pool of potential
20 recruitment candidates,” said Joe O’Connor, global pilot program manager at 4 Day Week Global.

So far, 30 companies in the U.S. and Canada have signed up for the six-month coordinated trials this
year, which focuses on fewer work hours for the same pay. Pilot programs will also be launched in the
United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. “The four-day week challenges the current model of work
and helps companies move away from simply measuring how long people are ‘at work’, to a sharper
25 focus on the output being produced,” O’Connor said.

To be sure, the four-day workweek won’t work for every company or business
model. It also has to be implemented properly, with a hard look at the workflow
and number of meetings on the calendars. “It should act as an entry point to a
focused, empowered business conversation about how to work smarter and
30 more efficiently,” O’Connor said.

Adapted from:

3. The world of
1 Read the sentences and write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. 3 /20

a. A four-day workweek is now a fringe benefit for employees at Bolt company.

b. This project aims to make employees work more efficiently.

c. Companies that made the transition state that the number of potential clients increased.

d. 30 companies in the U.S. and Canada joined the five-month trial program this year.

e. The four-day workweek isn’t the best solution for all companies.

2 Find this information in the text and say in which paragraph it is. /30
a. Ryan Breslow couldn’t imagine running a company with a 5-day workweek.
b. Bolt is one of the few companies that have shifted to a 4-day workweek.
c. This is not a valuable strategy for all companies.

3 Find synonyms for the following expressions in the text. /20

a. an advantage or something extra that you are given because of your
1. streamlined
b. improved or made simpler
2. pool
c. to separate what is useful from what is not
3. sift
d. people who speak publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of
4. proponents
5. perk
e. people who are available to work when needed

Part C: Use of English


1 Choose the correct option to complete the text. /10

My a. boss / colleague is very nice and understanding. He doesn’t treat us as b. friends /

employees, but as co-workers. Our c. home / workplace is very comfortable and we have
everything we need. Moreover, on top of our d. working hours / salary we have excellent e. fringe
benefits / payments such as a car and health insurance. As I’m still studying I’m only working f. full-
time / part-time, but when I finish college this will change.
Test 3. The world of

1 3
Circle the correct option. /10
a. If you have a full-time / temporary job you only work for a specific period of time.
b. Changemakers / employees creatively solve social problems.
c. I’m a strong believer in collaborative / individual work. It’s a learning opportunity.
d. I don’t have a contract with anyone. I work part-time / freelance.
e. If you work with the public, you’ll need people / maths skills.
f. I don’t know my work schedule for next week because I work full-time / shifts.


1 Choose the correct option. /10

a. You must fill in the form careless / carefully or there might be a misunderstanding / understand.
b. In my job, unknown / knowledge is a good weapon against ignorance / ignorant.
c. The growing unemployment / employment rate is worrying the governing / government.

2 Rewrite the sentences in two possible ways. /20

a. They gave dad a medal when he retired.

1) Dad a medal when he retired.
2) A medal to dad when he retired.
b. Maggie teaches them French.
1) They French by Maggie.
2) French by Maggie.
c. The company has already offered him a new position.
1) He a new position by the company.
2) A new position to him by the company.

3 Underline the sentence that is correct and which means the same as the above. /20

a. You don’t find employers this nice very often these days.
Rarely do you find employers this nice these days. / Rarely you find employers this nice these
b. I started walking to work and immediately it started raining.
No sooner I do walk to work than it rains. / No sooner had I started walking to work than it started
c. She didn’t realise how bad the project was until she saw the presentation.
Not until she saw the presentation, did she realise how bad the project was. / Not until did she see
the presentation, did she realise how bad the project was.
d. I almost hadn’t spoken when my supervisor got angry at me.
Hardly my supervisor got angry at me when I spoke. / Hardly had I spoken when the supervisor
got angry at me.
e. She will study both Maths and English at the university.
Not only studies she maths but English too at the university. / Not only does she study maths, but
also English at the university.
3. The world of
Part D: Writing
1 Complete the discursive essay on “how unemployment may affect someone’s /40
life with the sentences missing.

The economists describe unemployment as a condition of being jobless within an economy.

(1) After you graduate, you find a job, eventually get married, have children, have your
own house and so on. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Nowadays, (2) . Due to
the advances of technology, some jobs no longer exist because humans are no longer needed, so we
have robots and other kinds of technology doing them instead of people.
Moreover, the rapidly increasing population is also affecting (un)employment. It is more and more
difficult to assure that every single person has the job they studied /trained for. (3) .
Unemployment leads to an increase in poverty and sets back the economic growth of the country.
Nevertheless, young people should be more open to new challenges and not focus on one specific
area. (4) may be an opportunity for decreasing unemployment.
In conclusion, (5) , and even the country’s education sector should be upgraded to focus
not only on the practical aspects of learning, (6) which will give jobs to many people.

a. the government should focus on finding solutions for this issue

b. we see many adults striving for a normal adult life
c. Being willing to try different fields and areas from the ones people were trained for
d. but also to offer the vocational courses
e. When we think about society, we think about the normal path that human life usually follows.
f. The consequences of unemployment are disastrous for the individual and society.

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