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SUBMITTED TO :Mrs. mehnaz hassan
submitted by :Amna shahid 04
anum sania 17
sundas jahangir 22
vajiha safdar 23
fiza fatima faridi 32
Department of psychology and appleid psychology
university of punjab
Social work

Social work as a profession

Methods of social work

Community development

Community development practice

Phases of community development

Principles of community development

Role of community worker

Importance of community development

Social work
“Social work is a provision of services designed to aid individuals single or in groups in
coping with the physical and psychological obstacles that prevent or are likely to prevent full and
active participation in society.”

(Herbert Bis No)

“Social work is a art of bringing various resources to bear on individuals groups or

communities need by the application of a scientific method of helping people to help


“Social work is a professional study based upon scientific knowledge and skill in human
relations which assists individuals alone or in groups to obtain social and personal satisfaction
and independence. It is individually performed by a specific organization.”


We may say that social work is concerned and involved with the interaction between
people and institution of society that affect the ability of people accomplished life tasks realize
aspirations and values and alleviate distress. The interaction between people and social
institution occur within the content with the larger social group.

Social work as a profession

Social work is a professional activity of helping individuals, groups and communities

involve or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating social conditions favorable to
that goal.

It is a helping activity to make individuals, groups and members of the society

independent. It means a professional worker should help its client in a way that in namable time
how will become an independent healthy member of society.

There are six methods or pillars of social work practice

Primary methods of social work

 Case work
 Group work
 Community development

Secondary methods of social work

 Social research
 Social welfare
 Social action


As we know that community development is a primary method of social work practice

has been defined as

“Community development is a process by which a professional social worker finds

difficult problems and needs of people and also to solve their problems on self help basis in the
light of his professional knowledge, skill and experience.”


“Community development is a process by which the efforts of the people are united with
the government authorities to improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of people.”


“Community developing is a branch of social work which effectively works in specific

area or try all welfare needs fulfill effectively by utilizing the social resources.”

(National conference of social work)

Community development practice

In community development practice there is social worker or it is based on more then one social
worker. They try to understand different problems of society, and then fix priorities with active
participation of community people. People are supported by with the help of active participation
of utilizing there all resources.

A professional social worker tries to find out different problems with the help of local
people. It performs three different tasks:

 Find out problems

 Analyze problems
 Fix priorities for solution

Find out problems

Tries to find out problems with the help of local people.

Analyze problems

He tries to analyze problems under the light of his professional experience and

Fix priorities

Then he fixes priorities with the participation of community people to solve out their

All it is done by utilizing community resources on self help basis with the active participation of
local people.

Steps or phases of community development mean those different skills techniques, art
and methods by which a professional social worker tries to get up-to-date information about

They are four in numbers:

 Study of the community

 Paper planning for programs and services
 Execution or implementation
 Evaluation

Study of the community

Study of the community involves three characteristics

1. Physical structure of community

2. Social structure of community
3. Economic structure of community

Physical structure

It involves houses streets markets playgrounds and roads etc. every community has its
own structures according to its needs and auspices

For instance a hill side community can’t build wide roads and play grounds etc.

Social structure

It studies abut the personal relationships, different castes ,tribes and different habits
customs and traditions etc, in an community different people has different sources of
income ,different relationships and communications.

Economic structure
Economics is the backbone of every community. In this aspect we study how the
population of a specific area or community gets its income. It also studies role of every
individual whether they are old aged persons or children. And also what type of people living in

So, we may state that is designed to discover and present a picture of the community
which provides the foundation for planning execution.

Paper –planning:

Paper planning is the 2nd and an important stage in which paper structure of any program
or policy is made. It is totally depends upon the up to date and true information collected by the
community worker in 1st stage.

A professional social worker must keep some points in his or her mind while planning any
welfare program for community

 Priority should be given to the felt and expressed needs of the local people.
 The program should be multi purposed
 The program should be according to the customs and cultural patterns of community
 The program should take into consideration the availability of resources and technical
services. The program should be supported by the other projects of community.
 The readiness of people should there to accept the program.


It implies the implementation of the plan or discipline in the practical field for
achievement of its objective. It is the stage where actual labor force of the community can b
involved in welfare activity program

Through evaluation a community development worker observes different obstacles,
hindrances and difficulties which come into the way of process. Because of which how did not
complete his program within the specific time limit or sources.

It seeks to study how program has met the expresses and felt needs of the people. Whether it
needs modification in the view of existing conditions of the community.


A community worker has to work with the community from different point of views to achieve
material and non material progress of the society.

To achieve the targets and objects community development is based upon following basic
principles. These principles are given below

 Principal of acceptance
 Or
 Recognition of the dignity of the community people
 Principle of right of self determination
 Principle of equal opportunities for all
 Principle of participation
 Principle of self help
 Principle of felt need
 Principle of consistency with cultural values
 Principle of participation of local people
 Principle of utilization of community resources

Principle of acceptance:

The demand of the principle of acceptance is that if anyone of the individual or group of
individuals comes to seek assistance, it should be accepted with all their potentials, qualities,
and define problems without any discrimination of race, color language etc.

Principle of right of self determination:

The community worker can estimate and guess the problems and their solutions. The
final decision comes from the community side. Because the community development
believes that people of community have right to determine their own course of action.

Principle of equal opportunity:

This principle of community development believes in the democratic principle of

providing equal opportunities for sections of people irrespective of any difference of caste
creed and color etc.

Principle of participation:

A professional worker should keep in his mind that he is an outsider and cannot held any
program without the key persons of the community for example consolers, teachers, imam
masjid etc. a and he will not b able to find out different types of problems and needs of
community people.

Principle of self help:

Community development believe that people should be helped own their own. In this way
a community social worker tell the people about their own strengths and weaknesses and in
the light of this self awareness he helps the community persons.

Principle of felt need:

Community development believes in the principle that program should grow out of the
felt and expresses needs of the community people. If the programs are not according to their
needs, the community people are not like to under take and carry programs.

Principle of consistency with cultural values:

Each community has its own specific and important values. If the worker wants to secure
his programs he should done his program according to the cultural values of that area.

Principle of participation of local people:

No doubt a community worker has much knowledge, professional skill and a lot of
experience about community, any how he is not much familiar than the actual resident of the
community. So, this principle puts much stress on active participation of community people
in the programs.

Principle of utilization of community resources:

Composition of community development puts much emphasis on the utilization of

available resources of the community. Its ultimate objective is to promote the well being of
community through proper utilization of community resources.

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