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1a. What are the Steps for Construction of Syntax Trees for expression? Construct [CO3]
Syntax Trees for x*y-5+z used for SDT.
1b. Design the dependency graph for the following grammar [CO3]
S --> T List
T --> int
T --> float
T --> double
List --> List1, id
List --> id
2a. Construct DAG for the given expression (a + a * (b – c)) + ((b – c) * d). [CO3]
2b. Explain different intermediate forms. [CO3]
3a. Describe code generator design issues? [CO4]
3b. Explain Optimization of Basic Blocks . [CO4]
4a. Explain Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs. [CO4]
4b. Explain the principal sources of Optimization in detail. [CO5]
5a. Write short notes on the following [CO5]
a.Constant Propagation
b.Data Flow Analysis.
5b. Explain the term-Dominators.Construct Dominator tree for the given Flow [CO5]


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