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YEAR: 2023-24


Title: A Tiger in the Zoo

About the poet- Lislie Norris

Introduction- This poetry is about a Tiger’s captivation in a cage. The poet has use symbolism, tiger is a
wild beautiful animal who is bound in a small cage to live a life of a domestic rat .He is not happy and
imagines himself if he would have been free in the forest what he will be doing. He wants to be free and
has the optimism for the same. The poem invites readers to reflect on the moral and ethical implications
of keeping wild animals in captivity.


In "A Tiger in a Zoo," Leslie Norris portrays the tiger as a symbol of wildness and untamed beauty. The
poet describes the tiger pacing back and forth in its cage, its eyes filled with a primal longing for
freedom. Norris uses descriptive language to emphasize the vibrant and fierce nature of the tiger,
contrasting it with the harsh and depressing environment of the zoo. The poem delves into the inherent
conflict between the tiger's inherent wildness and its forced domestication within the boundaries of the

The poet has beautifully used different poetic devices to beautify the poem, when he uses
onomatopoeia in ‘snarling’ and metaphor in ‘velvet pads’ , and some others.

The poet raises important questions about the impact of captivity on the tiger's physical and
psychological well-being. The tiger's pacing is seen as a restless, instinctive yearning for the open spaces
and natural habitats it was meant to roam. The poem draws attention to the moral dilemma of confining
animals for human amusement, highlighting the inherent cruelty of depriving them of their natural


In the conclusion of "A Tiger in a Zoo," Leslie Norris leaves readers with a sense of unease and
discomfort. The poem forces us to confront the consequences of our actions and the ethical implications
of keeping wild animals in captivity. It calls for a deeper appreciation of the natural world and a
reassessment of our treatment of animals. The poet states two fact in contrast- one what is going on and
what should be there in reality for the wild life. The poem serves as a reminder that wild animals belong
in their natural environments, free to express their inherent wildness. "A Tiger in a Zoo" invites us to
reflect on our relationship with nature and urges us to strive for a more compassionate and sustainable
coexistence with the animal kingdom.

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