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(Affiliated to Tribhuvan University)

Project Proposal on: Online note sharing system

Bachelors of Computer Application

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name: Pasang Lamu Sherpa Mr. Avinash Maskey
Name: Pemba chhiring Sherpa
Semester: VI
Program: BCA

Chapter 1: Introduction.........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Statement......................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives...................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope and Limitation..................................................................................................................3
1.5 Development Methodology.........................................................................................................4
1.6 Report Organization....................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review............................................................................5
2.1 Background Study.......................................................................................................................5
2.2 Literature Review........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design.................................................................................................8
3.1 System Analysis...........................................................................................................................8

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction

The "Online Note Sharing System" is a web-based platform crafted to

revolutionize the way users share and manage their notes. By providing a streamlined,
organized, and secure environment, the system caters to a diverse user base, including
students, professionals, and educators. With user-friendly features such as easy upload
options, advanced search functionality, and customizable user profiles, the platform ensures
that users can efficiently store and access their notes. The tagging and categorization system
further enhances the ease of note retrieval, making it simple for users to find exactly what
they need.

Collaboration lies at the heart of the "Online Note Sharing System." Users can share notes
with specific individuals or groups, choose between public and private sharing options, and
create shareable links for external access. Real-time editing capabilities, along with
commenting and annotation tools, foster a collaborative environment where users can work
together seamlessly. Additionally, the platform offers version control to track changes and
restore previous versions, ensuring that users can manage their notes effectively and maintain
the integrity of their documents.

The "Online Note Sharing System" is a web-based platform designed to streamline the
sharing and management of notes. It offers features like easy note uploads, advanced search,
real-time collaboration, and customizable profiles. Users can share notes with specific
individuals or groups, and the platform supports both public and private sharing options.

Security and privacy are prioritized through encryption, role-based access control, and
regular data backups. The system integrates with other educational and productivity tools for
enhanced convenience. By focusing on scalability, usability, performance, and compliance,
the platform ensures an efficient, organized, and secure environment for all users.

1.2 Problem Statement
Traditional methods of note sharing, such as physical copies or unstructured digital sharing
through emails and social media, are:

 Inefficient
 Insecure
 Difficult to manage

Users face challenges in:

 Tracking updates
 Maintaining version control
 Ensuring privacy

These limitations highlight the need for a dedicated system that offers:

 A structured way to share and manage notes

 Enhanced security
 Improved efficiency and organization


 To create an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for note sharing and management.
 To implement robust user registration and authentication mechanisms to ensure
secure access.
 To provide functionalities for uploading, editing, categorizing, and deleting notes.
 To facilitate sharing and collaborative editing of notes among users.
 To monitor and report user activities and note modifications.
 To implement encryption and privacy controls to protect user data and notes.

1.4 Scope and Limitation


 The system will cater to a diverse user base, including students, professionals, and
 It will support various note formats, including text, images, and PDFs.
 Users will be able to share notes with individuals or groups.
 The platform will provide search and categorization features for easy note retrieval.


 The system requires internet access for full functionality.

 Initial implementation may support a limited number of users and notes until
scalability features are enhanced.
 Data privacy relies on the security measures in place and the user's adherence to
recommended practices.

1.5 Development Methodology

The development of the Online Note Sharing System will follow the agile methodology,
which allows for iterative development and continuous feedback. Key phases include:

 Requirement Gathering: Collecting detailed requirements from potential users.

 Design: Creating system architecture and user interface designs.
 Implementation: Developing the system in iterative cycles, incorporating user
 Testing: Conducting thorough testing to ensure functionality, security, and
 Deployment: Launching the system and ensuring it is accessible to users.
 Maintenance: Providing ongoing support and updates based on user feedback and
technological advancements.

1.6 Report Organization

This report is organized into several chapters to provide a comprehensive overview of the
Online Note Sharing System:

 Chapter 1: Introduction - Provides an overview of the project, including the

problem statement, objectives, scope, limitations, development methodology, and
report organization.
 Chapter 2: Literature Review - Reviews existing literature and similar systems to
identify gaps and inform the system design.
 Chapter 3: System Design - Details the architectural design, data models, and user
interface designs.
 Chapter 4: Implementation - Discusses the development process, tools used, and
implementation details.
 Chapter 5: Testing - Describes the testing strategies, test cases, and results.
 Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work - Summarizes the project outcomes,
challenges faced, and potential future enhancements.

Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review
2.1 Background Study

This section provides an understanding of the fundamental theories, concepts, and

terminologies related to the "Online Note Sharing System."

Fundamental Theories and Concepts:

 Web-Based Systems: These are platforms accessed via web browsers, allowing users
to interact with applications hosted on remote servers.
 Database Management: This involves the use of database systems to store, manage,
and retrieve data efficiently.
 User Authentication: A security mechanism used to verify the identity of users
before granting access to the system.
 Data Encryption: The process of converting data into a secure format to prevent
unauthorized access.
 Collaborative Editing: A feature that allows multiple users to edit documents
simultaneously in real-time.

General Terminologies:

 Frontend: The part of the application that interacts with the users, typically
developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
 Backend: The server-side part of the application that handles business logic, database
interactions, and authentication.
 Database Schema: The structure that defines how data is organized in a database.
 API (Application Programming Interface): A set of rules that allows different
software entities to communicate with each other.

2.2 Literature Review

This section reviews existing literature and similar projects, identifying gaps and providing
insights for the proposed system.

Google Drive: Google Drive is a prominent cloud storage service that allows users to store a
variety of files and share them with others. A key feature of Google Drive is its integration
with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, enabling real-time collaborative editing. This
functionality allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, see
changes in real time, and communicate through built-in commenting and suggestion tools.
Google Drive's ease of use, combined with its powerful collaboration features, makes it a

staple for both personal and professional use. However, despite its extensive feature set,
some users report challenges with file organization and managing permissions, especially in
large teams or organizations.

Dropbox: Dropbox is another widely used cloud storage solution, renowned for its
simplicity and robust file-sharing capabilities. Dropbox supports file synchronization across
devices, ensuring that users have access to their files from any location. It also offers features
like file recovery, version history, and third-party app integrations. Dropbox Paper, its
collaborative document-editing tool, allows teams to work together in a shared workspace.
While Dropbox is praised for its user-friendly interface and reliable performance, it has faced
criticism regarding its pricing structure and limited storage in free accounts. Additionally, its
collaboration tools are often seen as less comprehensive compared to Google Drive.

Evernote: Evernote is a versatile note-taking application that enables users to create,

organize, and share notes. It supports various multimedia formats, including text, images,
audio, and web clippings, and synchronizes notes across devices. Evernote's organizational
features, such as notebooks, tags, and powerful search functionality, make it an excellent tool
for managing large amounts of information. Despite its strengths, Evernote has experienced a
decline in user satisfaction due to concerns about privacy, data ownership, and changes in
pricing plans. The app's complexity can also be a barrier for new users who may find its
extensive features overwhelming.

BCANote: BCAnote is an online platform designed for efficient note-taking and document
management. It features rich text editing, allowing users to format notes with bold, italics,
lists, and more. Notes can be organized using tags, folders, or notebooks, making retrieval
easy. The platform supports collaboration, enabling users to share and edit notes with others
in real-time. Cloud-based storage ensures notes are accessible from any device with an
internet connection. Additionally, BCAnote offers powerful search functionality to quickly
locate specific notes and integrates seamlessly with other productivity tools like Google
Drive, Dropbox, and various task management apps.

Relevant Research

Collaborative Systems: Research on collaborative systems has been extensive, focusing on

the importance of real-time synchronization and version control in shared environments.
Studies have shown that real-time collaboration enhances productivity and fosters better
communication among team members. Version control is critical in preventing conflicts and
ensuring that users can track changes and revert to previous versions if necessary. Key papers

in this area discuss various algorithms and techniques for achieving efficient synchronization
and conflict resolution. However, challenges remain in managing large-scale collaborations
and ensuring that systems remain responsive under heavy load.

User Experience Design: User experience (UX) design is a crucial aspect of developing
successful software applications. Research emphasizes the need for intuitive interfaces and
seamless user interactions to enhance usability. Studies have shown that a well-designed user
interface can significantly reduce the learning curve and improve user satisfaction. Key
principles in UX design include consistency, feedback, and accessibility. Recent research has
also explored the role of emotional design and how aesthetic appeal can influence user
engagement. Despite advancements, there is still a need for more research on designing for
diverse user groups and creating inclusive experiences.

Data Security: Data security is a paramount concern in the development of cloud-based and
collaborative applications. Research in this area discusses various encryption techniques and
authentication methods to protect user data. Papers highlight the importance of implementing
strong encryption both in transit and at rest, as well as the need for multi-factor
authentication to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, studies have explored the
challenges of balancing security with usability, as overly complex security measures can
deter users. Emerging research topics include the use of block chain for secure data sharing
and the potential of AI in detecting and preventing security breaches.

Feedback system: Users can leave comments on specific parts of a note, making it easy to
provide targeted feedback or ask questions. This feature supports threaded discussions,
keeping conversations organized.

Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design
3.1 System Analysis

The system analysis phase involves a detailed examination of the requirements and feasibility
of the project using structured or object-oriented approaches.

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis:

Functional Requirements:

 User Registration and Authentication:

o Users must register with unique credentials.
o Login functionality with secure password handling.
 Note Management:
o Upload, edit, delete, and categorize notes.
o Share notes with other users or groups.
o Search and retrieve notes based on keywords or categories.
 Collaboration:
o Allow multiple users to edit notes simultaneously.
o Track changes and maintain version control.
 Activity Tracking:
o Monitor user activities and generate reports.

Use-Case Diagram: (Include a visual representation of use cases and actors.)

Use-Case Descriptions: (Provide detailed descriptions of each use case.)

Non-Functional Requirements:

 Performance: The system should handle multiple concurrent users without

significant latency.
 Security: Implement strong encryption for data storage and transmission.
 Usability: The interface should be intuitive and user-friendly.
 Scalability: The system should support an increasing number of users and notes
without performance degradation.

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis:

 Technical Feasibility: Assessing the technical resources and expertise required.

 Operational Feasibility: Evaluating the ability of the system to solve the identified
 Economic Feasibility: Estimating the cost of development and potential financial

3.1.3 Data Modelling:


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