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Question 1- State the main postulates of Dalton's atomic theory. How does the modern atomic theory contradict and correlate with
Dalton's atomic theory.
Answer- Postulates of Dalton's Atomic Theory:
. Matter consist of small indivisible particles called atoms.
. Atoms are neither created nor destroyed.
. Atoms of the same element are alike in every aspect and differ from atoms of all other elements.
. Atoms combine with other atoms in simple whole number ratio's forming compound atoms or molecules.
. An atom is the smallest unit of matter which takes part in a chemical reaction and all chemical changes result from separation
or combination of atoms.
Contradictions with Modern atomic theory:
Dalton's atomic theory Modern atomic theory
Atoms are indivisible and indestructible. Atoms are divisible and destructible.

An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of an element Atoms are divisible - consisting of subatomic particles like electrons,
protons and neutrons.

Atoms of the same element may not be alike in all respects as seen in the
Atoms of the same element are alike in all respects
case of isotopes which are atoms of the same element having same atomic
and differ from atoms of other elements.
number but different mass numbers.
Correlation with Modern atomic theory:
The modern atomic theory however correlates with Dalton's atomic theory in the fact that atoms are the smallest unit of matter taking part in
a chemical reaction and in a given compound the relative number and kind of atoms is a constant.
Question 2- Explain in brief the experimental proofs which led to the discovery of –
(i) Electrons, (ii) Protons, (iii) atomic nucleus, (iv) neutrons.
Answer- (i) Electrons — Experimental proofs leading to the discovery of Electrons were given by William Crookes in 1878 and Sir
J.J. Thomson in 1897.
. William Crookes found that when an electric discharge is passed through a tube containing a gas at low pressure (0.01 mm of Hg),
blue rays were emitted from the cathode and were termed cathode rays.
. Sir J.J. Thomson studied the characteristics and constituents of cathode rays and found that:
o Cathode rays travel in straight lines from cathode to anode and cast a shadow of the object placed in their path.
o They are deflected by magnetic and electric field [attracted towards positively charged plate].
o They have kinetic energy and raise the temperature of a metallic object on which they fall.
These findings lead to the conclusion that Cathode rays consist of negatively charged particles now called electrons.
(ii) Protons: Goldstein discovered protons.
. As atoms are electrically neutral there must be equal positively charged particles in atom. This led to discovery of the protons.
. He used a perforated disc as cathode and found positively charged rays travelling in opposite direction to cathode rays.
. These rays consisted of positively charged particles which led to the discovery of protons.
(iii) Atomic Nucleus: Lord Rutherford discovered atomic nucleus in 1911.
. He directed alpha particles towards a metallic sheet.
. The deflection of the alpha particles was observed and concluded that there is a nucleus in the centre of the
atom. (iv) Neutrons: James Chadwick discovered neutron in 1932.
. He established that an atom contains protons and electrons.
. Electrons have negligible mass; hence the mass is concentrated in the nucleus. ∴ Atomic mass = mass of protons.
. However, in the case of helium - there are two protons in its nucleus and hence atomic mass should be equal to twice the mass of
each proton i.e., 2 x 1.008 but it's atomic mass is calculated experimentally and found to be 4.003 a.m.u.
. It was therefore proved that, in the nucleus of an atom, there is other particle called a neutron which has no electrical charge but is
almost of an equal mass as the protons.
. This confirmed the existence of neutrons
Question 3- State in brief the drawbacks of Rutherford's atomic model correlating them with the postulates of Bohr's atomic
model. Answer- Drawbacks of Rutherford's Atomic Model:
. In Rutherford's model of the atom - the electrons revolve around the nucleus and the attractive force of the positively charged
nucleus would be balanced by the centrifugal force arising due to the rotation of electron.
. If an electron moves round the nucleus - it must radiate out energy and gradually move towards the nucleus following a spiral path - till
it collides and ultimately collapses in it.
. Thus, Rutherford's model could not explain correctly the stability of an atom.
Postulates of Bohr's Atomic Model:
. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed orbits or energy levels, possessing certain amount of energy.
. The integer n represents the various energy levels 1, 2, 3 or K,L, M starting from the innermost.
. As long as the electrons rotates in one of the energy levels - it neither loses or absorbs energy. When energy is supplied initially to the
atoms - an electron moves to an orbit of higher energy. When this electron drops back to the original orbit - energy is radiated by the atom
- according to equation E2 - E 1 = hγ [E 2 and E1 are energy states of the electron in higher and lower orbit.]
Bohr's model gave the preciseness of location and mode of rotation of electron around the nucleus.
Question 4- What is meant by: (i) subatomic particles, (ii) nucleus, (iii) orbits, (iv) atomic number, (v) mass number with reference to an atom.
Answer- (i) Subatomic particles: The particles into which an atom is divided (i.e., protons, electrons, neutrons) are called the subatomic
particles. (ii) Nucleus: The centre or the nucleus of the atom is the place where the protons and neutrons are found.
(iii) Orbits: The electrons revolve around the nucleus along imaginary paths known as shells or more accurately orbits or
orbitals. (iv) Atomic number: Number of protons or number of electrons present in an atom. [Z]
(v) Mass number [A]: The Mass number of an atom is the total number of protons and neutrons collectively called nucleons in the nucleus of
the atom.
Question 5- Represent each of the following: (i) a proton 'p', (ii) an electron 'e', (iii) a neutron 'n' in terms of its symbols showing the
subscript and superscript values.
Answer- PAGE- 55 TABLE
Question 6- What are 'energy levels'? Explain the arrangement and distribution of electrons in the various shells with reference to an atom
in general and to an atom of potassium 19K39with special reference to the 2n2 rule.

Answer- Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed orbits. Each orbit is associated with a certain amount of energy hence named
'energy levels'. Arrangement of electrons:
. The shell closest to the nucleus is called K shell [first shell or number one shell].
. The next shell is called the L shell [second shell or number 2 shell]
. Following shells are M,N... etc.
. An electron has minimum energy in the first or K shell and the energy increase in the order K,L,M, N.
. The maximum number of electrons which can be present in any shell of an atom is given by or represented by a formula 2n2, where n
is equal to the number of the shell as counted from the nucleus.
Shell Shell No.[n] Formula 2n2 Max Electrons
K 1 2 × (1)2 2
L 2 2 × (2)2 8
M 3 2 × (3)2 18
N 4 2 x (4)2 32
The outer most shell cannot have more than 8 electrons.
The penultimate shell [last but one] cannot have more than 18 electrons.
A new shell is formed as soon as the - outermost shell attains 8 electrons.
With reference to Potassium 19K39 : No. of Electrons [e] = 19, No. of Protons [p] = 19, No. of Neutrons [n] = A - Z = 39 - 19 =
20 The two rules governing the distribution of electrons are:
1. Rule 1 — Maximum number of electrons in each shell is given by the formula 2n2
2. Rule 2 — The outermost shell cannot have more than 8 electrons.
As per rule 1 (2n2 rule), distribution of electrons for Potassium will be:
Shell Electrons
K 2
L 8
M 9 [Last Shell]
But as per rule 2, outermost shell cannot have more than 8 electrons. So M shell will have 8 electrons and a new shell (N) will be formed with
1 electron. Hence, the final electronic configuration of Potassium will be:
Shell Electrons
K 2
L 8
M 8
N 1
∴ Electronic configuration of Potassium = 2, 8, 8, 1
Question 7- An element 'A' has mass number 23 and atomic number 11. State the (i) no. of neutrons in its shell,(ii) EF of the element
'A'. Answer- Given, mass number 23 and atomic number 11. So, Protons (P) = 11 and
(i) Neutrons (n) = A - P = 23 - 11 = 12
( ii) As number of electrons ( e ) = 1 1
∴ Electronic configuration of A = 2, 8, 1
Question 8- The following elements U to Z are given 3U, 6V, 9W, 14X, 18Y, 20Z
State the electronic configuration of each and state whether they are metals, non-metals or inert gases.
Element Electronic configuration metals, non-metals or inert gases
3U 2,1 Metal
6 V 2,4 Non-metal [s]
9W 2,7 Non-metal [g]
14 X 2,8,4 Metalloid
18 Y 2,8,8 Inert gas
20 Z 2,8,8,2 Metal
Question 9- Draw the geometric atomic structure of each of the following atoms showing the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in
each of them:
Answer- PAGE-57
Question 10- Define an 'isotope'. Give reasons why isotopes have same chemical but different physical properties.
Answer- Isotopes are atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass numbers.
Chemical properties of isotopes of the same element are similar because chemical properties are dependent on the electronic configuration of
an atom. As Isotopes have same atomic number so they have same number of electrons and hence same electronic configuration.
Physical properties of isotopes of the same element are different because physical properties are dependent on the atomic mass. Isotopes
have different mass number [A], different number of neutrons and hence different atomic masses giving them different physical properties.
Question 11- Draw the geometric atomic structure of the three isotopes of hydrogen and the two isotopes of
chlorine. Answer- PAGE-59- Geometric atomic structures of three isotopes of hydrogen is shown in the diagram

Geometric atomic structures of two isotopes of chlorine is shown in the diagram below:

Question 12- Four Elements A, B, C, D are given: A shows the presence of 20 neutrons, 17 protons and 17 electrons. B shows the presence of
neutrons, 17 protons and 17 electrons. C shows the presence of 10 neutrons, 9 protons and 10 electrons. D shows the presence of 4 neutrons,
3 protons and 2 electrons. State which of the above is — (a) an anion, (b) a cation, (c) a pair of isotopes. Write the formula of the compound
formed between D and C.
Answer- (a) C is an anion. C has 10 electrons but 9 protons. It means that C accepted 1 electron to achieve a stable electronic
configuration. (b) D is a Cation. D has 2 electrons but 3 protons. It means that D donated one of its electrons to achieve a stable electronic
(c) A and B form a pair of isotopes. Both A and B have the same number of protons and electrons i.e., 17 but differ in the number of
neutrons. Hence, they form a pair of isotopes.
D donates one electron and C accepts one electron. Hence, formula of compound formed between D and C is DC.
Question 13- What are noble gases. Give a reason why noble gases have stable electronic configuration.
Answer- Noble gases have stable electronic configuration i.e.; their valence shell is complete. They do not gain, lose or share electrons.
Their atoms are extremely unreactive. For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration, it must have:
1. Two electrons in the first shell (outermost) like that of noble gas Helium. This is termed the Duplet Rule.
2. Eight electrons in the outermost shell like that of noble gases other than Helium. This is termed the Octet Rule.
The octet and duplet arrangement of elements represents stability and hence noble gases have stable electronic configuration.
Question 14- Explain the reason for chemical activity of an atom with reference to its electronic configuration.
Answer- Reasons for chemical activity of an atom are:
1. Unstable electronic configuration — Atoms of elements other than noble gases are assumed to have unstable electronic configuration.
2. Attaining stable electronic configuration — The driving force in combination of atoms is related to the tendency for them to attain a
stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas.
Question 15 .1- Differentiate between the terms —
Stable Electronic Configuration Unstable Electronic Configuration

Atoms having their valence shell completely filled are said Atoms which do not have their valence shells completely filled
to have Stable Electronic Configuration. are said to have Unstable Electronic Configuration.

Atoms of noble gases have Stable Electronic Configuration. Atoms of elements other than noble gases have Unstable
Electronic Configuration.

In atoms with Stable Electronic Configuration, electrons In atoms with Unstable Electronic Configuration, arrangement of
are arranged as per Duplet or Octet rule. electrons does not follow Duplet or Octet rule.

Duplet Rule Octet Rule

For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration it must

For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration it must have 8
have 2 electrons in the first shell [outermost] like that of
electrons in outermost orbit like that of noble gases other than
noble gas Helium. Helium.
Question 16- Explain the octet rule for formation of — (a) Sodium chloride from a sodium atom and a chlorine
atom. (b) Nitrogen molecule from two nitrogen atoms.
Answer- (a) As Na atom has atomic number 11 and electronic configuration [2, 8, 1]. Therefore, it tends to lose 1 electron from its valence
shell forming Na1+ (cation) to attain a stable octet configuration of the nearest noble gas Neon [2, 8].
Cl, on the other hand has atomic number 17 and electronic configuration [2, 8, 7]. Therefore, it tries to gain one electron in its valence
shell forming Cl1- (anion) to attain a stable octet configuration of the nearest noble gas Argon [2, 8, 8].
The oppositely charged cation and anion attract each other with a force - [electrostatic force of attraction] resulting in formation of an ionic or
electrovalent compound [NaCl] as shown below.

(b) Nitrogen atom (147N) has atomic number 7 and electronic configuration [2, 5]. To attain stable octet structure of the nearest noble gas Neon
8], Nitrogen needs three electrons in the valence shell. Nitrogen atom shares electron pairs with other nitrogen atom resulting in the formation
of a molecular or covalent bond.

Question 1- Explain the term 'chemical bond' and 'chemical bonding'.
Answer- The force which acts between two or more atoms to hold them together as a stable molecule is called a chemical bond and the
concept is called chemical bonding.
Question 2- State why noble gases have stable electronic configuration while atoms of other elements have unstable electronic
configuration. Answer- Octet and duplet structures seem to represent stability and are said to be stable electronic configuration.
Noble gases have their outermost or valence shell complete i.e., they have 2 electrons in outermost shell e.g., helium [electronic configuration
2] or they have 8 electrons in outermost shell e.g., neon [electronic configuration 2,8] or argon [electronic configuration 2,8,8]. Hence, they
stable electronic configuration. They do not gain, lose or share electrons and are unreactive or inert.
Atoms of other elements have incomplete valence shell; hence they have unstable electronic configuration. So, they can gain, lose or
share electrons to attain the stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas.
Question 3- Explain in brief how atoms of other elements other than noble gases, attain stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble
gas. Answer- Atoms of elements other than noble gases, attain stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas by:
1. Transfer of valence electrons from a metallic atom to a non-metallic atom.
2. Mutual sharing of electrons between two pairs of atoms of non-metallic elements.
Question 4- Define each of the following terms - (a) electrovalent bond, (b) electrovalent compound, (c) covalent bond, (d) covalent
compound with suitable examples wherever required.
Answer- (a) The chemical bond formed between the two atoms by transfer of one or more electrons from the atom of a metallic element to
an atom of a non-metallic element is called an electrovalent bond.
(b) The chemical compound formed as a result of transfer of one or more electrons from the atom of a metallic element to an atom of a
non- metallic element is called an electrovalent compound. e.g., NaCl, CaO
(c) The chemical bond formed due to mutual sharing of electrons between the given pairs of atoms of non-metallic elements is called a
covalent bond.
(d) The chemical compound formed due to mutual sharing of electrons between the given pair of non-metallic elements is called a
covalent compound. e.g., Chlorine molecule, Oxygen molecule.
Question 5- State what is meant by - (a) duplet rule (b) octet rule.
Answer- (a) Duplet Rule — For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration it must have 2 electrons in the first shell [outermost] like
that of noble gas Helium.
(b) Octet Rule — For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration it must have 8 electrons in outermost orbit like that of noble gases
other than Helium.
Question 6- Sodium chloride is formed as a result of - transfer of electrons from metallic sodium atom to non-metallic chlorine atom. With
the help of atomic orbit structure diagram - show the formation of sodium chloride [Atomic numbers: Na = 11, Cl = 17].
Answer- Atomic orbit structure diagram of the formation of sodium chloride by transfer of electrons from metallic sodium atom to non-
metallic chlorine atom is shown below:

Question 7- Atomic number of calcium is 20 and of oxygen is 8. State the number of electrons - calcium loses and oxygen gains to attain
stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas - during formation of electrovalent molecule, calcium oxide.
Answer- Calcium oxide is formed as a result of transfer of two valence electrons
. from metallic calcium atom 40 20 Ca; electronic configuration - 2,8,8,2; Nearest noble gas = Argon [2,8,8,]
. to non-metallic oxygen atom 16 8 O - electronic configuration - 2,6; Nearest noble gas = Neon [2,8]
. calcium loses two electrons - from its outer shell to attain stability of nearest noble gas - argon and becomes a calcium ion [cation]: Ca2+
. oxygen accepts two electrons - in outer shell to attain stability of nearest noble gas - neon and becomes an oxide ion [anion]: O2-
Question 8- Explain with the help of atomic orbit structure diagram the formation of calcium oxide.
Answer- Atomic orbit structure diagram of the formation of calcium oxide is shown below:

Calcium oxide is formed as a result of transfer of two valence electrons

. from metallic calcium atom 40 20 Ca; electronic configuration - 2,8,8,2; Nearest noble gas = Argon [2,8,8,]
. to non-metallic oxygen atom 16 8 O - electronic configuration - 2,6; Nearest noble gas = Neon [2,8]
. calcium loses two electrons - from its outer shell to attain stability of nearest noble gas - argon and becomes a calcium ion [cation]: Ca2+
. oxygen accepts two electrons - in outer shell to attain stability of nearest noble gas - neon and becomes an oxide ion [anion]: O2-
Question 9- Give a reason why - in the formation of electrovalent compound - magnesium chloride, one magnesium atom combines with
two chlorine atoms to give magnesium chloride. [at. no. Mg=12, Cl=17,]
Answer- Magnesium [At. no. 12 and electronic configuration 2,8,2] loses two electrons from its outer shell in order to attain stability of
nearest noble gas Neon [2,8] and becomes a magnesium ion [cation]: Mg2+ .
Chlorine [At. no. 17 and electronic configuration 2,8,7] accepts one electron in its outer shell to attain stability of nearest noble gas Argon
[2,8,8] and becomes a chloride ion [anion]: Cl1- .
Magnesium atom donates two electrons, whereas chlorine accepts one electron to give - chloride ion. Therefore, to accept the other electron
donated by magnesium atom there must be another chlorine atom. Thus, one magnesium atom combines with two chlorine atoms to give
MgCl2 Question 10- 'Formation of hydrogen molecule takes place by sharing of electrons'. Give a reason why the molecule of hydrogen is not
formed by transfer of electrons.
Answer- Hydrogen is a non-metal and has 1 valence electron, so in order to attain a stable duplet electronic configuration, it tries to gain one
more electron. As both the combining atoms are one electron short, therefore, none of the two atoms are in a position to donate. Hence, they
share 1 valence electron and get a stable duplet configuration.
Question 11
Draw the atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of - (a) hydrogen molecule, (b) chlorine molecule, (c) oxygen molecule, (d) nitrogen
molecule. [at. no. H=1, Cl=17, O=8, N=7]
Answer- (a) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of hydrogen molecule is shown below:

(b) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of chlorine molecule is shown below:

(c) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of oxygen molecule is shown below:

(d) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of nitrogen molecule is shown below:

Question 12
Give reasons for formation of single covalent bond between two chlorine atoms and a double covalent bond between two oxygen atoms -
during formation of a covalent chlorine molecule and formation of a covalent oxygen molecule, respectively.
Atomic number of Cl is 17 and elect. config. is [2,8,7]. As both the Cl atoms require one electron to complete its octet, hence, they both
will share 1 electron and will attain a stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas — argon. Therefore, single covalent bond is
formed during formation of a chlorine molecule.
Atomic number of O is 8 and elect. config. is [2,6]. As both the O atoms require two electrons to complete their octet, hence, they both will
share 2 electrons and will attain a stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas — neon. Therefore, double covalent bond is formed
formation of an oxygen molecule.
Question 13- Draw the atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of a - (a) water molecule, (b) ammonia molecule [at. no. H=1, O=8,
N=7] Answer
(a) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of water molecule is shown below:

(b) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of ammonia molecule is shown below:

Question 14- State why water has two lone pairs of electrons in its covalent molecule while ammonia has one lone pair.
Answer- Water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The hydrogen atom [1] has one electron in its valence shell while the
oxygen atom [2,6] has 6 electrons in its valence shell. Two hydrogen atom share one electron each and two unshared pairs of electrons are left as
pairs as shown in the diagram below:

In the case of ammonia, it contains three hydrogen atoms and one nitrogen atom. Nitrogen atom [2,5] has five valence electrons and hydrogen
atom [1] has one valence electron. In ammonia, each of the three hydrogen atoms are bonded to the nitrogen atom by a pair of shared
Thus, the nitrogen atom in ammonia is left with one lone pair of electrons as shown in the diagram below:

Question 15- With the help of an atomic orbit structure diagram - explain the formation of:
(a) carbon tetrachloride, (b) methane [at. no.: C=6, Cl=17, H=1]
Answer- (a) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of carbon tetrachloride molecule is shown below:

(b) Atomic orbit structure diagram for formation of methane molecule is shown below:

Question 16- Give a reason why one atom of carbon shares four electron pairs, one with each of the four atoms of chlorine during the
formation of covalent molecule - carbon tetrachloride.
Answer- Carbon [At. no. 6, electronic configuration 2,4] needs four electrons to attain the electronic configuration of nearest noble gas —
Neon. Chlorine atom [At. no. 17, electronic configuration 2,8,7] needs one electron to attain stable electronic configuration of nearest noble gas

Argon. Hence, to attain octet one atom of carbon shares four electron pairs, one with each of the four atoms of chlorine and forms
covalent molecule carbon tetrachloride.

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