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Activity 1: Lets take a survey


1. Do you use technology in 10 0

your teaching?

2. Are you aware of policies 10 0

that guide you in the use of

3. Do you use non-digital 10 0

learning resources in your

4. Do you develop digital 7 3

resources for your learners?

5. Do you use technology 9 1

tools for classroom activities?

6. Are you expert in the use 3 7

of technology tools for

7. Do you have facilities to 2 8

use the technology tools in
your classes?

8. Are you aware of the 10 0

ethical and legal
responsibilities in the use of
ICT tools?

9. Are your students learning 8 2

better with the use of
technology tools?

10. Do you enjoy using ICT 10 0

tools in your teaching?
1. How many answered Yes and No for each item? What percent is Yes? No?

• For items 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10 all of the ten respondents answered yes and none of
them answered no. While in items number 4 seven respondents answered yes
and three of them answered no. For item number 5 nine respondents have
respond yes and only one of them has respond no. In item number 6 three of the
respondents answered yes and 4 of them answered no. For item number 7 only
two respondents answered yes and 8 of them answered no and for item number
9 eight of them respond yes and only 2 respond no. As a result, yes answers
account for 79% of the responses, while no answers account for 21% of the

2. Which of the 10 item/s has more than Yes than No answers? Rank the items
with more Yes and Rank the Items with more No.

• The items that got more yes are items 1, 2, 3, 8 and 10 that received 10 yes
from the respondents while the second is item number 5 that got 9 yes then the
third is item number 9 that got 8 yes while the third is item number 4 that got 7
yes from the respondents and the rank four is the item number 6 that got 3 yes
and lastly the fifth is item number 7 that got 2 yes. While for the no answers item
number 7 got the first rank with 8 no from the respondents, second is item
number 6 that got 7 no, while the third one is item number 4 that got 3 no, then
the fourth is item number 9 that got 2 no and lastly the fifth is item number 5 that
got 1 no from the respondents.

3. What meaning can you derived from your results?

• We concluded that technology is useful in teaching and effective in learning,

since education system has changed radically with the integration of the
technology in every sector. But, even if the teachers are using technology in
teaching, they aren't experts on using it, meaning to say, they are still adjusting
and exploring their skills to go through in the product of modernization.
Moreover, since most of the teachers we interviewed are elementary teachers,
non-digital resources are still effective on the learners. In addition, we conclude
that our interviewees which in early adulthood can be more active in using digital
technology for teaching than a teacher who is in middle adulthood. In that case,
conducting a seminar about ICT can help to improve the teacher's skills in digital
technology, especially teachers who are accustomed in using old teaching

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