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Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Learner Name Sumanti Topno Reference ID/ Batch Code


Batch code -L4

Course Title Frankfinn Certificate Course in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & Customer Service

Assessor Name Grooming

Name of I.V.

I confirm that the work submitted for this

assignment is my own.


Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. It is compulsory to attempt all questions of PASS – to clear the assignment
3. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take up to Two days to submit the Assignments

Personal Grooming Treatments – (Pass)

Q1. What is Grooming?(Pass)

Grooming is the process of making yourself neat and attractive . It is the things witch you do
to màke yourself and your appearance Tidy and pleasant. Good grooming is commonly used
to refer to a person's Appearenc. It is made up of personal hygiene, tidy hair appropriate
dressing For an occasion grooming helps improve our appreànce and mental wiil- being
personal grooming refrers to the art of cleaning and maintaning parts of one's body
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Grooming is nothing but the desired action we talk to keep ourselves tidy mentally
confident añd optimistic. Activities such a meñicures pedicures.

Q2. Classify Grooming?(Pass)

The skill of appearing aelegent and flawless from the outside

And confident from the inside is once grooming can be classified into two apsents

1.) Physical grooming : physical grooming consists of your appearance which is categories
by the qualities of your skin hair, hygiene and the power of dressing makeup etiquette etc.
This is all about skin, hair and personal hygiene. So it is the external beauty. it can be
considered and once appearance. Appearance in very important is the buseness world
specially when is it come to customer service. Airline are looking for attendant who have
pleasant appearance because they wants their customers to feel comfortable and Happy
while on the board. The way you present yourself speak a lot about your will being. This
means you need to be well groomed clean and professional appearance conveys scene of
competence and reliability to passengers.

Q3. What are the qualities required for working in the Aviation, Hospitality, Travel &
Customer service Industries?(Pass)

There are many qualities that are needed in a person for work in the aviation , hospitality,
travel and customer service a person who is perfect in all aspect but son of the most
important quality that a person should hold in them are.

1.) Placing personality - professionals in the aviation need to have a pleasant

personality as it request them to interact with customers
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

2.) Interpersonals and communication skills - the job in aviation industry

requires good interpersonal and communication skills to exchange information
and avoid any confusion

Listening - someone one side we have got to yes and only one month which
means we should listen twice as much as speak. This is true for many things
but even more so in the hospitality industry.

Oral and buddy languages:- after the listening comes the talking

Q4. Name the Layers of the Skin?(Pass)

Q5. Name different types of skin? (Pass)

Q6. What are the causes of Acne and dark circle and also provide 02 remedies for each?
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Q7. What are the types of hair? Highlight the causes of dandruff and provide 02 remedies?

Q8. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Personal hygiene and Grooming Hygiene? (Merit)

Q9.Why do you think it’s important to present yourself as a professional in an interview?


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