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Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 3
2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 4
3 DATA SOURCE ......................................................................................................... 4
4 APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS ....................................................................... 4
4.1 Document Precedence ................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Codes, Standards and Regulations ............................................................................... 4
4.3 Other References........................................................................................................ 4
5 GUIDELINES FOR PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS ................................................................ 5
5.1 Objectives of Piping Stress Analysis .............................................................................. 5
5.2 Determination of Analysis Level.................................................................................... 5
5.3 Procedures ................................................................................................................ 6
6 GUIDELINES FOR PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS ................................................................ 7
6.1 Computer Modelling .................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Stress Analysis........................................................................................................... 7
6.3 CAESAR II Template Settings ....................................................................................... 8
6.4 Design and Operating Parameters ................................................................................ 8
6.5 Friction ...................................................................................................................... 8
6.6 Mechanical Design Conditions ...................................................................................... 8
6.7 Units of Measurement ................................................................................................. 9
6.8 Wellhead Movements .................................................................................................. 9
7 QA REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................... 9
8 DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................... 9
9 APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................................. 9

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Lochard Energy (LE) plans to expand its gas storage deliverability and increase the facility storage working
volume. This will be achieved by a combination of well work overs and a drilling program in to the Iona
reservoir. This work will be undertaken to improve the reliability in delivering the future winter sales gas
target demand.
The Iona Waarre reservoir is currently accessed by 5 production wells and 2 observation wells. The 5
production wells are namely Iona-1, Iona-2, Iona-3, Iona-4 and Iona-5. Observation wells are Obs-1 and
Obs-2 wells. Iona 3 and 4 well workover is complete and operational.
Proposed Iona-7 well is expected to be drilled, completed and ready for operation by June 2018. The
design will allow for an Iona-8 well as a future development and is seen as opportunistic to allow additional
well withdrawal capacity. Iona-7 & 8 (future) wells will have a similar capacity as upgraded Iona-3 & 4.
The location of the Iona Gas Field is shown below:

Figure 1-1 Location of the Iona Gas Field

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

2 Scope
This basis of design has been developed for the process piping designed to ASME B31.3, and outlines the
minimum requirements to ensure that the piping system is designed in accordance with the ASME B31.3

3 Data Source
Ambient and Local Site Conditions, PIDs, Project Piping Line Class Specifications, equipment / vendor data
and stress isometric drawings.

4 Applicable Codes and Standards

4.1 Document Precedence
The design shall comply with all Government legislated regulations. For documentation specific to the
design, the order of precedence is as follows:
1. Statutory Regulations
2. Project Technical Specifications
3. National, International and Industry Standards and Codes of Practice

4.2 Codes, Standards and Regulations

All piping system shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of the following codes, standards and
statutory regulations (where applicable)
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
API 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment
ASME III Div 1 Subsection NC Class 2 Components Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility
AS4343 Pressure Equipment Hazard Levels
AS 1170.0 Part 0: General Principles
AS 1170.2 Part 2: Wind Actions
AS1170.4 Part 4: Earthquake Actions in Australia

4.3 Other References

UGS-MS-507 Piping Fabrication and Installation Specification
SPEC-26004-01-CS-001 Civil-Structural Design Criteria
3112-00025-1 Geotechnical Investigation Report
RPT-26006-02-PR-001 Basis of Design for Iona-7 Surface Facilities - Detail Design

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

5 Guidelines for Piping Stress Analysis

5.1 Objectives of Piping Stress Analysis
Formal analysis of the nominated piping systems are carried out to assess the following;

 The piping system has sufficient flexibility to avoid excessive stress and meet the code requirements.
 Piping deflections and thermal movements are controlled by its existing/new restraints and acceptable
for the design.
 The piping system remains adequately supported for a stable system.
 To ensure that bending stresses are kept within the allowables so that flange leakage is avoided.

5.2 Determination of Analysis Level

There are three levels of stress analysis depending on the design conditions of the piping systems:
 Level 1: Formal Stress Analysis by stress engineers
 Level 2: Manual calculations / Visual review by stress engineers
 Level 3: Review by piping designers
Level of stress criteria of each line will be shown on the line list. The identification of stress levels should be
done as early as practical and as a priority to facilitate planning.
Level 1
Pipe Stress analysis using CAESAR II, version 9, or equivalent software, shall be performed for the
following piping systems:
 All lines, DN 80 and larger connected to wellheads, rotating and reciprocating equipment
 All lines, DN80 and smaller with a design temperature of 150°C and above, or a design temperature of
-72°C and below
 All lines, DN100 to DN400 with a design temperature of 95°C and above, or a design temperature of -
61°C and below
 All lines, DN150 and larger connected to pressure vessels, pig traps, tanks, and heat exchangers
 All lines, DN450 and larger with a design temperature or 67°C and above, or a design temperature of -
28°C and below
 All lines, DN500 and larger with a wall thickness of less than 1% of the outside diameter
 All lines, DN50 to DN600 with a wall thickness of S-160
 All lines, from relief valves or bursting discs discharging to atmosphere
 All flare system lines
 All lines, subject to displacement from equipment settlement
 All liquid blow down lines including drains

No formal analysis of adequate flexibility is required for a piping system which:

 Duplicates or replaces, without significant change, a system operating with a successful service record
 Can readily be judged adequate by comparison with previously analysed systems

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

Level 2
Level 2 Analysis will be conducted on piping systems that fall outside of Level 1, but are identified by the
stress engineer as being required to be manually checked for sufficient flexibility and support (e.g. lines
that are outside level 1 but are in hazard level A, B or C as defined in AS4343).
Level 3
All other piping systems that fall outside criteria of Level 1 and Level 2 shall be reviewed by the piping
designer. These piping systems are classified as Category D in accordance with B31.3.

5.3 Procedures
To enable an efficient design effort, it is essential that the piping designer and the stress engineer work
together from the beginning of the piping study phase, ensuring problem systems are identified as early as
possible, and resolutions are engineered into the total design.
Because it is not practically possible for the stress engineer to check all systems at the early stage of a
project, it is necessary for the piping designer to recognize systems with thermal movements involved, and
to layout such piping with considerations for flexibility and expansion.
Level 1 Analysis
Stress sketches shall be generated from 3D CAD models wherever possible. Whilst they must be fully
checked and approved by all parties concerned for the final report, they can be issued for stress review
and input on a preliminary unchecked basis during the early stages of design development.
Stress sketches shall be marked up with data necessary for Caesar II inputting. They shall be fully
dimensioned including dimensions over valves and fittings (elbows, tees, etc.) and show type and locations
of all pipe supports, fixed points, vessel nozzles, etc. Where connecting to existing works, they shall include
the entire piping system to the next fixed point or equipment nozzle.
A computerised stress analysis shall be performed using Caesar II or equivalent software. Key elements of
output such as support and nozzle loads and specific analysis requirements shall be specified on stress
Any modularisation of piping shall not be analysed individually but rather the identified piping system shall
be analysed as a whole, to ensure the full effect on the system is considered. Additional restraints/supports
required for the safe transportation of modularised piping units shall be identified by the fabricating
contractor and be temporary for transportation requirements (subsequently removed on site) or included in
the overall system analysis if they are to be permanent installations. All additional permanent supports
shall be installed in consultation and post formal approval by the Engineering Contractor’s Stress Engineer.
Level 2 Analysis
Manual calculations, based on the simple beam analysis method or visual review are performed on the
identified piping systems to ensure sufficient supports and flexibility by an experienced stress engineer.
Comments by reviewers are marked up on isometrics or stress sketches and are kept for records. No other
formal reports to be produced.
Level 3 Analysis
This visual review shall be carried out for sufficient pipe supports and flexibility by the piping designer,
using tables or charts of maximum allowable pipe spans.

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

6 Guidelines for Piping Stress Analysis

6.1 Computer Modelling
Modelling of Piping Systems shall include (where applicable):
 Pipe supports modelling shall be in accordance with applicable support types including pipe support
 Multiple thermal cases (e.g. for bypass lines, standby pumps)
 Relief valves load
 Slug loads
 Surge loads
 Expansion joints (use of expansion joints shall be subject to owner approval)
 Variable pipe supports (Springs)
 Vessel thermal expansion
 Nozzle to vessel connection (may be modelled using WRC flexibility)
6.2 Stress Analysis
The stress analysis will include:
 Static analysis
 Occasional load analysis: the conditions as set out in ASME B31.3 shall be adhered to for wind,
seismic, relief valve, slug and hydro loads.
 Wind and seismic loads need not be considered as acting simultaneously.
 Where applicable, seismic loads shall be considered as a static load due to an applied ‘g’ force in
accordance with applicable codes, refer section 6.6
 Where applicable, wind loads shall be considered using shape factor of 0.6 and a pressure vs.
elevation chart based on the ultimate wind speed, refer section 6.6.
 Maximum differential settlement for piled supports shall be based on project specific soil conditions;
refer Geotechnical Report. Where settlement is considered possible, then the effect this has on the
piping system shall be considered and additional flexibility or carefully selected support locations or
support types incorporated to accommodate the movement.
Analysis shall ensure:
 That all code requirements of B31.3 are satisfied.
 Displacement cycling stress satisfies Code Allowable.
 Branch reinforcement requirements are in accordance with B31.3.
 Where allowable nozzle loads have not been provided by the equipment manufacture the flange
connection shall be checked for flange leakage in accordance with NC3658.3 for all operating cases.
 For all Level 1 piping systems flange leakage assessment will be performed in accordance with
 Pipe sag or pipe deflections due to weight of piping and contents should be kept to a minimum and
should not exceed 12.5mm.
 External piping loads should not exceed the allowable nozzle loads as specified in equipment
specifications and vendor drawings. If the piping loads exceed the above, Weld Research Council-WRC
537 (Which replaces WRC 107 method) can be used to determine the nozzle local stresses. These

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

stresses shall satisfy the requirements of ASME Section VIII Division 2 and shall be submitted to the
Mechanical Package Engineer for incorporating into Vendor calculations.
 For lines in 2 phase flow that are subjected to slug flow conditions a static analysis shall be performed
with slug loads imposed on elbows/bends.

6.3 CAESAR II Template Settings

The following settings shall be implemented in the stress analysis configuration file template.
 Piping Code: ASME B31.3 (default)
 Unit file name: SI (mm)
 Axis coordinates: Vertical Y
 Liberal Allowable: OFF

6.4 Design and Operating Parameters

Design conditions shall be taken from project line list with the consideration for any piping that is expected
to be exposed to solar radiation and under specific flow conditions the pipe body temperature can increase,
which for analysis purposes this temperature will be considered as 70oC.The ambient temperature shall be
taken as 21oC.

6.5 Friction
 At sliding supports the following factors shall be used with a view to achieve maximum load and stress
PTFE on Steel: 0.10
Steel on Steel: 0.30
Tufnol on Steel: 0.30
 No credit shall be taken for reduced thermal expansion movements or reduced flexibility stresses due
to friction.
 The effects of piping weight and friction forces due to thermal expansion shall be included in the
evaluation for loads on mechanical equipment nozzles.

6.6 Mechanical Design Conditions

 Amb. Temperature Min/Max: -5 / 45°C (Reference: RPT-26006-02-PR-001)
 Wind Load Profile: Reference Civil/Structural Design Criteria SPEC-26004-01-CS-001
 Seismic Design: The load factor shall be calculated in accordance with AS1170.4 using
Z=0.1, soil class C (Reference Civil/Structural Design Criteria SPEC-
26004-01-CS-001) and assuming structural height less than 12m; see
Appendix 1. For heights > 12m load factors shall be recalculated.

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd
No.: SPEC-26006-02-PI-001 Rev: 0
Title: Pipe Stress Analysis Basis of Design Date: 17.10.17

6.7 Units of Measurement

All units of measurement shall be in SI, and in compliance with ASTM SI 10.

6.8 Wellhead Movements

Displacement due to thermal expansion will be considered from the anchor point which is at the bottom of
the cellar and modelled as rigid. No additional wellhead displacement will be considered. Refer TQ-26006-

7 QA Requirement
A Stress Engineer other than the originator shall check all stress calculations. The checker shall be an
experienced, Senior Stress Engineer. As checking is a time consuming function, the activity should not be
started until the piping layouts and process data are finalised. However, checking of stress calculations
shall be conducted as soon as possible and not be left to the end of the project.

8 Documentation
 Level 1 Analysis: Stress report shall be issued
 Level 2 Analysis: No stress report shall be issued. Isometrics shall be reviewed and signed off
by the stress engineer. No additional documentation
 Level 3 Analysis: No documentation. Isometrics are not required to be reviewed by the stress
Stress Report should include:
 Defining objectives
 Design inputs used for analysis
 Assumptions used for analysis
 Conclusions
 Appendices to include the following:
o Static analysis input/output data and load cases
o Other supporting calculations (where applicable) such as trunnion calculations, WRC, etc.
o Stress sketches with marked support types, locations and maximum loads.

9 Appendix 1
Piping Seismic Loads (AS 1170.4)

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd

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