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Submitted by:

Nayab Shah

Kinza Mukhtar

Esha Shafique

Muhammad Yousuf Talha

Bs Commerce 4th semester regular

Topic: Building Trust in a New Team

Submitted to:

Ma’am Sadia Shoukat

Building Trust in a New Team :

Trust creates the foundation for effective communication, staff retention, employee motivation and the contribution
of discretionary energy which is what we call engagement ,the extra effort that people voluntarily invest in work.

Positive interactions of trust enables:

Feeling able to rely upon a person

Cooperating with and experiencing teamwork

Taking thoughtful risks

Experiencing believable communication.

Factors influencing trust building in a team :

Reliability and Dependability: Consistently delivering on commitments and being dependable builds trust
within the team. When team members can rely on each other to fulfill their responsibilities, trust is strengthened.

Competency: Demonstrating competence and expertise in respective roles enhances trust within the team. When
team members trust each other’s capabilities, they feel confident in relying on each other to achieve team objectives.

Integrity : Monitoring ethical behavior, moral principles, and sincerity cultivates trust. Acting with integrity aligns
actions with values, fostering trustworthiness.

Strategies to build trust in early stages :

1. Communicate clearly and regularly:
One of the most important ways to build trust and credibility with clients is to communicate clearly and

2. Be honest: Developing a reputation as someone who is dishonest is one of the fastest ways to erode trust.
Always tell the truth, even if it's awkward.

3.Help your team: Another way to build trust is by helping your teammates. If a coworker has taken on a lot of
projects and you notice they’re having a hard time help them to sort it out.

4.Listen actively: Whether you’re having a conversation with co-workers or clients, the act of active listening
builds trust in the workplace.

5.Answer team building questions: Team building questions can cover information about yourself, which
helps to humanize you to one another. For example, “What are your views about this research?”

6.Celebrate Successes: A proven track record of success enhances the credibility of your people. And as we’ve
seen, credibility is a driver of trust.

7.Set expectations and boundaries: Setting expectations and boundaries within a team is an important step
in building trust. Having clear guidelines help in understanding each other.

Open communication:
Open communication refers to the ability of individuals to freely convey their thoughts and ideas to each other.
Within a corporate environment, a Team can foster open communication by actively promote All team members to
share their feedback and opinions.

For example, when senior managers and other workers in an organization express their ideas, issues, and thoughts
with one another in a steady, honest, transparent, and reliable manner. This way, teams can avoid surprises, resolve
conflicts, and collaborate better.

In the words of Jack Welch, “Trust happens when leaders are transparent”. Increasing transparency is an accessible
first step for leaders to take in order to build trust. Transparency can be thought of as being open and honest.
Expressing your opinions and being direct. When done consistently, transparency builds relationships. It allows the
leader to be seen as approachable and builds respect.

Impact of Conflict Resolving on Strengthening Trust :

Improved Communication: Conflict resolution encourages open and honest communication. Team members
become more comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns, leading to better collaboration and idea sharing.

Enhanced Problem-Solving: As conflicts are addressed and resolved, teams develop better problem-solving
skills. They learn to identify issues early, brainstorm solutions, and make decisions collectively.

Higher Productivity: With fewer unresolved conflicts and improved team dynamics, productivity naturally
increases. Teams can focus their energy on tasks and projects rather than interpersonal issues.

Member’s satisfaction : A team that experiences effective conflict resolution is likely to have higher levels of
job satisfaction. Employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute to the organization’s success.
Monitoring and nurturing trust level over time within team:

Nurturing trust at Intrapersonal level

Self-Awareness Workshops: Organize workshops that help team members deepen their understanding of
themselves, their values, strengths, and areas for growth. Through activities like personality assessments, reflection
exercises, and self-assessment tools, team members can gain insights into their own behaviors and tendencies, which
is foundational for building trust within oneself and with others

Self-Reflection and Goal Setting Workshops: Facilitate workshops that guide team members in setting
personal and professional goals, reflecting on their progress, and identifying areas for development. Through goal
setting and self-reflection, team members can take ownership of their growth and development, fostering a sense of
trust in their ability to achieve their aspirations over time

Nurturing trust at Organizational level :

Justice is key : Ensure that organizational policies and procedures are fair, transparent, and consistently applied
to all team members. This includes processes related to hiring, performance evaluation, promotion, compensation,
and Disciplinary actions. When team members perceive fairness in organizational policies, it fosters trust in the
organization and its leadership.

Addressing problems early: Implement effective conflict resolution processes that enable team members to
address conflicts and disagreements constructively and early on. Provide training and support for managers and team
leaders to facilitate dialogue, mediation, and resolution of conflicts, preserving trust and collaboration within the

Show Humbleness and Kindness : By showing humbleness and kindness in your interactions and
leadership approach, you create a culture of trust, respect, and compassion within the team and organization. This
fosters a positive work environment where team members feel valued, supported, and motivated to collaborate
towards shared goals and success.

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