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a UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
All the information you should be considering
when looking to purchase the best UV/Vis
spectrophotometer for your lab’s needs

12TH EDITION | 2024

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

How to buy a UV/Vis spectrophotometer

UV/Vis spectrophotometry is a common
technique used for qualitative and
quantitative analyses for a wide range
of applications.
1. Useful questions
Laboratories seeking a new UV/Vis
spectrophotometer have many choices, 2. Basic concepts
from the simplest single-wavelength 3. Application considerations
instruments to high-performance, 4. Instrument components
multi-spectrum analyzers.
Labs across academia and industry are
5. Considerations for optical
actively seeking to invest in new UV/Vis
configurations/optical design
spectrophotometers and accessories for a 6. Performance criteria
range of reasons. For instance, many users 7. E
 xamples of
require an instrument capable of enhanced instruments available
accuracy and precision, as well as the
8. Future trends
ability to effectively analyze complex
samples at low concentrations. Researchers 9. Editor’s picks
in academia and industry understand that
technology is constantly advancing, and
therefore are choosing to take advantage expanded wavelength ranges and enhanced
of updated instruments with new and sensitivity. This guide will highlight important
improved features and capabilities – from factors to consider when purchasing a
automation and faster scan speeds to UV/Vis spectrophotometer.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

1. Useful questions
To make the most of your purchasing power, This will help you decide which features are
you should ask yourself and your colleagues essential or desirable in your next purchase.
the following questions before speaking to For instance, a Good UV Vis Practice (GUVP)
a manufacturer or shopping online: check can assist you in determining which
features are essential or desirable in your next
• What is your budget? purchase and in identifying potential risks in
It is important to understand and work within your current setup.
a realistic budget.
• How important is speed and efficiency?
• What applications will you use the Which features or technologies would
instrument for? streamline your workflow and save time for
Consider the hardware and software which users? How will the system integrate into
will be best suited to your needs. Don’t forget your current workflow? Remember to take
to consider any future applications you may into account your future goals, such as the
require the instrument for, or ways in which introduction of liquid handling robots or an
others in your laboratory may wish to use increase in sample volume.
the instrument.
• What level of servicing, maintenance
• Is it important to be able to upgrade the and support do you need?
system or add on additional modules? Find out what type of maintenance the
This is largely dependent on any future instrument requires and how often. Decide
applications you might wish to use this which type of servicing package you will require.
instrument for. You should consider whether
it would be useful to purchase a system that • Is the software user friendly?
can perform additional types of analyses, Will the instrument need to be used by many
such as one with both fluorescence and non-expert users, or by a handful of super-users?
absorbance measurement capabilities. You
can learn more about the advantages of each • Is the software compatible with other
form of measurement in this technical note. devices in your lab?
Consider which platforms you would like to
• Are you replacing an instrument? use to view your data. Is the operating system
Review with others what the advantages of the spectrophotometer compatible with
and limitations of the old instrument were. Apple, Android or Microsoft devices.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

2. Basic concepts
UV/Vis refers to the ultraviolet (UV) and
visible (Vis) parts of the electromagnetic Transmittance (T) Absorbance (A)
spectrum. The Joint Committee on
Nomenclature in Applied Spectroscopy sets T = I/I₀ A = -logT
the far UV region at 10–200 nm, near UV at
200–380 nm and visible at 380–780 nm. Unit: theoretically
Modern UV/Vis spectrophotometers typically none, but ‘A’ or
have a wavelength range from 190 nm ‘AU’ are used to
to 1100 nm. %T = I/I₀ x 100 report absorbance
When a beam of electromagnetic radiation measurements
strikes an object, it can be absorbed, (‘OD’ is also
transmitted, scattered, reflected, or it can sometimes used)
cause fluorescence. The processes that
are involved in UV/Vis spectroscopy are Table 1. Transmittance and absorbance calculations

absorption and transmission.

When ultraviolet and visible radiation 2.2 The Beer-Lambert Law
interacts with matter, electronic transitions
take place; that is, electrons in the ground The Beer-Lambert Law (Figure 1) states that
state are promoted to a high energy state. the concentration of an analyte in solution is
In particular, π to π* and n to π* transitions directly proportional to the absorbance (A) of
occur in the UV/Vis region. the solution.

2.1 Transmittance and absorbance

When a beam of light passes through a

sample, the amount of light absorbed is the
A= bc
is the molar absorption or extinction coefficient
difference between the incident radiation b is the path length
c is concentration
(I0) and the transmitted radiation (I).
Transmittance and absorbance are terms Figure 1. Beer-Lambert Law equation

used to express the amount of light absorbed

by the sample. Absorbance in older literature is
also called ‘extinction’ or ‘optical density’ (OD).

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

3. Application considerations
UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be used • Sample characteristics: The nature of the
for a wide range of applications over sample being analyzed can greatly influence
many disciplines including life sciences, how you choose the best spectrophotometer
pharmaceutical, food & beverage, to meet your goals. Some samples may
environmental and materials science. When have complex matrices or low concentrations,
determining what specification and features requiring a spectrophotometer with high
you require, it is essential that you carefully sensitivity and advanced analysis
consider the various applications that you capabilities. Other samples may require
may need your UV/Vis spectrophotometer specialized techniques, such as kinetics
to perform, not just now, but in future or scanning, which would require a
years. Important factors to take into spectrophotometer designed specially to
account include: cater for this need.

• Analytes: The wavelength of maximum • Throughput and workflow: Consideration of

absorption of analytes you wish to detect and the application helps determine the required
quantify will determine the wavelength range throughput and workflow features. If your
you require from your spectrophotometer. lab needs to analyze many samples in a
Many UV/Vis spectrophotometers are short time, features such as automation or
designed for life science and drug discovery high-throughput capabilities are essential.
applications and often cover a range of the Alternatively, if your application involves more
UV/Vis spectrum from 190nm - 840nm. manual and specialized measurements, you
However, some instruments designed could prioritize other features, such as
specifically for materials and environmental ease-of-use or flexibility in experimental setup.
applications have a wider wavelength range. Therefore, by considering the application
when purchasing a UV/Vis spectrophotometer,
• Measurements: Measurement considerations you can select a system that is tailored to
play a vital role in the selection of a UV/Vis the specific needs of your research to ensure
spectrophotometer. Each application has optimal performance, accurate results, and
unique measurement requirements, such as efficient workflow.
wavelength range, spectral bandwidth, and
sensitivity – which may vary based on the • Volume of samples to be analyzed: Those
sample under analysis. working with low volumes of precious

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

samples, such as DNA or protein, will and nucleic acid quantification

benefit from investment in a microvolume • Temperature control
spectrophotometer, which can analyze
as little as 0.5µL of sample. Some Watch this short introductory video to learn
spectrophotometers can also accommodate how UV/Vis spectroscopy is utilized as a
large cuvettes, to facilitate other absorbance direct analytical technique for assessing the
and fluorescence methods. purity, concentration, and stability of cell
and gene therapy products.
• Software and usability: Consider the
user interface and inclusion of software
features such as predefined methods, data 3.2 Regulated industry and
analysis and contamination alerts. This can applied chemistry
enhance ease-of-use, enabling improved
workflow efficiency and reduced training UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be applied
needs. Find out more about software and to a wide range of applications, including:
data management.
• Drug discovery & pharmaceutical:
• Regulated industry: Those working in Quantitative analysis of drug formulations,
regulated industries, such as food and quality control, drug development
beverage manufacturing, environmental and delivery.
agencies or the pharmaceutical industry,
will require instruments to be compliant • Materials science: Analysis of a range of
with industry standards and often have materials including glass, metals and paint,
advanced QC and security features. as part of material development as well
as for quality control.

• Future applications: Do you foresee any • Food and beverage: Quantitative

future application needs which would require determination of ingredients and drinking
a larger spectral range, different sample water analysis.
volumes, additional software features or the
ability to perform different spectrophotometric • Environmental analysis: Analysis of trace
analyses such as fluorescence? analytes in waste and environmental waters.

• Clinical diagnostics and medical research:

3.1 Life science Many clinical analyses, and increasingly used
for non-invasive analysis of soft tissues.
In life sciences, UV/Vis absorbance
spectrophotometry is commonly used to
quickly and easily determine nucleic acid
concentration and assess sample purity. In TOP TIP
protein biology, it is used to quantify proteins,
either directly or through a Bradford assay. Important features you
UV/Vis can also be used to monitor cellular
should consider:
and microbial growth, as well as ELISA and
kinetic assays. • Accommodation of your
sample type and volume
Important features you should consider:
• Compliance with industry
• Micro-volume samples rules and regulations
• Predesigned and customizable applications • Wavelength range
– the ability to select common methods, such
as Bradford assay, enzyme kinetics

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

4. Instrument components
The different components of a UV/Vis • Monochromator – produces a beam of
spectrophotometer contribute to the overall monochromatic light; in the conventional UV/
performance of the instrument. At a basic Vis configuration, it consists of an entrance
level, each UV/Vis spectrophotometer slit, collimating device, dispersing device,
consists of five main components: focusing lens or mirror, and an exit slit

• Light source – provides radiation of • Detector – detects and measures the

appropriate wavelength intensity of radiation

• Sample compartment – the area where the • Signal handling and measuring system –
sample is introduced into the light beam processes data and controls the instrument
Figure 2 shows the components and setup
of a typical array UV/Vis spectrophotometer.

4.1 Sample format

Most samples analyzed by UV/Vis are in

liquid or solution state. This is because
UV/ Vis spectroscopy is particularly
well-suited for the analysis of substances
that can be dissolved or dispersed in a liquid.
Liquid samples offer several advantages for
UV/ Vis analysis. For instance, liquids typically
Figure 2. Graphical setup of the METTLER TOLEDO UV/VIS Excellence
provide a homogeneous environment,
Spectrophotometers. Xenon lamp setup with CCD sensor.
Source: Mettler-Toledo International. ensuring that the sample is evenly distributed

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

throughout the measurement volume.

This allows for consistent and representative
measurements of the sample’s optical
properties. Traditional sample cells include
cuvettes, sippers (an accessory which
automatically fills the cells with sample
solution), and microplates such as those
compatible with the Synergy HTX Multi-Mode
Microplate Reader. Micro-volume
spectrophotometers, such as the DS-8X
and DS-11 Series, use a microvolume
platform onto which the sample solution
can be directly pipetted, while the
N50 NanoPhotometer by Implen has a
micro-volume capability starting with
only 0.3 µL of sample volume.
Typically, sample volumes are in the range Figure 3. Illustration of an instrument facilitating multiple modes of analysis
of 0.5 to 2 µL. Some instruments feature
fiber-optic probes for measuring samples very short pathlength, normally between 0.1
outside the UV/Vis spectrophotometer’s to 1mm, which allows highly concentrated
sample compartment. This enables analysis samples to be analyzed without the need
of the sample in situ, which is especially for dilution.
useful when it is not possible to physically For example, the SmartPath™ technology
remove samples, for example, when with Bridge Testing™ integrated into The
monitoring industrial production lines, DeNovix DS-8X and DS-11 Series enables
blood or the environment. microvolume droplets of sample to be
Another consideration is pathlength. analyzed accurately in a range of up to 0.75
Microvolume spectrophotometers have a ng/µL to 37,500 ng/µL. The DS-8X enables
higher throughput workflows with eight
channels, enabling faster nucleic acid and
protein quantification. Alternatively, the
TOP TIP N50 NanoPhotometer offers an extensive
dynamic range with two precisely defined
If using cuvettes as sample path lengths to eliminate pathlength drift,
and the Biodrop µLITE by BioDrop Ltd is able
cells, it is important to
to perform measurements that are highly
consider the cuvette accurate because the pathlength is specified
material. Common materials to +/– 5 µm.
At the opposite end of the spectrum,
include optical glass,
some instruments accommodate a very
quartz and sapphire. The long pathlength. These instruments can
transmission range of the accommodate cuvettes, increasing sensitivity
and allowing for the detection of analytes at
material will need to match trace levels.
the wavelength range of your Instruments that offer additional flexibility
analytes; materials that have by accommodating both microvolume and
larger samples in cuvettes, and by integrating
a broader transmission range, microvolume and cuvette absorbance with
such as sapphire, come at a fluorescence measurements, should also
higher cost. be considered. To gain further insights into
handling glass cuvettes, watch this video from
METTLER TOLEDO on SelectScience.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Xenon (190 - 1100 nm) Deuterium (190 - 380 nm)
(320 – 1100 nm)

Covers the UV and visible range but Typical life Good intensity continuum
higher instrumental stray light and less approximately in the UV region; typical life
energy at the far visible end; ideal for 2,000 hrs; relatively approximately 1,000 hrs.
general measurements, long lifetime inexpensive.
(typically seven years).

Table 2. List of UV/Vis light sources

4.2 Light source smaller, faster, and more sensitive. These

differences must be considered when setting
The light source should be stable during internal specifications for measurement
the measurement period. That is, the performance. An array device can detect
intensity of emitted radiation should not even the smallest variations.
fluctuate, and there should be adequate Download this array versus scanning
intensity over as large a wavelength region white paper for a comparison of these two
as possible. The ideal light source would spectrophotometer setups and find out
yield a constant intensity over all more about their individual performance.
wavelengths, with low noise and
long-term stability.
Table 2 lists the light sources for UV/Vis 4.3 Software & data management

spectrophotometers. The different sources
are not equivalent; they provide light UV/Vis software is an area that is constantly
intensities and noise at different parts of developing and expanding. Most
the spectrum. spectrophotometers now
Many UV/Vis include their own software
spectrophotometers use
both deuterium and
UV/Vis software that controls the instrument,
collects, analyzes and
tungsten-halogen lamps to
cover the entire UV (deuterium is an area that manipulates data.
Many software packages
lamp) and visible (tungsten- now come with
halogen lamp) spectrum.
Either a source selector is
used to switch between the
lamps as appropriate, or the
light from the two sources expanding.

is constantly
developing and
pre-programmed methods
that enable users to
perform routine analyses
and calculate common
parameters with just a
is mixed to yield a single few clicks. A combination
broadband source. This type of an intuitive user interface
of setup is known as scanning. Xenon flash and software can make the instrument
lamps are becoming the most commonly more accessible to occasional, non-expert
used source for life science applications users as well as speeding up routine
because they cover the entire UV and visible analysis. For example, many instruments
range, have extended lifetimes, do not require suited to life sciences include
warm-up time, and do not raise the pre-programmed applications for nucleic
temperature of the sample compartment. acid quantification, protein and peptide
A diode array spectrophotometer is better quantification, kinetic assays and optical
than a scanning device in three ways: it’s density and cell/mL calculations.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

enables seamless integration into automated

multi-parameter systems with other METTLER
TOLEDO analytical instruments such as
titrators, density meters, refractometers,
pH meters, and analytical balances.
Some instruments allow standalone
operation with a touchscreen user interface
like that of the DS-8X and DS-11 Series
from DeNovix, making operation simple
and efficient. Software such as EasyApps™,
Figure 4. Different applications can be laid out for user convenience
with an easy-to-use, icon-driven interface,
and to avoid quantification mistakes. Screen shown above is from the
DS-11 Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer. take advantage of many of the touchscreen
navigation features already familiar to many
Examples include: of today’s researchers.
Easy saving of results and data export
• DeNovix Inc. spectrophotometers such is important for stand-alone instruments.
as the DS-8X and DS-11 Series include Many models now come with USB, WiFi and
powerful and intuitive EasyApps™ software, Ethernet, giving you more freedom when
which make the instruments easy to learn organizing your laboratory space and making
and quick to use with no setup required it easier to access your data.
(Figure 4). This software was designed by life Discover some of the key features of
scientists and includes SmartQC™, which EasyApps™ software in this application note.
assesses contamination, monitors for spectral
abnormalities, and ensures users are alerted 4.4 Connectivity
if previous users have failed to remove
previous samples. Ease of data export is important for
standalone instruments. Many models now
• Gen5 Microplate Reader and Imager come with USB, WiFi and Ethernet, giving
Software from Agilent Technologies is you more freedom when organizing your
available onboard or on a PC, and integrates laboratory space and making it easier to
with all BioTek imaging and detection systems. access your data.
Some platforms also have dedicated apps
• Acclaro™ Sample Intelligence technology for accessing, viewing and exporting saved
provided with the Thermo Scientific™ data. The DeNovix Data app enables users
NanoDrop™ One calls on a spectral library to easily access all data obtained on the
to identify common DNA sample instrument, email reports as csv, pdf or jpeg
contaminants, such as phenol and files, save data to a LIMS or network drive,
proteins, and prevent them. or print out the data to network printers or
label writers.
• The BioSpec-nano Micro-Volume UV It’s also important to consider the ability
Spectrophotometer by Shimadzu Corporation to set up user accounts on instruments that
is a low-maintenance micro-volume allow individual users to save pre-configured
spectrophotometer. This combines dedicated methods of their choice, increasing speed
software designed to enable the ease of to results and ease-of-use for even
quantitation of DS/SS DNA and labeled/ non-expert users
unlabeled proteins.

• The UV5 Excellence UV/VIS Spectrophotometers 4.5 Monochromator

by Mettler-Toledo GmbH can be run standalone
or using LabX® software that fosters fast The ideal monochromator should produce
spectral data management, fully compliant monochromatic light. In practice, however,
with 21 CFR part 11/EU annex 11. This also the output is always a narrow band, optimally

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

symmetrical in shape. detectors used in UV/Vis spectrophotometers.

The dispersion device in monochromators Photomultiplier tubes (PMT) and photodiodes
can be a prism or diffraction grating. Most are single-channel detectors, and the
modern spectrophotometers contain most commonly used in the instruments
holographic gratings instead of prisms. currently on the market. Photodiodes are
usually found in low-end instruments, while
PMTs are used in higher-end instruments
4.6 Detector (research grade). Photodiode arrays (PDA)
and charge-coupled devices (CCD) are
Ideally, the detector should give a linear multi-channel detectors. They allow for fast
response over a wide range, with low noise acquisition of the entire spectrum, and since
and high sensitivity. they have fewer moving parts, are more robust.
Table 3 shows the different types of However, they are not as sensitive as PMTs.

Multi-channel/array Single-channel

Charge-coupled device (CCD) Photodiode

• Fast acquisition of entire spectrum • Most common
• Less moving part • Compared to PMT: less expensive, less
• Can be used for other measurements such as fluorescence sensitive, more robust

Photodiode array Photomultiplier (PMT)

• Fast acquisition of entire spectrum • High sensitivity
• Less moving parts • Wide spectral range
• Quick response

Table 3. Various detectors for UV/Vis spectrophotometers

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

5. Considerations for optical

configurations/optical design
There are several optical configurations for Double or dual-beam spectrophotometers
the UV/Vis spectrophotometers you will find measure the ratio of light intensities and are
on the market, shown in Table 4. therefore not as sensitive to fluctuations
The single-beam configuration, one of the in the light source or detector. Split-beam
earliest designs, remains in use, particularly spectrophotometers are similar to their
in more affordable instruments. However, dual-beam counterparts, but use beam
advanced lines like the UV/VIS Excellence splitters rather than choppers and have two
series offer enhanced performance separate identical detectors rather than a
and capabilities. single detector.

• One beam of light to make measurements.

Single beam • Simplest configuration.
• Example: DS-8X and DS-11 Series from DeNovix.

• Light is split into two different paths by a chopper, one detector.

Double beam • More complex optics: higher cost, good stability, lower sensitivity.
• Example: The Cary 3500 UV-Vis from Agilent Technologies.

• Light is split into two different paths by a splitter, one passes through the sample;
the other is used as the reference.
Split beam
• More complex optics: higher cost, good stability, lower sensitivity.
• Example: T70 Series UV/Vis Split Beam Spectrophotometer from PG Instruments Ltd.

• All wavelengths from the light source pass through the sample; light passing
Multi-channel/ through the sample is dispersed by a diffraction grating; separated wavelengths
array-based fall on different pixels of the array detector.
• Example: CLARIOstar® Plus Multi-mode Microplate Reader from BMG LABTECH.

Table 4. Optical configurations of UV/Vis spectrophotometers

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Single, double and split beam systems are of a linear array of 1,024 phototubes for each
all conventional UV/Vis spectrophotometers. different wavelength.
In conventional systems, polychromatic Advantages of multi-channel/array-based
light from the source is focused on the instruments include:
entrance slit of a monochromator, which
selectively transmits a narrow band of light. • Greater robustness — Typically contain
This light then passes through the sample fewer moving parts and therefore require
area to the detector. In multi-channel UV/ Vis less maintenance
spectrophotometers, polychromatic light from
a source passes through the sample area • Faster — Full spectrum scan speeds; some
and is focused on the entrance slit of the instruments can provide full-spectrum scans
polychromator, which disperses the light in as little as 1 second. Figure 5 illustrates
onto a diode array where each diode the differences between the instrument
measures a narrow band of the spectrum. component setups in conventional
This diode array, known as a photodiode (single-beam configuration is shown) and
array detector (PDA), is typically made up multi-channel (PDA system is shown) systems.

Exit slit

Source Dispersion Sample Detector


Conventional (single beam) spectrophotometer


Source Sample Dispersion Detector


Multi-channel (PDA) spectrophotometer

Figure 5. Schematic showing the
difference between conventional and
multi-channel PDA spectrophotometers.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

6. Performance criteria
There are several criteria to consider when throughout the UV and visible range.
buying a new UV/Vis spectrophotometer,
but wavelength accuracy, wavelength Wavelength accuracy is most important when
reproducibility and noise levels are you want to compare results from
particularly important. To ensure accurate different instruments. Deviation in wavelength
and reliable results, users must carefully can cause errors in both quantitative and
assess multiple factors when choosing an qualitative results. Wavelength accuracy is
instrument. These include performance, most commonly checked by using certified
light source, connectivity, data management, reference standards.
maintenance, and serviceability.

6.2 Wavelength reproducibility

6.1 Wavelength accuracy The ability of the instrument to produce the
The ability of an instrument to produce same wavelength over repeat readings.
well-defined peaks at a series of wavelengths
Wavelength reproducibility is important as it
allows for accurate comparison of one reading
to another, for example, a sample to a blank,
TOP TIP or one sample to another

The level of wavelength

accuracy required is 6.3 Photometric (absorbance) accuracy
Photometric accuracy is defined as
dependent on your how accurately an instrument
application. A typical level measures absorbance.

of wavelength accuracy
This is determined by the difference between
for UV/Vis instruments is the measured absorbance and the established
around ±1nm, however, standard value. It can be considered the most
important parameter for applications that
some instruments achieve
involve comparison of extinction coefficients
accuracies of ±0.5nm. between instruments, spectral identification,
and sample purity analysis.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

6.4 Photometric reproducibility affects the accuracy of the measurements at

The precision with which a UV/Vis low absorbance, while electronic noise from
spectrophotometer can make the components affects high-absorbance
repeated measurements. measurement accuracy. High noise levels
will reduce the limit of detection and the
This indicates how well the measured instrument’s sensitivity.
absorbance value can be reproduced.

6.7 Photometric range

(working absorbance range)
TOP TIP The ability of the instrument to
handle strongly absorbing samples
Absolute photometric (low transmission samples).
accuracy may not be critical
For some applications, specifically those
to your application. In most that have strongly absorbing species, it is
quantitation applications, as important to consider the photometric
range. A spectrophotometer that can detect
long as the measurements
transmission of 10% has a photometric
are reproducible and linear range of 1A, where 1% is 2A, 0.1% is 3A. A
over the wavelength range, photometric range of 3.5A to 4A means it
can handle samples that absorb as much as
the photometric accuracy is 99.99% of incident light.
not critical. However, it does
become a critical parameter
when comparing the results TOP TIP
over multiple instruments.
The photometric range
specified for a UV/Vis
spectrophotometer does
6.5 Linear dynamic range
The concentration range over which not mean that it is linear
absorbance and concentration remain over that range. Not all
directly proportional to each other.
instruments give their
AA wide linear dynamic range permits specifications for linear
the analysis of a wide range of sample dynamic range, though they
concentrations (optical densities) and reduces
sample preparation (dilution) requirements. always give the photometric
range. So, if linear dynamic
range is important to you, be
6.6 Noise
Fluctuations in a UV/Vis spectra sure to ask about it.
originating from the light source
and electronic components.
6.8 Photometric stability
Noise in UV/Vis spectrophotometry mainly The ability of the instrument to maintain
originates from the light source and electronic a steady state over time, so that the
components. This can affect the accuracy at effect of the drift on the accuracy of the
both low and high ends of the absorbance measurements becomes insignificant.
scale. Photon noise from the light source

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Variations in lamp intensity and electronic range), the intensity of the radiation coming
outputs between the measurements of from the light sources is not constant over
the incident radiation (I0) and transmitted the whole UV/ visible range. The response
radiation (I) result in instrument drifts. These of the detector also varies over the spectral
changes can lead to error in the value of the range. A flat baseline demonstrates the ability
measurements, especially over a long period of the instrument to normalize the output of
of time. Photometric stability is the ability the lamps and detector responses.
of the instrument to maintain a steady
state over time so that the effect of the
drift on the accuracy of the measurements 6.12 Wavelength range
becomes insignificant. Range in which the instrument is capable
of measuring.

6.9 Stray light UV/Vis instruments typically have a

The unwanted radiation or wavelength of 190 – 1100nm wavelength range. However,
light, other than the desired wavelength, some life sciences-specific instruments
that reaches the detector. provide a narrower range, as common
analytes such as dsDNA and protein all fall
Stray light causes a decrease in absorbance within the UV range (Table 5).
and reduces the linearity range of the
instrument. High absorbance measurements
are more severely impacted by stray light. 6.13 Resolution
The factor which determines the maximum
number of peaks which can be resolved
6.10 Spectral bandwidth and resolution within a given wavelength range.
Indication of the range of wavelengths
exiting the monochromator and the ability Resolution, or resolving power, is the main
to resolve spectral features and bands into factor which determines the performance of a
individual components. spectrophotometer. A low resolution will make it
impossible to differentiate between absorbance
Spectral bandwidth and resolution are peaks which are close together in wavelength,
related; the smaller the spectral bandwidth, making spectral identification challenging.
the finer the resolution. In general, poor
resolution leads to a decrease in the
extinction coefficient across the spectrum Instrument
range (nm)
and, therefore, inaccurate quantitation.
The sensitivity of the measurement is also Shimadzu UV-1900i UV-Vis 190 – 1100
compromised. Most UV/Vis spectrophotometers
provide adequate resolution for common BMG LABTECH SPECTROstar®
220 – 1000
Omega Absorbance Plate Reader
applications. If your application requires
detailed spectral information, you will require
Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™
an instrument with a very small bandwidth
One/OneC Microvolume UV-Vis 190 – 850
to gain better resolution.

DeNovix DS-8X Eight Channel

6.11 Baseline flatness Spectrophotometer and
190 - 840
The ability of the instrument to normalize the DS-11 Series Spectrophotometer
output of the lamp and detector responses. / Fluorometer


190 - 1000
For UV/Vis spectrophotometers that have UV Spectrophotometer
dual light sources (a deuterium lamp for the
UV range and a tungsten lamp for the visible Table 5: Wavelength ranges of a selection of UV/Vis spectrophotometers

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Performance verification
Quality requirements for UV/Vis used in regulated industry continue to become
increasingly stringent. Many manufacturers supply certified reference materials
which comply with the requirements of most major pharmaceutical regulatory
bodies, known as pharmacopoeias. These reference materials are often designed
to measure the following performance indicators:

• Wavelength accuracy
• Photometric accuracy
• Stray light
• Spectral resolution - examples of UV/Vis reference material providers include:
• Hellma Analytics: Certified UV/Vis-Reference Materials
• Merck Millipore: Certipur® reference materials
• In this product news article, CertiRef™ is used in conjunction with the METTLER
TOLEDO UV7 spectrophotometer to validate and qualify the optical measurement
performance of the UV7.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

7. Examples of instruments available

Based on the award-winning technology even for challenging 1 μL protein samples. In

of the DS-11 Series, DS-8X Eight Channel addition, the system requires no calibration
Spectrophotometers ensure confidence in or routine maintenance, enabling researchers
every measurement. The DS-8X along with to have the highest confidence that their
its counterpart, the single microvolume measurement
channel DS-11 Series data is accurate. EasyApps™
Spectrophotometer /
Fluorometer, are designed
Broken sample software includes
pre-configured applications
especially for life
sciences applications. columns can be for the most commonly
measured biomolecule
Both instruments employ types, which simplifies
a suite of quality assurance an issue when the workflow and avoids
features to ensure reliable processing errors.
and accurate microvolume instruments The UV5 Excellence
measurements. Proprietary Spectrophotometer, from
DeNovix SmartPath™ stretch the sample METTLER TOLEDO is a
technology controls the compact and versatile
pathlength in real time, between pedestals, instrument. The open
optimizing the measurement sample compartment eases
independently for each
sample. Samples are
especially for the measurement process
and allows for compact
compressed during
measurement, shortening the
pathlength and eliminating
errors caused by broken
sample columns. Broken
sample columns can be an
proteins and
samples with low
surface tension.
“ and flexible automation
with pumps, cuvette
changers, or autosamplers.
The direct measurement
function yields immediate
results, with individual and
issue when instruments ready-to-use methods
stretch the sample between giving full setting control,
pedestals, especially for proteins and samples for more precise results.
with low surface tension. The DeNovix The UV5 covers numerous applications,
algorithm detects unbridged samples and such as fixed wavelength, scan, and
adjusts in real-time to deliver accurate results, quantification measurements, as well

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

as color measurement with pre-programmed but you need to analyze samples that are
color numbers and water testing with even larger still than a standard-sized
downloadable methods. The instrument cuvette, then take a look at spectrometers
can be easily integrated into a complete like the SolidSpec 3700i from Shimadzu.
measuring or multiparameter system using a Its large sample compartment makes it
flow cell or an immersion probe. The optional perfect for applications such as band gap
LabX™ UV/VIS software can support easy analysis, photovoltaics and optical
result handling and allows easy integration component characterization.
within a network of other METTLER TOLEDO Many leading spectrophotometers are
instruments, e.g. by sending dilution also available with 21 CFR part 11-compliant
data from the balance directly to the software to support you if you work in
spectrophotometer for further analysis steps. regulated settings. The DS-8X and DS-11 Series’
Watch this webinar from METTLER TOLEDO onboard EasyApps™ software provides an
describing automation for UV/Vis Spectroscopy. optional suite of controls that allow GxP
The Easy VIS Spectrophotometer provides facilities to establish compliance with
an economic, entry-level all-around regulations such as 21 CFR part 11. Features
instrument that can replace up to three other including password protection, signature
instruments, saving money, time, and space. controls, audit trail recording, IQOQ, and data
If you think multiple modes of analysis handling and export tools make it easier than
for samples of different sizes are great ever to stay compliant.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

8. Future trends
UV/Vis spectroscopy is a well-established in areas such as materials science and
technique, whose technology continues to molecular biology.
evolve. Since the first UV/Vis spectrophotometer It’s also important to consider integrating
in 1947, rapid advancesin electronics, optics UV/Vis technology with other existing
and software have paved the way for techniques, such as chromatography or
easier-to-use, more compact and mass spectrometry. Integrations such as
flexible instruments. these will provide more comprehensive
As we anticipate the future, it is essential analysis, offering valuable insights and
to recognize the rapid advancements in analytical capabilities.
technology that unfold each day, and UV/Vis As we also move toward greener labs,
spectroscopy is no exception – from there could be a focus on developing
miniaturization and portability, to enhanced energy-efficient spectrophotometers
sensitivity and low detection limits. with reduced power consumption and
As science and technology continues to eco-friendly designs. This aligns with the
expand, so does the need for faster scan increasing emphasis on sustainability and
speeds and increased sample throughput, reducing the environmental footprint of
allowing for rapid analysis of large sample laboratory instrumentation. Automation is
sets. UV/Vis spectrophotometers with also an important factor to consider for
these enhanced capabilities will be beneficial the future. Future spectrophotometers are
in many industries, such as pharmaceuticals likely to incorporate enhanced automation
– where high-throughput screening is critical. capabilities and the ability to integrate with
Further advancements may also lead to the other laboratory systems. This integration
development of spectrophotometers that has the potential to optimize data
cover a broader wavelength range, including management, enable remote monitoring
extended UV and near-infrared (NIR) regions. and control, and facilitate seamless
This can enable the analysis of a wider range integration into automated workflows,
of samples and open up new applications thereby streamlining laboratory processes.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

We are continuing to see manufacturers • Increasing connectivity of instrumentation is

devising innovative ways to meet specific making it easier than ever to access data from
end-user requirements, both in the hardware a range of devices and locations.
and software components.

8.3 Increased Automation

8.1 Hardware
• As laboratory processes become more
• The introduction of readers with multiple complex, the need for automation has
cuvettes allowing simultaneous measurement become increasingly important. Many
at varying temperatures. scientific instruments, including UV/Vis
spectrophotometers, incorporate advanced
• An exciting technology that is automation features that simplify and
becoming ever more commonplace streamline laboratory workflows. This trend is

in UV/Vis spectrophotometers is driven by several factors, including reducing
photodiode array technology, which is human error, increasing efficiency, and
helping to increase the speed and improving overall data quality.
robustness of the instruments,
ultimately leading to We expect to see even more
enhanced throughput.
As laboratory advanced automation features in
UV/Vis spectrophotometers in the
• As demand for smaller,
space-efficient instruments processes coming years. These instruments
will be able to perform various
increases, more compact tasks, such as automatically
benchtop instruments are become more loading samples, analyzing data,
being produced that can and generating reports. They
carry out multiple types of complex, the will also be more integrated
spectrophotometric analyses, with laboratory information
e.g., UV/Vis and fluorescence. need for management systems (LIMS)
and other laboratory software,
• Widening detection limits automation allowing for seamless data
for UV/Vis analysis will reduce transfer and sharing across
the amount of time spent on
sample preparation by
eliminating the need to
concentrate or dilute samples.
This is particularly useful for
challenging samples with

has become
multiple platforms.
Another area where
automation is expected to
become increasingly important
is using robots in the laboratory.
Robots can perform repetitive
concentrations at either extreme. tasks with high accuracy and
precision, freeing up scientists
and lab technicians to focus on more
8.2 Software complex tasks. In UV/Vis spectrophotometry,
robots could automatically load and position
• Features such as sample contaminant samples, operate the instrument, and perform
identification are improving the quality of routine maintenance tasks. This would reduce
data produced and helping researchers the risk of human error and increase the
identify problems in their workflows. speed and efficiency of laboratory workflows.

• Data analysis software is continually

improving and becoming more user-friendly, 8.4 Advanced Data Analysis
enabling fast and accurate interpretation
of results. As the amount of data generated by UV/Vis

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

spectrophotometers continues to grow, the 8.5 Miniaturization

need for more advanced data analysis tools
has become increasingly important. Scientists Miniaturization is a growing trend in UV/Vis
are now collecting vast amounts of data from spectrophotometry. With the rise of portable
their instruments, but extracting meaningful and handheld spectrophotometers, the trend
insights from this data can be a challenge. toward miniaturization is set to continue.
To address this challenge, we expect to see In the coming years, we expect to see
more UV/Vis spectrophotometers with even smaller and more compact UV/Vis
built-in data analysis software and improved spectrophotometers that can be easily
machine learning algorithms that can help carried into the field.

scientists extract even more valuable insights The benefits of miniaturization are
from their data. numerous. Portable and handheld devices
With the incorporation of advanced data allow scientists to take measurements in
analysis tools, scientists the field, eliminating
can gain a deeper the need to transport
understanding of the
properties of their samples
Miniaturization samples back to the lab
for analysis. This can
and the relationships
between different
is a growing save time and reduce
the risk of sample
variables. For example, degradation or alteration
UV/Vis spectrophotometry trend in UV/ Vis during transportation.
can be used to analyze In addition,
the absorption spectra of spectrophotometry. miniaturized UV/Vis
a sample, but advanced spectrophotometers
data analysis tools can With the rise are more easily
help identify patterns in transported and stored,
the spectra that might of portable which can be particularly
be missed by the naked beneficial for field
eye. This can lead to new
discoveries and insights
and handheld research or labs with
limited bench space.
that would not be possible
with traditional methods.
spectrophotometers, The smaller size and
reduced weight of these
One of the key
technologies driving
the trend of advanced
data analysis in UV/Vis
spectrophotometry is
artificial intelligence (AI). AI
the trend toward
miniaturization is
set to continue.
“ instruments also mean
that they are more
affordable than larger
benchtop models.
Despite their smaller
size, many miniaturized
algorithms can learn from instruments still offer
the data generated by the high accuracy and
instrument and identify patterns and trends that precision. Some of these instruments use
might not be immediately apparent to human advanced signal processing techniques to
analysts. This can greatly enhance the speed eliminate interference from ambient light
and accuracy of data analysis, allowing scientists and other noise sources, ensuring accurate
to gain deeper insights into their samples and and reliable measurements.
generate more accurate and reliable results. Some challenges are associated with
In addition, AI can be used to automate miniaturization, such as the need to balance
many of the routine tasks associated with instrument size with the need for high
data analysis. This can help to reduce the performance. However, with technological
time and effort required to analyze large data advances, we expect to see more compact
sets, freeing up scientists to focus on more UV/Vis spectrophotometers that offer high
complex tasks. accuracy and precision.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

8.6 Instrument Versatility advances, we are now seeing more UV/Vis

spectrophotometers capable of performing
Another trend we see in UV/Vis multiple types of measurements in one
spectrophotometry is the integration of instrument. For example, some UV/Vis
multiple measurement tasks or applications spectrophotometers can now perform color
into a single instrument. This trend is measurements in addition to absorption
driven by a desire to reduce the number of measurements. This allows labs to perform
instruments needed in a lab, free up valuable both types of measurements on the same
bench space, and reduce maintenance and instrument, saving space and reducing costs. In
training costs. addition, some UV/Vis spectrophotometers can
Traditionally, labs have used multiple now perform other types of measurements,
instruments for different types of such as kinetics, further expanding their
measurements. However, with technological versatility and usefulness in the lab.

2024 UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

9. Editor’s Picks

DS-11 Series LabX UV/VIS Cary 3500 UV-Vis

Spectrophotometer / by Mettler-Toledo GmbH by Agilent Technologies
by DeNovix “Small footprint, great when you “The Cary UV/Vis product line has
have minimal lab space. Electronic been greatly designed. The heat
“We have been using this workflows for analysis removes control option is particularly useful
instrument for over ten years paper from lab with use of LabX, for the lab tasks that we perform.”
and are very happy with its and ensures data integrity.” Jose Luis Urrutia,
performance and low maintenance. Bob Mcdowall, QUIMIFEN DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.
I will recommend to all. This is R D McDowall Limited
a very compact, reliable and
low maintenance instrument
for quantitation of DNA; RNA
and proteins.”
Ajay Sharma, NIH

UV-1900 UV-Vis Synergy LX Multi-Mode Thermo Scientific™

Spectrophotometer Microplate NanoDrop™ One/OneC
by Shimadzu Scientific by Agilent Technologies Microvolume UV-Vis
Instruments Inc. Spectrophotometer
“It’s the perfect addition to our by Thermo Fisher Scientific
“Brand new instrument in our lab, which is a multiple users lab.
undergraduate laboratories. Robust Also does not take too much “I have always been a NanoDrop
enough for student use but precise room at the work station.” fan but I love some of the
enough for research applications. Oscar Hernandez, new features in the NanoDrop
Software and instrument are University of Florida/College One. NanoDrop has always
extremely easy-to-use.” of Veterinary Medicine demonstrated accurate results
Matthew Price, with good ease of use which is a
California University of PA huge benefit when training new
people in the lab!”
Nancy Kren,

Certain images and/or photos in this eBook are the copyrighted property of, its contributors or its licensed partners and are being used
with permission under the relevant license. These images and/or photos may not be copied or downloaded without permission from
Other images courtesy of DeNovix and Mettler-Toledo GmbH.


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