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CBSE (1930316)
2024 – 2025

Grade : XII English Core (301) Time : 1 Hour

Exam No : Marks : 25

General Instructions:
Attempt all the questions.
This question paper contains three sections:
Section A : Reading Skills, Section B :Creative Writing Skills and Section C: Literature.
Adhere to the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

SECTION – A (Reading Skills)

Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (5)
1. The art of conversation, like any art, is a skill of elegance, nuance and creative execution. I happen to believe
that there is an art to everything we do, and why not? Without flair and panache most things become a drudgery .
Why settle for drudgery when you can have art?
2. When it comes to the art of conversation, we’ve all met people who seem to have the knack for it. They can
talk to anybody about anything and they seem to do it with complete ease. And while it’s true that there are those
who are born with the gift of the gab, luckily for the rest of us, conversation skills can be developed and
3. Conversation is a form of communication; however, it is usually more spontaneous and less formal. We enter
into conversations for purposes of pleasant engagement in order to meet new people, to find out information and
to enjoy social interactions. As far as types of conversation, they vary anywhere from intellectual conversations
and information exchanges to friendly debates and witty banter. While there is more to having good conversation
skills than being a comedian, a dramatic actor, or a great story teller, it is not necessary to become more
gregarious, animated, or outgoing.
4. Instead, you can develop the ability to listen attentively, ask fitting questions, and pay attention to the answers
– all qualities essential to the art of conversation. With diligent practice and several good pointers, anyone can
improve his or her conversation skills. People who are genuinely interested in others are usually interesting
themselves. Why? Because they are more open to learning about and understanding new things. Showing interest
also encourages the other person to be relaxed and share information more freely. Display attentiveness by
keeping good eye contact and listening actively.
5. If you happen to be shy and need time to warm up before you share your own views, you can ask open-ended
questions or encourage the other person to elaborate on their insights. This kick-starts the conversation and
before you know it you are engaged in a good conversational flow. To start a conversation, go up to someone and
introduce yourself. It is both polite and necessary to start off things smoothly. When the occasion calls for it, you
can offer a handshake and then smile and make eye contact. Being friendly puts the other person at ease and
opens the door for him or her to introduce themselves. The art of conversation, like any skill, takes practice.
Period. Do not expect to be adept after your first few attempts. It will take practice as well as exposure to many
different social situations.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i. Select the option that classifies the narrator’s idea of not being settled to drudgery. (1)
(a) Conversation is a form of art. (b) Without flair and panache most things become drudgery.
(c) Art overcomes drudgery. (d) Whatever we do is drudgery.
ii. Share evidence from the text, in about 40 words to support the view that the narrator’s writing style
is descriptive in nature. (2)
iii. Complete the sentence appropriately with its description. (1)
Shy people may start open-ended questions or encourage the other person _____.
iv. Read the five statements (1)–(5) given below. (1)
(1) A good listener always listens to other person attentively.
(2) A person who is interested in others will always listen to others.
(3) Being a comedian or actor, a person needs to be a good listener.
(4) Showing interest in others also encourages the other person to be relaxed and share information
more freely.
(5) A person should speak politely.
Identify the option that displays the statements that DOES/DO corresponds with the listening
ability of a person.
(a) Only (1) (b) Only (2) (c) Both (1) and (2) (d) (3), (4) and (5)

SECTION – B (Writing Skills)

Q2. You are Ronit/Ronita, resident of C-49, Shivam Society, Karelibaug , Baroda. You find participation of
children in various reality shows on T.V. a form of child exploitation. Write a letter to the editor of a national
daily showing your concern about various forms of child exploitation prevalent in Educated, Urban society
giving some suggestions to curtail it. (5)
SECTION – C (Literature)
Q3. Read the following extract and answer the questions given below: (4)
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death,
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving –
and for once could do nothing
Perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with
(i) ________ best explains the stand of the poet in the expression: “I want no association with death.”
(ii)Select the option that aptly describes the tone of the poet in the expression:
“If we were not so single-minded.”
(a) Regretful (b) Critical (c) Encouraging (d) Friendly
(iii)According to the poet, who is to blame for the condition of threatening ourselves with death?
(iv)The tone of the poet in the expression "perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness" is ____.
(a) unsure yet optimistic (b) sure and confident
(c) poetic & melodramatic (d) hopeful but not confident
Q4. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each: (2x3=6)
1. Why could the bangle-makers not organise themselves into a co-operative?
2. Elucidate and bring out what the poet wants to convey through the following:
(i) Life is what it is about.
(ii) As when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.
3. The manner of the Tiger King’s death is a matter of extraordinary interest.Comment.
Q5. Answer the following question in 120-150 words each : (1x5=5)
1. Grinding poverty and traditions condemn the children of rag pickers or bangle makers to a life of exploitation.
Such children are deprived of all opportunities in life. Mukesh, who opts out of the existing profession of his
forefathers by resolving to start a new job of a motor mechanic symbolises the modern youth. What lesson do we
learn from Mukesh’s example?

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