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A Research Proposal Presented To the STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Thesis Writing



Student ID: 190307102




Name : Kornelia Wahyu Hernike

Student ID : 190307102

Study Program : English Language Education

Title : The Implementation of Total Physical Response for

Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners At TK Santa
Maria Sintang
This thesis proposal has been approved by the advisors and has fulfilled the
requirements to be submitted to the thesis proposal committee session.

Sintang May, 20th 2024

Advisor I Advisor II

Henry Elisa, M.Pd Tuti, M.Pd

NIDN. 1131018703 NIDN. 1105108302

Approved by:
The Chair of English Language Education Study Program

Sijono, M.Pd
NIDN. 1115028901


Kornelia Wahyu Hernike. 2024. The Implementation of Total Physical Response

for Teaching Vocabulary To Young Learners At TK Santa Maria Sintang.Thesis
Proposal. English Language Education Study Program of STKIP Persada
Khatulistiwa. Advisor I: Henry Elisa, M.Pd. Advisor II: Tuti, M.Pd.
Keyword: vocabulary, total physical response, young learner
The background of this study is the misalignment of vocabulary learning in TK
Santa Maria Sintang. This ineffectiveness makes it difficult for students to learn
vocabulary properly and correctly, thus affecting their ability to learn vocabulary
effectively and efficiently. Based on this background, the writer decided to use the
TPR (Total Physical Response) method as the recommended method to improve
student learning outcomes in vocabulary mastery. The purposes of this study are
to describe and investigate the improvement of vocabulary mastery and students
participation in TK Santa Maria Sintang students by using the TPR method. In
this study, writer will take the research sample from students in the kindergarten
class B with total 12 students. This research will take the form of Classroom
Action Research which will consist of some cycles, namely the first and second
cycles, etc. Data collection technique that use in this research will be in the form
of observation, interview and measurement. The instruments shall be used in this
research is observation checklist, field note, interview guideline and test. In this
research the writer will analyze the data obtained will use qualitative and
quantitative. Observation and interview will use as the qualitative method to
analyze the data and test will use as the quantitative method.


Grateful to the Lord for guidance, kindness, and good health, the writer
would like to thank Jesus Christ sincerely for His blessings and mercies that
allowed her to begin and complete this thesis proposal research entitled ”The
Implementation of Total Physical Response for Teaching Vocabulary to Young
Learners At TK Santa Maria Sintang” through Classroom Action Research. It
dawns on the writer that she was greatly helped, advised, and suggested by the
number person when she was preparing this thesis proposal. This thesis proposal
would never have been created without the referral, counsel, and support of these
individuals. As a result, the writer would also like to sincerely thank and show her
appreciation to them, particularly to:

1. The writer would like to extend her sincere gratitude to her first and second
advisors, Henry Elisa, M.Pd and Tuti, M.Pd for their invaluable counsel and
insightful suggestions throughout the writing of this thesis proposal. Without
their assistance, the writer could not have finished this thesis proposal.
2. The English Language Education Chair and all lecturers in the STKIP Persada
Khatulistiwa Sintang English Study Program, who have provided knowledge
and inspiration for the writer throughout the learning process. Very grateful for
the guidance and assistance over the entire semester. The writer prays for God
to continually bless and grant all of the lecturers his grace.
3. In addition, the writer truly wants to thank her parents, who have always
supported her in completing her thesis proposal and given her boundless love
and affection in addition to sacrifice and prayer. Additionally, writer would
want to express the gratitude to her dear daughter, who has always been the
greatest inspiration to chase her goals. The writer grateful for prayers and
inspiration to help the writer complete her thesis proposal.
4. Thank you to each and every one of the writer's English Language Study
Program classmates for sticking together during the entire semester.

5. Lastly, the writer would like to express gratitude to everyone who helped make
this thesis a reality. Although this proposal is far from ideal, it should
nevertheless be helpful to readers as well as writer.

Sintang, May 2024

Kornelia Wahyu Hernike


COVER ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET ....................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDMENT ..................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... vi

CHAPTER I INTODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Research Background ........................................................................ 1

B. Research Question ............................................................................. 8

C. Research Purpose ............................................................................... 8

D. Research Signification ....................................................................... 8

E. Limitation of the Research ................................................................ 10

F. Terminology ...................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 12

A. Vocabulary ......................................................................................... 12

B. Total Physical Responses .................................................................. 19

C. Young Learners ................................................................................. 26

D. Related Studies .................................................................................. 29

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 33

A. Research Design ................................................................................ 33

B. Subject of the Study ........................................................................... 38

C. Data Collection Technique and Instrumentation ............................... 38

D. Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 42

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 49

APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 51



In this section, the writer highlights the rationales for how the study will

conduct. A number of subchapters covering the research background, research

question, research purposes, research significance, limitations of the research, and

terminology are covered.

A. ResearchiBackground

Early childhood education is very important, because it is their first

lesson in knowing everything so that being able to develop. For children to

develop properly, early childhood education must fundamentally stimulate all

areas of the child's development, including the physical, intellectual, social,

emotional, and language development. These affect each other in every

domain of a child's development. The importance of the early years can be

attributed to numerous factors. It promotes the growth of intelligence and

wisdom, which facilitates children's transition to independence. It has a big

influence on how kids form their personalities. Since they will be the

country's future leaders and they need to stay up to date with society, children

should obtain an education. A person’s formative years are the most sensitive

period of their lives. Immature children’s development is the aim of early

learning education. Education becomes even more crucial during these

formative years as it is the ideal period for kids to acquire the cognitive and

social skills necessary for growth and success.


Correspondingly, children receive the foundational knowledge they will

develop their futures in school. For children, this is crucial for both learning

objectives and the development of their learning capacities. This offers a

basis for skill development, particularly for young learners. For young

learners to be interested in studying, basic education must make a positive

impact. Education for children is crucial because it helps them grow

cognitively. Schools serve an important function for teaching students how to

communicate well with teachers and other students as well as for their

education. It can be very difficult to teach children a foreign language like

English while preserving their home culture and mother tongue.

Another significant factor in English is only taught and learned as a

subject of study. It can be challenging to teach language in kindergarten or

elementary school, especially to early childhood students. Children require

special care due of their unique qualities; therefore there are must have more

authority to instruct them. Thus, in order to help children understand English,

we must teach them the fundamental terminology. The teacher needs to get

ready to instruct the kids before moving on to the next phase. When teachers

offer English to their kids, they will encounter far too many challenges. The

students will receive something fresh and distinct from their native tongue,

nevertheless. For years, teachers have tried different approaches to teaching

in the hopes of increasing the effectiveness of their instruction in an effort to

enhance the learning of the students. Children are accustomed to speaking in

their mother tongue, so finding a temporary replacement requires careful


planning and inventive thinking. Furthermore, kids were too young to

comprehend the significance of why they needed to acquire it or study it.

Even if kids might not give it much thought, they nonetheless wonder why

they should call their mother instead of mama. Another issue is that, unless

their parents are English-speaking, they do not utilize the new vocabulary at


Futhermore Learning English is becoming more and more common as it

has become an international language. English is so important in the globe;

people are learning it as soon as they can. According to some psycholinguists,

youth is a necessary component for language acquisition success. There are a

few reasons why young children learn more effectively. Young children have

more opportunities than adults and because their brains are more flexible

before puberty than after, it is possible to acquire a language without feeling

self-conscious at an early age. For these reasons, teaching English to young

learners has become crucial.

Thus, the main goal of teaching English in the early years of education

is to inspire young learners to be prepared for and self-assured in their ability

to study the language at higher educational levels. Some parents are

polyglots, therefore their offspring must learn two or three languages from

birth. Others acquire a second or third language as a result of having to

relocate to a different nation. Since English is not their native tongue in their

nation, some people study it as a foreign language. Then, teaching English to

young students may or may not be advantageous to them. As a teacher of


young learners, we should understand early on that a child's age should not be

used as the sole indicator of their maturity. Children's maturity is influenced

by a variety of elements, such as their culture, the environment, gender, and

parental expectations, among others, therefore whatever we provide kids’

activities. Teaching is a part of early childhood education. We must modify

our English according to their capacities and developmental phases. So it is

important to determine strategies that can be applied when teaching English

to children at school so that they can more easily understand and learn


The strategy used to teach English to young learners and how they learn

it both rely greatly on their developmental stage. Early childhood learners

respond to language by thinking about what they can do with it or what they

should do. Young leaners have an advantage in that they are quick to copy,

frequently innocent of themselves, and generally eager to engage in the

activities their teachers have planned for them. These elements make it simple

to keep students' interest levels high and turn teaching English into a fun

experience for the young learner.

Beside that there are four abilities that one must acquire when studying

English. The four abilities of English language acquisition are speaking,

writing, listening, and reading. Receptive language skills include things like

reading and listening. While speaking and writing are instances of useful

language use. Developing vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of

learning a language. The development of vocabulary is the most important


aspect of language learning as it is essential to the development of all four

language abilities. Young learner are children who like to playing, the teacher

has to be creative and have to find strategy to make a English as an interested

lesson that student enjoy to learning English. It could be necessary to use

various teaching techniques while teaching English to younger students than

to more experienced ones. A short attention span is one of the characteristics

of young learners. Teachers find it difficult to maintain the young students'

motivation and engagement in their learning because of their short attention


Evidently, children get happy when they move. Through movement,

children learn about their surroundings, explore new locations, and identify

unfamiliar individuals and things. Their favorite place to study and have fun

is when they move. Because of this, English teachers have to develop a

successful teaching strategy that makes the material accessible, engaging,

intelligible, and pleasurable. Total Physical Response is a wonderful alternate

strategy that English teachers may employ. Using physical gestures, Total

Physical Response facilitates the teaching of foreign languages. After

demonstrating the target words such as run, leap, and throw to the class, the

teacher instructs them to copy their actions. Throughout the class, the pupils

comply with all of the teacher's instructions. This makes it possible to lay the

groundwork for an enjoyable and healthful approach to learning a foreign

language. This method is excellent for teaching young learners because it

relieves them of pressure and makes them happy to learn new vocabulary in

English that they have never heard before or to listen to the language, which

they do not use for everyday communication with their families, friends, and

other people. Teaching young learners in Indonesian or in their home tongue,

which they speak on a daily basis, is different and simpler than teaching them

new information via English-language resources. Total Physical Response

may be highly helpful for teaching young learners because it respects their

need to establish listening comprehension before speaking and allows them to

spend as much time as needed before feeling ready to talk. It also reacts

favorably to the inclination of young learners to learn best by doing. The

physical component of the Total Physical Response learning process allows

for the easy integration of play and physical activity into language instruction,

as well as the enhancement of children's engagement and physical activity

outside of physical education classes, which benefits both the linguistic and

physical development of the students.

In order to identify what was happening in the classroom and what

could be done to address the issues that were in TK Santa Maria, the writer

conducted preliminary observation. The writer already interviewed the

teacher and some students. Then the writer observed the learning activities. It

was discovered that students still difficult to learn English especially at

vocabulary. Writer found that learning activities not effective for the students

to learn English especially in vocabulary. Based on that problem, the writer

decided to use TPR (Total Physical Response) method to solve the problems

that occurred in Santa Maria Sintang Kindergarten students in order to


improve students' understanding and ability in vocabulary mastery. The Total

Physical Response will be used by the writer in this research, and it may help

student’s comprehension of English. The writer wants to solve the difficulties

that students have when studying English.

In accordance with the title of this proposal in which it raises about

“The Implementation of Total Physical Response for Teaching Vocabulary to

Young Learners at TK Santa Maria Sintang” The writer desires to know if

using the TPR method can help kids acquire vocabulary more effectively. The

primary language of instruction at the school is Bahasa Indonesia; English is

taught as a foreign language. It is intended that this study will contribute to

the identification of the most effective early childhood English teaching

strategies, which can then be used by teachers of younger pupils in general.

The use of media, the selection of techniques and approaches, and the

learning engagements in teaching English to early childhood are all

considered teaching strategies in this study. Essentially, the teacher use this

method to offer instructions in the target language, model the appropriate

action, and then give student instructions to carry out the same activity.

Young learners move in response to the instructions. The Total Physical

Response technique is a natural method in that it mimics the naturalistic

process of first language acquisition for learners of second languages.


B. ResearchiQuestions

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the research

questions as follows:

1. How is the student’s participation in learning vocabulary through Total

Physical Response?

2. How can Total Physical Response improve the students’ vocabulary at

TK Santa Maria Sintang?

C. ResearchiPurposes

Based on the research question, the purposes of this research are

formulated as follows:

1. To describe student’s participation improvement in learning vocabulary

through Total Physical Response method at TK Santa Maria Sintang.

2. To investigate the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery

through Total Physical Response method at TK Santa Maria Sintang.

D. ResearchiSignificancesi

The writer hopes that after finishes the research, there are some benefits

which useful both for teacher, student and other researcher in the future.

There are two significance in this research, mention as follow:

1. Theoretically Significance

This research can be used as the references for someone who wants to do a

research in teaching vocabulary especially using TPR method to teaching

vocabulary at kinder garden students.


2. Practically Significance

Beside the theoretical significance, the writer hopes this research is able to

give practical significance to the students, the teachers as well as the


1. The Teacher

The writer hopes to help the teacher’s guide their students in

enhancing English skill in general. Furthermore, the writer

anticipates that the findings of this study will assist teachers in

imparting English language skills to early childhood students.

2. The Student

Through the total physical response, the writer hopes that all

students will be able to learn English more efficient. Furthermore,

this method can make all students learn effectively because they

will get a new classroom environment and they will also help one

another to accomplish the goals completely. The student also

overcome their problem together and increases their motivation to

learn English.

3. School

The writer hopes to have a positive impact on school to solve

some problems in teaching English process and to achieve the

mission of the institution as quick as possible.


E. LimitationiOfiTheiResearchi

A state on the research background and the research problem above, the

writer cannot possibly address every issue due to the larger breadth of this

research. As so, the writer restricts the study's scope. As stated in research

background and research question above here, the writer focuses on how

students at TK Santa Maria Sintang are expanding their English through the

use of the Total Physical Response.

F. Terminology

By knowing the key terms, it makes this research is easier to be

understood by other researcher and readers. There are some key terms that are

related to this research such as Vocabulary, Total Physical Response and

Young Learners.

1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the number variety of words a person hears,

recognizes, understands, and uses in his speech and writing. A good

mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language

used in listening, speaking, writing, and reading because language

components will influence in acquiring the language skills. At this

research the level that writer use is noun and high frequency word.

2. Total Physical Response

The Total Physical Response strategy uses physical movement to

respond to spoken input in order to teach vocabulary or linguistic ideas.

Reminiscent of how newborns pick up their first language, the method


decreases stress levels and lowers student inhibitions. The goal of Total

Physical Response is to improve language and vocabulary development by

forging a neural connection between voice and action. While Total

Physical Response may be used to teach a wide range of vocabulary, it

functions best when teaching action-related vocabulary. It is a useful

method for learning new words that may be applied to both native speakers

and English language learners.

3. Young Learners

Varied people have varied interpretations of what a young learner is.

This writing will concentrate on young students, ages 4 to 7, who attend

preschool and kindergarten. In Indonesia, kindergarten begins when a kid

becomes four or five years old. When they are seven, kids can start

primary school, marking the end of their schooling. At the transition phase,

young students are talkative. They are interested in exploring since they

are mobile and energetic as well. Ages 4 to 7 often exhibit the following

traits. They are: gregarious and ebullient, inquisitive and inquiring, and



Based on the explanation in which stated on research background,

then in this part the writer is going to present some reviews of relevant

theories and studies that are about the Vocabulary, Total Physical

Response, Young Learners, and English for young learner and teaching


A. Vocabulary

In this part, the writer will explain the definition of vocabulary and the

way to teaching vocabulary to young learners.

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

There are several theories about vocabulary, in this research the

writer will explain definition of vocabulary that state by Cameron (2001.

p.73) vocabulary is about learning words, children are not only expected

to know the word but also they have to know what the meaning of that

word. Meanwhile, Hornby (2000. p.959) stated that vocabulary is a total

number of words which (with roles for combining them) make up a

language. This means that vocabulary is very important component in

learning language. People will not be able to communicate without

vocabulary. From the statement above, we know that vocabulary is very

important in teaching English.

Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the

foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than


just a single word: for example, post office, and mother in law, which are

made up of two or three words but express a single idea. One helpful

practice is to address all instances by discussing vocabulary items rather

than individual words. (Ur. 2003. p.60).

According to Vossoughi (2009:1), Vocabulary is one element of

language component that should be learnt and taught. In addition, word

vocabulary is the tool we use think, to express ideas and feelings, and learn

about the world. It is said that vocabulary is used by people as the basic

knowledge of learning a language in order to make communication and

interaction among them in their daily life.

At the other hand, Napa (in Badingatussalamah, 2013:2) “vocabulary

is the components of language and no language exist without words.”

Meanwhile, Hornby (in Wakidah, 2013:1) states that vocabulary is the

total numbers of words in language.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is

central to language and very important in learning English. Vocabulary is

all the words in language and which enhance the skill in language.

Because mastering language is impossible without vocabulary and

vocabulary mastery is the basic requirement in learning English. Student's

vocabulary is crucial to the development of their language skills. The large

vocabulary helps the young learners to express their idea because

vocabulary really supports the young learners to learn the skill of the target


2. Level of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of important factors in language learning and

develops the language skills. The learners feel difficult if they are lack of

vocabulary. Meanwhile, vocabulary development is an important aspect of

language development, vocabulary is central to teach English because

without sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express

their own ideas.

As Alemi and Tayebi (2012:1) states that vocabulary is the basis

component of language proficiency which provides the basis for learners’

performance in other skill, such as: speaking, reading, listening, and

writing. In addition Stahl and Fairbanks in Bromley (2007:528) also state

that the students who have good vocabulary mastery will have good

reading comprehension and high score on achievement test than students

who are lack of vocabulary.

Basically, there are two kinds of vocabulary in teaching. It includes

active and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary refers to the word that’s

mostly used in dictionary, conversation, and writing. Otherwise passive

vocabulary understood to mean that they will be understood and

remembered when we read. These explanations above can be explained

clearly by Harmer (1991: 109) in the language test, there are two kinds of

vocabularies. To make clear, the writer explains both of them as follows:


a. Active Vocabulary

Active vocabulary means the stock of word that a person actually

uses in his own speech or writing. It is used in oral or written

expression by the student.

b. Passive Vocabulary

Passive vocabulary means the words that the students recognize

and understand them when they occur in a context or students need

someone to say something that help them recall the word meanings.

The students usually find passive vocabulary in listening or reading

materials. They will find the meaning of the word when they read the

words in a text and will know the meaning of the unknown word on the


3. Vocabulary Assessment

In learning vocabulary, there are some aspects that can be learnt by

the learners. The focus of vocabulary learning in this research is located in

the vocabulary meaning. According to Lado in Mardianawati (2010:11),

the aspects of vocabulary that can be by the learners are as follows:

a. Meaning

When conveying the meaning to the students, teachers should teach

their students that a word may have more than one meaning when used

in different context.

b. Spelling

Spelling is very important in learning vocabulary. Because spelling is

needed in reading. Spelling is as the connector sound a letter. Therefore,

teacher has to keep students’ pronunciation and spelling English


c. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way to say words or letters. Pronunciation is

difficult to learn because there is no connection between word spelling

and pronunciation. Some words have only one pronunciation and

sometimes a word has two pronunciation or more than two


d. Word Classes

Word classes are categories of word such as nouns, verb, adverbs,

adjectives, and prepositions. Word classes are important features in

semantic analysis, for example: Noun (father, car, John, hospital, Paris),

Verb (be, sing, drive, grow, think), Adverb (soon, then, there, recently,

happily), Adjective (big, happy, talented, tidy, pretty), Preposition (at,

in, of, over, with).

e. Word use

Word use is the way a word, phrase, or concept is used in a language.

Word use may also involve grammar and thus be the subject of

profound analysis to determine pattern of regional or social usage as

well as meaning

4. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners

Teaching English to young learners is not easy; there are many

aspects that must be considered. Piccolo cited in (Arda and Doyran. 2017.

p.179) stated that teaching English to young learners includes instructing

students between the ages of three and eleven. Teaching English to adults,

or even teens, is not the same as this. Young learners are also unique social

creatures with unique cultural standards. When teaching English to young

learners, teachers must comprehend the ideas of acquisition and learning.

Acquisition refers to the process of learning a language, whether it is done

deliberately or involuntarily. Conversely, learning is the conscious process

of picking up a language. Krashen and Terrell (1983. p.18) define learning

as picking it up, or growing linguistic capacity by utilizing it in real,

communicative contexts. Learning a language is not the same as acquiring

it. Acquiring a cognitive grasp of grammar, or knowing the rules, is a

prerequisite for learning a language. According to new research, formal

language acquisition is not nearly as significant as previously thought in

acquiring communicative ability in second languages. Young learners

discover via experiences that, as noted by Piaget (cited in Hudelson 1994.

p.256), children are typically in an operational stage of cognitive

development. This implies that students learn by doing, by examining and

manipulating items in their environment. Therefore, it is essential that

English teachers use practical methods or media to convey information in

a way that students can comprehend.


However, how young learners learn English as well as how to teach

it is highly dependent on their developmental level. Young learners

respond to language based on what it does or what they can do with it.

Young learners have the advantage that they like to imitate and they are

often not aware of themselves and usually they are ready to enjoy the

activities that have been prepared by the teacher for them. These factors

mean it is easy to maintain a high level of motivation and make teaching

English an enjoyable and enjoyable experience for young learners. In

providing English subject matter, teachers must adjust it to young learners’

level of development. The scope of material that can be given to young

learners may include the following; names of colors, numerals, family,

animals, fruits and vegetables, parts of the body, demonstrative pronouns:

There is There are, singular/Plural subjects such as I, You, and simple

Classroom commands such as stand up, sit down, open your book, etc. The

limitation above is the scope of teaching English for young learners in

general. All or not given or even added with other material depending on

the ability of the learners and the teacher who knows better. The

environment in which they live for instance in rural or in urban areas is

very influential on the level of mastery of English for young learners.

According to Harmer (2007. p.81) a significant determinant in

deciding about the content and method of instruction is the age of students.

Furthermore, he said that people of different ages have varied demands,

capacities, and cognitive abilities. For example, we should legitimately


anticipate adults to utilize more abstract thought than children of

kindergarten age, who are likely to pick up a foreign language mostly via

play. Teachers have the most important roles in creating an encouraging

emotional atmosphere in the classroom. Different activities will support

statement. Teachers have to be creative in order to make a fun and

interesting atmosphere in their class. Cooperative rather than competitive

atmosphere (especially including a winner and some physical reward)

works better with young learners. The students should feel that they are

winning and having fun altogether. Yet this should not be understood as

enjoying with little learning. The motto should be learning by enjoying.

Children especially have fun with movement and physical participation,

and the more fun the students have the better they will remember the

language learned (Shin. i2012. p.125).

B. Total Physical Response

In this section the writer will explain some theories about definition of

total physical response, principal of total physical response, advantage and

disadvantages of total physical response and the procedure of total physical

response in the research.

1. The Definition of Total Physical Response

The language education approach known as Total Physical Response

was developed by Asher (cited in Putri 2016. p.17) the foundation of

Total Physical Response is the idea that any natural language in the world

may be learned by the human brain due to a biological program. When


teacher watch children pick up their mother language, teacher can see the

acquisition process in action. Parent-child communication involves both

spoken and gestural elements. Children react physiologically to what their

parents say. The parents' words also serve to favorably encourage the

replies. Children internalize and break codes throughout the months they

are unable to speak as they acquire the language. Following this phase,

kids may repeat the language on their own. The language teacher attempts

to replicate this procedure in the classroom using Total Physical Response.

Because it places a strong focus on listening comprehension before

production, this style is also known as the Comprehension Approach.

Asher carefully analyzed how newborns learn language while creating

total physical response, basing his approach on three initial language

acquisition principles: language development is linked to bodily

movement, listening skills prepare children for speaking, and listening

precedes speaking.

Numerous theoretical techniques to learning contexts encourage total

physical response. The physical component of the total physical response

learning process allows for the easy integration of play and physical

exercise into language instruction, as well as the enhancement of children's

engagement and physical activity outside of the classroom, which benefits

their language development as well as their physical growth and mobility.

The application of total physical response in the teaching and learning of

English include active classroom motions by the students. In order to help


children follow directions and complete an action, teachers might utilize

songs, stories, or role-plays with orders.

Though the material gradually increases in complexity so that each

new lesson builds on the ones before, the primary goal of the total physical

response method is to teach basic speaking and communication skills. This

is accomplished by exposing students to carefully graded vocabulary and

grammar structures (Lightbown and Spada 2021. p.146). Total Physical

Response is a type of Communicative Language Teaching method that was

created in the 1980s and suggests that grammatical explanations are not

necessary when learners use a target language for meaningful


Total Physical Response has little potential for improving abilities,

even while it can help students achieve high competence levels and gain a

significant amount of knowledge (Cameron 2001. p.107). Nevertheless,

this approach is popular for teaching novices and works well for young

learners as well: the level of difficulty in the input is progressively raised,

children participate in listening, responding to instructions, and acting out

a song or tale, and eventually they take over from the teacher and issue

commands on their own.

2. The Principal of Total Physical Response

When acquiring a mother language, understanding comes before

speaking, and children obeys orders with their body before responding

with words; Since affective factors play a major role in learning, educators

should establish a comfortable learning environment to help students learn.

To enhance long-term retention, gestures should be used in conjunction

with listening comprehension. Since the brain processes information more

quickly and accepts it as reliable when listening is followed by movement

(right brain learning) rather than speaking or translating (left brain

learning), students should remain silent to avoid brain overload. By

silently responding to instructions, students internalize the new language

simultaneously, without any analysis. Action games in particular are

excellent tools for teaching new language through total physical response

activities. Giving instructions, modeling the desired behavior, eliminating

the model after a few repetitions (when students answer confidently),

mixing orders in novel and inventive ways, or transforming them into

stories and competitive games are the steps in the teacher's interaction with

the students. The following examples are provided by Curtain and

Dahlberg (2016. pp.63–64), who characterize the technique as a set of

actions that the teacher must follow:

a. Raise your hand. Put your hand on your foot. Turn around. Put your

hand on the floor.

b. Put your hand on your elbow. Raise your knee. Turn around. Jump

backwards three times.

c. Put your elbow on your knee and turn around.

d. Raise your hand. Walk backwards to the map, put your left hand on

your head and put your right elbow on South America.


e. Angie, hold the (stuffed animal) monkey with your right hand. Mario,

put your right elbow on the monkey’s head. Kim, put your elbow on the

monkey’s nose. Class, take out your (imaginary) cameras and take a

picture of the monkey and his friends. Smile

3. The Advantage and Disadvantages of Total Physical Response

In implementation every method has advantages and disadvantages

toward teaching and learning process. Total physical response has some

advantages and disadvantages in teaching vocabulary to young learners.

a. The advantages of Total Physical Response

1) It is a lot of fun. Learners enjoy it, and this method can be a real

stirrer in the class. It lifts the pace and the mood;

2) It is very memorable. It does assist students to recognize phrases

or words;

3) It is good for kinaesthetic learners who are required to be active in

the class;

4) It can be used both in large or small classes. In this case, it is no

matter to have how many students you have as long as you are

prepared to take the lead, the learners will follow;

5) It works well with mixed-ability classes. The physical actions get

across the meaning effectively so that all the learners are able to

comprehend and apply the target language;

6) It is no need to have a lot of preparation or materials using the

Total Physical Response. In this regard, as long as you are


competent of what you want to practise (a rehearsal beforehand

can help), it will not take a lot of time to get ready;

7) It is very effective with teenagers and young learners; and

8) It involves both left and right-brained learning.

b. Disadvantages of Total Physical Response

Besides as some advantages, there are some disadvantages of Total

Physical Response;

1) Students who are not used to such things might find it


2) It is only really suitable for beginner levels.

3) It is not flexibly used to teach everything, and if used a lot, it

would become repetitive.

4) Although the use of Total Physical Response in the classroom has

often been effective, it does have its flaws.

4. Total Physical Response Procedure

Total Physical Response can be used to teach and practice such

many things as:

a. vocabulary connected with actions (smile, clap, look, wiggle);

b. grammatical items, including tenses past/present/future and

continuous aspects (this is my hands, I have two eyes);

c. classroom language (Open your book, please hold your pen);

d. imperatives/Instructions (open your eyes, close your eyes); and

e. Story-telling

There is generally no basic text in a total physical response course.

Materials and reality have a demanding role, yet in forthcoming learning

stages. In this case, the teacher's voice, actions, gestures, and common

classroom objects, such as books, pens, cups, and so on are great

importance in the learning-teaching process using Total Physical

Response. The teacher may be required to use pictures, regalia, slides, and

word charts to set an interactive activity.

Total Physical Response based language instruction consists of a

series of instructor directives that are presented progressively and repeated

until the class internalizes them. First, the class watches as the teacher

gives a command and then has four volunteers carry out the matching

action in front of the class (command: Stand up). One by one, the new

commands are introduced to a set of previously internalized directives

(Stand up, sit down, turn around, jump, stop, walk), and the teacher often

modifies the order of orders while also modelling the relevant activities

with the volunteers (Freeman. 2004. p.109).

These commands, or series of commands, are simple at the

beginning (open your eyes, close your eyes) but after some time they may

become more complex (I want the boys to put your hands up). A Total

Physical Response sequence can be a chain of actions relating to a

compound task (take pen and paper, sit down, begin at the top of your

paper, write down: Dear) or even contain a story-line. Most importantly, a

teacher helps learners to be totally involved in Total Physical Response


activities so that they can act out what they have heard. There is no

pressure on them to speak the foreign language. Before any learner can

commence to speak out a foreign language spontaneously as well as

creatively, she must feel the inner readiness to do so. When learners are

ready, they feel that the words of the language-sound and meaning

integrated and combined into larger utterances -spring from within

themselves. This inner readiness will develop gradually but inevitably with

prolonged exposure to the sound of understood language and an active

involvement in its meaning.

C. Young Learners

In this part, the writer will highlight some important points such as the

definition of young learner and characteristic of young learners.

1. The definition of Young Learners

Young learners can range in age from toddlers to adults. Anyone

between the ages of three and eighteen is eligible. What a three-year-old

youngster can do and what a fifteen-year-old child can do are very

different. We ought to take into account their growth as well. Some kids

grow more quickly, while others require more the present (Pribilova.

2006. p.10). Children in elementary school between the ages of 6 and 12

are considered young learners. They can be separated into two groups:

the younger group, which includes those aged 6 to 8, and the older group,

which includes those aged 9 to 12. They are referred to as students of

lower classes, such as first, second, and third years students, and upper

classes, such as fourth, fifth, and sixth years students, depending on their

level. They were split into two groups, level one, "5-7 years old," and

level two, "8-10 years old," by Scott and Yterberg (1990. p.18).

According to Pinter (2006. p.84) contends that young children in

particular are not prepared for or interested in thinking about the

language system or manipulating the language to separate lexical items

from structures; instead, they are more interested in the meaning and

function of new language in a more holistic way, in order to play games,

sing songs, or act out stories. As people age, so does their understanding

of language and the parts that make it up. When kids learn new words,

they might be able to identify a vocabulary term without understanding

what it means.

2. Characteristic of Young Learners

Young learners typically display abilities that fall between those of

five-year-olds and those of ten-year-olds. When teaching young language

learners, it's important to pay attention to the typical characteristics of

children because there are developmental disparities among them.

Knowing these distinctions can assist me in my role as a teacher in

creating teaching strategies and a system of work. Of course, it is

impossible to guarantee that every six-year-old will be familiar with


Young learners have certain learning qualities that vary depending

on the stage, according to Scott & Ytreberg (2004. pp. 1-4). between the

ages of 5-7; They can talk about what they are doing; they can tell you

what they have done or heard; they can plan activities; they can argue for

something and tell you why they think what they think; They can use

logical reasoning; They can use their vivid imagination; they can use a

wide range of intonation patterns in their mother tongue; They can

understand direct human interaction.

Whereas, characteristic of students from age 8-10; their basic

concepts are formed. They have very decided views of the world; they

can tell the difference between fact and fiction; they ask question all the

time; they rely on the spoken word as well as the physical world to

convey and understand meaning; they are able to make some decisions

about their own learning; they have definite views about what they like

and do not like doing; they have a developed sense of fairness about what

happens in the classroom

Based on the preceding description, it can be inferred that young

learners are regarded as having fundamental linguistic competence at the

first stage, meaning they can transmit meaning or will, and they can

convert verbal engagement into comprehension. They have the ability to

both encode and decode language, particularly that which is employed at

their level. They improve their cognitive capacity to understand meaning

and apply it to language use or communication at the second stage. But

speaking to one other aloud is a simpler way for them to communicate. It


suggests that even if students' cognitive abilities have grown at this point,

teachers should revaluate how they want to teach writing skills.

You should know the characteristic of children, or the characteristic

of young learner that you taught. Young learners have own special

characteristics that differentiate them from adult learners. There should

be known and understood by the teacher to give contribution to improve

their quality of teaching and learning process. On the other hand, children

are more enthusiastic than adults. They will be enthusiastic if they are

taught using fun activities or being involved in activities. Teaching young

learners differs from adults. Children have special characteristics in

learning the language. They respond the language well through concrete

things (visual things) rather than abstract things. Physical movements and

real activities needed by them to stimulate their thinking. Consequently,

teaching them requires different methods. The teacher should know and

be aware of some characteristics in order to choose the best technique

and method in helping the children to learn.

D. Related Studies

There are three previous study conducted to observe the teaching and

learning vocabulary to young learners. The writer can make the comparison

among the teaching vocabulary used and the result of every method for the

student in the different schools and also the writer can make conclusion to

find out the effective method to teaching English to young learners.


The first study is conducted by Siti Nurfalah Maryam, et al (2019)

entitled Total Physical Response Method in improving English Vocabulary

Acquisition of 5-6 Years Old Children. This research used qualitative

research. The data was analysed by using descriptive statistics, analysing the

scores of English vocabularies. The results showed that noun categories had

the highest percentage in vocabulary acquisition (97.78 %), then followed by

verbs (86.67 %) and adjectives (62.22 %). Meanwhile, the percentages of

vocabularies that used by children were verbs (24.44 %), nouns (11.11 %),

while the children were still not capable in using adjectives (0 %). The results

of this research are expected to contribute to the development of English

learning for young learners. The activities are succcesful in motivating the

children to learn English. In two meetings which held for 15 minutes, which

can improve students’ understanding in using target languages which taught

are great achievement. It is not easy to teach foreign language to the children,

but by implementing an appropriate method and technique, it will produce an

appropriate method which gives positive impact to the learning process.

Based on the research result, it can be concluded that all children have high

enthusiasm in following the learning process. For the English vocabulary

achievement, the children mostly master the nouns category. Then, it is

followed by verbs and adjectives category. Meanwhile, the English

vocabulary that mostly used by the children are verbs and noun. The students

are still not capable of using adjectives in communication.


The second study entitle “The implementation of Total Physical

Response principle in Teaching vocabulary at elementary school” written by

Ade Eka Safitri (2017). Total Physical Response principles can increase

students’ vocabulary achievement. It can bee see from the fact that there was

significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement after the

implementation of Total Physical Response principles in teaching vocabulary

at the fifth grade students of SDN 3 Mulya Asri. The students’ mean score in

the post-test improved from the pre-test significantly in which the

improvement reached 15.60 points. In the pre-test, the highest score was 16,

the lowest score was 7. While in the post-test, the highest score was 30, the

lowest was 25. Relating to the previous researches about this topic, it can be

concluded that Total Physical Response principles can improve students’

vocabulary achievement. There were only 8 commands from 30 commands

students did use correctly during teaching learning activity. At this research

there are 22 commands cannot be performed by all the students because those

words were low frequency (quite frequently used in daily activity) and the

writer only taught in once meeting which only 35 minutes to learn the words.

It means that vocabulary acquisition requires continual repetition in order for

effective vocabulary learning. There was one principle which could not be

reached in the teaching learning activity. It was speaking ability. It was

because the implementation of teaching vocabulary through Total Physical

Response principles should be done regularly and continuously to make the

students feel confidence to speak.


The third study entitled “The implementation of vocabulary building in

teaching English vocabulary to young learners” written by Syafrizal, et al

(2018). After the writer investigated the teacher’s strategies in teaching

vocabulary, finally, the writer got some data. The following writer presents

the findings of the study that are divided into three findings: The material

used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary at the seventh-grade students of

pesantren Daar el-qolam 3. Media plays an important role in a teaching and

learning process. the use of media is very needed to teach the purposes of

teaching and learning and it should be various. The using of media will

increase the probability that students will learn more and the knowledge will

retain better in their mind. There are some media used by the teacher in

teaching: picture, relia/real thing, video, student English book.

From the third studies above the equation of these research with the

research to be focus on the implementation of vocabulary mastery. In the first

research, writer used qualitative data for the research; meanwhile in this

research the writer will conduct this research with Classroom Action

Research. The second research located in elementary school, at fifth grade of

SDN 3 Mulya Asri, the difference can be seen from the population of the

research, the population of this research comes from students of TK Santa

Maria Sintang. The third research conducted in seventh grade of Pesantren

Daar el-qolam 3, with the strategy that used by the writer through media

plays, in this research the writer will implement Total Physical Response

method in teaching vocabulary to young learner of TK Santa Maria Sintang.



The writer will outline the research methodology in this part. The

components of the research methodologies are research design, and subject of the

study, data collection technique and instrumentation and its data analysis.

A. ResearchiDesigni

Teachers can arrange the environment for applying instruction and

learning from one another and from their experiences by doing action

research in the classroom. It is a way to figure out what makes the most

difference in their classroom and enhance student learning. The purpose of

classroom action research is to improve educational practice by asking writer

to investigate teacher own problems or problems that occur in schools or

educational setting (Creswell, 2014, p. 624). The writer reflects on these

problems, collect and analyze data, then implement changes or action plans

based on the results. The term of action research always refers to process how

people interact with one another. What the researchers do in action research

was share a set of teaching practices which show beliefs, commitments and

hopes (McNiff & Whitehead, 2002. p.16)

In this study, the writer employed the Classroom Action Research

approach. It plays a significant role in helping learners address their

challenges and raise their level of performance. Data from observations of

the teaching and learning process in the classroom were used in this study.

Those data will be examined through a few cycle phases. As mentioned in


Cohen et al (2005. p.234), classroom action research is concerned with

altering both the culture of the organizations, institutions, and societies that

individuals belong to, as well as the individuals themselves. A group's culture

can be described in terms of the distinctive content and structure of its

language and discourses, as well as its activities, customs, social

relationships, and organizational structure, all of which contribute to group


Classroom action research is an effective device for raising both

students' academic success in English language learning and the standard of

English the performance of teachers in the classroom. According to Latif

(2011. p.145), the goal of classroom action research for English education is

to create creative teaching strategies that will increase students' success in

learning the language. If the right learning technique is offered, every student

can succeed in learning English. In the school setting, classroom action

research defined as a simple process in which use systematic approach to

improve teaching practice and achieve the learning goals (Pelton, 2010. p. 3).

In this case, the writer would improve students’ vocabulary mastery through

total physical response. The research started from the problems that found in


Therefore classroom action research is a form of research that is

conducted by practitioners to improve practices in educational setting. This

study used observation data on the process of teaching learning in the

classroom. Those data will be analyzed through some steps in the cycles. The

culture of a group can be defined in term of the characteristic substance and

form of the language and discourses, activities and practices, and social

relationship and organization which constitute the interaction of the group.

Based on the explanation previously provided, the writer can deduce

that classroom action research is an investigation conducted in the classroom

by a teacher, researcher, or teacher in collaboration with a colleague that

involves a group of students in order to enhance the teaching and learning

process or the students' comprehension of the lesson. The writer in this study

employed Total Physical Response to enhance students' lexical

comprehension of English. To shed light on this, the writer would like to

introduce the classroom action research model developed by Kurt Lewin

(2008. p.77). It can be illustrated as follows:

Figure 3.1 Classroom Action Research Model

At this point the writer will explain what the writer will do when

conducting research. The research conducted by writer is a research in the

form of classroom action research which consists of four components,


namely: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In this part, the writer

will also explain what the writer will do in each of these sections.

According to Kemmis and McTaggart (Cited in Cohen et al. 2005.

p.227) there are four components in one cycle for doing classroom action

research. It consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

a. Planning

In this phase the writer will prepare everything needed in

conducting research. In this case the writer will prepare the RPPM that

the writer has designed by consulting with teachers from related

schools. The writer did this to ensure that the topics presented were in

accordance with the students' abilities and in accordance with the

curriculum applicable at the school. Apart from preparing lesson plans,

writer will also prepare the tools and materials needed to support the

research. Writer will prepare songs and videos that will be used in

supporting the research activities that writer will conduct.

b. Acting

In this phase, the writer will start teaching based on the teaching

plan that has been prepared previously. In this section, the writer will

teach students at TK Santa Maria Sintang. The writer will start by

giving a simple warming up about human body parts. After that, the

writer will teach students the song and how to demonstrate the song that

the writer has prepared previously in the planning section. In addition to

using songs and how to demonstrate them, writer will also use videos

that writer have prepared to ensure students can follow properly. After

that, the writer will ask students to demonstrate the song that they have

sung together. At the end, the writer will ask about the parts of the

human body refers to the song they have sang

c. Observing

This phase is the phase where writer pay attention to student

responses. In this phase the writer will be assisted by the teacher who is

the collaborator of the writer in this study. In this phase, apart from

students' responses, the writer will also pay attention to how students'

participation and enthusiasm for learning using the total physical

responses method. The writer will also pay attention to the extent of

achievement that students can achieve in this section and what

difficulties they go through in using the total physical responses


d. Reflecting

Reflection is the part where writer remember what happened

based on the observations that writer made. In this section, writer will

consider what difficulties students find when using the total physical

responses method. In addition, student achievement will also be a

consideration for writer regarding the suitability of the total physical

responses method in supporting student learning activities. In this

reflection section, the writer will also improve all the shortcomings in

the planning section by conducting discussions together with the


relevant teacher who is the writer collaborator. Through this discussion,

the writer and teacher will analyze which parts are the students'

difficulties and which parts need to be improved in order to make a

much better learning plan. Reflection itself is an activity where writer

analyze, interpret, and explain all the information obtained through

observations made while carrying out learning.

B. TheiSubjectiofitheiStudy

The writer is going to do the research in Kindergarten in which it takes

a place in TK Santa Maria Sintang. It is Located on Jl.MT Haryono,

Kelurahan Kapuas Kanan Hulu, Kecamatan Sintang, Kabupaten Sintang,

Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. The main subject of this research comes from TK

B class, it is consist of 12 students they are 3 males and 9 females. This class

will use as the subject because class had difficulty in learning English


C. DataiCollectioniTechniqueiandiInstrumentation

1. DataiCollectioniTehcniquei

Data collection is known as one of the steps in the research, which

uses to seek and collect the data that it can be dire and indirect data. Base

on the purpose of research, the data collection technique that will use in

this research are observation, interview, measurement, and the


a. Observation

Observation means purposeful observing which about people,

events, and interactions that occur (Efron & Ravid, 2013. p. 68). In this

case, the observer observed the learning process which includes all

activities that students and the teacher did in the classroom. In this case,

there were two kinds of observations. They were observation for

students which aimed to know activities that the students did in the

learning process and observation for teacher which aimed to know

whether or not the teacher did activities clearly so it can be a material of

evaluation in the next meeting.

The point will be observed is the problems of teaching and

learning vocabulary through Total Physical Response. To get more

data, the writer records students’ activities during teaching vocabulary

by using Total Physical Response method in order to know detail about

teaching learning process during the implementation of Total Physical

Response. The writer observed several aspects in the teaching and

learning process. The aspects included how the teacher teaches

vocabulary, the students’ behaviors, and the learning materials. This

method was to get the information about teaching and learning activity

in the classroom. The results were used to identify the problems in the

reconnaissance step which determined the planning step, while in the

acting and observing stage, the results were used to describe the

students’ and the teacher’s behaviors and the problems that occurred

during the implementation of the action. The results of the observation

were in the form of field notes

b. Interview

Interview is use to know the information in teaching and learning

process and to collect a qualitative or descriptive data. Open-ended

questions are structured questions that asking interviewee to respond

with one or more statements (Tomal, 2013. p. 37). The writer will do

the interview to the student. For the student the writer will use

purposive sampling to interview them, this is based on the

recommendation from teacher. To collect this data the writer use

interview guideline.

c. Measurement

The writer used a measurement to know the students’ cognitive

assessment, whether in teaching and learning English is successful or

not. Assessment is defined as the evaluation of individuals‟ work by

using tests, portfolios, records, or through the direct observation toward

skills and behaviors of individual and group (Tomal, 2003, pp. 70-71).

The model of test is recording students’ pronunciation, spelling and

quantity based on Total Physical response.

2. Instrumentation

Based on the data collection techniques that uses in the research, the

writer is going to use the tools to support the writer collect the data. The

instruments of this research are observation checklist, interview guideline,

test and field note.

a. Observation Checklist

The writer uses observation checklist to collect data during the

action process. The observation sheet will check by the collaborator

which is always present to the class during the teaching and learning

process. The observation checklist contains about the writer and the

students activities during the implementation of Total Physical

Response in the classroom.

b. Field Note

Field note will be used to record all events that happen during the

classroom activities. Field note can be a tool for gathering the data

about teacher and student activities in the teaching and learning process.

The writer will make a note to evaluate the process during the action

and to see how the student feedback during the action.

c. Interview guideline

The interview guide helped the writer to gather the data about the

teaching and learning process occurred in the classroom by

interviewing the teacher and the students.

d. Test

The test is needed to investigate how the improvement of the

student understanding in vocabulary before and after the

implementation of Total Physical Response method. The test is making


by the writer to measure the students’ understanding in learning

vocabulary though total physical responses.

D. DataiAnalysis

Data analysis is an important aspect of reflexivity of the action research.

Data analysis describes about the step of how the writer is implementing the

technique in order to gather the data in the research. The classroom action

research is use both of qualitative and quantitative data. The whole point of

action research is analyzing the data, interpreting it and developing theories

about what it means are constantly feed back into practice.

After collecting the data, the next step of the research was analyzing the

data. Data analysis is defined as a systematic process that produces reliable

findings. These findings are transformed into new understandings, statements,

explanations, and conclusions about the research (Efron & Ravid, 2013,


The main purpose of this research is to find out the suitable technique to

be use in teaching English to Young Learners and the writer will use to Total

Physical Response method to improve their English Lesson. The writer will

analysis the data from the action and then reports the findings. Qualitative

data is use to describe the process during the action with data condensation,

data display and verification. Quantitative data is use to know the result after

the implementation of the total Physical Response, and how the student’

improvement after the action. Quantitative data means declaring the data in

numeric form but quantitative data are expressed in the form of observations

and numbers because quantitative data is used to gain a concise numerical

picture, to describe a set of numbers, to show numbers succinctly in terms of

average, frequencies or percentages (Burns, 2010, p. 118).

The data from observation are describe in qualitative way, while the

data from the students’ test calculated using quantitative data. Below the

technique of analysis the data:

1) Observation

The writer will use observation to get information about student’s

behavior in the class. The observation check will analyze by the

following formula:

Table 3.1 Observation Checklist for Student Activity

No Aspect Indicator
1 2 3 4

1 Preliminary Students greet the teacher and

Activities pray together led by the teacher.

Students giving feedback to

warming up

Students pay attention to teacher

when teacher explain part of

body with demonstration.

2 Main Students pay attention to

activities delivery of material from the


teacher about part of the body

Students listen to teacher when

the teacher give an instruction

use Total Physical Response

Students show their interest to

the learning activity

Students act like teacher when

demonstrate part of body

Students participate the

instruction to drilling the word

through Total Physical Response

Students practice new

vocabulary through total

physical response

Students actively come forward

to practice the vocabulary

through total physical response

3 Close Students repeat some vocabulary

activities that they have learned and act to

show it part (part of body)

Students pay attention to the

conclusion of the learning


Students respond to the close

greeting from the teacher

(greetings and pray)

While, observation sheet for students used rating scale type. Rating

scale is used to record the extent of a particular behavior or situation

happened. Response choices ranged on this rating scale are divided into

four points namely, agree or point 4, undecided or point 3, disagree or

point 2 and strongly disagree or point 1 (Efron & Ravid, 2013, pp. 96-

97). The rating scale of observation is described as in the following table.

Table 3.2 Observation Indicator

Point Rating Scale Description

1 Strongly Disagree 1 to 3 students does activity
2 Disagree 3 to 6 students does activity
3 Undecided 7 to 9 students does activity
4 Agree More than 10 students does activity

To find out the conclusions from the observation checklists, the

writer used the formula below:

Complete percentage = ∑amount of obtain score × 100%

∑maximal score

If the students can reach >75% it means that implementation of

total physical response to improve vocabulary has been successful

because the students were active in the class.

2) Test

The writer will use a test to know whether teaching and learning

English is successful or not. To obtain the score of the data collected

from the subjects, first of all, the writer used the rubric score as follows:

Table 3.3 Rubric scoring of vocabulary

Aspect Score

1 2 3 4

Pronunciation Cannot Pronounce Pronounce Pronounce

pronounce the word the word the word

the word but not but not properly

English properly


Spelling Cannot spell Spell the Spell the Spell the

the word word but word but word

not not properly

English properly


Quantity 1-2 words 3-6 words 7-10 More than

words 10 words

Adapted from ELA Standard


To find out the conclusions from the scoring rubric, the writer will

use the formula below:

Student score = ∑amount of obtain score × 100

∑maximal score

In scoring the students test if the students can get score more than

75, it can be conclude that Total Physical Response improved student’s

vocabulary ability at TK Santa Maria Sintang.

3) Criteria of success

The writer made the criteria of success to measure the success of

applying Anagram game for teaching vocabulary. It was obtained from

the result of the instrumentations in the research such as observation

sheet, field note, interview guideline and test. Indicator of successfull a

research was when the students respond positively toward the applying

total physical responses and students’ vocabulary mastery improved. The

writer needed the criteria of success to find out whether the cycle is

successful or not. Thus, it was used by the writer as a guide to decide

whether to do the next cycle or not so the writer can do repairs. The

criteria of success the research is described as in the following table.


Table 3.4 Criteria of success

No Indicator instrument
If 75% of students have very good a. Observation sheet
responses toward the applying b. Field note
1 total physical responses and they c. Interview guideline
are active in the teaching and
learning process through TPR
If 70% of students achieve the test
2 minimum score or the test of the
students achieve average score

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Appendix 1
Cycle/meeting :
Day/Date :
Time :
School :
Theme/subtheme :

No Aspect Indicator
1 2 3 4

1 Preliminary Students greet the teacher and

Activities pray together led by the teacher.

Students giving feedback to

warming up

Students pay attention to teacher

when teacher explain part of

body with demonstration.

2 Main Students pay attention to

activities delivery of material from the

teacher about part of the body

Students listen to teacher when

the teacher give an instruction

use Total Physical Response

Students show their interest to

the learning activity

Students act like teacher when

demonstrate part of body

Students participate the

instruction to drilling the word

through Total Physical Response

Students practice new

vocabulary through total

physical response

Students actively come forward

to practice the vocabulary

through total physical response

3 Close Students repeat some vocabulary

activities that they have learned and act to

show it part (part of body)

Students pay attention to the

conclusion of the learning


Students respond to the close

greeting from the teacher

(greetings and pray)

Complete percentage = ∑amount of obtain score × 100%

∑maximal score

Sintang, 2024

Yuliana Sumiati,

Appendix 2

Cycle/meeting :
Day/Date :
Time :
School :
Theme/subtheme :

Aspect Score

1 2 3 4

Pronunciation Cannot Pronounce Pronounce Pronounce

pronounce the word the word the word

the word but not but not properly

English properly


Spelling Cannot spell Spell the Spell the Spell the

the word word but word but word

not not properly

English properly


Quantity 1-2 words 3-6 words 7-10 More than

words 10 words

Student score = ∑amount of obtain score × 100

∑maximal scoce

Guru Kelas

Kornelia Wahyu Hernike

Yuliana Sumiati, S.Pd
NIM. 190307102

Kepala Sekolah TK Santa Maria

Puji Hartini, S.Pd. AUD

NUPTK. 8358758659300033

Appendix 3
Interview Guideline

For Student

Name :
Class :
Day/Date :

1. Do you like to learn English?

2. Are you happy in learning vocabulary through Total Physical Response?

3. Do you have any problem during learn English through Total Physical


4. Can you get the new vocabulary through Total Physical Response?

5. Does Total Physical Response improve your vocabulary?

Sintang, 2024

Kornelia Wahyu Hernike

Appendix 4

Cycle/meeting :
Day/Date :
Time :
School :
Theme/subtheme :

Activities Description

Pre- activities

Main activities

Post activities

Sintang, 2024

Yuliana Sumiati,

Appendix 5


Fase Pondasi : TK B

Minggu/Semester : 6-7/1

Bulan/Tahun : Mei/2024

1. Tujuan Kegiatan
 Mengenal anggota tubuh
 Melakukan gerakan motorik halus
 Anak menunjukkan rasa ingin tahu pada berbagai hal tentang anggota tubuh
 Mengetahui anggota tubuh
 Menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap diri dan sesama
2. Topik : Anggota Tubuh

Hari Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu

Kegiatan Mengenal Menyebutkan Memperagakan Menyebutkan Bernyanyi dan Bermain
anggota tubuh anggota tubuh gerakan lagu anggota tubuh bermain bersama bersama dan

bagian atas yang ditonton bagian bawah anggota tubuh
Alat dan bahan Menonton Bernyanyi Menonton video Bernyanyi Menonton video Bernyanyi
video bersama sambil dan bernyanyi bersama

Guru Kelas TK B Peneliti

Yuliana Sumiati, S.Pd Kornelia Wahyu Hernike

NIM 190307102

Kepala Sekolah TK Santa Maria

Puji Hartini, S.Pd. AUD

NUPTK. 8358758659300033



Appendix 6

No. Aspect
Teacher Students

1. Preliminary a. The teacher greet the a. Students respond well to

activities students the greeting given by the


b. The teacher lead b. Students attend to

prayers in English teacher pray.

c. The teacher asks the c. Students respond to

students' attendance questions for student


d. Brainstorming, ask d. Students listen carefully

the students about to the brainstorming

their part of body given by the teacher and

can answer questions

about their part of body

e. The teacher conveys e. Students listen to the

learning objectives. teacher

2. Main a. The teacher will give a. Students listen

activities some lists part of carefully the explanation

body that have been given by

the teacher

b. Teacher ask the b. Students begin to

students to remember remember and memorize

about their part of part of body start from

body start from head head to their foot.

to their foot

c. Next, the teacher will c. Students listen to the

deliver material about delivery of material part

part of body and teach of body and learn to sing

them to sing a song a song about part of

about part of body body

d. After listening to the d. Students sing with

delivery of material teacher about their part

from the teacher, the of body

teacher invites

students sing together

e. The teacher will show e. Students listen to

the part of body and explanations about part

demonstrate it. of body and see carefully

teacher demonstrate.

f. To make students f. The students are

more enthusiastic and Enthusiastic to

easy to learn about demonstrate part of body

part of body teacher and sing together with

will ask students to

demonstrate part of teacher

body together with

sing a song

g. The teacher will write g. Students pay close

a list of the part of attention to explanation

body and show video by the teacher then

about part of body students actively and

enthusiastically watch

video about part of body

that deliver by teacher

h. The teacher ask the h. Students will actively

students to come come forward one by

forward one by one in one in front of the class

front of the class to to sing and demonstrate

sing a song about part about their part of body

of body and

demonstrate it.

i. The teacher will spell i. Students will practice to

the part of body and pronounce it

ask students to follow


j. The teacher ask j. Students will in front of

students to practice the class and do the

the vocabulary and pronunciation about part

show them up in front of body.

of class

3. Closing a. The teacher will give a. Students attend the

activities the end song and sing teacher to sing an end

together song together

b. The teacher conveys b. Students listen carefully

the lesson plan at the to the lesson plan at the

next meeting next meeting delivered

by the teacher

c. The teacher lead the c. Students attend the

prayer in English teacher to pray

d. The teacher closes d. Students answer the

with greetings and greeting from the

says goodbye in teacher.



Kornelia Wahyu Hernike

NIM. 190307102


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