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Door Lock Reminding smart

A Project Report on

Problem Statement : Forgetting to lock the door

Prototyping and Testing
“Team F-24”
Vishnu Vuppala EC21B1066
Rithika Gadapa EC21B1067
Sesha sai Kumar Ruttala EC21B1070
Sai Pramodh Kancharla EC21B1085

2nd April 2024

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing


Forgetting to lock doors is a common occurrence influenced by various factors such as human
psychology, environmental distractions, and the increasingly fast-paced lifestyles of individuals. A
staggering 30% of home break-ins occur through unlocked doors, highlighting the importance of this
seemingly simple security measure. This lapse in vigilance can have far-reaching consequences, from
stolen valuables and the disruption of feeling unsafe in your own home, to potential identity theft if
personal documents are accessed. Whether you're a homeowner, renter, or someone with a busy
schedule who struggles to remember this crucial step, understanding the root causes and effective
solutions is essential. This guide will explore the reasons why we forget to lock doors and offer
practical strategies to mitigate this security risk, fostering a sense of peace and security in your home.

Literature Survey

Why do we forget to lock Door?

• Cognitive Load: Entering or leaving the house often involves multiple tasks like carrying
groceries, checking phones, or managing children. This mental overload can lead to lapses in
attention, causing you to miss the seemingly trivial act of locking the door
• Habitualization: If you live in a safe neighborhood and haven't experienced any problems,
you might become complacent and forgetful about locking the door, assuming it's
• Memory Lapses: Everyday forgetfulness is normal. The process of turning the lock and the
associated memory formation might not be strong enough to readily recall later, especially if
your mind is focused on something else.
• Distraction: Phones, notifications, conversations, and even internal thoughts can easily hijack
your attention during these transitional moments between being inside and outside, diverting
your focus from the task of locking the door.
According to one study, 70% of people have left their houses without remembering whether
or not they locked the door. Another 60% of respondents reported that they have come home
to find an unlocked door. Locking your exterior doors is critical when it comes to security.
Almost 30% of burglars enter homes through an unlocked door or window. Approximately
34% of burglars gain access through the front door.

Impacts of Forgetting to Lock the Door

• Unauthorized Access: Unlocked doors provide easy access to intruders or individuals with
malicious intent. This can lead to unauthorized entry into homes, putting both occupants and
belongings at risk.
• Burglary and Theft: Open doors create opportunities for burglars to enter and steal
valuables, electronics, personal items, and other possessions.
• Personal Safety Concerns: Forgetting to lock doors compromises personal safety, as
individuals within the home may be at risk of encountering unwanted visitors.
• Privacy Invasion: Unlocked doors can compromise the privacy of occupants, exposing them
to potential invasions of privacy or unauthorized surveillance.
• Emotional Impact: The realization that doors were left unlocked can cause emotional
distress, anxiety, and a sense of vulnerability among occupants.
• Family and Occupant Safety: The safety of family members, including children, elderly
individuals, or vulnerable occupants, is danger when doors are left unlocked. Intruders can
pose a direct threat to their well-being

Existing Solutions
Saif Smart digital Door lock
a. Unlocking options are Fingerprint, App, RFID Card , PIN,
Manual Key, Face recognition.
b. Video Intercom Remote Unlock – Wi-Fi Enabled door lock with
Wi-Fi VDP for remote unlocking using app from anywhere in the
c. Share door lock access with family .
d. If someone outside maliciously damages the door lock, the
camera will take a snapshot and an alarm sound, and the
application will also receive the photo and save it You can history
of unlocking with picture in app.
e. Integration with other smart home devices, such as security
systems or virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google
Assistant, can allow for automation and voice-activated locking
commands, making it less likely to forget.
f. The smart lock system can send push notifications to your
smartphone, alerting you if the door is left unlocked.
g. Cost: Rs. 20,000

Automated Locking Systems

Geofencing based locks: geofencing technology that can automatically trigger actions, such
as locking doors, based on the user's location. This technology uses GPS or RFID to create virtual

August Home smart lock pro

a. Auto-Lock/Unlock when you approach or leave home
b. Control who can enter your home by sending e-keys with
scheduled access permissions
c. Check the lock's status and track activity with the August
App or App
d. Cost: Rs. 25,000
Gaps in existing solution

• Lack of passive monitoring: Many existing solutions, such as traditional keyed locks or
smart locks, rely on active user engagement to ensure the door is locked. This can be
cumbersome and prone to human error, especially in busy or distracted moments. Our smart
key device addresses this gap by passively monitoring the locking status without requiring
any additional action from the user
• Limited integration with existing infrastructure: While smart locks offer remote
locking/unlocking capabilities, they often require complex installations and may not
seamlessly integrate with existing door hardware. Our device is designed to be easily
retrofitted onto existing keychains, providing a simple and cost-effective solution that
integrates seamlessly with users existing routines.
• Lack of real-time feedback: Existing solutions may not provide immediate feedback to users
about the status of their door lock. Our device addresses this gap by leveraging gyro and
accelerometer sensors to detect the movement associated with locking or unlocking the door
in real-time. This allows users to receive instant feedback, either through the device itself or
via notifications sent to their smartphone.
• Remote hacking: Smart lock systems that rely on wireless communication, such as Wi-Fi or
Bluetooth, may be susceptible to remote hacking if proper encryption and authentication
mechanisms are not implemented. Our smart key device dose not connect directly to the door
lock (there is no wireless connection to physical door lock).

Proposed Solution

Our proposed solution involves the development of a smart key device equipped with gyro
and accelerometer sensors. This device will track the movement of the key and detect when the door
is being locked or unlocked. It will communicate with a device installed inside the home, which will
monitor the status of the door lock. If the door is left unlocked when the user leaves, the controller
will trigger an alert, reminding the user to lock the door.

Schematic In home
connected to
main esp32

Inputs Outputs
ESP32 Microcontroller
Gyro + accelerometer
Status in app

Reads the Analyse the data

movement (speed from the sensor and Vibrations, sounds
and rotation) of notifies weather lock and LED indication
the key is locked or not
Working of Prototype
1. Hardware Components:
1. Gyroscope and Accelerometer Sensors: These sensors track the movement of the key.
2. Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino, ESP32): Controls the overall operation of the device.
3. Bluetooth: Facilitates communication between the key device and the ESP32 inside the
4. Vibration Motor and Buzzer: Provide feedback to the user regarding the status of the door
2. Operation:
1. The gyro and accelerometer sensors continuously monitor the orientation and movement
of the key.
2. When the key is inserted into the door lock, the sensors detect the movement associated
with locking or unlocking.
3. The microcontroller processes the sensor data to determine whether the door is locked or
4. Simultaneously, the microcontroller communicates with the ESP32 module using
Bluetooth to send the door status information.
3. Communication with ESP32 Inside Home:
1. The ESP32 inside the home is constantly receiving updates from the smart key device.
2. It monitors the connection status with the key device. If the connection is lost, it triggers
an alert.
4. Alert Mechanism:
1. When the ESP32 inside the home detects a disconnection from the key device, it activates
the vibration motor and buzzer.
2. This alert notifies the user that the key and the door are no longer in proximity, indicating
that the door might be left unlocked or the key is misplaced.
5. Reconnection:
1. Once the key device comes back within the communication range of the ESP32 inside the
home, the connection is reestablished and the process repeats.



1. Evaluation of Existing Locking Mechanisms: Identifying different locks in market,

Once the different types of locks used in India are identified, then evaluating their
effectiveness, reliability, and user-friendliness in preventing unauthorized access and
addressing the problem of forgetting to lock the door. This evaluation involves assessing
factors such as durability, ease of installation, resistance to tampering, and compatibility
with existing door hardware.
In India, the traditional latch system, commonly known as the "rim latch" or "padlock
latch," is one of the most prevalent door lock systems found in both urban and rural areas.
This simple yet effective locking mechanism consists of a latch bolt that is affixed to the
door frame and a corresponding strike plate attached to the door. When the door is closed,
the latch bolt extends into the strike plate, securing the door in place.
2. Analysis of Smart Lock Technologies: In parallel with evaluating traditional locks, we
analysed various smart lock technologies available in the market.integration with home
automation systems, which can significantly enhance convenience and security. Evaluate
different smart lock models based on factors such as connectivity options, security
protocols, and user interface design.
3. Identification of Gaps and Limitations: Identifying the gaps and limitations in existing
locking mechanisms, both traditional and smart, concerning their ability to address the
problem statement effectively. This includes shortcomings such as reliance on manual
operation, lack of real-time notifications, and susceptibility to hacking or tampering.
Understanding these gaps is crucial for designing a solution that overcomes these
challenges and provides a superior user experience.
4. Conceptualization of the Smart Key Device: Based on the findings from the evaluation
and analysis, conceptualize the design and functionality of the smart key device.
Determine the key features and capabilities required to ensure reliable and intuitive door
locking behaviour, including sensor integration, communication protocols and user
interaction methods.
5. Integration with Existing Locking Systems: Developing mechanisms for integrating the
smart key device with existing locking systems commonly used in Indian households.
This may involve retrofitting the device onto conventional locks or designing
compatibility adapters to ensure seamless integration without the need for extensive
modifications or replacements.
6. Prototype Development and Testing: Developing prototypes of the smart key device to
validate its design and functionality. This involves building physical prototypes using
readily available components and conducting preliminary tests to assess key performance
metrics such as sensor accuracy, communication reliability. Iterate on the design based on
feedback and test results to refine the prototype iteratively.

Bill of Materials
Name of the Component Quantity Cost Link
ESP32S micro controller 2 Rs. 390.00 (Exc. GST)
Gyroscope 1 Rs. 99.00 (Exc. GST)
Accelerometer sensor sensor?_pos=1&_sid=7df110ca3&_ss=r
RGB Led 2 Rs. 4.00 (Exc. GST)
Piezo buzzer 1 Rs. 8.00 (Exc. GST)
Vibration motor 1 Rs. 15.00 (Exc. GST)
Micro USB cable 2 Rs. 34.00 (Exc. GST)
breadboard 1 Rs. 40.00 (Exc. GST)
Jumper wires 30 RS. 40.00 (Exc. GST)
Transistor BC337 npn 4 Rs. 5.00 (Exc. GST)
Resistors 1k 10 Rs. 7.00 (Exc. GST)
Literature Survey:
1. Worked on the existing solutions and products available in the market. (Vishnu and Pramodh)
2. Worked on the Gaps in existing solutions and found potential solutions which can solve the
problem statement. (Sesha Sai and Rithika)
Prototype Designing:
1. Concept visualization. (Rithika and Vishnu)
2. Model Sketching. (Sesha Sai and Rithika)
3. Component selection. (Vishnu and Pramodh)
4. Circuit Building. (Sesha Sai and Pramodh)

1. Fully Functional Prototype: Prototype that demonstrates the functionality of the device
effectively, showcasing its capability to address the problem of forgetting to lock doors while
2. Closing Gaps in Existing Solutions: Developing a smart key system that integrates gyro and
accelerometer sensors to accurately detect key movement and door lock status. This
eliminates the need for manual verification, enhances security and not disturbing the existing
lock systems.
3. Testing results and validation reports: Providing detailed testing results and validation
reports to demonstrate the reliability, effectiveness, and security of the smart key system. This
includes rigorous testing in various real-world scenarios to ensure that the device performs.

Future Works
Refinement of the system, integration with home automation platforms, and potential
commercialization. In conclusion, our proposed solution aims to provide a seamless and reliable way
to prevent the problem of forgetting to lock the door while leaving, enhancing home security and
peace of mind for users.
1. Machine Learning Algorithms: Implement machine learning algorithms to analyse user
behaviour patterns and improve the predictive capabilities of the smart key device,
leading to more accurate reminders and alerts.
2. Integration with Smart Home Ecosystems: Integrate the smart key system with existing
smart home ecosystems and platforms to enable seamless automation and interoperability
with other connected devices.
3. User Feedback Mechanisms: Implement feedback mechanisms to collect user feedback
and usage data, enabling continuous improvement and refinement of the smart key system
based on user preferences and requirements.

Development of the smart key device for door lock reminding addresses a common yet
critical security concern faced by homeowners. By leveraging innovative sensor technology and
intelligent communication systems, our solution aims to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of
door locking mechanisms, thereby mitigating the risks associated with forgetting to lock doors.
Through thorough research, prototyping, and testing, we have demonstrated the feasibility and
potential of our solution to provide a seamless and user-friendly approach to door security. As we look
towards the future, there remains sample opportunity for further refinement and enhancement of the
system to ensure its widespread adoption and continued effectiveness in safeguarding homes and
occupants. Ultimately, our project underscores the importance of proactive measures in enhancing
home security and peace of mind for individuals and families alike.

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